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It looked like an inter-warband war.


Pertuarbo was merely feeding them into a webway gate he found at the core of Merdengard.


Next time you see the Shattered Tower will be under the golden throne.


Assuming they dont get lost...

Iron Within brothers!


Greetings and well met! I am an old school Iron Warrior player, having been playing them since early third edition. I am now starting my 4th redition of my beloved Legion, which the beginning basis will be off of Kyr Vhalen and the 77th Grand Company. I think it will be fun to portrey them as loyalists with the potential to "What If" them all they way up to loyal marines in 40k, then do a shoot off back into true Chaos with a seperate division. It's very very long reaching, but I think it's finally time to build an army I'm going to keep.


Here are some snap shots of my last rendition:
















Sorry for the picture spam. I fail at putting in spoilers. Also I have some pictures save from the rendition previous to this last one if you would like to see them. Here is the link to my current project:



FuzzyBunny - Just to ask what your Grand Company is for the Chaos era & if you got a name for your Warsmith?  I'll get both your heresy era & chaos era added to our memeber list of company & there Warsmith tomorrow night as well as link your army log on the first post.


With the discussion on the IW civil war.  I find the background really cool.  Just seem odd, but putting a IW trophie on my own force always seem wrong. 

Like wise might look into a Khorne element to my own force, have them left over from a friend Iron Warriors force which had a Khorne theme to them, I fought many year ago.



I don't know, yet, what identification I'll be going with for the Chaos version. Do you need it right now, or can it be added later when I rebuild it?


Don't worry, there no rush.  Was just more incase you had one now & just gather all our memeber company & Warsmiths :D



I have been a lurking chaos player for a while.  Have started painting my marines in the Iron Warrior colours a while back. But i suck at names, so altough i do have a project log, its for an as of yet unnamed warband, with unnamed leaders. Anybody any ideas? :biggrin.:



I have been a lurking chaos player for a while.  Have started painting my marines in the Iron Warrior colours a while back. But i suck at names, so altough i do have a project log, its for an as of yet unnamed warband, with unnamed leaders. Anybody any ideas? :biggrin.:

Erm. The Hellrenders? Led by Dave Hellrender scourge of the Segmentum Pacificus?

The 55th Grand Company, the Iron Hulks, will join their brothers in the Long War.


They are led by Warsmith Drayke and his Brother, Captain Dantye. Unlike other Iron Warriors war bands the Iron Hulks are a mixture of different Traitor Legions, but the core consists of the Iron Warriors. The 55th Grand Company took survivors of other Legions with them, after they fought well together and were left on Terra by their Mother Legions.




After a long journey they arrived at Medrengard. Clad to meet their brothers all the Iron Warriors were in a state of euphoric enthusiasm. The Astartes of the other Legions where not so happy. They weren’t sure how their future would look like, and if they are going to leaf Medrengard alive. On their way through the Eye of Terror, they received some distressing news about the fight between the Traitor Legions and what they had become.  


When Drayke, Dantye and their fellow officers show up before the council of Warsmiths they were shocked. They saw Perturabo for the first time as a Daemon Primarch and also his Warsmiths were not the same as they used to be. Forrix, mentor of Drayke and master of the 1st Grand Company, lost some of the fire in his eyes. The Wasmith former known as Barban Falk had a dangerous and cold aura, while the bloodlust in Kroeger’s eyes would be more fitting for an insane Berserk of the World Eaters than for a Warsmith that should be master of cold logic. Warsmith Erezkna, who was highly respected by Dantye for his tactical fines, seemed to be swollen under his now rusty power armour and was spiting phlegm every few minutes.


Overcoming his disgust praised Captain Drayke the majestic Daemon Primarch and presented the rescued gene-seed and a huge portion of weaponry and ammunition that they raided during their travel to Olympia. After listening silently to the report of Drayke, Perturabo promoted him to the rank of a Warsmith and allowed him to keep some of the gene-seed. He praised the actions of his new Warsmith and the 55th Grand Company. But he was unpleased to see Astartes of other Legions to set foot on his Daemon World, so he ordered to kill them. While Drayke was totally speechless to be ordered such an act of treachery, Dantye spoke boldly up. He was never a man of big words and so everyone was surprised about the flow of words that praised the teamwork of the 55th Grand Company with their new Battle-Brothers. With his cold logic and the prosaic nature of his speech, he was able to persuade the Primarch to let the other Legionaries life.


