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The Fall Of Seraph - Histories of the IXth


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Iron Will


“And Man in portions can foresee

His own funereal destiny;

His wretchedness, and his resistance,

And his sad unallied existence:

To which his Spirit may oppose

Itself--and equal to all woes,

And a firm will, and a deep sense,

Which even in torture can descry

Its own concenter'd recompense,

Triumphant where it dares defy,

And making Death a Victory.”

Spoken by Geor, Lord of Byron, circa M1.


“The Ophanim were selfless in their service to Tychus, but that quiet resolve and selflessness was shattered by his death. I admire the end they found, the fierce spirit and strength they showed. But I curse their single-minded need for self-punishment, the idiotic sense of duty that caused them to blame themselves for the unavoidable. Aye they stood, and stood gloriously and bought us the time we needed to regroup – but I wonder, how many of Seraph might have lived longer, or lived still had they walked with us? Ach, no matter. They were Angels, that is all that needs to be said. They died like heroes.”

From Blood on the Steel: the lives of Seraph
Bastian Ortega, once named Icarium, of the IXth Legion Astartes.


*** Accessing Image Records


* Display: Legion Life-Wards: The Ophanim of Seraph Company, IXth Legion Astartes




In truth, we knew little about the Ophanim. Their duty as Life-wards to Heiron Tychus, Praetor of Seraph, kept them separate to us in all things. They trained alone, stood alone, as watchful of us as they were of our enemies. To be selected for their ranks was to set aside all personal notions of glory and advancement and focus only on protecting the life of Tychus. It takes a certain mindset to do this, a clarity and purity of thought and purpose and a single-minded devotion to your duty. The Ophanim were unlike any other Angel I knew. I regret that I was unable to speak with them more, to learn their lives and thoughts. When they fell, it was far from us and alone. We never recovered their bodies, nor their memories.




Legion Life-Ward Pallas




Legion Life-Ward Andri




Legion Life-Ward Demeter




Legion Life-Ward Venik


As befitted their role, they wore reinforced suits of Mark IV plate, each individually wrote and artificied for the wearer. Easily distinguishable by the golden chest-plates and bracers, each of the Ophanim bore his own heraldry on his pauldrons and shield. Unlike the coarser Breacher units of our brother Legions, the Ophanim were guardians first and foremost, not boarding troops or line-holders. The shields were alloyed metals crafted from a rare ore, vibranium, and more standard metals such as adamantite and steel. Tough, flexible and surprisingly light for their size, they were as much a weapon as the boltguns and blades wielded behind them and an Ophanim was easily able to use their edge to sever a limb or sunder armour. Time and time again I witnessed the enemy break upon their shields like waves upon the cliffs, before Tychus led his Ophanim in furious counter, lancing into the enemy with a speed they did not expect. Lions of war, all of them.





Legion Life-Ward Prime Kulen Sha, named Zeruel


Kulen Sha, named Zeruel, was a figure we all knew, if only for the ragged sand-lion pelt he always wore, a beast killed by his own hands when still a child of the deserts of Baal. Foremost of the Ophanim, never more than arms-length from Tychus. A blunt man, coarse in his manners, always seeming to be boiling with anger, but controlled and focused. Fearsomely strong, even without his armour or the powered gauntlet that he favoured, Sha was renowned for his sheer physical presence and ability. Arca once joked that of all our Father’s brothers, Angron the Red would like Sha most, that he could picture them wrestling and brawling in the sands of some arena, grinning through bloodied mouths at each other, bonded in sweat and blood. Ironic, considering which of our traitorous brother Legions came for us.


The Ophanim died on the third day. We remember them with honour, with love. With respect for who they were and what they did.





*** Records Access revoked. Display ends.

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That would be one way of taking my comment :P The other way would be 'How on earth do you manage to be both this consistently inspiring, and inspired?'. Just astonishing work as usual. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Evening everyone, hope all is well. 


Been a while since my last post it seems - I blame real life being a bit crap and other stuff going down. Also Infinity, because goddamn that game is good. Anyways, kinda back on the Angels now, though I have reached something of a stumbling point as I have assembled all I can based on the bits I have available. I am awaiting another supply run from my friendly resin crack dealer, but no idea when I'm getting it. So progress may be halting for a while. Although I do have two characters to paint.....


