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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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I'd say go BA. In the context of Heresy narrative, your Dusk Raiders are a loyalist fragment, which limits your options, whereas your Blood Angels can represent any part of the Legion. You can start your Dusk Raiders later as an Allied force.

I agree with this. Plus it'll allow you to bring along knights errant with no issue as the BA are an established loyalist army.

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I'd keep things simple for now with some troop choices. Maybe some terminators or a spartan but wouldn't go too overboard. Rumor is BA will get their rules in February.


So maybe keep half your budget tucked away for if/when they release some legion specific content aside from the upgrade kits?

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Can it be February now... I need to avoid the Heresy until those juicy rules come out so I know what I want to play.

Fully expecting a crazy RoW to shift my perspective to a previously unliked Legion out of left field :'(

With seemingly every legion getting at least one new RoW I foresee a few people making some changes

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So... this is en rt. It begins. Choppy choppy death.


    1 x Warhounds - Gen3:Ferrum Left Shoulder x6 in Frosted Extreme Detail

    1 x Warhounds - Gen3:Ferrum Right Shoulder x6 in Frosted Extreme Detail
    1 x Warhounds - Gen5:Heresy Right Shoulder x8 in Frosted Extreme Detail
    1 x Warhounds - Gen5:Heresy Left Shoulder x8 in Frosted Extreme Detail
    2 x Warhounds - Gen4:Maximus Left Shoulder x10 in Frosted Extreme Detail
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True! Mortarion even comes with infinite candy for persistent trick-or-treaters.


...candy is phosphex, right?




So, anyway, I'm taking a break from my Crimson Sons project and I need to find a new Legion to put some energy into.


Possibilities are some of my previous choices that didn't quite win out of the VIII, and would like to hear what some of you have to say for or against some of the choices. In no particular order:


1) White Scars

2) Dusk Raiders

3) Wolves

4) Iron Hands

5) Raven Guard

6) Sons of Horus

7) Blood Angels

While the Son of Horus in me would love to see you do them, I think the Wolves is the choice for you. Reasons; your 'ground up' design lends itself perfectly for a lot of dynamic, characterful not-seen-in-the-box poses of hacking, swinging, slicing which would be challenging too -- something other than two feet planted on the ground. I've always found those really action orientated poses tough to nail. Another reason; you seem to really despise 40k Wolves, taking every oppurtunity in threads to bemoan their cliched, trite and cartoonish portrayal. Take the fight right to the heart and show how true wolves are done!

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I don't despise the 40k Wolves, but rather what GW has done to them in recent years. Their Space Viking thing wasn't so exaggerated and overdone when I first discovered the game... and I better stop my comments on that subject right here. You do make a good case for them as well, and I appreciate the simultaneous compliment, but it seems that being able to tell a story along with the model building has become part of the enjoyment for me, and right now, the Dusk Raiders and Iron Hands are the ones I'm getting story ideas for.

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I'm either going I legion without cloaks and bling, or black painted XX legion.


It basically comes down to repurposing my non chaosy csm elements into something where I won't have to fight against my book to play different ways.

Need help deciding? Or just waiting for book 6 to see what the 1st bring? Like a lot of us :P

I'm not real sure at the moment. It sounds weird but I need to self examine more. I don't want special characters, or primarchs. I actually think I might just be better suited playing with the vanilla Space marine book, because it has combat squads sternguard, and drop pods and scouts all legal in it and that's kinda what I want.

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So I've been thinking it's time to get into the 30K side of things since the release of BaC set.


Like many others I can't seem to just pick a legion. Now in 40k I play Dark Angels and Black Templars so I sort of want to stay away from what i've done before. (Though I love DA) I do want to stay on the loyalist side though. I like using straight tactics to overwhelm my opponent. DA was good for this because of the the different wings synergizing well. Unlike most of my friends...I love my tacticals and they tend to be the backbone of any list I build...I don't want that to change. 

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Well if you're looking for a loyalist legion that has a solid buff for tacticals, you can't go wrong with pretty much any of the loyalist. It really all comes down to what sort of list you want. Like alpha strike? Raven guard are very good at that. Or do you prefer more killy tacticals? Imperial fists get BS5 on bolters which is nice. Or you could go for tougher tacticals, Iron Hands can whether more fire than any other legion. 

