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Excessus, I love the look of the mixed terminator plates. I want to build a BL terminator army and was wondering how well cataphractii, tartaros, and indominus marks looked together. Must say that I like it a lot!


sfPanzer & Slitth, yeah, I think the necromunda gangs would make great cultists but without adding some height to the current marines they will be bigger. Goliaths would be sweet for Khorne in particular and I was thinking the same thing about starting Escher for a gang and for cultists with big, rainbow colored hair and animal print clothing. Yet goliaths are really huge looking and thanks to the big hair and bigger build the ladies would make marines look small.

Yeah but both Esher and Goliath are bigger than regular humans. That's why a comparison of existing models (preferably newer ones like TSons) with Orlocks would be interesting. ;)

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It would be nice to get some more shots of them. I really think those Orlocks could make for some exemplary cultists for the XX.


I've been thinking of reducing my AL for just Heralds of Ruin and they could use some meat shields.

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Excessus, I love the look of the mixed terminator plates. I want to build a BL terminator army and was wondering how well cataphractii, tartaros, and indominus marks looked together. Must say that I like it a lot!


sfPanzer & Slitth, yeah, I think the necromunda gangs would make great cultists but without adding some height to the current marines they will be bigger. Goliaths would be sweet for Khorne in particular and I was thinking the same thing about starting Escher for a gang and for cultists with big, rainbow colored hair and animal print clothing. Yet goliaths are really huge looking and thanks to the big hair and bigger build the ladies would make marines look small.

Yeah but both Esher and Goliath are bigger than regular humans. That's why a comparison of existing models (preferably newer ones like TSons) with Orlocks would be interesting. :wink:



If you look at the pre-order picture on WG webpage you can see a figure standing next to a dice.

That dice is 16mm tall. so the figure would be around 32 to 34 mm tall with is about the same size a the chaos cultist you can get now.


Now this are just rough estimates and I will post a picture when I get my hand on the figures.

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Okay so they're slightly taller than Cultists, which isn't that bad since humans come in all forms and shapes. It's just the old Marines that don't fit into the range anymore.

I can live with that. :P

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I got that impression too. The Orlock base has all that scenic debris built into it. Switch it to a normal base and he'll fit right in. Another small trick would be file down the soles of hits boots a bit, if you needed. At that scale, even shaving off a millimeter makes a difference. And if done carefully, it's near impossible to tell.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I feel like sharing some inspiration and creativity. I've got many heads of the Hydra on the workbench and thought I'd share some previews of things to come. Do forgive the mediocre picture quality, however. 


Another thread a ways back was talking about Warpsmith models. Well, here's what I put together with a Mk. IV Techmarine, some craft wire, and some spare bits. And the secret to the claws on those mechatendrils? Chopped up lightning claw bits leftover from the cataphractii kit. 



Then comes this 'Helbrute'. I have wanted to piece together the Venerable kit for a long time... so I did. In my mind, I like having the "cleaner" looking Helbrute as a rifleman in the back lines, while his more mutated brother (using the standard kit) is the one charging up field into melee. But that static dreadnought pose? Ugh. But hey, a quick online tutorial here, a delicate use of a hobby knife there, a quick purchase of the Marine casualty kit, and bam! Far more dynamic. What sucks just a little bit is his legs "settled" a bit as the glue dried overnight, thus making the final pose a bit more squat than I intended, but it still looks damn good to me. And I reserve the right to repaint the Imperial Fist being trampled - yellow is a bitch to paint. 


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Techmarine looks good and ready to rumble. That unit could sure use more love on the table! I miss 7th ed Traitor Legions where he could give an invulnerable save if he was close enough to vehicles in his detachment.


Dread also looks great and the yellow looks good, especially when it is being trampled. I had an IF army and yellow was a cuss to paint but now with the glazes it looks a bit easier and smoother. Something like Ushtabi bone followed by glazes of yellow. Mengel Miniatures had a great tutorial. I also like the repose as I agree the "standing and waiting" look is kind of boring, I did something similar with my plastic venerable model just to make it more interesting looking.

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Thanks for those yellow tips. Might look into glazing. I may look into stripping and airbrushing it too. I've had good fortune with minitaire and creatix paints.


I'll be back with more in the coming days and weeks. I have some fun ahead of me with Headhunters and Possessed.

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I personally would love to learn to airbrush. It just seems so much more faster, cleaner, and smoother. I already love that two of my forces just need a rattle-can after primer to get their base colors and that sped me up 100X faster than if I had to paint by brush.


