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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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So despite asking before my dilemma has continued. What is my dilemma you ask?


Well every time I come up with an idea for a legion, I play with the idea in my head. Things like who is the captain of the company? What is he like? What motivates him? How does he react to the events of the heresy?

Perhaps that's the hook for the Captain - how can he react? The enormity of the Heresy is vast to all, incomprehensible to many. Perhaps he doesn't have any motivation, save that to do right by his men, to keep them alive, to find that motivation. It could be a simple objective - find a target and destroy it. Find others and co-ordinate with them to do some good, or if they're traitors, get something that will redeem themselves in the eyes of their peers.


In fact...I think that might be an idea that will help me get back into 30K myself (of course, anything that I've posted above is open for anyone to have a go at if appropriate : )

That's exactly what I did lol. I really liked the rules and idea of the Word Bearers but I didn't exactly gey behind the idea of RPing a religious zealot.


So I went with an atypical Word Bearer: Terran-born, he's largely an atheist, fact which earned him little sympathy among his betters (the Osseous Throne chapter master mostly). Stuck as a Sergeant for a very long time due to this (despite his unquestionable loyalty, he lacks the zeal of true Word Bearers) he was promoted to captain only due to his experience and the legion's rapid growth judt before the Dropsite Massacre. As a precaution, as company Chaplain was assigned a powerful Diabolist (Zardu Layak refluffed). The enormity of the Dropsite Massacre turn his world upside down, but not for the reasons you'd expect.


First of all, Lorgar not only didn't heed the Emperor's warning at Monarchia, but had found himself a whole pantheon of malefic deities to worship. Secondly however, the Imperial Truth was a damn lie. All the gods that were supposed to not exist, and for worshipping whom he had personally taken part in the massacre of countless people, were real...


He simply doesn't see any happy end to the story: if Horus wins, all the soul-eatimg Daemons don't really herald the start of a new golden age for mankind. If the Emperor wins, all the countless worlds that would have been invaded by hordes of the aforementioned soul-eating Daemons kinda blow away any credibility of the Imperial Truth, unless people get silenced on a galactic scale.


Now he's a jaded veteran, fighting not for any kind of greater goal, but because he finds facing the bitter end alongside his battle brothers more comfortable . He focuses all his energy on delivering the best combat performance of himself and his company on the road to the inevitable doom, even delving into Chais sorcery himself (Burning Lore and Daemon allies) as it's an useful tool.

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I'd I am given if they were able to convince loyalists they were loyal they'd become Knights errant, or perhaps be absorbed into the Ultras or such.


They could even fly thier old colours just with lots of aquilla and such to signify thier allegiance.

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I'd I am given if they were able to convince loyalists they were loyal they'd become Knights errant, or perhaps be absorbed into the Ultras or such.


They could even fly thier old colours just with lots of aquilla and such to signify thier allegiance.

Sort of like the silver skulls look suspiciously like iron warriors and hawk lords like emperor's children?

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Wouldn't their 'father-legion' not come for them and either destroy or try to corrupt them?

I suppose they would unless they have forgotten about them. Imagine a legion like the iron warriors with some 180.000 legionares, if they have a small detachment of a 100 marines somewhere in the galaxy there is a big chance they might have forgotten about them or even in the aftermath of the isstvan massacre have accidentally counted them among the dead/lost in battle. That's the kind of idea I would use if I ever get around to making some loyalists from the traitor legions.


There is always a chance for a group of marines to be part of the lost and forgotten. 

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Yeah, Word Bearers are one of the hardest to justify as loyalists in my opinion. Mostly because the slowly killed off the remaining loyalists rather than just bombarding them like the others did at Isstvan.


But nothing is impossible in the 30k timeline.

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Yeah, Word Bearers are one of the hardest to justify as loyalists in my opinion. Mostly because the slowly killed off the remaining loyalists rather than just bombarding them like the others did at Isstvan.

But nothing is impossible in the 30k timeline.

