KrautScientist Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 Cheers, Relict! I think I agree with you: Secutor-Sergeant may be my best bet! On a related note, one part of my background for Lorimar will also delve into how he came to fight your own Centurion Voss in the fighting pits, and I recently had an idea or two for the lead up to that. Allow me to share a first, rough draft of the scene with you: The Conqueror’s hangar deck was usually a flurry of noise, especially when the legion returned from a battle planetside. But not this time. Save for the mechanical sounds of heavy machinery and the heavy thudding of Astartes footsteps, an opressive silence reigned. No boasts of warrior’s pride or arguments. No rough chanting in gutter Nagrakali. Not today. Not after Nuceria. Lorimar was feeling lightheaded as he advanced through the throng of legionaries, almost swept along by the tide. Here and there, faces emerged on the edge of his vision. World Eaters from other companies and from his own. His brothers. All with the same, incredulous gaze. Demanding answers that didn’t exist. Until he came across a face that was different. One full of disdain and quiet fury. The face of Centurion Captain Voss, of the 77th. The rough idea is that Lorimar and Voss nearly come to blows during the following exchange. The way I see it, Voss really sees the Nuceria campaign and Angron's ascension as the realisation of his worst fears. I have yet to complete the scene, but he'll basically ask Lorimar: Are you proud of what our legion has become? Anyway, they certainly don't part amicably. And then, later...“There is someone from the 77th here to seek audience with you, Brother Captain.” Khoron's expression didn't hide his unease.“Tell that whoreson Voss to leave me in peace!", Lorimar snarledBut the Astartes stepping into the room as the door hissed open was not Centurion Voss, although his crested helm marked him out as an officer of the 77th.“Brother Captain Lorimar”, hissed Sergeant Ixion, “we have a matter to discuss.” And we all know how it goes from here Anyway, like I said, I am just hammering this out at the moment. Would love to get your feedback and take your ideas onboard! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relict Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 I like it. Some good-fashioned backstabbing is always excellent. BTW, I will be traveling overseas starting today for two weeks... So don't get offended if you don't see a reply from me for some time. In the meantime, let your imagination run wild! If you want to know what Voss and the 77th was up to during the Shadow Crusade, check out the blog in my signature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 @ Relict: Awesome! Will do! On a related note, and if you guys will allow the fluff dump, here's another short scene that just seemed to pour out of me one evening: ATTENTION! MINOR SPOILERS FOR BETRAYER! I wanted to figure out what Lorimar and his company had been doing during the World Eaters' return to Nuceria, i.e. during the last third of Betrayer. My idea was that, since Angron's order had been to eradicate every living being on the planet, the 4th was sent to the city of Ul-Chaim in order to raze it to the ground. The scene plays out shortly after the end of the battle (but before the Ultramarines arrive): Lorimar noticed a blinking rune in his helmet display – a dispatch from Angron himself. He felt a stab of unease, but blink-clicked the rune all the same. The pict feed was bad enough, with the ashes of a dying world cloying the air of Nuceria and hampering the transmission, but it was still clearer than Lorimar would have liked: Angron’s face was covered in a new layer of nicks and scratches, and the trickles of blood from his ears and nose were turned a stark black by the feed’s lack of colour. But none of this was what gave Lorimar pause. It was the Primarch’s eyes: Slightly unfocused. Dull. Dead. The eyes of a corpse. Lorimar’s father seemed like a dead man walking. “Sire.”“Lorimar”, Angron panted, his voice a guttural hiss, “What of Ul’Chaim?”“The city has been razed to the ground, as per your orders, sire. According to our auspex readings, no survivors remain.”“Hnh. Did they scream?”“Sire?”The next words were a snarl, transforming Angron’s face into an animal grimace. Yet the anger never seemed to reach his eyes.“Nngh…I want to know whether those paperskin high-rider bastards screamed as you tore them apart.”“Sire…they…yes. They did scream.” Lorimar could not meet Angron’s dead stare.“Hnnnn…good. That is…good. You did…well today, Centurion. You and your brothers. You did…the right thing.”“Sire.” Lorimar growled. He could not bring himself to say more, to say anything to accept the praise he had been longing for. But not for this. Not even from his Primarch. His father. But Angron had already cut the vox link. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conn Eremon Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 I like it. Of course, I would. Lorimar sounds like he would be right at home with the World Eater Echelon that would become my Eyes of Tivan, which is literally everything I like most about the XII, as a Legion and after. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phalanx Warder Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 Gents, My World Eater Project has been put on hold due to weekly Zone Mortalis event that i have pledged to play in. The rules stipulate that i have to have 100% painted minis and at the moment i cannot say that my Fists are at that standard. So to respect the rules i have decided to get my fists upto 100% before i tackle any WE. That Said I have my first squad washed and ready to build once this is over! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relict Posted October 12, 2014 Share Posted October 12, 2014 Kraut Scientist: That is how I imagined Angron to be during the Purge of Nuceria as well. Two more tidbits of information from Betrayer you can incorporate into your custom fluff: (1) Khârn mentioned to Lorgar that post-ascension Angron "slew hundreds of [his] men" before the World Eaters were able to bind it and bring it back to the Conqueror with them. (2) Once aboard the flagship, the presence of the Daemon Prince (and thus the Warp taint) began spreading to both the ship itself (water turned into blood, bulkheads grew screaming faces, etc.) and perhaps the Legionaries themselves as well. Run with it! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twizted86 Posted October 17, 2014 Share Posted October 17, 2014 So I've been following this thread for awhile and have wanted to add my force to the list but am pretty bad at writing fluff (and even worse with names...) when it comes to my stuff. So instead of just sitting here wracking my brain about it for even longer, here goes my attempt. My army starts with my 30k force and how they continued on into 40k. I plan on picking up Talon of Horus pretty soon too, to give me some more info on how the legions changed. I really like to find a theme in all my armies so it is often a challenge for me to buy new models when there isn't a clear layout of what units a Company would actually include. For a while I had lost motivation in my 40k army as I struggled with how to best carry on, and now am struggling with my 30k as I try and build an accurate force. Also if I've duplicated a name or number please let me know! And any comments or criticisms are appreciated. The 86th Company of the XII Legion World Eaters, although the still very much identify as World Eaters are often referred to as The Ursus Claws, due to their proficiency and large deployment of the weapons. During the Great Crusade they worked closely with Khârn's 8th Assault Company when casualties took them below strength and still show a great deal of respect to the mighty warrior. They are a growing warband of original World Eaters led by Captain Gannicus. After the failed attempt on the Terra they now move through the galaxy only recruiting those who still posses the geneseed of their Primarch Angron, believing through his blood they can learn to master their Butcher's Nails. They search for meaning in what the Primarch had done to their minds, and have worked to turn the Nails into the ultimate weapon over the millennia. The 86th Company retained a number of their apothecary brothers in order to test, retrieve and implant their shrinking stock of geneseed. Over the recent years however, they have seen their ranks swell as word spread of a "reforming" of the legion. The veteran members, as expected, are extremely hard on these returning legionnaires, pushing them to the limits as they fight for control of the Nails, finding many how are too far gone. Those who don't pass the trials, "donate" their geneseed to the next recruit allowing them to start over. They maintain many of the old traditions such as gladiatorial combat to determine rank structures and the Triumph Rope. Training constantly the 86th Company seeks out the toughest foes, hoping to draw the attention Angron in hopes that he will lead them into glorious battle once more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight of the Raven Posted October 19, 2014 Share Posted October 19, 2014 Who's looking forward to chewing down solar auxilia troopers with our free chainaxes which other legions (bar Sons of Horus reavers) don't get? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted October 21, 2014 Share Posted October 21, 2014 @ Twizted86: Welcome to the slaughter, brother! Here is your badge: Sorry for the delay -- I've been super busy for the last few days EDIT: Oh, and for those who haven't seen it yet: Make sure to check out Greyall's thread, because he really NAILED everyone's favourite arena champion Delvarus in his latest piece of artwork! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relict Posted October 22, 2014 Share Posted October 22, 2014 @ Raven: That was my first thought upon seeing the SA release... "Oh, finally some chainaxe fodder." :D Although if the 40K-era Imperial Guard is of any indication, the SA will have plenty of armored vehicles that would pose a challenge. Hence every available vehicle in my World Eater company has lascannons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted October 24, 2014 Share Posted October 24, 2014 Solar Auxilia is meh, at best... I'd much rather slaughter members of the Old Hundred. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted October 24, 2014 Share Posted October 24, 2014 Twiztid: Are you implying GW is fairly original in the naming department? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZONKEY Posted October 31, 2014 Share Posted October 31, 2014 Would the world eaters still use bolters or are the world eaters close combat specialists? