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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Hey guys ! I'd love your input to help me narrow down which Legion I should start. You guys probably know a lot more about the Legions and the Primarchs than I do and I'd love to have your take.

I really like lots of Legions (and I purposefully won't say which so as not to bias you !), but I would love to find one that will match my personnality and although I have several ideas. I'm an ENTP type in the MBTI framework. Rather than explaining it poorly, you can find more details in the spoiler tag (taken from a website) :

ENTPs are typically friendly and often charming. They usually want to be seen as clever and may try to impress others with their quick wit and incisive humor. They are curious about the world around them, and want to know how things work. However, for the ENTP, the rules of the universe are made to be broken. They like to find the loopholes and figure out how they can work the system to their advantage. This is not to say the Visionary is malicious: they simply find rules limiting, and believe there is probably a better, faster, or more interesting way to do things that hasn’t been thought of before.

The ENTP is characteristically entrepreneurial and may be quick to share a new business idea or invention. They are confident and creative, and typically excited to discuss their many ingenious ideas. The ENTP’s enthusiasm for innovation is infectious, and they are often good at getting other people on board with their schemes. However, they are fundamentally “big-picture” people, and may be at a loss when it comes to recalling or describing details. They are typically more excited about exploring a concept than they are about making it reality, and can seem unreliable if they don’t follow through with their many ideas.

Thanks for helping ! And I hope I don't end up with Legion II or XI tongue.png

I'd say the Emperor's Children could probably fit quite well too actually. "Charming", try to impress others but don't mind cheating to get to their objectives, definitely confident and creative...

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I need help.

  1. I played Wood Elves for 12 years and loved them unconditionally until they died.
  2. I like painting dark blue and do not mind black or white.
  3. I am frustratingly obsessed with being a unique snowflake. 

Legions I am considering -

  1. Raven Guard. Yes - Infiltrate. Fleet. Under-represented. No - Black.
  2. White Scars. Yes - Speed. Fluff. Under-represented. No - Unreleased rules.
  3. Night Lords. Yes - Paint scheme. No - Popularity.

Preferred look -

  • Archaic MKII, MKIII plate (Iconic to the era) 
  • Brutal chain weapons (Iconic to the era) 
  • Single visored helms (White Scars upgrade kit, Ashen Circle)

Preferred characteristics -

  • Anti-authoritarian (Space wolves, White Scars)
  • Neutral (Wood Elves)
  • Free thinking and independent (Night Lords, Alpha Legion, Space Wolves, White Scars)

Unequivocally preferred play-style - Mobile MSU hit-and-run (Wood Elves). 



Help me sirs.

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Well I've finally decided to post here.


I've probably contemplated a force from each Legion with the single exception of the Space Wolves.


My most recent ideas were:

  1. An Iron Hands clan who's leader is left broken after Istvaan V & Ferrus' death, leading his clan into the traitor forces seeking his vengeance.
  2. I was also tossing around a Dark Angels army inspired in part by Ornstein & Smough from Dark Souls.

My only problem is i'm not sure how well i can paint black.


However I am still open to ideas for any other legions. (My MBTI was INTP-T in case that helps)


I was also wondering how many Astartes would there be in a 30k Company or Chapter.


Help me B&C! You're my only hope!

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Hello everyone. It is time for me to look into 30k. I am getting increasingly frustrated with the Xenos :cussfest that is 40k, so I felt it was time to back to a time where the conflict really mattered and had weight. A time where not only men, but indeed brothers faced off.


However, I never played 30k and I have no clue how the armies work there, so I need your help to choose what Legion I want to represent. I have nothing to go on, so I will just tell you about what I like and what I expect the Legionnaires if they were mine. Hopefully that will do :D


I am generally against the game of shadows and dishonourable deeds. I dislike hiding or baiting opponents, or doing mobile hit and run tactics. No, I want to face my opponent in open and honourable combat. No foul games or tricks. That is beneath me. As such, close-ranged engagement are preferred. Not necessarily focused on melee, bust closer ranged shooting as well. I am fine with melee specialists if there are some shooting guys to compensate.

As far as philosophies go, I already mentioned no dirty deeds or trick. An army where honour and duty matters. And above all else, an army that holds its bloody ground, where a solider would rather die than bring shame to him and his Legion.

This is what I need. An army that embodied those noble, honourable and chivalric ideals. Imagine an idealistic version of a knight or in fact a Paladin. Call me idealistic, but I am all about dat honour ;)


On a final note, I would prefer a loyalist. However, I would not mind making a story about a loyal branch of a traitor Legion, if one embodies what I mentioned above. It would make an interesting story. But still, loyalists first :P


Hope you guys can help me :)

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I would rather want to avoid Ultras. They are a bit too generic for me. Maybe this is just a leftover opinion from 40k. However, IF or loyalist IC does not sound all too bad. Why those two in particular?


