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I always said the Legion trait isn't as bad as some believe. It's just really situational. However I think people will start using lots more ruins in 8th edition due how hard it is to actually get a cover bonus and since it doesn't slow units down anymore.


I've been saying this to people who've ask me over the trait.  Amount of time it help me so far in my games since the codex was release.  Way I see it is, we are still in the early stage of 8th ed, we still have a LOT of codex & then other great stuff been release.


​So take Eldar, we have the Alatoic (sp) crafted world, well know for there Ranger & Path Finder.  Then we've got Guard getting release soon.  As point out with Nurgle & Mechanicus. 


Hello Legionnaires


I have been looking at the IV for quite some time and I have a question for you:

If the Obliterator Virus that makes its hosts mutate weapons from their flesh originated in this legion, how do you think the Iron Warriors feel about it since they despise mutations as a whole?




I think depend the company.  This has been a while since I've read the novel, but from what I remember.  In The Siege of Castellax, there a Obliterator Battle Brother lock away.  As well as a few Battle Brother shown sign, they sort of want to keep it hidden from the rest of there squad.


​While (again been a while) Endeavour of Will, short story.  There just seen as another tool of war.  There also mute & have a Iron Warrior with a mind control to direct them in battle & make sure they follow order.


Then of course during the Honsou series, there the Tech Priest who was capture during the Storm of Iron novel & pretty much he get the job done.


Pretty much, some will see it as a good thing, other don't & see it as a curse.

Since I've played most of my games against a Crimson Fist player (so IF traits) it really hasn't felt like it made a huge difference. But just thinking of the times that a single point could be the difference between death of a unit or not, that is huge. Is it as snazzy as the Ravenguard? No....but it can be effective, specially with people finally playing real games with real terrain as opposed to the farm field brawls that ruled 6th and 7th because people wanted to just shoot each other.


And as IP said, this is just the first few months of 8th edition and by this time next year the last codex should be dropping. There are a ton of armies out there that will no doubt have some sort of cover save bonus or something and we shall reap the reward. We just need some patience to see our end pay off. You thought you saw people flopping armies every codex in the old edition was bad, until all the dexs are out expect to see that time table go by even faster as everyone jumps around.

Hello Legionnaires


I have been looking at the IV for quite some time and I have a question for you:

If the Obliterator Virus that makes its hosts mutate weapons from their flesh originated in this legion, how do you think the Iron Warriors feel about it since they despise mutations as a whole?



Always wondered 'bout that myself. Even more so since they started to be considered "daemons".

Most likely with the obliterator virus it depends on the legionary.


Those who are more old school in nature would most likely shun those who have the virus, or in the case of Siege of Castellex put their former brother inside of a jail of some sort.


Those who are less inclined to the old school way of thought, lets say one who was embraced into the legion after the heresy and such, might be more lenient and tolerate it to a greater extent then the first example. Not chummy chummy with their fellow legionary but at least not hostile at every moment to them, perhaps thinking of it as a marked stigmata or something.


Overall I'd think that IW would treat it as any other weapon, using it to its maximum effect until it no longer works or is destroyed.

Played a 3500 point game today vs nids. Super fun game despite rolling like crap. Roll snake eyes, spend command point, roll another 1, yeah, one of those games. I tested out some ideas I had been thinking about,


-Used 20 tacs in a Spartan supported by daemon prince Perturabnot with Presience. It did ok killing mass numbers of hormagants, damaging a tunneling thing, killing 2 of the floaty things that shoot spells. I might try it with a few squads of special weapon havocs or chosen next time. Perturabnot spent most of his psyker ability putting it on a missile launcher havoc squad and jusr relying on his lord reroll ability on the tacs.


Tried the artillery park with 2 Medusa, 2 bombards, and 2 wyverns. Cant say I was overly impressed. Not having any way to reroll any of the dice kind of sucks. That and seeing the difference between hitting on 3+ and hitting on 4+ was kind of depressing. The Bombards did ok, medusas were middling as well, wyverns were less than stellar. To the point I am going to drop them and add another heavy weapon havoc squad.


Cultists- my MVPs. I brought them basically because I wanted a  battalion and needed two troops. I ended up bringing three squads of ten with a flamer in each mostly to use as bubbles for my artillery from those tunneling bugs and the dudes that pop up out of their tunnels behind them, in this case 40 genestealers and 20 hormagants. OK one squad folded quickly vs a genestealer squad and dicolotimus-prime(the FW fast attack dude and was on me turn one). The other squad shot and charged the other two floaty guys and beat them in hand to hand, and then rapid fired a deep striking genestealer squad killing two. The middle squad on the other hand, ended up rapid firing the diplodocapus and then charged it losing only one guy and then tying it up for its turn in close combat(not losing anyone) and then finishing it off in close combat and moved forward and inflicted 5 wounds on another of the tunneling dudes before he called the game.


