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Tundaran Knights-73 big update, tree demon, things!

Argent aquila

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Preface: hey guys and gals! I hope to start something new and unique with this chapter of fallen astartes, i think I'm on to something that hasn't been done before (fingers crossed) and wanted to try my hand at telling a story while making some cool models!

the goal of this thread is to breath some life in my concept for a chapter, while creating a story that possibly delves into some of the deeper meanings behind their excommunication by the Imperium, and what the chapter will do to pick up the pieces. ***this will be an incredibly slow updating thread, school is a constant threat to progress.dry.png much like the mechanicus and their standard for progress. ***


Anyway to start off, some history and general back-story of the chapter before we kick off:

name- Tundaran Knights
founding- Raven Guard, founding unsure
current status- ~64 astartes, 3 dreadnoughts, 2 strike cruisers,~15 escort craft, ~1500 adeptus mechanicus allies and mortal servants

Early History-
Little is known of the chapters origins, save what history the shattered remnants of the chapter maintain, what little was known before their excommunication was taken and sealed or destroyed by inquisitorial agents following their heresy. Confirmed as rare successors of the Raven Guard, the Tundaran Knights were hypothesized to be an attempt at creating quicker maturing versions of space marines, while attempting to improve or expunge some of the chapters’ minor gene seed mutations, namely, repairing the inability in the Mucranoid gland to seal an astartes off from deadly radiation or vacuum, as the chapter was intended to be entirely fleet based when deployed. it is unknown when the mutations originally surfaced, but some decades after their first recorded actions in battle, it was noted that the chapter in its' entirety had begun to change from the codex complaint nature it was intended to follow, casualties in war were replaced at a much slower rate than normal, and the appearance of the astartes and their interactions with imperial forces on joint operations became more distanced at an almost immediate rate. Their numbers began to dwindle to just over 500 at an alarming rate whenever Inquisitorial review was called forth.

discovery of mutation-
After the emergence of their instabilities, the chapter’s mutations were immediately chronicled by mechanicus adepts and sourced by inquisitorial agents. The chapter suffers from a pair of unique Mutations, the first causes the Astarte’s to consistently hallucinate that the voices of those they kill remains in the bones of the dead, who torture the astartes with accusations, screams and wails, or other violent provocations. The voices they hear are supposedly quieted when their bones, specifically the skull, of the fallen is taken with them, leading each knight to strive to collect them in order to ease the voices’ haunting calls. From the mindless screams of hunger of Tyranids, to perverse and diabolical thoughts of the Dark Eldar, the minds of the slain that have particularly strong will become ensnared into the consciousness of the astartes for extended periods of time. Most worrisome to the Tundaran knights, those among the adeptus astartes that die can form full thoughts, as though their entire consciousness remains within their killer, oftentimes, whenever a space marine of a traitor legion (or loyalist chapters as well) is slain, their skulls especially will be kept, as their histories and consciousness are capable of being read as readily as a book if given enough time to search. Only with time do the voices of the dead fade, some, like that of mortal humans, can disappear from mere moments to a day after their fall, while others, like the demigod astartes, may not fade for years or even decades after their deaths.

the second, perhaps more bizarre mutation, is the ability to call forth incorporeal beings at will to fight for them. Dubbed as combat familiars by the mechanicus (Bratricka in the language of the astartes themselves) these creatures typically take the shape of animals such as hounds or birds and follow direct thought patterns from their masters, bound to their will, these creatures will fight with an unnatural ferocity to protect their masters. based upon subsequent and past testing held by the mechanicus and Inquisition, they materialize for the first time after the killing of several extremely strong willed enemies that have had bones taken by the astartes. these mysterious creatures remained the subject of high scrutiny by the Ordo Hereticus, unto their designation as excommunicate traitoris.

