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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Hmmmmm, which legion, which legion, which. I apologize if this post is a bit lengthy, but I just finished Scars today and am very much still in the mood to write 30k stuff, even as I am stuck on my current 30k writing project. 


So, I'll go down the list, giving points and eliminating the no's.


Round 1: Fluff

Dark Angels: I like the knight theme running throughout the legion. 1 point


Emperor's Children: I love the legion prior to its Fall. The drive for perfection is a worthy goal. 1 point


Iron Warriors: I liked Angel Exterminatus and enjoyed delving into the legion's ways, especially their virtual games. But, even after that I don't find their preoccupation with big guns and attrition working for me. Eliminated


White Scars: I love their enjoyment of battle, oddly enough. It's not the perverted rage of Khorne or the bloodthirst madness of Angron's sons. It's just a simple delight in doing their job. Very respectable. 1 point


Space Wolves: Make no mistake. Russ is a fascinating character along with Bjorn. And the duty of executioner is a serious one. But I hate werewolves. The wolf ascetic displeases me greatly. Eliminated


Imperial Fists: Contrasting with the White Scars, these guys are almost too serious. But I like reading about Dorn and appreciate their dedication to honor. 1 point


Night Lords: Severian is hilarious. Unfortunately, that's not enough for me to forget the incredibly cruel and psychotic ways of his legion. Eliminated


Blood Angels: The constant struggle to face the evil within is an old, but an awesome tale. It is told well here. And I like angels and vampires. 1 point


Iron Hands: The constant vengeful rage and the fixation on machines first repels and invites me. In the end, I like my fleshy bits so I will have to say nay. Eliminated


World Eaters: Khârn is awesome. Berserker marines are not. Eliminated


Ultramarines: As a player of Risk, Total War, and etc, I can really appreciate the empire-building and ruling aspect of the Ultramarines. 1 point


Death Guard: There's the same problem here as with the Iron Warriors, even if I do eagerly look forward to Mortarion's next appearance. Eliminated


Thousand Sons: Granted, they went too far, but the love of learning, the desire to be useful even after the Great Crusade ended was very appealing, especially to a history graduate such as myself. 1 point


Sons of Horus: They're the best and like to strike hard and flashy. Honestly, the Emperor's Children do it flashier and I like them better. And the Blood Angels charge and fly. Can't beat that. Eliminated


Raven Guard & Alpha Legion: Got it, you two like your stealth. Not a fan. Eliminated



Round 2: Combat Styles

Dark Angels: Besides the emphasis on terminators in 40k, I'm really not sure what the 1st legion specializes in. Doesn't help that they haven't had a book out yet. Eliminated


Emperor's Children: Stabbing people with style. I can get behind that. 1 point


White Scars: Speed is the name of the game. Too bad I don't care much for bikes. Eliminated


Imperial Fists: Defending the castle is a lot of fun. Explosives adds to the hilarity. 1 point


Blood Angels: Flying onto people then stabbing them? Can't argue with that. 1 point 


Ultramarines: Jack-of-all-trades...no offense to them, but that bores me. Eliminated


Thousand Sons: Psykers everywhere! Why not? 1 point



Round 3: Legion Colors

Emperor's Children: Finally, someone puts purple to a cool use. 1 point


Imperial Fists: No yellow for me. Eliminated


Blood Angels: Red is my favorite color. 1 point


Thousand Sons: More red? Yes please. 1 point





So, I'm down to the EC, BA, and TS. I have a BA 40k army right now, so I feel like that takes care of BA, minus some 30k additions. Beyond that? I am a bigger fan of swords than magic. So, Emperor's Children wins. A loyalist version, anyway. Can't stand working for the bad guys.

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How does this sound to you guys?

I'm going with Ultramarines, the plan was to clad them all in Mk IV armour, however I realised that whilst all in 1 mark would suit the Ultramarines regulated, well supplied style, it wouldn't quite look right as everyone would have the same legs etc. etc.

Soooo - I've decided to go with a mid to late Calth atrocity force, mixture of armour marks (mainly 3 & 4) to represent survivors from random muster points merging in with depleted squads to form an effective response

Sound justifiable for a man with OCD? tongue.png

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Wow, I can't believe I did that. Especially since I was going down a list posted elsewhere. Bah....but yeah. Again, I've enjoyed reading a lot about the two, but they don't appeal to me. The Word Bearers in particular, since I'm not sure what the Word Bearers excel at besides being corrupted. And, I refuse to build a traitors legion. The Salamanders are loyal, but that's a lot of fire that I'm not interested in.


Still Emperor's Children.

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To Keith,


That sounds good. Considering the deficiencies of supply and the need to get whatever they're hands are on, it'd made sense the regimented armor supply would devolve to make whatever you can work.

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Wow, I can't believe I did that. Especially since I was going down a list posted elsewhere. Bah....but yeah. Again, I've enjoyed reading a lot about the two, but they don't appeal to me. The Word Bearers in particular, since I'm not sure what the Word Bearers excel at besides being corrupted. And, I refuse to build a traitors legion. The Salamanders are loyal, but that's a lot of fire that I'm not interested in.