Kobrakei - Ha thanks man, I don't know if what I do is all that special, I just put a bit of thought into the models and the story. You're doing a great job of that yourself with the Shrikes. 


Marine731200 - They are great, little plain on the back but who really sees that side? Sadly, the end is all too nigh - only about 17 more Marines and one other thing to paint. One of my buddies was trying to sell me on doing some Cataphractii or Phoenix Guard, or a bunch of Contemptors or support weapon squads without really realising that I didn't want them in as they don't fit the storyline at all. The thought was appreciated but I have a definite end and vision in mind for Seraph.


Just a quick pic for you all tonight showing the fruits of today's assembly and the last bits I can do for now:




Irritatingly, Photobucket have updated their frames and effects and have got rid of the lovely faded frame I've used on every other pic so far. First Worlf Problems, I know. Anyways, from left to right we have 3 of the last 5 Breachers and 2 of the planned 5 Destroyers. Not gonna lie, these chaps look pretty boss. 


That's it for now folks, back on the painting this week so will try and get another update done soon. 




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I lose track of this thread for a short while, and I miss some of your most gorgeous work. Zeruel is espeically inspired, the lion pelt is such an amazing touch. 


Keep it up, man!


 First Worlf Problems, I know.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Man 11 days since my last update. I suck. So what's been going down? Well, not much to be honest. Illness, Infinity and a lack of bits for the Angels has slowed things down a bit so I haven't really got much done. 


On the plus side, that will be changing soon, with more stuff en-route to finish off the last three squads, a Sicaran to pep things up and two special things to end the story with as little epilogues and codas. One of which is pretty boss and the other is pretty tragic. 


I did get some painting done:




Thats the red and black done on the two Vets and the base red done on Vale. Metallics next for the Vets and then just detailing. Shouldn't be too much longer on them. 


Also, we here at the Warbasterds have a little something special planned - the majority of us are heading to the land of my father in September for a weekend of gaming, beer, hanging with old friends and more beer, and we thought it was worth pushing ourselves to actually complete some stuff. So this happened - The Tale Of Many Basterds. Basically like the old awesome WD Tale Of Gamers articles but with more swearing. If it works, thats 7 fully painted and converted 2000pt Heresy armies playing over some fully painted scenery. Winner. As it stands, 3 of us are already damn near there. There'll be more articles for the Tale coming up soon, starting next week, and it'd be great if you could show all my fellow Basterds as much support and encouragement as you do me. Also, PWD is awesome and you should check it out anyway ;)


Hyaenidae - welcome back man :) And thanks, glad to hear you like what you see still. Some of the best stuff is still to come I think. Everyone has Worf problems ;) 


Updates soon, promise!





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Evening everyone smile.png Semi regular update time wooooooo

Commissar Molotov - An army shot is imminent good sir. I'll run through what else is to come as well in a sec.

Apologist - Ah too kind mate, too kind. Your recent Xenos posts on Death of a Rubricist have inspired me to sort out my own Eldar later this year. So thank you.

Right then, progress. Well, not much fluff writing wise. Had a bug over the last week or so which knocked me for 6 and halted any hobby stuff for a while. Better now and have several fluff pieces planned, some involving a few nods to some rather special people. In terms of painting, the two Vets are now sporting completed gold so its only the steel and details to go. Vale has had his crimson finsihed up and it looks rather spiffy if I do say so. Should be getting a nice large care package this week with the bits I need to finish up this project as well. Excited.

And here's how Seraph stand at the moment, all fully painted:


In terms of whats next, all together I have to paint/assemble and paint:

- Legion Champion Consul

- Legion Moritat

- 5 more Breachers to bring the total to 10

- 5 more Veterans to bring the total to 10

- 5 Destroyers

- A Sicaran

That takes me to a total of about 2000pts which is the aim for the Tale Of Many Basterds that we are running in our group at the moment - details are on our website Paint Water Diaries. It's also the end of this particular project and story - The Fall Of Seraph was always only about telling a story, not creating a gaming army, so it feels right to end it where I plan to. That being said, it wouldn't be one of my threads without a little something extra at the end, so there will be two Codas. Not going to say much more as I want them to be a suprise, but I will give you this:

