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A Spartan usually gets the job done for me as far as shooting, then a couple of Predators or Contemptors sprinkled to taste. Our Berzerkers are already insanely good as far as melee killing power, so any other melee units we're bringing (if you're bringing any additional ones at all) should be able to multitask between shooting and punching things. I've got 3 Vindicator kits I never assembled so I'm thinking of converting a couple of laser destroyers to see how those fare as far as extra shooting. 

Interesting to hear Jugger ... Have you tried forgfiends? 


Defo have to get more shooty units in my WE army somewhere, defo keep my Havocs (4x HBs) and might get another squad of Havocs with Autocannons in. Also tempted for 2x laspred and/or LR's


Not a fan of bs4+ shooting unless it’s in a Guard list or on something cheap, like cultists. That being said, they seem decent enough unless they move, which they’ll probably need to since the Hades autocannons are 36” range. Not my thing, really.


I am also kitbashing 3x quad heavy bolter rapiers. Those are fantastic shooting platforms.

For World Eaters, yeah I'd say that's probably at least somewhat accurate. Some people swear by Decimators. Leviathans are pretty solid. Contemptors seem so-so, pretty expensive and lost the option to take twin-lascannons since last edition for some reason. Don't know that I'd ever take a dual fist walker, though. The extra attack is not worth the loss of shooting at all, especially on a unit with BS2+.

Thats a bit pants tbh. I wish they made an LR option that you could get 15 bez in (or 14 + exalted champ/Khârn) , would certainly change things a bit. Think i might end up going something like: 



Exalted champ





        Chain Axes x7

        Champ with dual LC's 


        Chain Swords x7

        Champ PF/BP


        CCW/Pistol x 18


        Champ with shotgun


Heavy Support 


        Heavy bolter x4


        Auto cannon x4 


Dedicated transport 




Not sure on the points but I think i might have room for a termi squad with melta and chainfists in somewhere 

Thats a bit pants tbh. I wish they made an LR option that you could get 15 bez in (or 14 + exalted champ/Khârn) , would certainly change things a bit. Think i might end up going something like: 

Spartan Land Raider? Or go ape:censored:  and get a Mastodon.  I mean, they are only ton of money and points...:rolleyes:


Very new to 40k, how can i find out what i can use from FW in 40k? I have my first game in a month and am trying to put a list together

You look into the FW Chaos Index. ^^


Honestly had no idea what a Chaos index was...only ever used FW black and red books

I did have some success with my army. It is largely composed of berzerkers. I charged two large squads of berzerkers into my friend's Deathwing army. They dished out a lot of damage but were fragile compared to those Deathwing knights. I will definitely be changing my list up a bit, as i had no ranged combat capability and precious little heavy firepower. I'm planning on adding a squad or two of havocs with autocannons and lascannons and also a Spartan in order to dish out some punishment and provide a way to get my berzerkers into combat.

I thought they faq'd the twin weapons on a contemptors?

You could always take a deredeo

They did, but I mean that twin lascannons aren’t a wargear option for chaos contemptors.


Also, fellow slaughter brothers from across the pond, when I see some type “bezerkers” omitting the first R before the Z, are you spelling it the way you pronounce it with a certain UK accent, or is it just a common typo? I see it a lot and I’m curious.

To be fair a Deathwing army is extremely far away from being an optimized marine army.


True, but it made for a glorious slaughter nonetheless. 


The significance I drew from that match was that berzerkers performed fairly well against some of the other elite close combat units.


I've got a couple of games coming up against a more optimized marine army and imperial guard, so I'm interested to see how my army does. 

I might as well post this here too:)


That's beautiful. Is it legal? (I don't use Contemptors with chaos).

I just gotta say I love the axes on my Zerkers. I have a massive KDK army that really doesn't work too well right now, but at first I was playing pure WE when the Codex came out, and I really think anything more than 2 squads of Berzerkers can be really hard to capitalize on against horde armies.

What happens to me is something like Orks becomes a really hard matchup. They get Brigades really easily, and 30 man Boyz squads actually hit very hard. So where I'm going with this is I'm kind of in a 1-hit- wonder scenario where I often get interrupted.

This is something others find unpopular but again I believe Rhino's help offset this. I know, I know people think they stink, but this is a case where it can defer the issues against horde assault armies. What I do is concentrate on one section of the battlefield, and use the Rhino's to wall off and charge a horde. I have found in my experience the Rhino lasts an average of two fight phases. This is critical time to regroup and re-direct your Berzerkers. It's not easy to do.

For a while I was 'diluting' my list with KDK elements like Bloodletters and Skullcrushers, but against stuff like Astra... forget it. (index astra was worse) and summoning is too hard.

I have been preferring to pay non-traditional units with the saved points... like Oblits/Termies... not stuff we'd call 'World Eaters' before now but I made the mistake of dropping the shooting too much the game is just still so focused on shooting... I have trouble with large zerker forces.

How are you guys finding your 3-4 zerker squad forces in a competitive kind of game style? (I don't mean cut throat, but some harder stuff out there.)

Interesting ... so you would go for 3-4 bez suqads all in rhino's? I'm only looking at a 2000 pnts army atm so not sure how easy it is to fit 4 squads in that. 


Question, anyone had any luck with the lord of skulls? 


here's a list i made last night, whats peoples thoughts? 


