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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Yep, Indomitus were in use in relatively limited numbers, but then again all terminator armour was. In a similar way, Mars pattern rhinos (and variants) were also in use, not just Deimos.


Yep, your idea is definitely feasible, but try not to go overboard on the horns and spikes...

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So, with the release of BaC, and a steadily growing interest in HH, I have been pondering what Legion to choose. I wish the models for aæp the legions where out now, as two of the legions I am most keen on (Blood Angels and Space Wolves) have yet to have recieved any love. So I have been collecting my thoughts on what legion to choose.


SoH - Dislike the colorscheme and find the legion a bit bland. Love the models. Horus is an epic model.


Emperors Children - Love the scheme. Dislike the legion. Excellent models.


World Eaters - dislike almost everything.


Word Bearers - love the scheme and the models. The legions theme about religion and faith is very fitting for our time. Interesting Legion.


Iron Hands - love the scheme and the models. Find the legion boring though.


Iron Warriors - excellent scheme and their Primarch is a stunning model. Dislike everything else.


Imperial Fists - love the scheme and the models so far. The legions tenacity and history is also catching. Plus they are on Terra at the end.


Alpha Legion - lovely scheme. Hate the legion.


Night Lords - Not a fan.


Ultramarines - love the scheme and the Legion. Robot Girlyman is a bland model i think.


Blood Angles - love painting red. Fascinating legion. Love that they are good guys. Tragic end, that really speaks to me. Models have to be glorious.


Space Wolves - interesting legion in many regards. Looking forward to learning more about them as legion, rather then chapter.


Salamanders - interesting scheme.


Thousamd Sons - so many possibilities for this legion. Looking forward to that propero book.


White Scars - indifferent.


Dark Angels - boring.


So front runners are: Blood angels, space wolves, imperial fists and Word Bearers.

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I haven't paid any attention to 30K so I'm at a loss rules wise right now. Since I already have 60 FW MKVI troops I'm going to go with Raven Guard. I know I'll have to purchase some more minis and era correct vehicles, but I can sure use some advice on what I should have in the army to make it work on the table. I like the fluff of the RG's "Death from Above" drop pod assault tactics, but at the same time I like the stealthy aspect of them as well. Any advice on how I should plan out Corax's flock?

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Hey folks just a quick question. What are my options as far as commission painting studios in the US? I know of Myles @ Lil legend and he does excellent work but I don't know if he's located in the US.


I'm looking to get a primarch or two done as a display piece/focal point for my armies.


Also, if anyone has a general idea on cost that'd be great too! Thanks in advance.


Really just want to assess my options.

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I haven't paid any attention to 30K so I'm at a loss rules wise right now. Since I already have 60 FW MKVI troops I'm going to go with Raven Guard. I know I'll have to purchase some more minis and era correct vehicles, but I can sure use some advice on what I should have in the army to make it work on the table. I like the fluff of the RG's "Death from Above" drop pod assault tactics, but at the same time I like the stealthy aspect of them as well. Any advice on how I should plan out Corax's flock?

Check out the RG Tactica Thread, Found here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/290168-raven-guard-tactics/ Some VERY Good discussion is had in this one and should help set you on the right track.




Hey folks just a quick question. What are my options as far as commission painting studios in the US? I know of Myles @ Lil legend and he does excellent work but I don't know if he's located in the US.


I'm looking to get a primarch or two done as a display piece/focal point for my armies.


Also, if anyone has a general idea on cost that'd be great too! Thanks in advance.


Really just want to assess my options.


For a Singular Almost-Golden-Daemon-but-maybe-not-quite commission painted Primarch, expect to lay down AT LEAST another 100$ on it.

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So I have two of the BaC boxes, and prior to them arriving I was thinking of doing some Ultramarines. Now that they have arrived I just don't know which Legion to do, but theres a catch. I kinda like all of the Legions...


I Dark Angels: love the knightly aspect and secret secrets about them.


III Emperor's Children: love their pre-heresy lore not so much after Isstvan.


IV Iron Warriors: seige, big guns and breaking crap. Whats not to like.


V White Scars: Scars sold me on them, didn't think much of them before hand but like them after that book.


VI Space Wolves: Just like the wolves in general, being slightly barbaric compared to the other legions and not really caring what they think.


VII Imperial Fists: Stoic, loyal, badass. 'Nuff said.


VIII Night Lords: Didn't think much of them until ADBs books about them and really like them after that.