- The Lion Of Baal

- The Lazarene

Let the speculation begin msn-wink.gif

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Never A Backward Step

"I have spoken before of the Ophanim's bloody-minded refusal to retreat, their resolve to find an end that atoned for what they saw as their failure. Fathers Wings, they were glorious. We will not see their like again."
From Blood on the Steel: the lives of Seraph
Bastian Ortega, once named Icarium, of the IXth Legion Astartes

*Image Codicium accessed: Visual cortex stimulation commencing

 *Display: Legion Life-Wards: The Ophanim of Seraph Company, IXth Legion Astartes



Legion Life-Ward Menelaus, KIA day 3 of the Fall



Legion Life-Ward Sevros, KIA day 3 of the Fall



Legion Life-Ward Morlin, KIA day 3 of the Fall



Legion Life-Ward Arakyn, KIA day 3 of the Fall



Legion Life-Ward Calo, KIA day 3 of the Fall

*Image Codicium access released: Visual cortex stimulation ended

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Man, those shields were a really good choice. They just add this 'noble warrior' aura around them, painted or otherwise.


Badass, Jackdaw. You never fail to impress.

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Evening chaps and chappesses, hope you are all peachy.


Been a mad flurry of activity here, getting the Angels all ready for PWDs Tale of Many Basterds but the bulk of the work is done. I'm currrently waiting on some more bases to finish off the Destroyers and the Sicaran itself, as well as two pieces for the Lion Of Baal, but aside from that everything is damn near done. Painting wise, two of the last 5 Veterans are done and the red on Raziel's armour is finished - need to get some undercoat though to start on the last Breachers.


More proper updates to come, but first replies to you awesome sons of guns:


Hyaenidae - Thanks man, I have to admit that overpriced and kinda useless in0game as the Breachers are, they look pretty badass as the Ophanim. The round shields make it. Reasonably fun to paint up as well.


Olis - Cheers bro, good to hear I never disappoint :)


Marine7312000 - Ha good man, you wont regret getting those shields. Looking forward to seeing how they look with the brass etch.


Commissar Molotov - Yeah some extra bits on there might be an idea. Good call, will add some bits before undercoating, got loads of mortis notes I havent used yet.


Pearson73 - Cheers man, much appreciated


Brother Heinrich - Thanks bro - you are pulling out some stellar Angels of your own, I'm jealous.


Another update to come soon folks, showing off some bits. Then more as soon as I get some fluff written. Hope you enjoy.





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Always, the Blooded stand

“Again and again the Blooded showed the Eaters what an Astartes could truly be if they did not give into to their weaknesses and baser desires. Terrible in their wrath and unrelenting in their fury, where the Blooded stood the Eaters fell. Warrior-poets, each of them. Artisans of a beautiful war.”
From Blood on the Steel: the lives of Seraph
Bastian Ortega, once named Icarium, of the IXth Legion Astartes.

*Image Codicium accessed: Visual cortex stimulation commencing
*Display: Legion Veterans, Seraph Company: Ref /The Blooded



Legion Veteran Orin Lisk, named Armisael. KIA day 20 of the Fall



Legion Veteran Jago Ceryn, named Bardiel. KIA day 20 of the Fall



Legion Veteran Diegan Assante, named Arael. KIA day 20 of the Fall



Legion Veteran Sephen Nil, named Menestiel. KIA day 20 of the Fall



Legion First Veteran Minos Patreides, The Old Bull. KIA day 20 of the Fall

*Image Codicium access released: Visual cortex stimulation ended

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Great stuff, dude! The Veterans look really nice. I've always had the idea of using the Palatine Blades as the base for a veteran or seeker squad, and you've perfectly demonstrated how good that could look with your Angels. Keep up the amazing work :tu: 

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What ho, fine gentlemens


Kobrakei - Sadly there is an end in sight for Seraph. But never fear, there will be more projects.


Kizzdougs - Thanks man :) Yeah the Palatines are great models, surprisingly flexible considering they are pretty much one piece. They do make awesome Veterans and you should definitely do some yourself. Do it now!