heresy, the calamity of Ghorenia-
with immediate censure by the Inquisition, the chapters' remaining strength became subject to their command, ordered into increasingly dangerous war fronts to attempt and reveal any signs of chaos taint amongst them. it would be upon the Tau contested imperial planet Ghorenia that the worst of the chapters hours occurred, the exact happenings on the planet and 12 moons of Ghorenia after it was isolated for the Tundaran Knights to deploy remain under tight lock and key by the Inquisition, what was known was that of the factions involved, a full half of the Astra Militarum Khonok 30th infantry regiment along with conscripts and civilians numbering in the millions, a strike force of 60 Iron Harbingers space marines, and an undetermined number of Tau forces. only the blooded Tundaran Knights would be left after a mere weeks' time. Shortly after, the chapter in its' entirety was declared heretics and ordered to surrender to the Inquisitorial fleet under command of Lord Attorro. The resultant fight and chase that erupted as the Chapter fleet sought to escape would leave countless dead on both sides, in the final moments of the chapters' existence, a majority of the chapters' surviving forces would make a dangerous jump straight into a warp storm, scattering the survivors across the nearest score systems with its' remaining allies in the mechanicus. over the next century, they were hunted by both imperial and tau forces that continued to war in the sub sector. the chapter would never reconvene to number more than 100.

current status, a dying chapter of heretics-
the coherent survivors of the chapters fall would number 67, a majority of the 3rd company with fewer than 10 1st company veterans, and of the 23 dreadnoughts that had been a part of the chapter, only 3 would survive to the current era. for 15 Terran years, the Tundaran Knights have been silent, ghosts as dead as their brothers. But the time has come for their return, the siege of Roshen awaits, and their vengeance shall be repaid in full...
hope y'all enjoyed that little intro! i have some images of the chapters' color scheme, dark Jade green with bone/iron trim, and quite a lot of bones and warp tainted armor, but please note, they are not affiliated with chaos in any way. AT ALL. the point i want to explore is a chapter lost to the galaxy, but hungry for vengeance msn-wink.gif

EDIT:October 16th postmark:



Hey everybody! I was decidedly bored in my English class after we finished a 500 word essay, so i decided to get my phone out and start creating some names and designations for the chapters' survivors, the names and titles are Czechoslovakian inspired,  so i thought I'd post 'em and see what kinda reaction they get and any suggestions there may be?   





Vrah- designation of captain, meaning murderer of gods


Vrah Sveratel Kostin     (collector of bones    s-vera-tel koh-stin)

epistolary Cerna Ohen     (blackened fire   ser-na oh-hen )

chaplain Krev Zlodej     (thief of blood    krehv zla-desh)


starovehk- (ancients    star- oh- vek)

Proklet Jezdec-   (the cursed horseman    pra-klet jez-deck)


Rizene Porozky-    (controlled slaughter    ree-zeen por-ozkee)


Nekinecna Nokc-    (endless night    neck-in-ek-na nock)




Squads- (Rodina- loosely translated to family   ra-di-na)


Rodina Opratka                 (the hanging noose    oh-prat-ka)

sergeant- Olsleven Havran                          (blind raven    olz-leven hav-ran)

designation- sternguard squad-7               


Rodina Valecny-Khin                 (war horses    va-lekny  kh-in)

sergeant- Stazena Kral                      (flayed lord    sta-zena kr-all)           

designation- assault squad-8


Rodina Savle                      (cutlass    sa-vleh)

sergeant- Rytir Hnev                        (knights' wrath    wri-tear hi-nehv)             

designation- assault squad-8


Rodina Mehc                     (longwords    mahk)

sergeant-Amarti Zeleza                        (deaths' irons, or chains    amar-ti ze-le-za)        

designation- assault squad-8


Rodina Luhk                       (longbow    luck)

sergeant-Prazden Kalich                    (the emptied chalice    praz-den kha-lick)                          

designation- devastator squad-5/5


Rodina Delohk                   (bombardiers    deh-lock)

sergeant- Urmirnen Voli                           (restrained Oxen    ur-mir-nen vol-i)   

designation- tactical squad-10


Rodina Kahtav                   (executioners    ka-tahv)

sergeant- Boure Nasitel                           (storm bringer    bu-re nas-itel)                    

designation- tactical squad-10



on a side note, i have my first models for the Tundaran Knights in hand, by this weekend i should have more than just a jumble of words on this thread, yay!


target: classification: Adeptus Astartes

           designation: excommunicate traitoris

           priority: alpha-C-09

           name: Sveratel Kostin

           chapter: Tundaran Knights

           current status: unknown, presumed at large in the Imperium

maybe this will spark an interest?