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cheex Posted October 31, 2014 Share Posted October 31, 2014 I keep coming back to this thread, and it keeps making me want to work on my World Eaters more! Must...stay...focused on my Daemons... Screw it. Here's a picture of my most recent World Eaters warlord, Belisarius: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted October 31, 2014 Share Posted October 31, 2014 @ Cheexsta: Excellent work, mate! Love the tusks you added to the Zhufor helmet -- that's just such a big improvement! Your daemons are absolutely ace, but still: You can't just rile us up with an excellent Termie lord like that and then slip back into the shadows. More please! @ ZONKEY: Oh dear, I suppose that depends on what kind (and generation) of fluff you subscribe to: GW's present day stance has been for a while that ALL World Eaters are Khorne Berzerkers. I daresay that most members of this community don't exactly find that thought all that interesting. Plus, in the older fluff, there's a dedicated heavy weapons corps of the World Eaters, called the "Teeth of Khorne". Personally speaking, I think that using bolters would be totally fine as long as you manage to come up with models that really have a Khornate/World Eaters look and feel. Some people have come up with excellent bolter wielding World Eaters (Wade Pryce and Oldschoolsoviet come to mind), and I myself have been experimenting with Havocs that are inspired by a more chaotic twist on the FW Breacher Marines. But those are just my two cents. Oh, by the way, can I just leave this here? I am seriously pleased with it: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relict Posted October 31, 2014 Share Posted October 31, 2014 Would the world eaters still use bolters or are the world eaters close combat specialists? The Twelfth Legion of old? Certainly. They had all the assets available to a Legion back then. They had Apothecaries (one of the most feared World Eater champion of the 40K era, Kargos Bloodspitter, was formerly an Apothecary during the Great Crusade/Horus Heresy), heavy weapons specialists, and armor crew the same as every other Legion, even though everyone carried some form of CCW. I try representing this on the tabletop by spending the +2 points per model to equip every single one of my tactical Legionaries with an extra CCW. Modeling-wise, I go "true grit" - every mini is shown equipped with bolter, bolt pistol, both flavors of grenades, and combat blade/chainsword/chainaxe. See below. Considered an opportunist by many of his brother Legionaries, Sergeant Caleston was nevertheless an able junior officer of six decades' service. Having commanded squads of various types - tactical, tactical support, and even heavy support - at different times, Caleston was deemed versatile and reliable on the battlefield but somewhat of a sycophant to Voss, the 77th Battle Company's commander. At the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, Caleston tactical squad fielded a mixture of seasoned veterans (including two sections of former War Hounds) and fresh inductees. Committed alongside the rest of his brethren to the Battle of Armatura during the Shadow Crusade, Caleston was slain by Thirteenth Legion seeker units, his luck having finally failed him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted November 1, 2014 Share Posted November 1, 2014 I keep coming back to this thread, and it keeps making me want to work on my World Eaters more! Must...stay...focused on my Daemons... Screw it. Here's a picture of my most recent World Eaters warlord, Belisarius: Dude - that is one fricking sweet termie. Also - I really like your red. Could you give us the recipe? I suck at painting reds and I really should start painting my eight legged lord of skulls... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slips Posted November 1, 2014 Share Posted November 1, 2014 Man, those Tyberos The Red Wake's arms sure are popular :p Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted November 1, 2014 Share Posted November 1, 2014 I would love some chain bayonets. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slips Posted November 1, 2014 Share Posted November 1, 2014 ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZONKEY Posted November 1, 2014 Share Posted November 1, 2014 I always liked the world eaters and after reading betrayer I really wanna collect them but geeting there unique helmets is difficult, but seeing lhorke makes me want to get a world eater contemptor dreadnought or collect a world eaters warhounds warband (that's a lot of war) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted November 1, 2014 Share Posted November 1, 2014 ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE! They seriously should make a ten cap bundle for chain bayonets. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Montuhotep Posted November 1, 2014 Share Posted November 1, 2014 It'd be hella useful..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight of the Raven Posted November 1, 2014 Share Posted November 1, 2014 They won't even make plain shoulder pads sets, what makes you think they'll bother to make one for something even less necessary? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incinerator950 Posted November 1, 2014 Share Posted November 1, 2014 Excessiveness is always nec... :cussing forte. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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