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Tundaran Knights-73 big update, tree demon, things!

Argent aquila

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Haha, go for it, i'd love to see whatchya got! laugh.png

It was originally just the aspiring champion axe with the head removed and sword put on the front, but then i saw the sternguard chainsword lying there needlessly, it was calling my name, i say! It had to be done! tongue.png

EDIT: yay for page 2!

+morning after traitor landfall+
-Day 10 of the siege at Cur-point
-Darus of squad Xederic, Cur-Point Bastion/ Shas 'Ui Ka Dyre of the Tau, outside the walls of Cur- Point

"We're finding ourselves quickly running out of options, captain. The defenders remaining have pulled back to the compound proper. Half my men lay dead, and Kallin's disappeared. I ask that you send reinforcements. I repeat, Cur- Point will fall unless we receive aid soon."

The vox channels crackled and died as static overpowered the comms arrays once again. Stepping away from the array receiver, the sergeant took up his chainsword from its' resting place against the wall and strode out into the open compound proper. Guardsmen arrayed around the outer walls fired out into the hillside, intermittently, a strafing of pulse fire would send a man sprawling down to the ground a mans' height below. the turrets mounted at the tops of the walls periodically kept the enemy at bay for the most part,the heavy autocannon and their hardwired servitor pilots proved to be the saving grace of the compounds' defenses. Because their ammunition stores remained nominal, the chances of survival were viable, so long as enemy battlesuits remained out of the picture and the pathfinders outside the walls.

Taking position with the mortals and the remainder of his squad on the walls, Darus opened fire once more with his bulky Boltgun out into the Xenos who dared throw themselves at the will of the Emperors' own. He'd kill them all, he swore to himself. For his honor, for his brothers who lie dead, for his chapter, and for his Emperor.

the Tau seemed desperate, their assault reckless yet agile. They encircled the compound walls, staying behind the cover of black trees and burning timbers. Tirelessly, nearly a hundred pathfinders and a dozen stealth pattern suits continued to harry the steep walls and their erstwhile defenders. But their fiery assaults were running out of fuel.

Ka Dyre had given up on his sister team of battlesuits and returned to lead his men from the front. It was under his command they attempted a forced capture of the imperial base, an increasingly nagging sense of failure and death continued to howl in the back of his mind, and forced him to act with little deep thought on his commands. In all his years under the Greater good, his Greater Good, never had fear gripped him as it had when he witnessed the ruin of his comrades, blasted and torn asunder. But they were not alone in their suffering, the human soldiers and even their gods died messily to the monsters that he suspected hunted them all. They were slain not by the guns of the Tau, nor the explosive rifles and las-guns of the imperials, but by the blades of another, more sinister force.

The Tau had to hurry, not only was the base a notable prize, but Ka Dyre realized that the position he and his men were corralled into was that of a spear stuck between a fortress wall and an open minefield. The teams he'd sent to manually call for reinforcements from their main holdings to the north never made it past the plateau basin, piranha transports bearing messengers were reported destroyed, their riders torn apart in a bloody fashion, every time, no witnesses lived to recount their assailants. But the Tau sergeant was sure, it was the dreaded knights of Tundara, the bloody reapers of the green world Ghorenia, that assailed them.

"Fire teams Epsilon C,D, and H, withdraw now and regroup at my position, prepare to assault the wall section designated X-0122-C as the pathfinders have removed several of the defensive turrets on the walls. Make haste kinsmen, for the Greater Good."

Ka Dyre pushed off the ground and sped ever higher into the torched treeline to rendezvous with his men, the nine of them would be enough to properly assault the weakened position and bring a swift end to their primary threat. Leaving the hidden astartes the only enemy. Wherever they were, he vowed to avenge his brothers in arms, and survive to warn his superiors of their threat to wipe them out before their actions proved harmful to the Greater Good of the Tau.

In orbit on the dark-side of the planet, the Iron Harbingers escort craft burned, releasing the cargo it carried in its' belly, a trio of stormtalons and a stormraven, the damaged vessel turned and flared its' warp drives as the Tau interceptors continued to fire at its' bulk, ignoring the low orbit fliers that screamed earthward. aboard the fell retribution, all was hushed bar the replayed recording of an astartes' plea. the six figures aboard the carrier and the hulking mass of adamantium and ceramite dangling from the rear of the assault craft had come to liberate their brothers from a death to foul xenos. Peering out amongst the ironclad veteran squad, was the gray and red form of Chaplain Thirick the cursed. Adamantium claws dug into the metal decking of the retribution as he muttered low litanies to the chapters' ancestors and their emperor, seals of purity and long lines of text scrawled script draped from the huge ceramite clad form of the space marine keeper of sanctity. Upon his wrist, the dreaded drake claw began to glow in anticipation as its' wielder readied in mind and body for bloodshed, in the other ceramite clad fist, a chain sabre bathed and sanctified in tyranid blood began to rumble in hungry anticipation for xeno blood.








after some self deliberation and much internal shouting, i've decided to migrate a previous model over into the story of the Tundaran Knights and their gallant foes. Meet Chaplain Thirick The Cursed.

more on him soon.