Marine7312000 - Haha nope, thats a metal one there :) In fact, he's the only metal model in the entire army other than the odd arm or hand on some other models. He wasn't hard to cut up, the helm is actually pretty easy to snip off and file down due to the angle he holds his chest at. The Emperors Champion is one of my favourite Marine sculpts so I had to use it somewhere.


Kinda surpised no-ones picked out anything about Jago yet....


Extras to come later today :)


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Isn't Jago the new IF champ? With head and other swaps obviously.

But really now, these are looking fantastic, as per usual. I really have no love for the IXth, but this and one or two others are the current exceptions.

Any hints for your next projects, now that Seraph is near completion/awaiting imminent death?

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He certainly is - the head, left hand, sword and backpack are swapped out. Gorgeous model, the filigree on the armour is lovely. And good to know I'm slowly turning you to the IXth ;)

Well, the next army project isn't one I'll be able to put up here as it concerns some Xenos, but I will have two =][=28 projects that will be showing up here. No more Astartes for a while from me I'm afraid.

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A Lifetime Of War


"And War, which for a moment was no more,

Did glut himself again: a meal was bought

With blood, and each sate sullenly apart

Gorging himself in gloom: no love was left;

All earth was but one thought—and that was death"

Spoken by Geor, Lord of Byron, circa M1


"Not all Angels hailed from the sands of Baal. True, they were few, but amongst the sons of Baal walked the sons of Terra. They shared our Fathers blood, yet were not quite one with their Baalite brothers. They had not been kissed by the harsh suns of Baal from their birth, didn’t bear the scars of that radioactive crucible before their change. But they bore their own scars, their own markers of another life on another planet..."

From Blood on the Steel: the lives of Seraph

Bastian Ortega, once named Icarium, of the IXth Legion Astartes


***accessing memory: auto-quill engaged




***Location: Liberi Hab-unit, AnMonal sub-dist, Palace of Terra

***Timestamp: Day 15 of the Fall


The Eaters stalked him through the ruins of what used to be a communal garden, neat strips of turf now torn and blackened, statuary shattered and strewn about. Three of them, hulking in battered Mark Three plate, Legion colours almost obliterated by gore and scorch marks, bolt pistols and chain-axes gripped in fists. He could hear the clicks of vox-talk, the wet grunting they made behind their helms, could read the way they spread themselves out to surround him like jackals hunting an aging lion. He smelt old blood, sour adrenal and stim-laden sweat and gunsmoke on the air. Three of them. He almost felt sorry for them.


His bolter lay forgotten somewhere, magazine emptied into the last two Eaters that had thought to bring him down, but he still had his blade. The heavy single edged Terran sabre flared to life in his grip, coruscating power-field crackling along its length. The Eaters' chain-axes roared in response as they twitched forward, already shaking under the effects of the Nails buried in their skulls. One held himself enough to speak, words slurred and gutturally spat out as though they caused him pain.


"Your name, Angel, so that we hnnh, so that we know who to mock when we tear you limb from hnnnh bloody limb. So we know which old bastard fell to us."


He could feel the Rage, gift of his Father, rush to meet the Eaters from deep within him. The arrogance of these pups. To hammer things into their heads and believe it made them better, that it made them somehow special. Idiots.


"My name, pup? You can have my name when I spit it into your dying face. I am an Angel, and you weakling bastards are the by-blow of a mentally crippled tantruming child. You think you can take me? Try."


Eaters. So predictable. So easy to goad. Barely even Astartes anymore, they lacked grace or thought, relying on savagery alone to carry them. Even as he spoke, the nearest Eater was charging at him, chain-axe held high. Artless.


Swift, even on the functional augmetic leg they had given him after Signus, he stepped in to meet the Eater, sabre already lashing out. He took the blow of the axe on his pauldron, teeth screaming and skittering over the curved surface as his own heavy blade carved into the Eaters gut. The stink of burning servos and shattered ceramite filled the air, undercut by the sharp tang of burning Astartes blood and flesh. A lifetime of war told him the Eater was done without even glancing at the damage he had wrought, instincts pulling him onto the next Eater.