Still Emperor's Children.


I'm working on my first Unification-era Iconoclast as we speak. The XVII were not always the corrupt monsters we all know. Don't feel that you need to limit yourself on a single time period. It's a big galaxy, and the Crusade spread the Legions far and wide.

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True. Though a lot of flavor is lost if you try to play them without the corruption. Then again, since most of my games are with friends, I wonder if they'd be okay if I made a homebrew special rules to reflect more of their pre-Fall themselves. 


Hmmm, what would that look like I wonder. After a quick review of Massacre, there's not much to translate. The Legion special rules work fine, regardless of the period. Would have to convert the Diabolist into something else and maybe replace the Gal Varbok with another special unit, and...


Gyah! Curse my muse for trying to pull me in six different directions!

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Ever read Fahrenheit 451? You should for numerous reasons (including it being Banned Book Week  ;)  ), but in this context, the Imperial Heralds of Old Earth were 451 in space. Burn it all. Fire is bright, and fire is clean.


If anything, I think it has more character to explore, than "Ooooh, shiny new Gods! I bet they won't eat my soul, sure as sure!"



Idiots, almost every one. And Lorgar is the King of Jesters in my book. (Personal opinion, sorry. The Word Bearers are my least favorite Legion; ironically, I love what they were, just not what they became.)

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Ever read Fahrenheit 451? You should for numerous reasons (including it being Banned Book Week  ;)  ), but in this context, the Imperial Heralds of Old Earth were 451 in space. Burn it all. Fire is bright, and fire is clean.


If anything, I think it has more character to explore, than "Ooooh, shiny new Gods! I bet they won't eat my soul, sure as sure!"



Idiots, almost every one. And Lorgar is the King of Jesters in my book. (Personal opinion, sorry. The Word Bearers are my least favorite Legion; ironically, I love what they were, just not what they became.)


Someone around here made some fan fluff about that a while back I think....;)

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As I've stated in another thread, someone here should be a writer for Black Library doing the "off the beaten path" stuff...

Lol I was joking about my writing I had done for a theoretical force of Heralds, but Heathens stuff on the Proto Astartes blows anything I've made out of the water

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OH! my bad :p 


BUT, that being said : http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/295985-tell-me-about-your-ffg-rpg-characters/?p=3798968


I was referring to this post, among others, that gave me nerd/geek chills and a strong urge to start an army themed about what was written. Yay willpower / lack-of-funds!

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BUT, that being said : http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/295985-tell-me-about-your-ffg-rpg-characters/?p=3798968


I was referring to this post, among others, that gave me nerd/geek chills and a strong urge to start an army themed about what was written. Yay willpower / lack-of-funds!

You should check out that character's continued story in the Liber Cluster (see sig) as the leader of the Sereiki Lions mercenaries. [/shameless plug]

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http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140822121903/middleearthshadowofmordor7723/images/9/94/Shut_up_and_take_my_money.jpgJust write a book Heathens.


Anyways, back on topic, Doing a Word Bearers Imperial Heralds force that remained true to the Imperial Creed would be the only way for me to feasibly create a XVIIth Legion Force.

In the same boat as you are Heathens, I just can't get behind Lorgar, Kor Phaeron and Erebus' religious mumbo-jumbo (might not be what you personally dislike about them).

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Hey guys, so in between building robots I have been trying the truescale marine using terminator legs. Kind if like where it's going and I gave the ability to make another 11 marines with this method. Just a bit stuck which legion to do.


Firstly Alpha Legion is out, a prefer the skinnier version I am already doing. I also feel that the Raven Guard wouldn't work like this either.


My initial thought was to do Sons Of Horus, mainly due to the fact that I was using their parts, but also because of some the cool artwork in collected visions. If I make more of these guys, I will definitely be trying to tap into that early blanch gothic artwork. The Sons of Horus would also be good due to the amount of interesting characters that exists for them. But I started to have doubts, and I started to get enthused about the Luna Wolves. A lot of the artwork was for them, and I can still take the characters before they become the big bads. Or dead. Or thought dead but really not dead, because they are now secret awesome cool...


But white is a bit of a pain, I mean I can make it look good, but for these models, I want it to be awesome. So I started looking at other pre legions. The War Hounds are cool but everyone is doing them at the moment (and I sent my decals of to BCK). Dusk Raiders don't interest me, maybe the XIX pre Corax, but seems to be a lot of people doing that, Imperial Heralds. They could be cool, not sure if they have an icon, and if I do that legion I wouldn't be able to resist the Gal Vorbak, and they don't really fit. Not sure if I want to go full Word Bearers, ends badly last time. Thought about the Space Wolves, kind of like them, and even though they are arranging a-holes I do see a logic in their thinking. But not a fan of the whole man wolf thing really. Don't I would do Ultras, Imperial Fists, maybe, swap the chain axe for a sword, but then, they are a popular army. Salamanders, are sort of cool, but I would want to paint the skin more natural, and then I would get annoyed that I wasn't following the background. So there I am. Any thoughts. Which Legion do you think that model could belong to?