++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [86 PL, 1514pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Legion: World Eaters

+ HQ [10 PL, 161pts] +

Dark Apostle [5 PL, 83pts]: Brass Collar of Borghaster, Mark of Khorne, Plasma pistol [7pts], Power maul [4pts]

Exalted Champion [5 PL, 78pts]: Bolt pistol, Lightning Claw [8pts], Mark of Khorne, Talisman of Burning Blood

+ Troops [24 PL, 372pts] +

Chaos Cultists [6 PL, 65pts]: Mark of Khorne
. 12x Chaos Cultist w/ autopistol and brutal assault weapon [48pts]
. Chaos Cultist w/ special weapon [13pts]: Flamer [9pts]
. Cultist Champion [4pts]: Shotgun

Khorne Berzerkers [9 PL, 150pts]: 7x Chainsword and bolt pistol [112pts], Icon of Wrath [10pts]
. Berzerker Champion [28pts]: 2x Lightning Claw [12pts]

Khorne Berzerkers [9 PL, 157pts]: Icon of Wrath [10pts]
. Berzerker Champion [28pts]: Bolt pistol, Power fist [12pts]
. 7x Chainaxe and bolt pistol [119pts]: 7x Chainaxe [7pts]

+ Elites [14 PL, 269pts] +

Chaos Terminators [14 PL, 269pts]: Icon of Wrath [10pts], Mark of Khorne
. Chaos Terminator Champion [58pts]: Combi-plasma [15pts], Power fist [12pts]
. Terminator [51pts]: Combi-plasma [15pts], Power axe [5pts]
. Terminator [50pts]: Combi-plasma [15pts], Power sword [4pts]
. Terminator [50pts]: Combi-plasma [15pts], Power maul [4pts]
. Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon [50pts]: Power maul [4pts], Reaper autocannon [15pts]

+ Heavy Support [38 PL, 712pts] +

Chaos Land Raider [19 PL, 356pts]: Mark of Khorne, Twin heavy bolter [17pts], 2x Twin lascannon [100pts]

Chaos Land Raider [19 PL, 356pts]: Mark of Khorne, Twin heavy bolter [17pts], 2x Twin lascannon [100pts]

++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [28 PL, 486pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Legion: World Eaters

+ HQ [5 PL, 76pts] +

Dark Apostle [5 PL, 76pts]: Bolt pistol, Mark of Khorne, Power maul [4pts], The Black Mace

+ Heavy Support [23 PL, 410pts] +

Chaos Predator [9 PL, 160pts]: Mark of Khorne, Twin lascannon [50pts]
. Two heavy bolters [20pts]: 2x Heavy bolter [20pts]

Havocs [7 PL, 105pts]: Mark of Khorne
. Aspiring Champion [13pts]: Boltgun, Chainsword
. Havoc w/ heavy weapon [23pts]: Heavy bolter [10pts]
. Havoc w/ heavy weapon [23pts]: Heavy bolter [10pts]
. Havoc w/ heavy weapon [23pts]: Heavy bolter [10pts]
. Havoc w/ heavy weapon [23pts]: Heavy bolter [10pts]

Havocs [7 PL, 145pts]: Mark of Khorne
. Aspiring Champion [13pts]: Boltgun, Chainsword
. Havoc w/ heavy weapon [33pts]: Autocannon [20pts]
. Havoc w/ heavy weapon [33pts]: Autocannon [20pts]
. Havoc w/ heavy weapon [33pts]: Autocannon [20pts]
. Havoc w/ heavy weapon [33pts]: Autocannon [20pts]

++ Total: [114 PL, 2000pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net

I personally wouldn't use anything less than 3 berzerker squads, I usually run 4 in 7-8 man squads (or more depending on what I take for my supporting units). My local meta isn't brutally competitive, but you're certainly more likely to see "competitive" lists over fluffy ones and this has been working pretty well for me so far (I think I'm 4-1 right now versus a bunch of different armies including Imperial Guard). When you're committing that heavily you just need to bear in mind that the rest of the list needs to be structured around getting your zerks into combat, whether that's through removing the enemy's anti-tank weapons so your Rhinos can move unimpeded, or scary distractions.




That's beautiful. Is it legal? (I don't use Contemptors with chaos).


Thanks! I've got no idea about the legality, I'm strictly into the modeling:) I try to keep it fluffy though


Yep, I see a kheres assault cannon, a deathclaw with combi bolter, and they are attached to a conetmptor. That thing is just shy of 200 points.

So i've got a Tourney coming next weekend using straight out the book rules, eternal war and i was thinking of running the following:



Prince w/axe,wings

8 zerkers w/pfist,icon

8 zerkers w/pfist,icon

8 zerkers w/pfist,icon

10 cultists

land raider

rhino w/combiflamer

rhino w/combiflamer

Lord of skulls w/gatling,gorestorm


only 6 drops, lotsa killin... but the missions are simple


What do you all think? Blood for the blood god?!??!

did you think about swapping the cultists out for another bez squad? then swap the LR for 2 rhinos. you might have theroom for a havoc squad with some shuffling or you could put havoc launchers on each of the rhinos. 


I am interested to see how well the LOS does :)

Has anyone had any luck running Storm Eagles? They seem like they could be just the ticket as far as ensuring you get your berzerkers into combat while bringing a ton of scary ranged firepower to the party. Toying with a list of 3 of them filled with as many zerks as I can possibly fit...


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