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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Ok, I sat done to paint last night, experimented a little and went to bed, armour done, feeling good. Woke up today (not just now, have been up for several hours) and I am really not that happy. I just can't ever be happy with the Alpha Legion when it comes to painting. And now all I can think of is the fact I can paint Iron Hands, and I have some good ideas on how to make them more interesting. Both armies will allow me to convert, and both appeal to me.


My Alpha Legion idea revolves around WWI infiltration tactics, artillery, infiltrating light infantry, hard hitting heavy infantry.


Am I being a bit crazy here? If I touch up the messier bits, maybe hit it with a was to darken it, would it look better?


My Iron Hands will be from my own clan, and will probably be a search and destroy order, so recon, and then the heavy hitters.

A reminder of my Iron Hand black



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Well I can probably work out a play style I like with both armies. The Alpha Legion tend to lend themselves towards infiltrating more, but the Iron Hands can weather the storm .


Let's see RPGs. Well ES:Oblivion I played a warrior with a sword and shield, and Skyrim I was more sneak, loose off a few arrows then finish off with Sword and Axe. The Mass Effect games I tended to play with the techy skills, think the tech/combat in the first, and tech/bionics in the second.


Hmmm not really helpful.

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I was also in the same boat as you frost until I decided I would start my own clan this allowing me the fluff room to build anything I want and also to write fluff for why the clan fleet has a contingent of loyalist iron warriors with them. My friend is making drop site survivors who remained loyal to the emps
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Hey everyone! I've been playing Warhammer 40k for many years no, and have been eyeing 30k for a while now. I'm looking to start a legion (debating between Sons of Horus and Night Lords). I have a few questions before I get started!


1. Is there any difference rules wise with the MKII, MKIII, and MKIV armor for the Tactical squads? Or lore wise which would Sons of Horus and which would Night Lords use?


2. Do Luna Wolves have rules? I see transfer sheets under Sons of Horus, but no shoulder pads etc. I really love the paint scheme for Luna Wolves and am reluctant to play Sons of Horus because I don't like the green.


3. If I'm definitely looking to expand my force overtime and play up to 1850-2k, should I buy Praetor right off the bat? Or start with a Centurion or Commander?


4. What would be a good starting buy for a small points force? I'm thinking one of the HQ units, 2 tactical units, Contemptor, Predator?


5. Are Apothecaries worth adding to Tactical squads?


6. What are the differences between the Contemptor and a legion dreadnought? 


7. Do the playstyle of Sons of Horus and Night Lords differ much? I'm looking for an aggressive assault army (but also with some great firepower)


Thanks so much!

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1. Rules wise, there is no difference in armor mark. Its all up to personal preference. Lore wise, Horus equipped the traitor Legions with newer and better gear before they decided to rebel so that they had the upper hand. This could mean that traitors had more MK IV armor than loyalists who probably had more MK III but, again, personal preference.


2. Luna Wolves use the SoH rules, since it was just a name and color scheme change upon Horus Being named Warmaster (IIRC). Shoulder pad wise, your stuck with the transfers. Other than that feel free to go  Luna Wolves if thats what you want.


3. Start with a Centurion  unless you absolutely want to use your Legion Rite of War since preators or other specified IC's are the only ones who allow you to take them. Centurions are a more flexible unit and can more easily fit the force your putting together or you could build the force around the Centurion. A preator is a beatstick. A nasty one but thats more or less all he does.


4. Small points force would be Consul, 2 Tac Squads (size depends on points level. 2x10man = 300 while 2x20man = 500 before upgrades), Contemptor (magnetize the arms to make a mortis of DCCW + range or 2x DCCW) and a Sicarian. While pricier than a Preadator, Sicarians are a tougher unit is totally worth its points, plus it looks awesome.


5. Apothecaries are a near necessity at high points level since they add a lot of survivabilty to your Tac Blobs especially when they're at the 20 man size. Add into the mix augury scanners which more or  less makes deepstriking within 18" a really bad idea.


6. Contemptors have an invulnerable save, Fleet (when not a Mortis) and generally better stats. Sadly, when they go boom you always add 1" to the explosion result :\


7. Both are heavily assault orientated but I think it differs more from a feel and flavor + fluff standpoint. Sadly I don't know much about either Legion so can't help you there.



P.S please, anyone, correct me if any of my points were wrong. I need to know if I'm spouting nonsense :p

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1. There's no difference in terms of rules for the armour types. And lore wise, they'd have used all the armour types so you can pick your favourite or use a mix or whatever you like :)


2. There aren't different rules for the Luna Wolves no, you'd use the SoH rules. But if you prefer the LW scheme, paint them like that.


3. I'd start with a Centurion, I've found legion lists at small points levels quite hard to make so it gives you a little bit more to play with, and they're generally better at supporting the army where as a Praetor generally is just a beatstick.