C & C is deeply appreciated!

*breathing intensifies*

Haha, go for it, i'd love to see whatchya got! laugh.png

It was originally just the aspiring champion axe with the head removed and sword put on the front, but then i saw the sternguard chainsword lying there needlessly, it was calling my name, i say! It had to be done! tongue.png

EDIT: yay for page 2!

alas, my converting and greenstuffing skills are terrible, but i oughta have a shot for a conversion comp at my local GW (use him in my BA army when the new codex hitsbiggrin.png )

  • 2 weeks later...

micro midweek update time!

Still loving the stories, and the models themselves are awesome. Keep going.


*breathing intensifies*

alas, my converting and greenstuffing skills are terrible, but i oughta have a shot for a conversion comp at my local GW (use him in my BA army when the new codex hitsbiggrin.png )

feel free to post whatever ya get here if ya want, i'd love to see another take on an idea i came up with biggrin.png

busy busy busy, between outside life and several different modelling projects, my life is as frazzled as it ever has been in my 16 years planetside! wacko.png

more on the way, finished what i had based on the chaplain, pretty happy with him bar his uneven white-grey, brush marks are my bane at the moment. Post coming this weekend with some (hopefully good) writing.........

safe travels and happy days to all!


thought of the day:

suffer not the alien to live




Looking forward to that post. And I honestly thought you were waaaay older than sixteen. I've been breathing an extra two years more than you and I haven't come up with anything nearly this good. Kudos to you sir, you have inspired me. Thinking of my own fluff and modeling ideas now.

Looking forward to that post. And I honestly thought you were waaaay older than sixteen. I've been breathing an extra two years more than you and I haven't come up with anything nearly this good. Kudos to you sir, you have inspired me. Thinking of my own fluff and modeling ideas now.

thank you very much!

I've been into modelling and the likes since '07 methinks, some really cool inspiration was this series of books that i read in 8th grade http://www.images-booknode.com/book_cover/1463/full/leviathan,-tome-1---leviathan-1462562.jpg which prompted a bunch of scratch-building and years of fun.biggrin.png

point me in the direction of any thread you start, I'd love to see your work!

Anyway, as promised i have here some more work. as far as modelling goes, i just got all of my stuff that hasn't yet been painted washed and it will be primed hopefully tomorrow....

got distracted between a fantasy Gyro-copter asking to be built and a bunch of marines from my other, more loyal, chapter of space marines known as the Scythes Draconia, who will be making a return, eventually......

as for finished stuffs:







::::Nit Picks::::

What i liked:

-the conversion itself, really like the Deldar lower faceplate for some reason...

-the metal painting, but anyone can do that.dry.png

-the parchments and purity seals, need writing though

-red edge highlighting i am very proud of in certain areas.

What i didn't:

-the gray shows too much as far as brush strokes, need to get better at that, or get better with an airbrush

-power weapon is a bit Gaudy, would like to practice more on that for future models, make it a smoother transfer from dark to light

-lack of the rest of his model, ie. jump pack and chainsword arm.

-mismatched eye shaping over the blue glowing effect.

My fluff got shot to hell by a bad computer crash.... i'll make up some more and have it Wednesday-ish, fingers crossed.

Have a nice morning/day/afternoon/evening/night everybody!

thank you very much!

I've been into modelling and the likes since '07 methinks, some really cool inspiration was this series of books that i read in 8th grade http://www.images-booknode.com/book_cover/1463/full/leviathan,-tome-1---leviathan-1462562.jpg which prompted a bunch of scratch-building and years of fun.biggrin.png

point me in the direction of any thread you start, I'd love to see your work!

Will do. Need to get through this term o' community college first, and some money for paints.happy.png

Interesting take on your background there. I'm a bit lost on their loyalties at the moment though. It seems they're still loyal to the Emperor, but due to their persecution by the Inquisition they're forced to take to piratical endeavors? It does seem clear in your story with the Tau assaulting the Imperial base that your Marines are opposed to both the Tau and the Imperials, also the space scene then seems to point towards your boys moving equipment from the Iron Harbinger's ship which made me think pirate. I could just be following that wrong though.