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Hi guys. The time I drawing nearer where I can finally start a 30k project. The only problem is im still undecided on my legion.


I know at the end of the day this is my choice and I should go with what I prefer fluff wise rather than rule wise but the problem is I love the fluff of all three legions im undecided upon.


The three are:


World Eaters

Sons of Horus

Death guard


I'm after a legion that uses mass blocks of infantry with a couple pieces of armour support  and judging by what I've read on the forums these three suit that role pretty well? I don't have any of the heresy books so I cant tell for myself.


Im almost positive I would struggle with the death guard and sons colour scheme but challenges and all that lol.

Anyway my question is what experience have you had with these legions on the battlefield. How did the special units perform, primarchs or even special legion rules?


Thanks guys.

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Nobody does block infantry like Death Guard. Go for them. I'm a tad biased, though.

Truthfully, I paint instead of play anymore so I can't help you there. What I can say is that they are a joy to paint, you get to use oils, and they look stellar.


EDIT- So as to not double-post, everything below here will be a question I'd like to pose to the greater community.


Thanks to Frostmourne and his Project Log thread, I've been thinking about Loyalists. I'd like to do one in the future and now is as good a time as any to figure out which one it should be. I'm leaning towards the Raven Guard and I'm not exactly sure why.


Out of all the Loyalists, they seem like the only ones I don't despise. Maybe a run-down will help:


1st- Dark Angels- I have a Dark Angels Successor Chapter in 40k that sees things in a different light than their parent Chapter. The ideals of the Legion don't match up with me too well.


5th- White Scars- Mongolians on bikes. No thanks.


6th- Space Wolves- Vikings in space! My ancestors would be proud. Here's my deal: I have no problem with my Space Wolves in 40k because, like many, I've toned down the cartoonish aspects of the army but, in the Heresy, I've heard tale that they have a whole different side. Something about being executioners. I won't have a Legion that can't make up its mind.


7th- Imperial Fists- As striking as yellow and black are together, I just don't think this Legion is for me. They are the defenders of Terra, though...


9th- Blood Angels- The Flesh Tearers are dear to my heart. The Blood Angels proper? Not so much.


10th- Iron Hands- As I already have a sizable Iron Hands Clan Company for 40k, eh.


13th- Ultramarines- No. No. No.


15th- Thousand Sons- "Hey!" you yell at the screen, the veins in your head and neck straining with your sudden rage. "They're Traitors!" Not originally they weren't. They got it rough. Anyway, I'd have to defend that idea too much. Although...


18th- Salamanders- Humanitarians? You're a super-soldier- act like one.


19th- Raven Guard- I've seen a lot of signs lately that point me in their direction. Searches yield up examples of the Legion when I'm after Death Guard goodness, they wear black and white, I have ideas to turn them into non-stealthy fighters, etc. The only problem is that I don't know much about them.


Really, I guess it comes down to either the VII, XV, or XIX. I'm very happy with my own Legion as of this moment but I need someone equally tough to combat them in the future.


Any help between these three Legions would be appreciated.

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18th- Salamanders- Humanitarians? You're a super-soldier- act like one.

I know I've written this before, but it bears repeating: Salamanders are only "humanitarians" in the context of the Age of Darkness. By any sane standards, they are still ruthless psycho-indoctrinated killing machines that will commit atrocities up to and including genocide to achieve their goals. The only real differences between them and any of the not-entirely-evil Legions are:

  1. Their calculations re: what they consider acceptable losses in order to minimize civilian casualties are somewhat more skewed in the direction of "throw more Salamanders into the meat grinder!" than "eh, whatever, they're only mortals."
  2. They are somewhat more in touch with the fact that they perform violence in the name of mortals, for the sake of building an empire for mortals, rather than being so caught up in the glory of violence that they do it for its own sake.
  3. They have a code of conduct that does not allow them to countenance the use of some weapons and tactics.

None of this means that they are truly humanitarians. I mean, of all the Empire's forces, the ones I would most want to see arriving to liberate me from my Eldar masters are probably the dragons in green, but I wouldn't say that makes them "nice" or "soft."

I don't think I'm going to convince you, and I don't think I necessarily should. I'm only writing this because you're not the only one reading this, and I think "Salamanders are nice and therefore lame" is a common misconception that I'd like to combat msn-wink.gif.