After this meeting the word get around that both Iron Warrior brothers risked their life to save the other Astartes. Sure that they would never find such a trustful and honourable environment elsewhere in the Eye of Terror, and also because they saw and heard what had become of the Traitor Legions, they repainted their power armour in the colours of the 55th and swore Drayke and Dantye their allegiance. But now was the 55th a despised Grand Company and others would think they are a conglomerate of raiders, murders, half breeds and weaklings, nothing more.


The warriors of the 55th Grand Company think of themselves as a (nearly) perfect siege force. They have the intelligence experts of the Alpha Legion, the fierceness of the World Eaters, the unnatural forces of the Warp (because of the few Sorcerers of the Thousand Sons), the durable Death Guard, the frightening Night Lords, the fanatic Word Bearers, the perfectionistic Emperors Children and of course the masters of siege warfare, the Iron Warriors.


 After being left alone on Terra, losing their station and seeing the path the Legion took in the Eye of Terror, they left Medrengard, but still they fight the Long War. (for more fluff look at my thread)



I plan to create a full Chaos army. Thousand Sons, Possessed and these kind of units normally don’t fit with an Iron Warrior army, but I think about creating some background story so that they won’t hurt the fluff.


Do you need any more information?

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, might as well add my forces to the list!

The Iron Kings, an Iron Warriors splinter group currently unlinked to any Grand Company.

EDIT: Oh, they're Post-Heresy IW, so 40k only. :biggrin.:


Tiny background blurb:

The Kings are led by their Warsmith Valdraz Bayne, who alongside his Terminator Retinue was assigned to garrison a world during the latter years of the Great Crusade. When the Heresy broke out, Bayne actively ignored any requests for help from any Legion, even his own. He despised Perturabo for following Horus, who, in Bayne's eyes, was a fool for challenging the Emperor and the other Primarchs.

As time went on, they become more Renegades, as they never challenged the Emperor, but by association with their Legion alone were they branded Heretics.

For this reason he chose to reinforce the world, and slowly but surely, he and his men became obsessed with the idea of ruling a world. Currently Bayne is marked as the High King, and his world is ruled over by his Retinue, the 10 Kings, who are each responsible for a portion of the world. 


The Iron Kings are decadent and because of their world's rich natural resources consisting mainly of precious metals such as Gold and Silver, they've taken to adorning their armor with these metals, and not only hoarding it, but actively display it in a show of grandeur.


In battle the Kings always choose to either attack, or defend.

On the offense, they will seek to crush the enemy with overwhelming firepower, advancing steadily, pouring fire into the ranks of their foes.

When on the defensive, the Kings will take to their fortifications, the lower ranked Marines take to the trenches, while the Terminators and Raptors are held in reserve and dropped or teleported in to plug a hole in the defense, or take out a key figure in the enemy army.



Here's the link to my thread (ancient though, hasn't been updated in a while!) http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/281396-andhills-iron-warriors-the-last-stand-vs-orks/page-2

Starting to run low on the old bolt gun metal... Using the new paints would leadbelcher+Ironbreaker highlight be the best bet?


Yup, you won't be wrong with these two colours. I've also started out with boltgun metal back in the days, and there's hardly any difference to my newer miniatures which use the newer colour range  (apart from having been a much worse painter back then xD).

Starting to run low on the old bolt gun metal... Using the new paints would leadbelcher+Ironbreaker highlight be the best bet?


Leadbelcher best way, there not to much differance with Bolt gun metal.  What about the dry paint - necron compound?  Best thing to do try out the colours on a space Chaos Space Marine model.  I done this when moving from the older paints to the current range.


Topic - I should get all new company & warbands updated tomorrow.  It been a pretty busy week.

That the first post updated with new Grand Company/Warbands.

Is there anything else people would like to see in the Iron Warriors commuinty topic or are we ok with what we've got.  Adding new info like Armour 13 in the post though out this topic?

Also how are Call of Chaos getting on?
I've had to re-convert my Maulerfiend conversion.  But should be finish by this week. 

Just started to gather bits for my Chosen unit, want to try get the Chosen finish soon to get some Kill team games on the go with the led up to Christmas.

By the end of this month I'll get a FW order place for my HQ chose.  Also try place a Mail order soon & pick up the Chaos Terminator lor box so I can convert my new Obliterator.

Also how are Call of Chaos getting on?