You said you wanted an army that holds its bloody ground, where a soldier would rather die than bring shame to himself and his legion. This is the definition of the VII. They also have a really strong Knightly feel to them, which was another thing you said you would like. Their emphasis tends towards shooting, but they also have a couple of really strong melee units in the form of the Templar Brethren and the Phalanx Warders.


The Emperor's Children I have always viewed as a Legion of Honour, especially in their loyalist incarnation. But people might not agree with me in this view, so my advice would be to do the VII.

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I have checked out the special rules of Emperor's Children, Death Guard and Imperial Fists, as per recommendation. I discounted IC. They are much more about speed and flashy business. I like the Death Guard. They are tough and unyielding. But a bit too much poison for my taste.

But IF, oh my. I did not simply like their rules. They inspired me. This is as good as it gets. I think it is pretty much settled. Unless DA or BA bring something really astounding, I think I will be happy with the IF, for they represent every little bit of what I value as a person.

Thanks very much for your help smile.png

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Well, this seems the best place to ask.


Hello, I have been looking at 30k from afat for a while, and I have already started working on something, a small group of Early Scouring/Siege of Olympia Thorakitai with Iron Warriors supports, which I will probably post once I my damn mobile phone and only camera I own comes back, but being the mercurial follower of Tchar I am, I have to do multiple things at the same time, and I'm trying to decide between three side projects to do.


One of them revolves around a World Eater Armoured Echelon going rogue and breaking havoc on both WB and Ultramarines during the Shadow Crusade, for reasons I wont spoil because the writing is very much in progress.


The other is a joint force composed of a Terran Tank Division and a force of Imperial Fists on the walls of Terra, but with a twist. They will be a random line company, raised at a really late date and with only one campaing on their backs, a night world they defended from an ork horde. Now, why is the night world bit important? Because they will be wearing Night World camouflage, that is, dark blue. And they will be covered in gore, especially theyr hands and weapons. Exactly, dark blue Fists with bloody hands.


And the last one is the most WIP of them, the concept is still kinda nebulous in my mind, but it mostly consists of a Sons of Horus Reaver company which arrived late to the Siege and found the full scale rout going on. And then they were shot down over Jupiter. Or Saturn, I still have to decide.


So I ask you, help me decide on which one to do first, please.

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Does anyone know how much each legion involved with Isstvan III lost? I know the Sons of Horus are said to of lost roughly 60,000 warriors, loyalist and traitor alike, but I'm interested to know how heavy casualties were for the other Legions involved.

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World Eaters sent about 35-40k to their deaths, but it does not say how many losses were taken in the ensuing conflict.


The Emperor's Children lost about 50,000. 30 was sent down, and it cost 20 more to put that 30 down more conclusively.



The Death Guard sent about 30k to their deaths, but also don't say their total losses. It does say that the Death Guard had more survivors of the initial bombardment than any other Legion.

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Hate to burst your bubble but IIRC the precursor to the Crimson Fists is Alexis Polux's company.

Oh, I know, but 100 marines a chapter does not make, and I'm pretty sure he lost some of them on the way.

Go for it. No reason why there can't be more than one possible origin story for the Crimson Fists, and it certainly isn't like Pollux's story has been told in full already.

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So despite asking before my dilemma has continued. What is my dilemma you ask?


Well every time I come up with an idea for a legion, I play with the idea in my head. Things like who is the captain of the company? What is he like? What motivates him? How does he react to the events of the heresy? After I figure all these out I get another idea for another legion & start thinking about both of these & doubting my first choice, then i get an idea for another legion at which point my first choice go's out the window. Then the cycle continues forever.


I'm starting to freak out as this seemingly simple decision has taken over my daily life & I think I'm going mad.


I need your help to decide on the legion for me, ask me any questions if you think it might help.


Please help me my with my plastic/resin addiction.

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Easiest thing to do is order a bulk army and then decide.


I bought 2 fire raptors a drop pod and some Tactical marines and went hmmm what to do.


Then I developed my fluff around the models. It's easier to stay focused as you progress with the build and paint part of an army. You can easily change your mind unlike actually having the models in front of you

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So despite asking before my dilemma has continued. What is my dilemma you ask?


Well every time I come up with an idea for a legion, I play with the idea in my head. Things like who is the captain of the company? What is he like? What motivates him? How does he react to the events of the heresy?

Perhaps that's the hook for the Captain - how can he react? The enormity of the Heresy is vast to all, incomprehensible to many. Perhaps he doesn't have any motivation, save that to do right by his men, to keep them alive, to find that motivation. It could be a simple objective - find a target and destroy it. Find others and co-ordinate with them to do some good, or if they're traitors, get something that will redeem themselves in the eyes of their peers.


In fact...I think that might be an idea that will help me get back into 30K myself (of course, anything that I've posted above is open for anyone to have a go at if appropriate : )

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Perhaps that's the hook for the Captain - how can he react? The enormity of the Heresy is vast to all, incomprehensible to many. Perhaps he doesn't have any motivation, save that to do right by his men, to keep them alive, to find that motivation.

That . . . actually sounds kind of awesome.

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