Vrah Sveratel Kostin-

As the highest ranking leader of the surviving Tundaran knights, Sveratel Kostin was appointed as the 1st companies' Vrah after their excommunication and subsequent imperial purging, he would lead the decimated chapter to war years later at the siege of Roshen. When in the field of battle, Kostin is a truly fearsome sight to behold, his strength with his long shafted blade second to none, during actions taken by the chapter, Sveratel seeks out enemy champions, felling them and taking information from their minds after they die. Kostin is a monster of bone and ceramite, with a keen sense of tactics and a deadly cunning to match. unique among his peers, Kostin has the strength to call upon not one, but 3 Bratricka on the field.

The first, and most aggressive bears the monomer The Dead King, taking the form of a skeletal warrior wielding an ethereal blackened blade. The dead king was the first to appear before kostin as he sent his combat blade through the chest of a heretic commissar lord during the battle of Ghrenskall before their fall from the emperors’ thrall.

The second, the reaper of Orfax, is called to its' masters' side particularly whenever hordes of lesser creatures assail the Vrah. The reaper appeared before Kostin as he vaporized countless Tyranid warriors during the fall of Orhgess. With great sweeps of an incorporeal scythe, the bodies of hundreds of Gaunt Bio creatures were torn apart, leaving only dead husks of chitin and drifts of ash in its' wake and allowing Sveratel to reunite with the warriors of his squad.

The final creature came to Sveratel after the death of Captain Verik Khammen of the Iron Harbingers chapter during the calamity of Ghorenia. Kostin came to call it the Wendigo, named after its’ loping gait and extreme speed, the Wendigo manifests itself separate of the Vrahs’ will, and, unlike most of the familiars the chapter has created, the Wendigo is capable of traveling extreme distances from its’ creator, and has carried out many seek and destroy missions against enemy leaders on behalf of the chapters’ will.


Sveratel Kostin:






the Reaper of Corfax


the Dead King


the Wendigo


"the cries of the dying are not but stifled moans compared to the agony of those already lost. I can hear their very minds, their hopes, their dreams, and their hatred of the one who slew them. the bones of the fallen are my burden, and I shall carry them until I end those who ruined my family." - Vrah Sveratel Kostin, personal log

"surrounded by ash and the cadavers of foe and ally alike,our 2nd Captain, Khammen, turned to face the enemy leader. It was a creature unlike any traitor he had witnessed before, its' armor twisted by the hands of their chapter into a horrendous visage from astartes plate, bones had been molded into the trim and pauldrons,inset skulls leered out, seemingly pressed into the very ceramite itself, and the helm of its' wearer held the screaming skull of another unfortunate victim. undaunted, the captain rased his sword and shouted a cry for our emperor, charging forth with boltgun roaring.While the monster replied soundlessly, a lance and wickedly curved blade in either hand, their distance closed, blades crashed, so ensued a grueling, bloody duel. but it was not to last, and our beloved captain fell to the dirt, joining so many of his brethren in death, that was when the knight in sickly green and bone took his head from his unmoving copse, and when Ghorenia claimed one of our greatest heroes." - Recount of the Calamity of Ghorenia based upon surveillance and satellite footage of the duel between The Tundaran Knight and Iron Harbingers captains.


haha, me too! i plan on experimenting with Vallejo game color, jade green and scurvy green to be precise. i have some bone and white colors i would like to try as well and compare to the citadel range. only problem is, with school back in session i only have maybe 4 to 8 hours a week to myself, so finding time is like getting the hay in the needle stack. tongue.png

so yeah, mixing citadel and Vallejo game colors for the first time, after a test marine or 2 I'm gonna dive right in! may be a week or 2 before i can sit down and get him going, so making a story in the mean time is the best thing i can do! i hope to make a lot of similar yet unique conversions to really bring out the dark in the mutation these guys have, and the drafting of the siege of Roshen will be my attempt at giving more depth and character to the chapter. i really want this to be a long running thread, so any ideas and inspiration that y'all can toss out will be more than appreciated!laugh.png