IX Blood Angels: A legion which has problems under the surface but act fine, also in spare time find other things bar war to focus on.


X Iron Hands: Never been fond of the replacing flesh but like the Legion as an ideal, getting rid of emotions and just focus on ruthlessness.


XII World Eaters: Reckless warriors, kill, destroy, repeat. Betrayer also sold me on that.


XIII Ultramarines: Romans in space, love the Roman Empire always play it when I can.


XIV Death Guard: Infantry and remorsless tide of warriors, and I'm an infantryman at heart as well.


XV Thousand Sons: Do like the ideals of their legion, but don't agree much with their methods. Also like the Acient Egypt feel about them.


XVI Sons of Horus: Really do like what FW did to them, they look pretty damn awesome and are meant to be the best of the Legion's by dint of being Horus' own,


XVII Word Bearers: Didn't like these guys before The First Heretic then found a new respect for them.


XVIII Salamanders: Like them and their ideals, but the downside is they are too 'nice' (for lack of a better word) for me.


XIX Raven Guard: I prefer the Terran XIXth to the Raven Guard they would become so if I were to do them then they'd be a nomad fleet.


XX Alpha Legion: Quite like them due to their whole secret service and special service vib, gathering intel, causing trouble then hitting from all angles.




So theres my predicament, I like all of the Legions to a degree and have no clue which one to choose for an army. So... help, please?

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So theres my predicament, I like all of the Legions to a degree and have no clue which one to choose for an army. So... help, please?

Don't. I believe you can go fine using the general LACAL rules for a mixed-legion army before Retaliation drops (though at the expense of not being able to field special units or primarchs, which honestly kinda sucks for an estimated 4-months wait).

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XVIII Salamanders: Like them and their ideals, but the downside is they are too 'nice' (for lack of a better word) for me.


I think that Salamander "niceness" can be really exaggerated in the fanspace echo chamber. Salamanders aren't "nice." They are just as psycho-conditioned to hate and despise xenos things, to fight without fear or mercy, and to give their own the "Emperor's mercy" if trying to help them recover would be more trouble than it's worth. Salamanders still get all Exterminatus. Salamanders still use "tainting" weapons, like rad and phosphex (they just use it less frequently). The only difference is that the Salamanders have a slightly different calculus when it comes to the lives of mortals. They are more likely to risk themselves and their tactical objectives for the sake of ordinary humans. That's about it. They're still merciless killers and super-soldiers, they just have a touch of nobility, a soft spot for ordinary humans.


You could - and I'm sure folks like the Iron Hands or Imperial Fists have - make an argument that this is weakness instead of strength. For every thousand mortals mowed down by pitiless Iron Hands because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, how many more lives were saved because a campaign was wrapped up with typical Iron Hands efficiency? For every city depopulated by Imperial Fists long-range bombardment from their secure siege-proof position, how many cities were saved the ravages of another decade of war?


That's the point of the Salamanders. It's not that they are "nice." It's that they are heroes. They walk into the fire so that others don't have to, and they do what has to be done. Sometimes this costs lives instead of saving them. Sometimes this involves acts of monumental stupidity, or at least tactical confusion, but they do it, because they believe it's the right thing to do.


Adherence to that code - above and beyond the needs of war - is what defines the Salamanders. Not "niceness."

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If you can spare the 18 minis, sit down and try and paint a line trooper from each.


You'll soon know which one you like!


I would, but I don't think I have the paints for them nor the models. The only spare ones bar the BaC ones are some that are going in my Astral Claw army when I get round to it.




So theres my predicament, I like all of the Legions to a degree and have no clue which one to choose for an army. So... help, please?

Don't. I believe you can go fine using the general LACAL rules for a mixed-legion army before Retaliation drops (though at the expense of not being able to field special units or primarchs, which honestly kinda sucks for an estimated 4-months wait).



That thought did cross my mind but I wanted to have a single legion force rather than a force made up from varying legions.




XVIII Salamanders: Like them and their ideals, but the downside is they are too 'nice' (for lack of a better word) for me.


I think that Salamander "niceness" can be really exaggerated in the fanspace echo chamber. Salamanders aren't "nice." They are just as psycho-conditioned to hate and despise xenos things, to fight without fear or mercy, and to give their own the "Emperor's mercy" if trying to help them recover would be more trouble than it's worth. Salamanders still get all Exterminatus. Salamanders still use "tainting" weapons, like rad and phosphex (they just use it less frequently). The only difference is that the Salamanders have a slightly different calculus when it comes to the lives of mortals. They are more likely to risk themselves and their tactical objectives for the sake of ordinary humans. That's about it. They're still merciless killers and super-soldiers, they just have a touch of nobility, a soft spot for ordinary humans.