I'm digging your Chappy there, I'm considering converting a Chaos warrior that I picked up into a 'hero' model (possibly a chap) for my loyalist so your title drew me in. The grey/white on him is very distinct given their propensity for black armor and the lash? is also an oddly fitting look for a Chaplain, I can totally see him literally whipping the boys into a gloriously ZEALOUS frenzy. 


As for the paint, it looks like the bulk of your armor was put on in too few coats really. Especially with the lighter colors like white you really need to build the color up in small steps and be sure to thin your paints a bit so that the brush strokes can settle down. I don't stick to any set formula for paint to water like some people do but I would guess at roughly 3:1 paint to water, that gives it some substance still and allows it flow more smoothly. Each brand of paint is different though so play around with different thinning techniques if you haven't already. There are not many light colors in my army right now, but a few examples of white:










The shoulder pads on these guys have a cool base coat starting with a dark grey then a light grey, over that are 3-4 coats of thinned down white to get the right consistency. The key there is letting the coats dry completely, if you try and do too many with out it drying you can wipe off some lower layers leaving you with odd holes that are a pain in the butt to clean up. 


The plasma gunner is one of my more recent guys with the purity seals and tabards done starting from a dark brown then working up from there with a light brown then a couple layers of a light flesh color and final highlights in a plain white. I switched to this because the warmer tone feels better on cloth and parchment imo. 





At any rate I like what you have here and I'm looking forward to seeing more. :) $.02

I like your czechoslovakian names

even though they´re bit changed comparing to M2 reality, I imagine they should look/sound something like that in the far future :)

also raptors are nice and I found your conversions to be great

Will do. Need to get through this term o' community college first, and some money for paints.happy.png

oh,wacko.png best of luck to ya!

Interesting take on your background there. I'm a bit lost on their loyalties at the moment though. It seems they're still loyal to the Emperor, but due to their persecution by the Inquisition they're forced to take to piratical endeavors? It does seem clear in your story with the Tau assaulting the Imperial base that your Marines are opposed to both the Tau and the Imperials, also the space scene then seems to point towards your boys moving equipment from the Iron Harbinger's ship which made me think pirate. I could just be following that wrong though.

I'm digging your Chappy there, I'm considering converting a Chaos warrior that I picked up into a 'hero' model (possibly a chap) for my loyalist so your title drew me in. The grey/white on him is very distinct given their propensity for black armor and the lash? is also an oddly fitting look for a Chaplain, I can totally see him literally whipping the boys into a gloriously ZEALOUS frenzy.

As for the paint, it looks like the bulk of your armor was put on in too few coats really. Especially with the lighter colors like white you really need to build the color up in small steps and be sure to thin your paints a bit so that the brush strokes can settle down. I don't stick to any set formula for paint to water like some people do but I would guess at roughly 3:1 paint to water, that gives it some substance still and allows it flow more smoothly. Each brand of paint is different though so play around with different thinning techniques if you haven't already. There are not many light colors in my army right now, but a few examples of white:

The shoulder pads on these guys have a cool base coat starting with a dark grey then a light grey, over that are 3-4 coats of thinned down white to get the right consistency. The key there is letting the coats dry completely, if you try and do too many with out it drying you can wipe off some lower layers leaving you with odd holes that are a pain in the butt to clean up.

The plasma gunner is one of my more recent guys with the purity seals and tabards done starting from a dark brown then working up from there with a light brown then a couple layers of a light flesh color and final highlights in a plain white. I switched to this because the warmer tone feels better on cloth and parchment imo.

At any rate I like what you have here and I'm looking forward to seeing more. smile.png $.02

firstly, thank you for the detailed response, it really helps me out, hearing what other people think about my work. biggrin.png

as far as their loyalties go, they have no allegiance to any other then themselves and their comrades in arms (small guard unit, mechanicus, chapter serfs). they were never well liked, as they were discovered to be slitghtly...... deranged because of their gene-curses, and quite indifferent towards collateral damage (a necessity for any ruthless psychopathic chapter IMO) Since their excommunication, they've been hunted mercilessly for their horrific actions at Ghorenia, in which the chapter was ordered under Inquisitorial jurisdiction to make planetfall after the entire planet had been blockaded from both Imperial and Xenos fleets. Under the watchful eye of a quite Pompous unnamed Inquisitor, they were ordered to wipe out the Tau (somewhere near 2500) that had been left behind by the retreating xenos fleet, working in conjunction with the leftover Militarum and Space marines of the Iron Harbingers chapter. in short, censored.gif happens and the chapter ends up massacring EVERYONE, leading to their declaration as traitors and subsequent hunting by both sides.