I had deep struck Golg and a dakka termy squad and a plasma termy squad behind his lines and wiped out Old One eye and some other giant bug with a massive gun. Then shooting away a carnifax and the rest of the genestealers that the cultists hit with Golg getting in the final hit. He had failed all of his deep strike charges that round which were effectively his Hail Mary and left them all open for my counter fire.


Like I said, very fun game, learned I have no clue what nid names are.

  • 2 weeks later...

hey guys im new in the community 
im playing iron warriors since the 5 codex
even in dark times i never stopped playing IW

i started my warband story against the greyknight since that game i used the same warlord in all my games, the amizing lord on bike with MoN(untill traitor legion drop) 
in my last game of 7th i fought against world eaters, my lord killed 2 daemon princes and got assendent him self (he had 1 wound left) so i took it, and since then his a demon prince of tzeench
in they new editon i have alot of new stuff (forgeworld) like the typhoon which is a monster (the corner stone of my army) and after the codex drop my oblitz came back to the meta.
had a qustion for all of you vetreans guys how do you counter fast pace armies like Deldar?(yes he cant kill my typhoon with 285398298932 dark lances)
how you play for objective also? i usually table or get tabled(with the typhoon surviving,didnt die yet 7 gams so far)

Really? You actually like the Typhon? I have one but found the Spartan to be far better as it gets 8 shots vs the random that the typhon gets. I tend to worry less about objectives and more about simply pounding my opponent into the ground. Might be why I lost my last objective game even though it was a cheesy insta-win condition I didn't know about and the pound into the ground strategy was working up to that point.(He captured two of the three objectives with the last two brimstones of what were 4 pink horror squads. I wasn't aware of the insta-win condition and could have easily moved squads onto both of them on my previous turn.

I had my first game of 40k 8th edition today, Iron Warriors (90 Cultists, DP Warlord, Terminator Lord with DS Terminators, HAvocs 2 las. Predators, Warpsmith, Sorcerer, MF) vs Cadians (Russes with infantry chaff defence, psykers, Commissars, mortars). 2000pts. 

Spearhead deployment, Night fighting mission.


So the best Command Point I spent this game was making sure I got first turn, the mission favoured me as well as -1 to hit at +18" hurt him. I rolled forward with the Cultist Carpet, Shot everything I could into Pask in the Punisher Russ and continued taking out a Russ a turn. The sheer aggression of my Carpet plus they didn't run unnerved my opponent having nearly 100 models in charge range will (I ran, so couldn't charge). He focused as much as possible on the MF taking it out. My Terminators just pushed onto one flank taking 1 to 2 chaff squads out a turn. He just whittled me down every turn. The moment I badly positioned my DP cost me dearly as losing it meant my Cultists started to melt. But tide of Traitors saved me! I finished the game T7 16 points to 9 (to me).



  • I am quite sure I was 100 points over on reflection. This game was hard and felt uphill, if it wasn't night fighting, or if I hadn't gotten first turn, I think I would've lost. Cadians and IG seem more powerful point to point than us
  • Cultists Horde (which I shall forever refer to as the "Carpet") plus immune to psychology is hard to deal with, ignore them they will roll over an opponent, deal with them and the army shoots you, that works well
  • Maulerfiends feel inferior to Hellbrutes
  • Lascannons are great, but M. Launchers are a good multitool.
  • The Terminators were... ok, I didn't feel they pulled their weight for the points I dropped into them.
  • Mobility feels to be king, the cultist Carpet was able to spread out and cover more than one objective frustrating the game, he was simply unable to leave his shooting base

Yeah our warlord trait plus cheap chaff units is nothing to really scoff at with this edition. Yeah they may just be cultists but when you are able to flat our carpet an area, numbers mean more this edition than ever before.


In the Maulers vs Helbrute argument I will say that every time I have taken a fiend over a brute I have not been disappointed. The 5+ invul and regenerating a point a turn have really saved me a number of times. The brutes just don't seem to stick around for me for some reason.


With my luck termies are really one of those units that you use to deep strike them to where they need to be, shoot an important target with their combi melta/plas/flamer and then charge. Just tossing them into the meat grinder I find I loose my points into them fairly fast but near a lord or DP and hitting targets that are key really allow these guys to shine. Not to mention slap the MoS on them and cacophany and you have a very deadly unit that can really do some damage when it lands.