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I was settled for the longest time on Luna Wolves, but I'm really getting lukewarm towards them.  For one, I don't like painting white.  That's going to be a huge issue.  For two, I'd really like to have a little more grounding in fluff.  Sure, the lore is flexible, a group of loyalist Luna Wolves could have seen fighting throughout the HH, etc.


Space Wolves: I've played wolves since starting 40k, and I'm pretty turned off by their new codex.  A return to a more serious form with some dark grey and viking/wolf motifs would be pretty fun.


Imperial Fists, Ultramarines: I dig the heavy legionary/grecco-roman motifs and they look good in some of their darker, alternate color schemes.  I think I am specifically interested in IF here, because they have the potential to have seen fighting from almost the beginning to the absolute end.  I could have a commander who saw unification on Earth, led his troops through the Great Crusade, fought at Phall, participated in various skirmishes and fights while making his way back to Terra, and then stood on the palace walls during the siege.


Raven Guard, Night Lords: I don't really dig the fast attack/strike from the shadows sort of thing.  I could almost see doing Raven Guard, but Night Lords are a definite no-go from their Halloween-store armor deco.


Iron Hands and Iron Warriors: In both cases, I like their tactics, but I find any scheme based around bright metallics to be really, really gaudy.


Death Guard, World Eaters, White Scars: White armor, which I specifically want to avoid.  Also, bikes are absurd.


Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Salamanders: Meh.


Word Bearers: Kinda cool, but they're kind of the arch-traitors of the whole affair.  I'm definitely of a loyalist bent.


Alpha Legion: They're almost-sorta Reasonable Marines, and some of the metallic blues you guys pull off look great, but I'm just not sold on them.


Thousand Sons: The Egyptian motifs are a really unique element in 30k, especially without necrons around, but let's be honest.  These guys are a bunch of sorcerous traitors, schemers, and cultists.


Sons of Horus: The option to stay where I am, with a force that portrays early GC Luna Wolves and potentially a force that stayed loyal but wasn't present at Istvaan, returning to their early GC livery to show their loyalty.  More and more, I feel certain that I want to avoid painting all that white, and I've been set on loyalists, and the only SoH Loyalists there are would style themselves as Luna Wolves.


ECs: One of my friends is thinking about joining in the 30k craze, and if he does it's almost certain he'll go loyalist ECs.  I don't want to step on his toes.



My options are really Space Wolves, Ultras, and Fists, and I already have 40k armies for the first two.  Considering only one of them actually has any rules at this time, it might be my only option.

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well now, I've went and done it again..........got side tracked.   I love the Fist's, I really do. But, I was thinking about an older thread on Ultramarines. it was the one about choosing an army based on a faction that would become a 2nd founding successor.(heathens brought up Orar and the Praetors of Orpheus, I believe).


so, I was toying with the Idea of having an army of the XIIIth, led by a Centurion Lucreties Corvo. 


Corvo would be given a new chapter dubbed the Novamarines, and journey to there new Homeworld of Hounorum.


just like the Black Consul scouring army on here....


whatcha think? kinda on the fence about it. but I like it.

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Daemon, why not go with Salamanders? They're supposed to be the largest of all the Astartes and I'd say screw the black skin and red eyes thing... drow astartes is kinda dumb imo.


Yeah I think it's sort of dumb, but then again, the idea of them being the most monstrous looking despite them being the most human is interesting.


If I did salamanders it would be a group of Isstvan V survivors, ragged, believing their sire dead, although secretly hoping he was alive, on the edge of reverting to the old Fearless ways. Trying to control the fire, not be consumed by it.


I think the other option is Sons Of Horus. I would probably do a late GC force, I like the idea of 'barbarians in the legions' the slow corruption from the Pure Terran Warriors with Cathonian blood and the warrior lodges. The wolf and the rabid dog. And I would really go to town to try and bring out some of the JB (and others) artwork. The Dhekarst Dreadnought springs to mind. Artistically, I am leaning this way.




well now, I've went and done it again..........got side tracked. I love the Fist's, I really do. But, I was thinking about an older thread on Ultramarines. it was the one about choosing an army based on a faction that would become a 2nd founding successor.(heathens brought up Orar and the Praetors of Orpheus, I believe).


so, I was toying with the Idea of having an army of the XIIIth, led by a Centurion Lucreties Corvo.


Corvo would be given a new chapter dubbed the Novamarines, and journey to there new Homeworld of Hounorum.


just like the Black Consul scouring army on here....


whatcha think? kinda on the fence about it. but I like it.

I did like the sound of the progenitors, one of them is in a story in Sedition's Gate. May be worth checking out.
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Yeah, go with darker skin tones. It would be nice to see some marine figures with some variance in the skin color. I'm doing something similar for this guy:




Since the War Hounds recruits were seemingly pulled from all over the place during the Unification Wars, I've decided to give him a dark skin tone like someone from the Mediterranean or Middle East.

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