4. Personally I think that sounds okay yeah. I'm not an expert so someone else would probably give better advice, but I made a 1500pt SoH list which is similar to that, centurion, 2 Tac squads, terminators, contemptor and sicaran.


5. I normally take Apothecaries in my lists, they're relatively cheap for FNP on the unit. It's up to you really though :)


6. The Contemptor is slightly better (better armour, stronger) but slightly more expensive. I don't know if they might have different weapon options, I know the Contemptor Mortis has different weapon options to the normal Mortis so the normal Dreadnoughts might have different options too. I'd only ever use a Contemptor because I love the models and hate normal Dreadnoughts.


7. They differ a little bit, but both are pretty aggressive in assault. They don't have any rules specific to firepower so that would come from which units you take.


I'm doing a Sons of Horus army with Night Lords allies, so I think you've chosen well ;) hope I could be of some help.


Dammit, ninja'd by Slipstreams. If any of our points contradict each other, his is more likely to be correct :)

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2. Do Luna Wolves have rules? I see transfer sheets under Sons of Horus, but no shoulder pads etc. I really love the paint scheme for Luna Wolves and am reluctant to play Sons of Horus because I don't like the green.


The Luna Wolves icon is relatively simple and if you're comfortable with sculpting at all, I wouldn't be too difficult to sculpt the icon on a flat surface then make a press mold of it so you could mass-produce them.




There's also a Space Wolves shoulder pad that resembles the icon, but it has a pattern of jags on it:




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Thanks so much for both of your help! As for the Sons of Horus vs Luna Wolves scheme, did Luna Wolves use the same iconography as the Sons of Horus? Or would the eye symbol on some of the Sons of Horus models look out of place?


Also, which Sicaran? The Venator or Battle Tank?


And last thing, what is the DCCW for the Contemptor? And which range weapon is usually preferred?

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The eye symbol was only really used when they became the Sons of Horus I believe.


My list has the normal Sicaran, not the Venator.


That's Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon, basically a power fist for a dread. As for range weapons, I'd probably skip the multi melta due to the abundance of Armoured Ceramite in 30k. Other than that, depends what role you want it for really.

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Ok, I sat done to paint last night, experimented a little and went to bed, armour done, feeling good. Woke up today (not just now, have been up for several hours) and I am really not that happy. I just can't ever be happy with the Alpha Legion when it comes to painting. And now all I can think of is the fact I can paint Iron Hands, and I have some good ideas on how to make them more interesting. Both armies will allow me to convert, and both appeal to me.


My Alpha Legion idea revolves around WWI infiltration tactics, artillery, infiltrating light infantry, hard hitting heavy infantry.


Am I being a bit crazy here? If I touch up the messier bits, maybe hit it with a was to darken it, would it look better?


My Iron Hands will be from my own clan, and will probably be a search and destroy order, so recon, and then the heavy hitters.

A reminder of my Iron Hand black




I'm digging the black on your IHs. I think the "muted charcoal" looks better than the "iridescent carapace" black that everyone else seems to go with. And are you sure you don't want a side of chemical warfare to go with your ALs? I've yet to see them in Destroyer's black with the new AL shoulder pads.  


Thanks so much for both of your help! As for the Sons of Horus vs Luna Wolves scheme, did Luna Wolves use the same iconography as the Sons of Horus? Or would the eye symbol on some of the Sons of Horus models look out of place?


Also, which Sicaran? The Venator or Battle Tank?


And last thing, what is the DCCW for the Contemptor? And which range weapon is usually preferred?


Most people prefer the Battle Tank (myself included). It is more versatile and the main guns have the benefit of a revolving turret. The Sicaran chassis is very much a "fast battle tank." 


The Dreadnought close combat weapon can either be modeled as a power claw or a power fist, both have a range of weapons built into them. As for the ranged option, most people on this board seem to prefer either autocannons or lascannons. On the Contemptor-Mortis variant, dual Kheres pattern assault cannons are the most common combo. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well...that didn't go as expected. Tried the fists for a second time and I just can't get on with yellow. So back to the drawing board. Got 5 guys built up as Templars but they can be easily amended. Also a fair few mk III guys. Being my favourite armour I want to do an arm of them, plus I have a couple of tanks and Rapiers, plus some Cataphractii. So I'm going to do one of the other 3 Legions from book 3; Iron Warriors, Raven Guard or Alpha Legion. Everyone expects mk III IW, so tempted to do them as Ravens or Alphas. Or possibly NL...either way Alpha Legio and Night Lords are front runners.
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Well...that didn't go as expected. Tried the fists for a second time and I just can't get on with yellow.


No, no, no! They don't have to be yellow!


So, there's this, right?




Why not something like one of these?




It's the fething Great Crusade! You can do anything you want!

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