You could - and I'm sure folks like the Iron Hands or Imperial Fists have - make an argument that this is weakness instead of strength. For every thousand mortals mowed down by pitiless Iron Hands because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, how many more lives were saved because a campaign was wrapped up with typical Iron Hands efficiency? For every city depopulated by Imperial Fists long-range bombardment from their secure siege-proof position, how many cities were saved the ravages of another decade of war?


That's the point of the Salamanders. It's not that they are "nice." It's that they are heroes. They walk into the fire so that others don't have to, and they do what has to be done. Sometimes this costs lives instead of saving them. Sometimes this involves acts of monumental stupidity, or at least tactical confusion, but they do it, because they believe it's the right thing to do.


Adherence to that code - above and beyond the needs of war - is what defines the Salamanders. Not "niceness."



I probably phrased that wrong, lack of food probably being at fault, want I meant is in comparison to other legions they aren't as brutal or uncompamising as the other legions. Also I thought it was mentioned that they didn't use the Destroyers or their weapons in one of FWs books...

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If you can spare the 18 minis, sit down and try and paint a line trooper from each.


You'll soon know which one you like!


I would, but I don't think I have the paints for them nor the models. The only spare ones bar the BaC ones are some that are going in my Astral Claw army when I get round to it.




So theres my predicament, I like all of the Legions to a degree and have no clue which one to choose for an army. So... help, please?

Don't. I believe you can go fine using the general LACAL rules for a mixed-legion army before Retaliation drops (though at the expense of not being able to field special units or primarchs, which honestly kinda sucks for an estimated 4-months wait).



That thought did cross my mind but I wanted to have a single legion force rather than a force made up from varying legions.




XVIII Salamanders: Like them and their ideals, but the downside is they are too 'nice' (for lack of a better word) for me.


I think that Salamander "niceness" can be really exaggerated in the fanspace echo chamber. Salamanders aren't "nice." They are just as psycho-conditioned to hate and despise xenos things, to fight without fear or mercy, and to give their own the "Emperor's mercy" if trying to help them recover would be more trouble than it's worth. Salamanders still get all Exterminatus. Salamanders still use "tainting" weapons, like rad and phosphex (they just use it less frequently). The only difference is that the Salamanders have a slightly different calculus when it comes to the lives of mortals. They are more likely to risk themselves and their tactical objectives for the sake of ordinary humans. That's about it. They're still merciless killers and super-soldiers, they just have a touch of nobility, a soft spot for ordinary humans.


You could - and I'm sure folks like the Iron Hands or Imperial Fists have - make an argument that this is weakness instead of strength. For every thousand mortals mowed down by pitiless Iron Hands because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, how many more lives were saved because a campaign was wrapped up with typical Iron Hands efficiency? For every city depopulated by Imperial Fists long-range bombardment from their secure siege-proof position, how many cities were saved the ravages of another decade of war?


That's the point of the Salamanders. It's not that they are "nice." It's that they are heroes. They walk into the fire so that others don't have to, and they do what has to be done. Sometimes this costs lives instead of saving them. Sometimes this involves acts of monumental stupidity, or at least tactical confusion, but they do it, because they believe it's the right thing to do.


Adherence to that code - above and beyond the needs of war - is what defines the Salamanders. Not "niceness."



I probably phrased that wrong, lack of food probably being at fault, want I meant is in comparison to other legions they aren't as brutal or uncompamising as the other legions. Also I thought it was mentioned that they didn't use the Destroyers or their weapons in one of FWs books...


No problem - that's definitely true. They aren't as brutal or uncompromising. 


The way it works is that you don't get those squads when you use the special Salamanders Rite of War. You don't lose them automatically when you play Salamanders. This is meant to reflect that although they have these squads, they only have a few, and only use them in some situations, situations where they aren't already fighting at their most "Salamander-y."

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Salamander rules in book 2 say no destroyer squads in primary detachments. But I don't have my rulebook in front of me so I don't remember exact wording.


As for salamanders being nice, I think it is more a case where they aren't quite as callus about human casualties as other legions. But they can still be brutal fighters that do what is necessary to get the job done. They just won't go to the extremes that some other legions will.


