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The Fall Of Seraph - Histories of the IXth


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Ugh... Stop doing everything so well, dammit.


Seriously, that angel is unfairly pretty. I love how his augmetics seem to be divided from finely wrought on the left to functional and solid on the right. So many literary elements :p


Also, the little power field sparks on his sword are cool. Do those more :D

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Ah, I didn't mean with just the Angels. You're a massive influence to me, and every time I think i've got close to your level, you up it again and again. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Evening folks, sorry for the long silence, things have been a bit quiet here at Jackdaw Towers. On the plus side, I have damn near everything I need to complete Seraph, but on the downside, I ran out of undercoat. Sods Law really. Still, chin up gentlemens and gentleladies, I will be getting more this weekend so will be cracking on with painting. I also got kinda distracted with painting 300pts of Aleph for Infinity, but thats another story for another forum.


Still, some progress has been made - the mock-up of The Lion of Baal looks absolutely killer, and no, like a proper tease I am not showing you him/it/her yet. And while my mine painting focus has been the Aleph, I did manage to complete the crimson on Khitas Vale. Cue terrible picture:




Flint13 - Ha, if I stopped doing everything so well, what would you have to aim for? :P Awesome that you picked up on the split visually between his augmetics, that was one of the over-riding ideas for Minos. And I am loving doing those crackles, think they are on every power weapon save Irek Skaro's at the moment. I will be doing more.


Marshal Rohr - Thanks man, very kind of you to say. I think it stems from assembling each guy as an individual really - the Blooded are really easy to get character into as I'm treating each one on his own really.


One-eye - From the man with the most beautiful White Scars I have seen, that means a lot - thank you :)


Kobrakei - Ah you are way too kind man, way too kind. You're doing some awesome stuff yourself on the Shrikes, its a privilege to know I inspire you to pull those out.


Marine7312000 - Haha prepare yourself for a lot more favourite modesl then mate :)


Commissar Molotov - Thanks mate :) Have to admit, Minos might be my favourite Angel so far....


Hyaenidae - Heh, thanks brother :) I try my best, thats all.


Right, thats all for tonight folks, will try and update again at the end of the week with some fluff that introduces a proper threat and much needed leadership to the Eaters....


Thanks all,





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I absolutely love the choice of Icarium for the IXth. Assuming you took it as inspiration from the Malazan Book of the Fallen then it works perfectly; an individual only willing to help and spread knowledge, but unstoppable when consumed by his anger 


Edit: Just came upon Osserc in your jetbike squad, you've truly put malazan names to good use

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I really like the power weapon. Giving it that longer hilt makes it look much more weighty and serious.


Love the wingy iron halo too. Great stylistic choices all around!

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Evening folks. First up, a word on the weather here - DAMN HOT. Its just not terribly British weather. Also, I can't promise that updates are going to be all that regular over the next few weeks - going through some stuff IRL which isnt very fun. But we shall soldier on.


Righto, replies:


Kizzdougs - Ha yeah, red armour is all well and good but he wont start to come together for a while. I had added some bits and blocked in the base for the gold though.


KBA - Thanks man, much appreciated. Glad you're enjoying things.


Jimbo13 - Cheers buddy, glad to see Minos is going down well, and his memory was something I always to put in, put a bit of humanity behind the Angels. The Warden shield arms are generally Destroyer arms with a bit of recutting.


SkimaskMohawk - Some of the names did indeed come from the Malazan series. I am terribly guilty of having a homage to them in every army I do. Poor old Ortega though, the things in store for him....


Flint13, Slipstreams - Did someone say Photonic Blade?




I am real happy with how the sword in general turned on, the blade swap was a little tricky but looks so much better than the sabre style blade.


Managed to get some painting done on Monday as well, after finally grabbing some undercoat. End result is that the last 5 Wardens have the crimson fully done:




All things being well, they should be done over the next week or so. Hopefully.


Catch you all soon folks




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I find this gif appropriate.

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For some reason, I never quite realised how stunning the shade of red you have for these guys is.


Awesome work on the Wardens. I think that's the first all shield armed unit that's piqued my interest. Things like breachers normally bore me, so you must be doing something right :P

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Updates! Dear God updates!


Slipstreams - Hah, look at him go. 


Barabbas Sogalon - Cheers bro, I am very happy with how it turned out


Thousand Eyes - Much appreciated mate,  thank you 


Flint13 - Pff lightsabres are for whiny farmboys and pod racers ;) Real men fight with ceramic blades crafted from the very sands they were born on. Also, it's a couple of days late, but this is for you :) 




Anyways to the updates. Well, kinda. Itll be coming later tonight, honest. God I'm tired. Three hours sleep then an 8 hour working day make Jack a something something. 






Come back later for coherent updates. Promise. 

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