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I should have all of my RG finished by tonight. I will be placing another order for more furies as soon as those new volkites are released.


Also, i wanted your help.....what else should i order.....i im kind of stuck and am not sure what else i need

Edited by betrayer41
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Fire Raptors, or Storm Eagle would be incredible in your style; especially with a two tone.


Alternatively, a lightning Primaris or the Avenger Strike Fighter; can paint it like a Navy Fighter Ace, to get a splash of colour. Perhaps a Bright Orange to be indentifiable, or a Navy Blue, with possibly a Light Grey underneath for camoflage from below.


Can tie it in with perhaps a campaign badge to match the Legion you field it with?

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I love Khârn dark fury. He looks brutal.... That's more how I envision the dark furys. The current ones look like any Raven guard captain which is way over played in my humble opinion. They are headsman making an example not the mor dethyan
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Thanks guys...i appreciate the feedback....unfortunately the more i look at these i feel like they are all over the place and am pretty unhappy with them. does Anyone who paints RG or blacl pm a regular basis have any tips or  suggestions? They just dont feel......coherent to me.....honest opinions (even if brutal) are welcome. Thanks again guys.

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I guess my biggest thing is....do they look cohesive? I am very hard on myself especially when i start a new scheme. Luna i am trying your other recipe for my head hunters soon and i will give the zenithal method a try as well. Thanks!

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I would say overall they do look pretty cohesive.

Mybe give all the mark 6's the same white snout might help. The stand out model is the one in the final picture as he looks greyer or more metallic than the others.


If you aven't dome it already the best way to get a cohesive black armour is just to batch pain and do the same technique with the same blends across all the models in that batch. Even if different batches come out with slightly differing blackness of armour, then atleast squads or groups of marines will be the same.


I also reckon you need a spot colour like a deep red or green to tie them all together, either on the rim of a pad or a squad/ company marking. In Deliverance Lost, Corax splits the remains of the legion into 4, the Raptors, Talons etc.... Maybe something like that could work to unify them a bit more?

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I think they look great! Are those the older RG models from FW mixed with the new upgrade pack?

Those are the New MKVI with the older RG upgrade back i think its the 40k upgrade pack but i just love what you get for the price

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Cool, If you are thinking about changing your approach you could always do something like this:




This guy does awesome work but notice the Ultra marine symbol on the shoulder, he portrays his Alphas as if they were once under cover but have now thrown off the guise. You could definitely do some cool hairspray weathering to show the RG colors wearing off to show the Alpha symbols underneath? I don't know if you'll want to try this but I think it's good food for thought if you want to tie them together with the rest of your force. 

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