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A few bits and pieces I happen to have photographed, because Ludovic asked:



Brother-Captain Arth Sinclair.



Tactical Squad. I started this incarnation of the army under the old Chapter Trait system, where I could take True Grit, hence everyone armed with boltgun and chainsword. I've stuck with it rather than tearing the arms off several dozen Marines.



Stronos-pattern Razorback, with plasma either side of the lascannon like Jes intended.



Sternguard Sergeant.



Chaplain. Managed to get another 5 skulls onto the model by converting the backpack. None more grimdark.






Forge World MkIII Boarding Marine.



Web Exclusive Sergeant.






Terminator Chaplain.

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Thanks. smile.png

Yeah, I mostly work on this army, or if I feel like a change, things I can use as allies with this army. I've been a bit distracted assembling Tempestus Scions lately. Looking at the pile of procrastination that's in reach, I'll probably paint either the rest of that Sternguard squad next,


or kit-bashed Honour Guard,


Or one of the Contemptors lurking at the back.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As a fellow modeller who has been converting sword brethren and castellan crowe into sternguard-- I'd love to see what you're doing with yours.


That being said, the librarian conversion is fabulous, and as the Yak pointed out, the chaplain has a very Eddie/ Iron Maiden feel to it (which is awesome, because you should up the irons at every opportunity). 

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Mind sharing how you paint them?

I don't have what I could exactly call a recipe. I'm so slow that, between squads, I usually find half my paint has dried out and the Citadel paint range has been completely replaced. I also buy a lot of other ranges, and tend to use whichever is nearest. I'm using a lot of ScaleColor paints at the moment, for example.

The main ingredient though is whatever GW are currently calling their sepia wash (Citadel Shade - Seraphim Sepia at the moment). Pretty much the entire model gets washed with that once or twice at some stage, even if not mentioned below (literally because John Blanche talked about doing it in a column once, and I love his style).

The yellow is currently: Averland Sunset (Base) -> Yriel Yellow (Layer) -> Hexos Palesun (Dry) -> Praxetl White (Dry) -> Seraphim Sepia (Shade) -> maybe some thinned Lamenters Yellow (Glaze) on selected areas

But shading yellow is usually more like Sepia -> Sepia -> Sepia -> Sepia -> Sepia -> highlight a few areas back up again -> Sepia -> Sepia, which is probably what made you think oil wash. smile.png I just keep going until it looks "right".

I don't have the talent to pull this off really, but the look I'm going for in my head is Caravaggio's extreme chiaroscuro, with the incredibly rich, saturated colours looming out of inky darkness:


Shoot for the moon, right? laugh.png

"Black" (I never actually use pure black at all) is a lot simpler: Skavenblight Dinge (Layer) -> two or three coats of Nuln Oil (Shade).

Metals, I'm using VMA colours at the moment, but the Citadel equivalents are fine (if you don't find all yours have dried out before you ever even opened them, like I discovered this week).

"Gold" is actually brass (I prefer the colder, antique look to actual gold). I think Bright Brass highlighted up to an edge of pure Silver, shaded with Citadel Druchii Violet (based on an old Jakob Rune Nielsen tutorial), then a couple of coats of my metal wash.

"Silver" is Gun Grey -> Steel -> Silver, then the same metal wash.

The metal wash I use is a roughly 50/50 mix of Vallejo Game Colour Smoky Ink and Tamiya Clear Smoke, thinned right down (Smoky "Ink" is more like a thick, translucent paint, Tamiya Clear is also quite thick and oily). Comes out like a century of old grease congealed on industrial machinery.

Gems, glass lenses, etc. are painted and varnished last, to keep them clean and bright.

To finish, the model gets a rough and heavy dusting of Mig Pigments (a random mix of various blacks and browns) up to around the knee level, sealed with a wash of W&N Distilled Turpentine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks. No Berserker bits, the full parts breakdown is:

Legs: Jump Pack Chaplain
Torso back, left hand: Grey Knights Strike Squad
Torso front: new Tactical Squad
Backpack, right pauldron: plastic Librarian
Right arm, left pauldron, scroll case: Command Squad
Left arm, bolt pistol: plastic Space Marine Commander
Head: Space Wolves Pack (yep, I shaved a wolf)
Axe: Mark IV power weapons upgrade

Plus the Spirit Hosts, guitar wire, brass rod, and a bit of green stuff.

Which illustrates the value of a well-stocked bitz box. If you bought entire boxes at full retail just to make that, it comes to something like £180 for one infantry figure. laugh.png

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