Painted a lot of parts of the vindicator recently, but there is still a lot of work to be done until it's finished. Last weekend, I picked up a can of white basecoat, so the slaanesh daemons will soon get some paint on them as well. So far I based my modells all in black, but when I made the sorceror for inspirational friday, I found that it takes a lot of layers of white to cover a black coat. So from now on I will coat models which are supposed to turn out white-ish overall, in white. I might also repaint the wings of my daemon prince from this years etl while I'm at it. This should also be much easier with a white coat.


Also how are Call of Chaos getting on?


Painted a lot of parts of the vindicator recently, but there is still a lot of work to be done until it's finished. Last weekend, I picked up a can of white basecoat, so the slaanesh daemons will soon get some paint on them as well. So far I based my modells all in black, but when I made the sorceror for inspirational friday, I found that it takes a lot of layers of white to cover a black coat. So from now on I will coat models which are supposed to turn out white-ish overall, in white. I might also repaint the wings of my daemon prince from this years etl while I'm at it. This should also be much easier with a white coat.



Just to ask what are you painting in White?  After I spray Black Undercaot, I'd mask or blu tak those area of the model off from the area I want to spray White.  Once all the undercoat dry, for the White all I need to do is add russ grey mix with medium just so it give the shade colour before highlight with White Scar, white.


See the Contempter Dreadnought I painted a few month back, where I done this for the knee pad with the Iron Warrior icon. 


Or if I can't do that, I find painting fortress grey (not sure new name), then white scar mix with medium.  You'd need a few layer of white scar but make sure small amount of medium in that.


Well, it's gonna be Slaanesh daemonettes and seekers. I want to try out a list with summoning. Already got some painted plague bearers. The daemonettes and seekers are supposed to have a very bright skin color that's why I want to base them in white, so I don't need too many additional layers of paint to bury a black coat. The sorcerer I coated in black and I needed a lot of layers of grey and white to cover the coat. So you coat in black first, then cover the areas which are not supposed to be white, and then spray white?

That the first post updated with new Grand Company/Warbands.


Is there anything else people would like to see in the Iron Warriors commuinty topic or are we ok with what we've got.  Adding new info like Armour 13 in the post though out this topic?


Also how are Call of Chaos getting on?

I've had to re-convert my Maulerfiend conversion.  But should be finish by this week. 

Just started to gather bits for my Chosen unit, want to try get the Chosen finish soon to get some Kill team games on the go with the led up to Christmas.

By the end of this month I'll get a FW order place for my HQ chose.  Also try place a Mail order soon & pick up the Chaos Terminator lor box so I can convert my new Obliterator.

Almost finished my Hellbrute

  • 2 weeks later...

I'll throw in my lot with the rest of these Iron Dogs :wink:


My army is comprised of segments from the 100th Grand Company, aka the Centurions.  Most of my elements are composed from the 1st Siege Company (i.e. 3rd Company for the Grand Company) led by Angmar the Olympiad, although various support elements are drawn in from the rest of the Centurions as needed.


Angmar was a prominent warlord in the days of the Great Crusade, demonstrating not only the strategic intellect  of his brethren but also an affinity for fortifications; from kilometers away he could accurately size up the strengths and weaknesses of a particular stronghold and how best to seize it, and many of the Iron Warriors bastions throughout the Old Imperium were based on constructions of his design.


Anyways, when the Legion was forced to purge their own homeworld of Olympia, the mightiest strongholds that could not be destroyed by bombardment alone were left to Angmar's Siegebrechers.  Around him the stench of his people dying filled his heart with penetrating disgust at the actions he had been forced to commit by the Imperium, and when Pertuarbo sided with Horus in the Heresy Angmar supported his primarch with unwavering loyalty.


Although he was offered the rank of Warsmith of his Grand Company during the Battle for Terra, Angmar declined in favor of leading the assault with his Siege Company brothers, the better to enact bloody vengeance on the loyalist defenders firsthand.  Donning the mantle of Olympiad, he now scours the Imperium as an eternal war for the people of his home who were slain defying the Corpse-Emperor he too has come to loathe. :furious:




Storm of Iron by Graham McNeill - 7/10




Outrage!!!! You better get your defences up and your trenches ready because: THIS MEANS WAR!!!! How dare you to so deftly underate the bible of the Iron Warriors!!??!!!!?


Hehe, seriously: thanks for your review/thoughts on this outstanding novel!


In my opinion it is not only the best non heresy 40k novel, but as far as I have read them, it's really among the best BL releases of all. This novel won me for the Iron Warriors (again). I did so not only because of the ending, but also because it really does a great job in characterizing this Legion. And the bonus is, it also works as a novel, not only as a 40k novel! It has a decent plot (the outcome of which is logical and does not make you facepalm like in numerous other BL novels), decently written characters on both sides (in my opinion it is almost just as good a read for Imperial Fist players than it is for IW/CSM players) and if you read the novel several times you will be able to make out examples of intertextuality and literary stuff like this.