They both rushed him at once, hoping to overwhelm him. It was almost pitiful, their rudimentary grasp of tactics. He blocked the first chainaxe swing, straight-armed the wielder away as the second smashed an axe into his torso armour. Riding the blow out behind gritted teeth, dull flashes of pain flashing through what was left of his flesh beneath the ceramite, he brought his own sabre up in a sweeping curve, taking both of the Eaters arms at the elbow. The crippled Eater staggered back, howling in something approaching disbelief before the crackling length of the Angels sabre buried itself in the Eaters throat.


Releasing the blade, he turned to face the remaining Eater, arms spread wide in challenge, one augmetic clad in crimson and gold, the other augmetic a work of blunt steel. Roaring, the Eater leapt forward, blows flung wildly. He slapped them aside, landed a hammer-blow punch with the steel augmetic that cracked the thigh armour of the Eater and shattered the bone beneath. A second blow to the chest rocked the Eater back before he stepped in, snapping an armoured elbow into the soft underarmour that covered the Eaters throat. The traitor staggered back then fell to its knees, choking behind its helm.

He moved in, gripped the Eater by its gorget, landed three heavy blows to the faceplate of its helm before ripping it away. The face underneath was a mass of bruising and broken bone, blood-slicked and raw-fleshed, left eye rolling unfocused. Sneering, he leant in intimately close.


"You want my name pup? You don’t deserve it. You, all your bastard brothers, your idiot father, none of you deserve to know which of us puts you down. I am an Angel. I am a Terran. And you have brought your war, your idiot anger, to my home. Tell whatever waits for you on the other side that they have come to the birthplace of Angels and we will end them."


One final blow from a golden fist and bone broke, the side of the Eaters head caving in a welter of blood. He dropped the twitching body, ceramite crashing onto rubble and looked around. One Eater, dead or dying at his feet. Another impaled on his blade. The third curled around the gaping wound in its side, unmoving. Three Eaters broken in as much time as it took to speak of it. Fine work. He left the ruin of the garden, recovering his blade from the ruin of the Eaters throat as he passed and accessing the vox-net of his squad.


"This is Minos. Talk to me children. Where are my Blooded. Where is my war?"







“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe…. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Osiris… I watched lance beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time when I fall, like tears in the rain.”

Minos Patreides, The Old Bull, of the Blooded of Seraph in conversation with Queller Hirraupt of the Remembrancer Order.


Astartes rarely grow old. Our lives are spent in brutal combat, facing the worst a galaxy can throw at us and we burn hard, bright and fast. In this age, for a Terran to still walk amongst us, to have lived through all those long years of the Crusade and these dark times? Minos Patreides was a walking miracle, a living relic. The oldest of Seraph, the First of the Blooded, veteran of the Great Crusade. He had taken all the galaxy could subject him to and still walked strong, spitting his defiance into the stars. We called him the Old Bull in reference to both the ancient Greco mythago of the Minotaur that his name hearkened to, and the irascible gruff nature that he had. Respected and known by all of Seraph, the Blooded also had another name for him. Uncle, they called him, half in jest and half in love. For his part, he always called them his children.







Several lifetimes of war had left their mark on Patreides, had chipped away at the man beneath the armour. Right arm, most of his organs, sections of his spine…. Even before this rebellion, he joked that he had left pieces of himself on every battlefield that he had walked. Signus almost finished him, daemons taking his left arm and leg, taking his eye. During the long voyage to Macragge, our Apothecaries did what they could, brutal functional augmetics replacing what had been lost and Patreides refusing to wait longer for more aesthetically pleasing limbs. Behind the avuncular exterior though, there was a man, old and weary. He would never let himself rest, never let himself do less than those around him. But still, I knew Patreides to worry that he was losing more of himself with every wound, not just physically but mentally. He was forgetting things; years of holding back the Rage and suffering in silence were slowly eating away at who he was. That was what he dreaded more than anything. Losing his self.


The Old Bull was one of the last of Seraph to fall to the Eaters. I remember seeing him, armour rent and torn, augmetics failing and twisted, still lashing his sabre into the Eaters crowding him. Its power-field had long since burnt out and it was little more than a blunt length of steel now, choked with the blood and flesh of the Eaters but still he laid them low with it. I didn’t see the blow that finally felled him or the bolt that took the last of his breath. But I know his last thoughts - the way the sun felt on his face when still a boy, the warmth of the skin of the girl with him. The way she smiled at him.


***memory core access rescinded: auto-quill disengaged

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