been messing around with some of the vallejo paints, in particular, these:


and i came up with this in a bit of a fit of speed painting:




and some parts of an AOBR terminator who will never see the top side of a table





what do y'all think? personally, I believe that with all the bones and stuff, it'll turn out a little too night lords-y, but i still like the high contrast of the scheme. Maybe some other chapter will come forward someday in these colors......msn-wink.gif

any-who, have been continuing to experiment on colors and so I grabbed the fleetingly short attention of my 12 year old kid brother and asked him for some help on color choice, as he isn't inhibited by the same disability as I.We started making some other colorful ideas that i think look pretty good, for all I can tell:

my original:


bright green option 1:


dark red option 2:


there were a few others, but these were my favorites three...... help!!!!wacko.png

other updates, basing will be a recently burnt forest, the lads over at eonsofbattle made an exquisite 3 minute video tutorial that inspired me (the vid in question- http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?48734-How-to-Create-a-Burnt-Ground-Base), will also try my hand at an ashy finish for all of the models when the story proper begins... msn-wink.gif

Kostin had a weapon change, the power sword end was moved to the tail end, and in replacement, i found a chainsword that was suitably lonely without its' hilt, couldn't resist. lastly, the next target i have in sights, whenever that may be, is going to be an assault squad, or the librarian, preference?

thanks guys and gals!!!

alright guys, got some good stuff this weekend:

first up, i finalized my colors to a black green, using these lads:


second, assault marines/raptors. 'nuff said!

numero uno:




and his familiar and base. (yes it's a fenrisian wolf, i wanted to use eihter the Dark Eldar Khymerae, or the Fantasy dire wolves, but they were all they had, and there are 5 of them, one for each squad member.... so it kinda worked out anywaylaugh.png



WIp on number 2: custom made hand flamer from a bolt pistol and combi flamer bitz, i can make 2-3 more:



wip base


thanks for lookin'!!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

man, you guys are a tough crowd to please! tongue.png

building wise, i've finished the last assault marine of the squad, and a pair of wolf familiars.






also, a base for somebody special, who will be joining the growing chapter as soon as I can buy his master. msn-wink.gif


also, story time!!!


+1 Day before traitor landfall+
    -Day 8 of the siege at Cur-point
    -Iron Harbingers, 4th company, squad Xederic

     Sergeant Darus cursed again as he unloaded the rest of his clip into the small shapes of the pathfinders and their human consorts, sending a handful of them spinning down hill with red mist spraying into the chilly afternoon air, their freshly torn limbs falling into the dirt covered, rocky soil. Warning lights glaringly flickered in his helm, a persistent reminder of the significant collateral damage in the mid-section of his MKIII plate received as a parting gift from a tree trunk that blew apart meters from where he and a volley of grenades met. Dropping behind a deeply seated dugout, Darus reloaded and opened his comm, " Brothers, if you haven't left the world of the dying, respond," he shouted. The comm-link crackled as tau interference and static droned in his hypersensitive ear, moments later, he got his response, "sergeant, to your east! We need cover fire!" Tracing a path with his bolter to the right, the sergeant spotted a trio of his men, the swift footed Raff faced downhill, spitting as many curses as bolt shells at the enemies shifting ever upwards to the top of the outcropping. Barreling up the steep path in tow, came Kalda, much swifter with the weight of his heavy bolter discarded in favor of sidearm and blade,the brutish hulk of an astartes muttering to himself about the frailties of xenos. Last was Orth, clutching the ruined stump of his left arm as he stumbled through the old, thick trees and rocky terrain, his halved red and iron armor of the Iron Harbingers covered in deep chips and las-burns from a close encounter with the Gau'vesa. Opening fire once more, the sergeant shouted, " Raff, what of Urik or Malkors' teams? Have you located their positions?" More static scratched and sparked inside his helm, another string of unintelligible curses." Sir, Urik lies a quarter Klom down to path, he and Nass were caught by those bastard xenos in black. Last I saw of the old man, he was stuffing a grenade into a battlesuits' neck joint." Static cut into his report," Eikar fell on the way here, rail rifle *static* straight through his helmet and killed the damn *static* didn't even see it coming......"  Darus gritted his teeth, the xenos had been able to cut through the picket lines and shoddy defenses the Militarum had put together all too easily, not even a squad from the backbone of the 4th company could keep them all at bay. His mistake in splitting up the squad had cost his men their lives, and the rest of the plateaus' defenses were no doubt being pressed hard as well. The sergeant brought up the map of the area, focussing on his assigned quadrant of the battle line, and sighed in disdain. He could confirm not only the deaths of 4 of his 7 other battle brothers, but of the mortal guardsman, a mere 78 confirmed yet drew breath from the 185 assigned to him before the assault.