they quickly made themselves scarce after being hunted mercilessly, and resorted to small accounts of piracy amongst the sectors' fringes by necessity. The attack on the Harbingers' dropship was conducted by small, human piloted void-craft and a clutch of drop pods fired into its' side full of 2 Tundaran Knight assault marine squads. several filled with explosives instead. hope that cleared the air for ya!

the chaplain i wanted white because it was different from my usual gunmetal, black green, or gray that i tend to use all the time, wanted to experiment as best i could! It is indeed a lash/claw combo, if i ever do play, it'll be a power weapon, and OMG i didn't think for him to use it on his own men, that's hilarious!laugh.png

thanks for the painting tips, i will concede that i attempted to cover it all in 3 semi watered down layers of ulthuan gray over a white base. didn't feel too too bad for a second time ever painting really large areas a lighter color.....practice practice practice i suppose.tongue.png

I like your czechoslovakian names

even though they´re bit changed comparing to M2 reality, I imagine they should look/sound something like that in the far future smile.png

also raptors are nice and I found your conversions to be great

ya some of the names just didn't sound right direct from google translate, so i changed the letter around abit to make them sound cooler, i also love the German-esque Czechoslovakian accent, and a bunch of crazy psycho marines speaking Czech, AWESOME. (IMO)

thanks again everybody!

Excellent, I'm digging the pirate theme without them being full on Chaos, very cool concept and a great start on your back story. These guys are begging for a campaign with a BFG crossover ;). 


Practice is the best way to improve, I know I'm still learning! Once you get the right consistency for the paint to go down smooth it's all down to having the patience to wait for it to dry (or do a group at the same time so while you're painting one another is drying, but that can be hard with a model that has a drastically dissimilar color to your basic units).  

  • 3 weeks later...

Excellent, I'm digging the pirate theme without them being full on Chaos, very cool concept and a great start on your back story. These guys are begging for a campaign with a BFG crossover msn-wink.gif.

Practice is the best way to improve, I know I'm still learning! Once you get the right consistency for the paint to go down smooth it's all down to having the patience to wait for it to dry (or do a group at the same time so while you're painting one another is drying, but that can be hard with a model that has a drastically dissimilar color to your basic units).

AndrewChristLieb- thanks for the encouraging words and the helpful advice!

no model work yet, just some pictures i drew up out of boredom on friday before break started, of the Tundaran Knights Chapter Master of all things. tongue.png




at the bottom is an ignoble Iron Harbingers sentinel guard, taking the full brunt of an over sized Space Marine in stride, which should speak miles about how tough the Harbingers elite can be, fluff for them and the Chaplain are still WIP. I have been uninspired as of late due to testing in school and such...... down.gif

anyway, critiques welcome for what little i got! just felt like posting something to balance out with my scythes draconia, who've been revived as of late.

until next time!

haha, my first worry was that, whenever he's swingin the thing around, that it'd get all caught up in the claws (realistically) at his wrist mount.....

those drawings pale in comparison to ( http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/240161-clever-girl-in-case-of-infection-remove-afflicted-area/page-102?hl=%2Bclever+%2Bgirl&do=findComment&comment=3871377 ) that wonderful thread, i'm currently only on page 23, of 102... looks like i need to get practicing to come within leagues of the sheer grand quality of Greyalls' work. happy.png

no actual work has yet been added, band all region tryouts are next wednesday for me, and between my other, non GW model, i have a lot on my plate. (off toopic note, my schools' highschool football team just won yet another playoff game, so yay, if you're into that happy.png. them being all required attendance is pretty annoying though, although i don;t think they'd notice if i skipped out, there are 700 of us....mellow.png )

anyyyyway, i'm royally screwed on multiple levels, will update again when possible.

best of luck to those facing challenges in their own lives, however small they may seem laugh.png

Actually, it's the band that has required attendance at all these games.

So long as our team keeps winning ( which is pretty consistent, seeing as the last game we lost was during my freshman year.) the band keeps playing, and we keep performing half time. Our band directors grade us partly on showing up for the practices (which used to go from 7 to 9 EVERY morning rain or shine) and I definitely need that 100 to help balance out my algebra grade. >.<


So technically it's because of band, not the school board going bonkers, but after we spent (read:wasted) 60 MILLION on a new stadium, I won't put it past them.... This is Texas after all :P




I'm still at the point of sight reading 2/3rds of my music, and need to have it ready by Wednesday, with 116 other clarinets alone to compete with, I think it'll be an interesting morning...............