Looking forward to seeing your headhunters and possessed.

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@hushrong: I am far, far, far away from an expert when it comes to aibrushing, but I can assure you that it is very easy to learn (depending on what you want to get out of it). For me, I only use it to basecoat and get some good blends and fades on power armor and vehicles - super useful on vehicles. When I painted up my Renegade Knight, the airbrush was a lifesaver, thanks to all those large, flat surfaces. And it's a good investment - I've ended up saving a bunch over time by using it for basecoating and clear coating (a tube of matte acrylic medium and some airbrush thinner goes a loooong way). Most of the time I'm using cheap-o Creatix paints as well instead of GW pots; their pearlescent line is easiest way I've found to get that 'shine' from the Hydra colors (save for the Forge World method of a silver basecoat with Tamiya clear paints layered overtop). 


It just depends what your needs are. The colors and blue/green transition I like with my Alphas I wouldn't be able to get without using an airbrush, so it's vital. But back when I painted Scourged and just needed a solid coat of Kantor Blue? Eh, it was just a convenient luxury back then, and only really useful on tanks and such. So if you're getting the coverage and colors you need from rattle cans, I might just say stick with those - a decent airbrush and compressor don't come cheap, heh.

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Yeah, I would love to do all these high-end, super detailed paint jobs but I really just want to get paint on a mini quick. I am not a great painter and I am deathly slow. So spraying paint on just propels me by leaps and bounds. And yes, I would love to just spray paint onto vehicles and large minis as I tried doing those in the past with a brush and it was numbing in both mind and in my painting hand.


So far I have been lucky with Tamiya making metallic paints, which I use on my Alpha Legion and my Emperor's Children. That and I stole Kizzdougs painting style for the Alpha Legion.

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Awesome Alphas, especially that warpsmith. Also agree that a good airbrush setup is a costly investment but the amount of time is can save you in the long run is very noticeable, and time is one of the few things you can't buy no matter how much cash you have.


Plus airbrush lets noobs like me pull off the colour shift blue green alpha fade.

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As promised, so delivered. Those Headhunters are done. Well, done in the sense of being painted. Final details on them - and all the fun stuff I'm posting lately - will come in one big batch (with better photo quality). But for now, enjoy the elite of the elite. 



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Hey all, building AL on a budget and not sure what to take to escalate to 1k

So far my army is

Jumppack Lord

Jumppack sorcerer

Cultists bomb

2x smaller cultists units


Then for 1k pts I will add berserkers, and oblits.


Would like to add some chosen and wondered If anyone could recommend a good chaff clearing loadout so they fan deal with the enemy chaff then charge.


Appreciate any advice, very new to chaos.

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If you want Chosen for chaff clearing, I humbly recommend either flamers or combibolters. Infiltrate them with Forward Operatives, Mark of Slaanesh for double-firing Endless Cacophony, and lay down the pain with either a five man squad firing forty bolt rounds or a six man squad firing 12d6 autohitting flame shots.


Salt to taste with VOTLW for improved wounding if desired.

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Scourged, the Headhunters look great! May their actions be silent and deadly! *not really as I just remembered their bolters have two barrels and no suppressor. So when they go loud I bet they really go loud..


Slitth, Your Fallen Lord is off to a great start! Looking forward to seeing what you will do to finish him off.


Relentless Pursuit, Berzerkers would be cool to add since you can infiltrate them, move, and then charge (*correct me if I am wrong here). Hopefully making the most out of their crazy attacks. I am building a unit of my own AL Berzerkers just for that. I haven't had a chance to use obliterators as I had been using havocs like a madman. I'll be honest and kind of shrug my shoulders at chosen. The only nice thing I can think about them is they can bring a bunch of combi weapons and such. So combi flamers to burn out a horde. If they have the mark of Slaanesh you can make them shoot twice with the stratagem Endless Cacophony.


I'm personally a fan of terminator squads with combi-plasmas, with mark of Slaanesh, dropping down and either crippling the hell out of something or outright destroying it. Using the endless cacophony stratagem then lets me try to do it again. Noise Marines have always been good to me since 6th as well. Load up on sonic weapons and just blast things to oblivion.


Just some random thoughts.



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Thanks for the tips!

Torn on the chosen - I know I want to take some but I really want to be running them optimally (my army is low budget - but aiming to be competitive on that budget)

All combi bolters?

All flamers?

Or as I have a cultists bomb for chaff clearing do I go all plasma?

Appreciate all your insights.

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