Cur-point was seen as a valuable Imperial asset, sitting perched atop a plateau with steep sloping sides, it was an ideal back up landing zone for supplies or troops were the ones closer to the hives and other theaters of war to fall or become otherwise encumbered. While the staging bases' formidable AA defenses were enough to dissuade the Tau from assaulting the area from the air, only a garrison of a few hundred Militarum troops and just Darus' squad were able to be spared to defend the 2 square miles of installation from advances by Tau land units, while the majority of imperial troops on planet had deployed to the south-east into the thickest parts of the war. Taking advantage of the steep, mountainous terrain, the imperials began to expand firing arcs down into the large, old forest that surrounded its' base, the area the Tau would need to advance from. As the battle for supremacy over the planet continued, enemy forces began advancing in the direction of Cur-point with frightening haste, the defenders entrenched themselves further and prepared for a war of attrition against what was known to be an inevitable assault. When the tau did begin their assault, the aliens had made little confrontation against the defenders, the xenos utilized hit and run tactics with pathfinders and stealth suits deploying continually. After making their first head on assaults, they gained a strategic foothold in the lower regions of the mountainous hillside and surrounding forest. The xenos were bound to press their luck and attempt to take Cur-point, or destroy it and the stock piles of ammunition and supplies that had begun to accumulate in the emptied hangars and storage buildings located behind the bases' 15 foot ferrocrete walls that looked over the edge of the plateau proper.

 Darus' squad consolidated ever higher up the steep slope of the plateau, they formed the lynchpin of the defense once again as more tau came at them with their human auxiliaries. The perimeter held fast after a further push upwards. The Tau had finally reached the true defensive lines erected by the imperials, barely 100 meters down hill from the walls themselves.  There, in the trenches dug into the rocky terrain, they withstood periodic assault from pathfinder teams, sniper fire kept their heads low, and the lone identified stealth team that had dispatched Urik and Nass continued to plague the Eastern slopes. As the determined time of reinforcement via Valkyrie drop drew near, hope for much needed reinforcement seemed increasingly plausible. That was, until the screeching cacophony of plasma hurtling down from the sky threw the defenders into a bright white hellfire.

I'm loving this. Kinda curious as to why and how the Chapter turned traitor and if that was all a mistake. I can't wait to see more of the models. The story element is awesome, don't stop with that.

thank ya much! i just hope i can write to a degree that is beyond rhetorical anlysis and pursuasive essays, because that's what's getting shoved down my throat constantly in school as of late...dry.png In fact the last chance i had to do free writing in school was 2 years ago, wish they'd bring it back.

next up on my wishlist is a dreadnought and a librarian, trying to think up some extensive conversion ideas to really make them stand out from the usual, but it's hard being on a miniscule budget with even less time.wacko.png

On another note, I didn't realize that I have the day off today, so maybe an assault marine might find paint on him enough to post... :D

Let there be COLOR!!!

brother Ravoun Horam (roaring thunder)







with his familiar, Hwigyr


also, personal heraldry for 67 space marines? bring it on!


WIP Kostin


not going to have him done today, it'll be next sunday at best sad.png

Thanks everybody, critiques are encouraged, let me know whatchya think!

(sorry about teh horrible photos, that's the best i can do)

Eh, I didn't need to study for the PSAT anyway....