Oh well, such is life. :D

let's just say that the Junior class (mine) has 1509 kids, and we have a separate school just for the freshman. tongue.png

we're the 2nd largest high school in Texas, with a sizable list of commodities ranging from our stadium to our performing arts center.

i'll be the first to openly acknowledge that i am very privileged to go where i do, and i am humbled by the opportunities i can get here that many others simply can't. That being said, not NEARLY enough people around here are into Warhammer and Modelling in general which irks me to no end!!!!!!!confused.gif

i'm sure some of y'all state side have seen this picture somewhere on the news before???


  • 3 weeks later...

Unsure if jealous or relieved I didn't have to experience that level of peopleness. Anyway, can't wait for the next installment of marines.

too many people means that there are quite a few guys and gals who share your interests, but i've yet to find any solid modeller friends.... unsure.png

oh well, that's the way it is! maybe i'll introduce/convert my nerdy friends to the wonders of the 41st millennium, if they ever drag themselves off of Super Smash Bros Brawl, that is.

since finals are finally over, and i aced them ALL, i garnered myself some freetime to work on models, although, today is our finals for the playoffs, so i gotta go to that around 4:30 local time, so today can't be totally given over to painting stuff. i'm kinda worried about painting the next raptor for some reason, since it's been quite a while, and i'm afraid of not painting him quite like the other 2, but i'll probably get the base coat on around 1am after i get back then slouch off to bed. hoping for the best. biggrin.png

time for pictures:


this big one is gonna be for either a thunderwolf converted into a familiar, or a dreadnought, depending on what "santa claus" leaves behind, my list consisted completely of models save for a new set of headphones and a new mouse to replace this dying one i've been using. so i have my priorities set straight!

(could also make a mean objective marker, if the situation begets it.)




other than lackluster photos, a base rim that probably needs cleaning up with black, and some source lighting experimentation that coulda gone better, i'm pretty happy with it, whatever guy gets stuck on it will be happy. happy.png

an opponent objective marker, some more source lighting foolishness:



some other bases that i just grabbed and slapped paint on. i'm still really happy about the base theme i picked, i haven't really seen anybody else picked charred forest, sooooooooo hopefully that helps my guys seem a little bit more interesting? maybe?



i have plenty more to keep busy with....... biggrin.png

in other news, i've been a bit under inspired to do any writing whatsoever, so both the the chapter master and the campaign are going to be a bit harder to finish with my writers block kicking in (not to mention all the distractions, Christmas break never seemed so short)

next update will be around Christmas, hopefully with more power armor... you're opinions are more than appreciated, good or bad, as always.


Great looking Bases.

thank ya much!

I wish Allen did have a game store again & a gaming community. Good pic of the stadium. I live down the street from it. Nice marines btw.

thanks, and yeah, i totally agree, the guys down at hobby town usa are pretty great though, they provide well enough as far as marines go, and anything they don't have, the madness comics down the road a bit has some online only orders brought in regularly. msn-wink.gif

now, for something new and exciting! i raked in way more than i thought i would for christmas, including a command squad, a pair of dreadnoughts, tactical squads for chaos and loyalist, and a librarian, who was the first to recieve my attention, and..... improvements.






The blood soaked librarius of the Tundaran Knights had always been seen for the horror inducing monstrosities they were, but none doubted their devotion to their chapter, their brothers, and the Emperor. when the sons of Tundara were cast out from their place in the Imperium, it was the Psykers of the chapter that held the predations of corruption from their brothers, and kept them from the brink of true heresy. Of the 12 librarians that drew breath at the beginning of their excommunication, only two continue to serve the chapter to this day, epistolery Cerna Ohen, the brightest pupil to the late master of the Librarius Dhallak Vah, is seen here amidst the war torn crusade of the Knights bringing forth the spirits of the departed, in a manner not unlike the familiars the rest of the chapter controls. his mastery over the summoning arts has continued to preserve the dwindling number of lives of his kin, a fact that he cherishes above all else.

in the field, Ohen wields a trident bladed staff, more appropriate to cut apart his foes than any force stave. legions of dead spirits are brought from their half buried, charred graves in service of the renegades, an unliving screen of psychic manifestation driven to murder by the willpower of Ohen and his pupil, Jestra Okoh, who protects his brothers from the confines of the chapters flagship in high orbit over Roshens' massive landmasses.






(more of them to come msn-wink.gif )

more bases!





and with that, i say adieu, next update will definitely be tomorrow, i have most of the command squad that still need introductions. biggrin.png

(OFF TOPIC:question, for space hulk miniatures, i was thinking of painting the terminators as knights of Blood, and need some ideas for stealer colors to contrast? happy.png )

Comments and Critiques please!!!


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