My own personal force of Salamanders definitely are on the less noble end of the legion. As survivors of shattered companies post-Isstvan they are a force of veterans that are determined to bring wrath and ruin on the forces of the warmaster. For they know not if Vulcan lives, but his sons shall have their vengeance.

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My own personal force of Salamanders definitely are on the less noble end of the legion. As survivors of shattered companies post-Isstvan they are a force of veterans that are determined to bring wrath and ruin on the forces of the warmaster. For they know not if Vulcan lives, but his sons shall have their vengeance.


Whereas mine missed Isstvan thanks to a warp-storm and have decided to race for Terra, harrying the traitors at every turn, determined to be a bloody thorn in the Warmaster's side for as long as possible.

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No problem - that's definitely true. They aren't as brutal or uncompromising. 


The way it works is that you don't get those squads when you use the special Salamanders Rite of War. You don't lose them automatically when you play Salamanders. This is meant to reflect that although they have these squads, they only have a few, and only use them in some situations, situations where they aren't already fighting at their most "Salamander-y."



This is actually not true. They aren't allowed to use Destroyers, Moritats or Phosphex weaponry at all in any Primary Detachment. This completely precludes Moritats, as the single HQ for the allied detachment is still required to be compulsory. 


So theres my predicament, I like all of the Legions to a degree and have no clue which one to choose for an army. So... help, please?


As a start, prune out any of the Legions you have any reservations on. If there's a "but..." just move on. Step 2, do you want to paint a pretty different scheme from your previous army (Astral Claws)? Or would you not mind something similar? For example, if you don't want to have to buy too many new paints, it might actually be best to look into the IVth, XIIth and XIIIth Legions. If you can narrow it down to 2-3 Legions like that it still might be a good idea to try the test mini method, especially for something like the white on the World Eaters. If you want to try something radically different though, maybe the Sons of Horus sea green or the red of the Word Bearers & Blood Angels would be a nice break from silver/blue.

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So theres my predicament, I like all of the Legions to a degree and have no clue which one to choose for an army. So... help, please?


As a start, prune out any of the Legions you have any reservations on. If there's a "but..." just move on. Step 2, do you want to paint a pretty different scheme from your previous army (Astral Claws)? Or would you not mind something similar? For example, if you don't want to have to buy too many new paints, it might actually be best to look into the IVth, XIIth and XIIIth Legions. If you can narrow it down to 2-3 Legions like that it still might be a good idea to try the test mini method, especially for something like the white on the World Eaters. If you want to try something radically different though, maybe the Sons of Horus sea green or the red of the Word Bearers & Blood Angels would be a nice break from silver/blue.



Don't really mind about a scheme really, and to narrow it down well reviewing my own list would get it to: Dark Angels, Iron Warriors, Imperial Fists, Ultramarines, Death Guard, Sons of Horus or Terran XIXth fleet...


Also I want to do a dedicated loyalist/traitor, not loyal force from a traitor legion or vice versa. With the exception of a Terran XIXth fleet as they could swing one way or the other.

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Don't really mind about a scheme really, and to narrow it down well reviewing my own list would get it to: Dark Angels, Iron Warriors, Imperial Fists, Ultramarines, Death Guard, Sons of Horus or Terran XIXth fleet...


Also I want to do a dedicated loyalist/traitor, not loyal force from a traitor legion or vice versa. With the exception of a Terran XIXth fleet as they could swing one way or the other.



A force of Pale Nomads would be pretty unique and allow you to swing however you need to for narrative campaigns or events. I'd say go for that. The XIXth have some excellent legion rules too, should be great to game with :)

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Don't really mind about a scheme really, and to narrow it down well reviewing my own list would get it to: Dark Angels, Iron Warriors, Imperial Fists, Ultramarines, Death Guard, Sons of Horus or Terran XIXth fleet...

Also I want to do a dedicated loyalist/traitor, not loyal force from a traitor legion or vice versa. With the exception of a Terran XIXth fleet as they could swing one way or the other.

A force of Pale Nomads would be pretty unique and allow you to swing however you need to for narrative campaigns or events. I'd say go for that. The XIXth have some excellent legion rules too, should be great to game with smile.png

Maybe, then I could do a small force of Sons of Horus or Ultramarines later on....

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Hmm, my only problem would be armour marks. Kinda making me want to hold of building my tacs at the moment and see if GW release any Mk II or III amour then mix'n'match, to give that 'exended fleet duties and making do with what they got' look.

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