+night of traitor landfall+
    -Day 9 of the siege at Cur-point
    -Tau stealth team detachment, designated "Silent retribution" and "Brilliant Sun"

Shas 'ui ka dyre of the tau was blinded. At least, blind to the burning world about him outside of the war suit encasing his torso. The team lead was groggy and an easy target, prostrate and still on the hillside as he was. It had been his choice to call the sun shark bombers on the hillside in spite of the heavy set hydra tanks that lurked behind the enemy walls, a worthy sacrifice to end the futile attempts of resistance against the greater good. The xenos grunted as his stealth suits' systems came fully back online, getting up from the burnt, blackened earth, the team lead powered on his comms, hearing only heavy static. The Imperials would go so far as to sabotage their own ability to communicate, just to inhibit their enemies by a marginal degree? The xenos smirked, he'd come to hold respect for some among the humans, inferior as they were to the true scions of the galaxy. Ka dyre took lurching steps along the hills contours, searching for signs of friendly units or enemy targets. Lifting the heavy burst cannon attached to his suits' out rigging, he turned the bulk of the stealth suit from side to side to better survey the moonlit hill-scape through his suits' complex sensors. During the bombing, he'd been thrown a good ways downhill from the rest of his team, who'd been at the designated safe zone, a deep, natural steppe in the side of the plateau that had recently been removed of its' prior occupants as they gawked and attempted to scramble away from the Xenos, the regular guardsman were scythed down quickly. A pair of the humans' god-warriors had attempted to regroup the defenses, but they too died to the cyclic spinning weapons of the stealth team. After taking shelter as best they could from the incoming firestorm, the quartet of sun sharks were called into final position to make their assault.

With the aid of the thrusters attached in his suit, Ka dyre moved along the slope. Glancing at the tactical redoubt, the Tau noted how poorly his teams' formation was laid out. Spread apart as they were, any human could stumble in between them and raise unwanted attention while the silent retributions' trio of warriors regrouped with their sister troupe. Boosting upwards one final time, the team lead landed in the middle of the opening, blacker than it should have been. He was unprepared for what met his eyes. The blood still mixed indiscreetly with the heavy ashes that fell in blankets from the bleak, gray sky, it dripped and pooled beneath the rocks amongst cracked chunks of blasted ceramite, charred, blackened flesh, and the smoldering remains of the ancient taiga forests that occupied the planets' northern continent. Amidst the ruin of the imperial defenders, death had certainly stalked the newly buried corpses of the xenos, humans, and gods alike. As the lone soldier stalked forwards wearily, his suits' multi-faceted eyes focused and magnified the torn, bloodied stealth armor and identified each of them. Ko' al laid in a heap, omni sensor eyes torn out from their pivoting socket along with a large portion of his cranium, Savva was spread about piecemeal nearby, his burst cannon and the arm that bore it lay under a tree, meters away from the top half of his torn apart, decapitated, steaming corpse. Ru'da, the teams' only female, had little left to show of herself, bar the blasted shape of her left leg and most of her right hoof. The veteran warriors' heart fell when he spotted his second, brave Ka' lys of their sister team, brilliant suns, splayed at the foot of a still burning tree, large portions of his upper torso still smoldered and stank of promethium, and the armor cowling covering his upper torso had melted and flaked away to reveal charred blue flesh and a half cremated, headless body. Sho' tun and Mekii of brilliant suns were nowhere to be seen, their locaters not on the map display in his suits feedback systems, with luck, they hadn't shared their comrades' fates... 


his eyes grew wide in a moment of deja-Vu. He turned to leave, down towards friendly lines with all haste. Deep in the back of his mind, he still saw the after action reports of Ghorenia, the Pict captures of mutilated corpses, all without heads. he saw their most advanced battle-suits and tanks blown apart or melted to into unrecognizable blackened husks. Had he been on planet after they were cut off from extraction..... But this couldn't be the work of those same monsters, those things that killed humans and xenos, slayers of mortal and god.......the knights who brought with them death and black, oily fire................... could it?

Raptors in trees? I'm sold. Really though, love the poses on those minis and the forest-fire look to their bases. Your basing in general is excellent, some really nice work here.


Liking the chapter in general a lot so far, looking forward to seeing more backstory on them. I like the Czech-inspired names and ranks, too.

@00branchow-thank you! i really gotta get all the background sorted out, not exactly sure where to go, so hoping to pick a path sooner or later!