I personally really liked the novel even more because the IF were portrayed so greatly as the other side of the coin in respect to the IW. I just say "countermining" which is my favorite episode in the novel, with Forrix my favorite IW character having his great time to shine.


You said you didn't like that heroic guardsman and how the IG behaved, but, I would like to remind you that....



Major spoilers concerning the novel Storm of Iron wait inside the following spoiler tags



...the IG troopers were on heavy garrison duty which weighs heavy on morale even without an crazed enemy army, known to be the best siegers in the universe, making planet fall in superior numbers and bringing the firepower to blow your castle into the wind like a house of cards. And you also should not forget that they were constantly being poisoned by their superiors, which definitely didn't help their capability to fight to the best of their abilities.


I also liked guardsman Hawke because he was the great counterpoint to all the superhuman heroes and anti-heros dominating this astartes-novel. I really love the episode when he fights off the hunting party of slaves driven by the lone IW, when it finally catches up with him.

The way he fights and prevails in this moment is a great example of how desperate struggle can overcome superiority, when it is paired with arrogance and disregard towards what is judged as inferior (in this situation by the superhuman astartes in question). What I didn't like about Hawke's storyline, is its ending. It just doesn't seem fitting for a universe were the lives of individuals are generally regarded as being dispensable. But I can also see that McNeal couldn't part with this character that went through so much and Hawkes survival also keeps up the spark of hope in a novel that shows the bad guys getting a crushing victory over all that's good.


There is one more point in your post I would like to address. You said the IW casually disregard the lives of astartes, a point that was raised before in this thread, and which I absolutely disagree with from reading this novel:

First, the IW bury the stronghold in a hailstorm of artillery fire until they get their breach. Then they send the slaves in - in waves. Only after that do they send in astartes. Of course the other champions hope that Honsou (who leads the first wave of IW to take the breach) will die in the process. But that is a personal grudge between the champions, or to be more precise, the disrespect and arrogance the others have towards the upstart Honsou with the tainted blood of the enemy in his vains. And sure thing astartes can die in any fight, especially in one like this, but they are not thrown away lightly.


Another scene that comes to mind is, when Honsou orders some havocs to concentrate their las-cannon fire on an important target. Of course this makes them the obvious target for retaliating enemy fire, and Honsou knows this damn well. But again he does not throw away their lives lightly, but trades them for victory - nothing less - because their action is that effective. In my opinion this scene shows, how a military commander sometimes has to sacrifice the lives of some of his men, to achieve an important strategic goal that will lead to victory and thus saves the lives of many others (you will find a scene like this in any war novel you might pick up). Honsou is shown to be a great leader in this situation because he sacrifices the lives of these men to achieve this crucial strategic goal that leads to victory, not just because he likes to see their blood flow for the blood god, or his own personal perverse pleasure.


The the last point I would like to make is that the IW come to Hydra Cordatus to steal gene seed in order to produce new CSM, not to make a blood sacrifice, to do a religious service to chaos, or for vengeance or fun alone. They deploy this huge army for this goal. They are ready to trade all their brothers who will fall in the process for the opportunity to recreate more astartes than will be lost. And they do this not with odds like 50:50, instead they have inside men, and the expert knowledge of the structures they want to raze - because they designed them, they have the firepower, brought titans to match the titan garrison of the planet - to put it bluntly: the odds are clearly in their favor. Ok, the IF make the game more interesting for them than anticipated (and the novel into a really great read) - but in the end they succeed. So I really don't think your claim that the IW have a fundamental/general disregard for the lives of astartes holds any ground.


You said the IW casually disregard the lives of astartes, a point that was raised before in this thread, and which I absolutely disagree with


1) astartes are expendable ressources, yet obviously more valuable than slaves. They were called "Corpsegrinders" even druing the great crusade, after all.

2) "Victory is not an abstract concept, it is the equation that sits at the heart of strategy. Victory is the will to expend lives and munitions in attack, overmatching the defenders' reserves of manpower and ordnance. As long as my Iron Warriors are willing to pay any price in pursuit of victory, they shall never be defeated." - Perturabo, Master of the Iron Warriors

3) ressources must be maintained, supplied and reproduced. Yet still, the usage of IF geneseed from the iron cage was also a sacrifice for the Daemon Primarch.


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