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Ok back to my Space Vikings....i got ALOT of bits in the mail yesterday. And i have a question for people who really know the wolves. Would it be ok for me to put the Wolfpriest awesome wolf skull helms on non Wolf priests? I want to put them on my axe toting Command squad......

Not only would it be okay in my book, it makes sense considering the Prospero Burns lore.

Part of my disappointment with the Wolves releases so far is no example of the unique battle helms discussed in the book.

A wolf helm is perfectly fine, and fitting for a command squad (reinforces to pack idea)


I've been stocking heads for a similiar purpose

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Ah Might get away with it.


Lore is that Ulriks helm belonged to Russ.


Could be a command squad duplicating Russ design.


How about painting yje helms various shades of btown & black.


Like leather knotwork masks described in Prosero Burns

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Ah Might get away with it.


Lore is that Ulriks helm belonged to Russ.


Could be a command squad duplicating Russ design.


How about painting yje helms various shades of btown & black.


Like leather knotwork masks described in Prosero Burns

That's actuallly a really cool idea.


How about 5 "power axes" and 5 shields for my command squad?

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Dont know if we will get shields so it might be an idea to mount them on the back of the model.

That way if not alloeed they will at least be a cool decorative piece

Whats exactly what i was going to do, for the most part their hands will be free or have two axes just for looks. Shields will be on their backs

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Soooo.......taking this thread in a different direction, I will be revisiting the alphas tonight. I will be starting COMPLETELY from scratch with a diff more purple colore scheme (still metallic) as well as oil paints. I am putting painting the wolves on hold until closer to prospero. I will hate myself if i paint everything up and then FW releases some bombass schemes and i want to reapaint my troops.


Not criticising, but hold off on the wolf sculpting also, perhaps?


FW seem to be going in a different direction to the 40k Wolfy Mc Wolfersen with wolf skull helm and wolf necklace riding a wolf out of a storm wolf, and going more...nordic barbarian, Hobbit Dwarf style, all braids and knotwork. I can easily see not a single wolf headed Space Wolf in the 30k Range.


Focus on the Alphas :D

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HAHA oh i know. Trust me i much prefer the viking style rather than cartoon wolfs. If these helms weren't skulls they wouldn't even be considered for my army. Majority of my guys will have normal helmets or none at all. More bareheads and tattoos

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That said, the wolf skulls would probably look in place on Legion Destroyers, dead men walking and all that...

Haha thats a great idea, i was thinking on destroyer or my outrider squad. Ill just play around for the time being haha. Always appreciate the honest feedback

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Ok nowwwww back to the alphas. Just a heads up be prepared for several different metallic Schemes i am really going to have fun with this.


I am about halfway through preatorian of dorn amd they have been described having three different types of Armor just in this book so far. I will continue with this indigo color as well as a another blue. Let me know if you have any other Metallic suggestions to try out. Thanks Guys!

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Those blues and indigos are godly.

Thank you kind Sir.



Ok so i have ordered ALOT of SW stuff spartan command squad decals...all that jazz. However, other than maybe the spartan i will be shelving all the wolves until Inferno. I just keep goin in 19873972937894 different directions with what i want to do. So, ive decided to be calm and patient and knock out Alphas for the next two months.


Obviously when russ comes out it will be game over haha.


But for the Now, the Harrowing Begins

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In regards to  Alpharius 








wait , why are you laughing , what do you mean you have two of them.

Nah im just giving you a hard time , yer doing some amazing work with your wolves ,it really is difficult to look at them and not consider them worlds better with the bits your incorporating. 

What are you doing with all the  regular legs you aint using? 
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