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The Fall Of Seraph - Histories of the IXth


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Standing in Red Iron 



“The lamp must be replenish’d, but even then 

It will not burn so long as I must watch. 

My slumbers—if I slumber—are not sleep, 

But a continuance of enduring thought, 

Which then I can resist not: in my heart 

There is a vigil, and these eyes but close 

To look within; and yet I live, and bear 

The aspect and the form of breathing men” 

Spoken by Geor, Lord of Byron, circa M1. 


“Unyielding and unswerving in their duty, unflinching in the face of the foe, the Ophanim were the guardians of our soul. Selfless, every one of them, foregoing glory and honour to simply stand in duty. They were Angels as sentinels. Unbroken. Unbowed.” 

From Blood on the Steel: the lives of Seraph  
Bastian Ortega, once named Icarium, of the IXth Legion Astartes. 


*** Accessing Image Records 

* Display: Legion Life-Wards: The Ophanim of Seraph Company, IXth Legion Astartes 






 Legion Life-Ward Menelaus, KIA day 3 of the Fall 




Legion Life-Ward Sevros, KIA day 3 of the Fall 




Legion Life-Ward Morlin, KIA day 3 of the Fall 




Legion Life-Ward Arakyn, KIA day 3 of the Fall 




Legion Life-Ward Calo, KIA day 3 of the Fall 


I have already spoken at length of the Ophanim, of their deeds and their end. It pains me to speak more of them as we knew them so little. They died gloriously, but unknown and unwitnessed by Seraph and that is a shame we will always bear with us. 


*** Records Access revoked. Display ends.


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The more I look at this army, the more I wish I could afford to commission someone to assemble and paint one. I'd give them this thread and just say I want THAT.




And then I wonder what Hyaenidae's take on BA would look like.....

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Standing in Red Iron 



“The lamp must be replenish’d, but even then 

It will not burn so long as I must watch. 

My slumbers—if I slumber—are not sleep, 

But a continuance of enduring thought, 

Which then I can resist not: in my heart 

There is a vigil, and these eyes but close 

To look within; and yet I live, and bear 

The aspect and the form of breathing men” 

Spoken by Geor, Lord of Byron, circa M1. 


“Unyielding and unswerving in their duty, unflinching in the face of the foe, the Ophanim were the guardians of our soul. Selfless, every one of them, foregoing glory and honour to simply stand in duty. They were Angels as sentinels. Unbroken. Unbowed.” 

From Blood on the Steel: the lives of Seraph  

Bastian Ortega, once named Icarium, of the IXth Legion Astartes. 


*** Accessing Image Records 

* Display: Legion Life-Wards: The Ophanim of Seraph Company, IXth Legion Astartes 






 Legion Life-Ward Menelaus, KIA day 3 of the Fall 




Legion Life-Ward Sevros, KIA day 3 of the Fall 




Legion Life-Ward Morlin, KIA day 3 of the Fall 




Legion Life-Ward Arakyn, KIA day 3 of the Fall 




Legion Life-Ward Calo, KIA day 3 of the Fall 


I have already spoken at length of the Ophanim, of their deeds and their end. It pains me to speak more of them as we knew them so little. They died gloriously, but unknown and unwitnessed by Seraph and that is a shame we will always bear with us. 


*** Records Access revoked. Display ends.


There is something absolutely brilliant about Menelaus. I think it's a stride into a terrible fate unflinchingly.

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Damn, destroyer plate looks good in red and gold.


I love how they all have unique heraldry on every shield. Keep that business up!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Afternoon everyone - apologies for the long silence again but the last few months have been a touch awkward IRL so there's not been much time to jump online.


Fear not though! Progress continues on Seraph and the end of this tale is very much in sight now. Those of you who have been following the Tale Of Many Basterds on PWD will know that there is a short-term goal of 2k painted by September 12th and a longer goal of a few more things on top of that overall. Well, the good news is that the 2k goal is pretty much assembled and only needs 9 marines and a tank painting. For this project overall, there's only 3 more things to add to that.


More substantial updates to come maybe later tonight, if not it'll be in the next few days. I have such things to show you...


Marine7312000 - Man that is way too kind, you'll make me get all emotional.


Hyaenidae - Thanks mate, I thought it was a good way to make them visually different to regular Breachers. Plus I was feeling lazy and needed a break from red.


Draakur - Thanks fella


Jimbo13 - His pose came off nicely didnt it?


Flint13 - You knows it. Angels always look good. Hopefully the Destroyers will look as good.


Barabbas Sogalon - Cheers mate :)


Apologist - Thanks man, much appreciated. Ha, the faces are actually painted and have more depth, honest - I blame taking pics on a phone in weird light.


The Hydra - Cheers buddy, the Ophanim always seem to have been pretty popular.


Fire Golem - Thanks man :)


So, hopefully soon I'll be able to show off The Lament. And then Steel Dawn. Depends on when I can jump onto a pc next.


Catch you all soon :)



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Beautiful models and great story telling. Folks like you and the Latin Hyena make this board such a great place, and the XIVth would be honored to slay your IX anytime, sir. Keep it up!
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Evening :)


Commissar Molotov - Not much longer to wait mate ;)


Flint13 - All the glory for me!


DuskRaider - Ah thanks fella, very kind of you to say so. 


Legio Draconis - Much appreciated mate, glad to hear you enjoyed everything :) 


BeatTheBeat - Cheers man, the Ophanim did turn out pretty sweet didn't they?

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The Lamented 


"We are a Legion of Angels, true. But even so, there are those of us who fall, and not because of the Thirst. We do not speak of them, those once-Angels. We only lament what they could have been." 

From Blood on the Steel: the lives of Seraph 

Bastian Ortega, once named Icarium, of the IXth Legion Astartes 



*Image Codicium accessed: Visual cortex stimulation commencing 

*Display: Unidentified Astartes, ref "The Lament", Destroyer Cadre of the IXth Legion Astartes 




Unidentified Legionary, fate unknown. 




Unidentified Legionary, fate unknown. 




Unidentified Legionary, fate unknown. 




Unidentified Legionary, fate unknown. 




Unidentified Legionary, fate unknown. 


* * * *Image Codicium access released: Visual cortex stimulation ended

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This is a great thread. I love the amount of thought you have put into your story, and the models just look great. The latest ones with the masks will be excellent.
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