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The Fall Of Seraph - Histories of the IXth


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Sorry to hear about problems happening in real life mate, hope it gets better ASAP! As for The Lion: I literally went "HOT DAMN", that's just an amazing piece of conversion. Might steal the general feeling and some bits usage if I get the urge to "upgrade" my NL commander a little. Looking forward to anything else you're doing, as usual! It's crazy but you just keep improving.


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Sorry to hear about your troubles mate. I've had a really :cuss 12 months, must admit has made it hard to concentrate on hobby, think it's why I've bounced around so many different projects. Making and painting is a nice escape but ultimately doesn't help deal with real life. Now thing are starting to look up for me and although I've got a long road ahead, I feel more settled in myself and more settled in my modelling. However life might be right now, it will get better, don't worry about going quiet for a while, your real life comes first.


On to the Lion of Baal, he looks awesome. Nice use of bits, is that volkite built into his claws?

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Life deals a lot of lemons, and sometimes the lemonade isn't drinkable. But, just think...it could be worse right? Just ask lefty, the one armed sniper....right lefty?


real funny man...


Yeah yeah , kiss me first alright?


Point is, chin up and ...... And.... *always look on the bright side of life* *whistles*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Morning everyone


Kobrakei - Thanks man, no end in sight yet but we march on regardless. Good to know the Lion meets with approval as well


Andvarr A - Ha thanks man.


GrandMagnus - Cheers fella


BeatTheBeat - Cheers mate, much appreciated. I dont know about improviing every time, but I think working on a handful of models at a time really helps focus things and makes sure that each one is special rather than jsut churned out to get a squad done. Its kinda fun working this way. And steal away from the Lion :)


The Hydra - Thanks man, hopefully things will get better soon. Yeah he does indeed have Volkite built into his claws in an Iron Man style. If I ever use him in a game, he's just having the classic Paragon blade/Digilasers/Volkite Charger combo - as the Legion Champion, Khitas Vale gets the fun weapons.


Hyaenidae - Hahaha, if I had the money and could find a job and home, I would give it some serious thought mate.


Possibly a small update to come, If I can sort it out.


Thanks again everyone,



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The Armour of the Choir


"We fought tooth and nail amongst the streets and architecture of Terra during the Fall. Engagements were short ranged, brutal affairs, close and intimate. Our armour suffered from ambushes, from being limited to those access roads and throughfares that were still accessible and therefore easily targeted by the enemy. Still, when we needed them, they were there. Against the massed Cataphractii and Contemptors that the Eaters threw against us, the clean fury of armour units like Steel Dawn were like the bite of Baals suns." 

From Blood on the Steel: the lives of Seraph 

Bastian Ortega, once named Icarium, of the IXth Legion Astartes 



*Image Codicium accessed: Visual cortex stimulation commencing 

*Display: "Steel Dawn" - Deimos pattern Predator Infernus armoured unit attached to Seraph Company,  IXth Legion Astartes




* * * *Image Codicium access released: Visual cortex stimulation ended

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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted · Hidden by Captain Semper, September 21, 2015 - Sales post and probably double account
Hidden by Captain Semper, September 21, 2015 - Sales post and probably double account

Hi Everyone, 

I'm afraid I have some bad news. JackDaw's family have unfortunately fallen on some very hard times. I won't go into details as it is of course a personal matter. Apologies if this is against the rules - but thought some of you may want to help a community member out.

However, long story short there is a house to keep and kids to feed, as such they've decided to sell some of his collection. We're still digging through everything but right off the bat we have some stuff. You can see a list of the 'for sale' items here. We'll be keeping it up to date

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  • 4 weeks later...

In Memoriam




Khitas Vale, named Raziel of the Blooded, Champion and Third Consul of Seraph Company, IXth Legion Astartes



~ Finis ~

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Damn mate, hate to hear that matters are that serious. I wish you all the best, even though I can't comprehend your situation. You have been a great companion and inspiration on this modelling journey, and even though I've never met you for real I can tell from your words and your creativity that you must have left as wonderful a mark on your real life surroundings as you have on these forums.


All the best to you and yours,


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I wish you all the best. It's a massive loss to the boards, and more selfishly my own hobby, as you really were beyond inspiring to me as a painter, modeller and fluff writer. 


I hope it all works out for the best, and look after yourself.



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Stay strong brother. The strife and challenge define the character of our lives, but we are made stronger and wiser for it. I wish you and yours nothing but the best and hope that you soon reach calmer waters. The B&C will be here, this community is one of the best I've ever encountered and we all understand the various things life throws at us. Seraph company will not be forgotten. 


For Sanguinius and the Emperor.



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Really sorry to hear about your real life stuff, Dave. I hope everything works out for you and your family. I'll be praying for you.


You are always welcome back at the BnC, if things ever change.


God Bless.




P.s. Just a heads up that anyone who isn't a warseer member can't see your link.

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I would post something, but it seems like everything to say has already been said. If you ever return to the hobby, you'll definitely be welcome here. But you already know that, don't you?


Anyways, thanks for the inspiration. You're the reason I'm doing heresy Blood Angels.


Glory to the Angel.

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So sorry to hear about this, your projects on these boards (and elsewhere) are an immense inspiration and represent everything that is great in our hobby.


I really hope everything gets better for you.

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Dont know what to say, I your troubles ease and that we get to see you again. Thanks for all the inspiration.


And i understand that other issues take priority, but i hope you dont have to sell these angels. They are a work of art.

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