One way for this to be possible would be that perhaps earlier on in the Word Bearers' history (perhaps when they were still the Imperial Heralds) a small contingent of Marines (Company or so sized) were sent forth from the Legion to be the advance force to a planet quite further out from the rest of the Crusade. Contact was lost and they were assumed dead. Spin forward a lot of years and the Company finally returns to the more familiar parts of Imperial space to find out snippets of information about the Heresy...and the extent their Legion has had a part of in it. What their reactions would/could be would be interesting to say the least smile.png

Well, the timeline is less of an issue. As you mentioned, no one can keep track of everything. It is just that their rule set moved too far into Chaos territory and it breaks immersion.

Then perhaps the general rules could reflect the missing part of the Legion, as their ways would be different to the Legion proper due to the lack of contact smile.png

In any case, I have no doubt that someone will grab the ball and run with it! happy.png

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Well, the idea would be one that I had a while back with KDK. Model the Chaos stuff into Holy Emperor Magic stuff. Instead of possessed you have holy-powered warriors. Instead of Daemons you have Angels, Talon of Horus style. Pretty big project, a bit too big to suffer constant immersion breaks :P

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I don't know if this is the place for it, but I don't think that I can buy the Silver Skulls and Hawk Lords suggestions above.


Silver Skulls are portrayed in the lore as being very superstitious, into divination and to practise headhunting - none of those elements recall what I know of the Iron Warriors.


The Hawk Lords meanwhile are stated as being skilled pilots and have a long history within the Ultras long before the heresy. I don't recall EC being particularly known for their flying skills?


But yes, the visual cues are certainly noteworthy.

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Hey guys !


Out of curiosity, have you guys played versus 40k armies ? I've just become sick tonight of 40k and the blatantly OP units to drive sales forward, leading to mono builds per Codex.  I was wondering whether 30k was inherently competitive with the cheese out there in 40k Codexes, because as much as I'm interested in Legion vs Legion, I'd love to play against xenos.

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It takes work and at 1850 you definitely feel the points limit much sooner.


30k lists in 40k can get pretty high up in the tier rankings but it takes a very specific build to do so if youre going after tourney list players. Namely RG or AL balls to the wall Alpha strike.


Otherwise, we can hold our own quite well.


In a more casual setting nothing really beats the first time a 20 man blob furies a unit or you CHOOM something right dead.


Oh and having access to the superior versions of 40k relics is fun too and with no quantity limit besides FoC slots and points.

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Thanks !


I'm just really annoyed that the ony way to be competitive with Marines today is with Grav spam. It's just too good of a weapon to pass and I really feel it's an annoying no brainer to include in lists. Really makes for boring builds.

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Well, the good thing is we have quite a few specialist units with precision shots that might help with the issue. Being able to sniper the Grav Cannon Holder in a squad is nice.


If its centurion (the lame kind) flavored you always have access to s10 ap2 blasts.


Added bonus of your prized tanks usually being able to scoff at meltacide squads barring truly exceptional rolling.

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I don't know if this is the place for it, but I don't think that I can buy the Silver Skulls and Hawk Lords suggestions above.


Silver Skulls are portrayed in the lore as being very superstitious, into divination and to practise headhunting - none of those elements recall what I know of the Iron Warriors.


The Hawk Lords meanwhile are stated as being skilled pilots and have a long history within the Ultras long before the heresy. I don't recall EC being particularly known for their flying skills?


But yes, the visual cues are certainly noteworthy.

I just read up on the hawk lords and you are right. My mistake.


But anyways, I was just trying to point out that some chapters of the second founding or even chapters with an unknown founding could maybe (Maybe) be descendant of loyalists from the traitor legions. It's all good food for thought for making new stories, characters and chapters.

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But anyways, I was just trying to point out that some chapters of the second founding or even chapters with an unknown founding could maybe (Maybe) be descendant of loyalists from the traitor legions. It's all good food for thought for making new stories, characters and chapters.

Well, absolutely brother. Ideas are the inspiration which drives us (or certainly me) to buy ever more models and make up stories to explain them!

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