From what you've written, I think you should wait it out and do Thousand Sons. Theirs is a tragic fall, and a force representing them back when they were loyal would be fun. Also, if the sneak peaks we've seen, their bits are going to be awesome.

Though... one thing to consider is that like the Word Bearers, the Blood Angels had a chapter-based structure prior to the heresy, and by all accounts the Flesh Tearers were one of those chapters... so it's possible that you could paint a pre-heresy Flesh Tearers force representing members of that chapter... just sayin'...

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So, this thread is dedicated to assisting our Legion Brothers and Sisters in deciding on the Legion (or Legions) to choose. This is NOT a "which Legion is best" thread, but rather is a "how can we, as a unified community, help jump start your imagination" thread. 



This isn't pointed at anyone. But, with the influx of new members down here, I feel that this might need repeating to avoid any incidents. Now, In ~60 something pages, this hasn't happened. At all.


But, I feel that it bear reminding just to be on the safe side.


Now, keep at it y'all,



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Thanks to Frostmourne and his Project Log thread, I've been thinking about Loyalists. I'd like to do one in the future and now is as good a time as any to figure out which one it should be. I'm leaning towards the Raven Guard and I'm not exactly sure why.


You're welcome mate. But i apologise to your wallet.

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I find a lot of the fleshing out and personality of the various legions odd or off putting considering their intended purpose. I so like the way that you portrayed the Salamanders Electric Paladin, though I think much of the problems of the heresy would have been avoided if the primarchs were kept in stasis to use their geneseed when needed and recruits were taken in like grey knights (mindwiped of any previous memories)


Maybe take it a step further...and do it in-between battles, Universal Soldier style.


The perfect weapons of humanity, no place for taint to take hold, no guilt. Just the next mission.

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I find a lot of the fleshing out and personality of the various legions odd or off putting considering their intended purpose. I so like the way that you portrayed the Salamanders Electric Paladin, though I think much of the problems of the heresy would have been avoided if the primarchs were kept in stasis to use their geneseed when needed and recruits were taken in like grey knights (mindwiped of any previous memories)


Maybe take it a step further...and do it in-between battles, Universal Soldier style.


The perfect weapons of humanity, no place for taint to take hold, no guilt. Just the next mission.

Without being mindwiped, Marine recruits' psycho-indoctrination is supposed to be so strong they barely remember their past lives.

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How do you stick to one legion? I bought BaC but don't have time to paint it up until New Year, which is a good thing because I keep hopping on ideas.


I'm more interested in lore and the look of models than things like top tier gaming.


So far I've gone from Word Bearers in old colours (almost exclusively on the look of the Ashen Circle), to Iron Hands (almost exclusively on Meduson), to Dark Angels in an Angel of Absolution colouring, to Sigismund led Fists in transitioning to Templars colours, to Isstvan III loyalist Death Guard, to post-Isstvan pre-Molech Sons of Horus.


I can find things I like and don't like about all of them.


I think Death Guard are pulling ahead slightly (until I read whatever the next BL novel is)!


How do you stick with something once you've picked? 

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How do you stick to one legion? I bought BaC but don't have time to paint it up until New Year, which is a good thing because I keep hopping on ideas.


I'm more interested in lore and the look of models than things like top tier gaming.


So far I've gone from Word Bearers in old colours (almost exclusively on the look of the Ashen Circle), to Iron Hands (almost exclusively on Meduson), to Dark Angels in an Angel of Absolution colouring, to Sigismund led Fists in transitioning to Templars colours, to Isstvan III loyalist Death Guard, to post-Isstvan pre-Molech Sons of Horus.


I can find things I like and don't like about all of them.


I think Death Guard are pulling ahead slightly (until I read whatever the next BL novel is)!


How do you stick with something once you've picked? 


Have you considered painting two different forces, so that you could use the out-of-the-box game ? I've heard it's pretty cool, it would allow you to explore two different armies so that you can see which you prefer, and you'd be able to play with non-wargammers :) Plus with shattered legion rules coming out in a few months then you might to field all of them together as a coherent army.



For the moment, since you like Loyalist Death Guard and grey word bearers, have you considered Dusk Raiders ?

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