@deathspectresergt7- thank you kindly!

@A Kvlt Ghost- thank you sir! i haven't ever seen anybody actually taking the raptors off of their little bases, i feel that after those 5 guys are made, any more would look like a copy paste... so taking them off gives one more freedom to pose.

Picturing these guys jumping around, crashing into trees and throwing prometheum all over an already burnt up forest, wicked cool! (guess Boy Scouts really did bring out the Arson in me. tongue.png )

glad you like the names, I still have google translate open with a whole list of words as inspiration.msn-wink.gif

@kizzdougs- glad you like him! i actually got lucky with his skull helmet, with the extra cairn wraith heads lying about and a cut apart vanilla marine head sitting in a bitz box, i experimented, and boy am i happy with the results, he'll be finished painting wise this weekend, as i don't have any (cross my fingers) major impediments in the way. biggrin.png

Y'all be ready for a load of other stuff, I intend to get the whole 67 done, which I have to admit is a bit ambitious for a broke 16 year old.... but hey, set the bar high and aim higher!

  • 2 weeks later...

Long time not post!


+night of traitor landfall+
-Day 9 of the siege at Cur-point

-Iron Harbingers' company champion Cryst Kallin, alone and separated from squad Xederic on the North face of the Plateaus' defenses

The charred world spun about underneath him as he turned, Kallin used his blasted shield to cover himself from the seemingly endless pulse fire, and the gleaming power sword flared as it bisected another Tau above the waist, its' dying screams cut short by the frthe occasional blast from a grenade.

"damnable vermin! come and face your death!" the company champion bellowed through a damaged vox-grille.

He continued to turn in an increasingly maddened and desperate attempt to stop the waves of incoming fire, the shield continued to crack as incoming shots seared and blasted away portions of its' ceramite bulk. with the aid of his helm, the space marine found the enemy leader by designation of stripes along its' helm, and charged without hesitation towards the xeno. its' comrades intensified their fire and moved to aid their leader as the hulking mass of humanity closed on his prey. As he fought, the tearing roar of a chainsword and the mulching crunches that ensued caught Kallins' notice as he forced the hardened adamantium length of his sword through the chest of the Xenos sergeant, its' grasping arms pushing uselessly against the hilt of the blade as it dug further through him and the fallen trunk of the tree it sprawled against. The handful of pathfinders that had not been slain by Kallin or his reinforcement had fled downhill,no doubt to come back at another time and attempt to make it further than they had previously.

Kallin stood slowly, removing the humming sword from its' last victim as he did so,

" Brother, you have my gratitude. I hadn't expected any aid because the auspex remained empty of iden......"

the bright blue-white tip of a power sword cut him off as it severed his left leg above the knee. The following blast from a combi-melta atomizing most of his right side between the ribcage and his elbow. As he fell to the ashen floor of the dead forest, his darkening eyes met with the screaming skull face of an astartes helm twisted by the work of immortal hands.

staring upwards at his murderer, Kallin recognized the yellow stained bone trim and the black-green of its' plating. It let the modified boltgun held in a claw tipped combat glove fall to the ground, and withdrew a wickedly curved blade from the magnetized thigh plate on his left.

the speakers in the skulls' mouth crackled into life, reeking of the contempt and hatred of an embittered soul.

"you are no brother of mine. Vermin."

With that, Sveratel Kostin plunged the beheading blade deep into the Loyalists' neck, and went about the task of removing it from the previous owners' corpse. He could already hear the death thoughts of this one, angered and un-mollified, as they echoed in his own mind. Kallins' voice would join several others that crowded for his attention, ceaselessly pleading, threatening, or muttering pointless notions and accusations to the only thing that could hear him.

barely finished with his well practiced art of head taking, a gaggle of imperial guard stumbled into view, one that was surveying the area glanced down along the ridge line to see the kneeling space marine and his kill. The mortal barely had time to yelp to his fellows before Kostin was leaping forth, the dual headed glaive arcing behind him while he held his be-headers blade in an upturned grip. As he advanced, the form of a grey black skeleton charged forth from mists that oozed from the skull set into the astartes' helm, and the dead king charged with its' master to ruin their foes.











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