So I came up with a refinement on my current list, please C&C welcome:


This is a combined approach force, that I enjoy, a distinct firebase with a distinct assault element. This army will largely be facing Astra Militarum. Idea is the Cultists, Lord, Zerkers with Apostle in Rhino's surge forge into the guns, while my own 4 Anti tank Units take out priority targets, The sorcerer buffing the Havocs.

I'm not sure where the Warpsmith should go, logically with the preds is a good choice but there is something to be said for a flamey-melta punchy cursey machiney chap in a tank armies face. The Alternative ofc. would have 2 Maulerfiends instead of Predators freeing up some points and making the choice for me, but then is that enough firepower?


Army: Iron Warriors, 2000 points, 8 Command points.

Detachment 1 - Battalion (3CP)

HQ 1 - Chaos Lord: Combi Melta, Power Axe Warlord (Cold and Bitter), Relic (Fleshmetal Exoskeleton)

HQ 2 - Sorcerer: Force Axe, Mark of Slaanesh (Powers: Prescience, Ecstatic Agonies)

Troops 1 - 29 Cultists

Troops 2 - 30 Cultists

Troops 3 - 30 Cultists


Detachment 2 - Spearhead (1 CP)

HQ 3 - Warsmith

Heavy Support 1 - Predator: Predator Autocannon, 2 Lascannons

Heavy Support 2 - Predator: 4 Lascannons

Heavy Support 3 - 9 Havocs: 4 Missile Launchers, Mark of Slaanesh

Heavy Support 4 - 9 Havocs: 1 Missile Launcher, 3 Lascannons, Mark of Slaanesh


Detachment 3 - Vanguard Detachment (1 CP)

HQ 4 - Dark Apostle

Elite 1 - 9 Khorne Berzerkers, 1 Icon of Khorne, Power Axe

Elite 2 - 9 Khorne Berzerkers, 1 Icon of Khorne, Power Sword


Transport 1 - Rhino, Combi Bolter

Transport 2 - Rhino, Combi Bolter


I'd give the characters jump packs if possible, makes them twice as good. And maybe drop one heavy support from detachment 2 for another elite choice in detachment 3 to get another command point. I had faired well with a Dreadnought with twin lascannon and rocket launcher (having it shoot twice can really hurt your opponent).

I like terminators this edition. That's a good thing since I am so invested with them for my IW as I ran a terminator assault force in 30k with three regular squads, a Spartan, typhon, Perty, Golg, and two Tyrant Terminator squads, so I have a bunch of terms sitting around including the Tyrants who are collecting dust until they come up with rules for them.


I have three with very different roles. One is all combi-melta, yeah it cant DS into short range but its still d6 damage with high AP. One is 4 plasma combis and a reaper, onbviously to go after heavy infantry and monsters and lastly one that is a pure dakka squad. They are generalist and go where needed although they are the best at melee having all power fists or a chainfist(just the way I had them equipped in 30k). I think the IW trait serves them very well since when they deep strike in, especially in gunline edition, typically their targets are in cover. That and precision deep strike enables me to drop them in inaccessible locations to shoot with almost impunity from enemy assaults.


Deredeo with butcher array and greater havok is nasty, its an auto-include in my army. I give every unit in the army mark of slaanesh so anyone who wants it can hit their selector switches and fire full auto(my fluff justification for endless cacophony). Done with a butcher array and havoc make this really mean and unless its needed somewhere else or the Dorrito is falling back, usually it gets this stratagem every turn.

​During the weekend, my wargaming club holding it yearly 40k tournament, Rapid Fire. I've been attending since 2006, it because of that Rapid Fire that got me to start going to the gaming club, met lot great friends & getting some great games......... Also the never ending story of Lord Narach & the Super Charge Plasma...... take some skill to roll 1's, even with a re-roll............ RAW, I should get slay the warlord point......since it me who done it after all!!!!!!! :sick: :sick: :sick:

Just though I'd show some photos I'd taken

Just like Throne of Skulls: Dark Imperium last month. I'm going to add trophy base upon these games. The Predator I've got for Call of Chaos & still waiting to get built. It going to have some trophy base on this weekend. While my Imperial Fist oppent said they've got a broken Imperial Fist models I can have to add as a trophy, so that one will be added to a Land Raider.

Really happy to had my Iron Warriors up for nominee. While my friend winning with there Eldar force, with a recently really cool converted Writhknight. Like me, they've been collecting Eldar for years & has a lot really cool conversion




My game against Imperial Fist, can't get more theme than this!!!!!!



Like I've said, it before if these great games that really help add life & narrative to my Iron Warriors. Since the new Exalted Champion was added to my Iron Warriors last month. He really been building up his story & it because of moment like this!!!



Army set up as club member wanted get photos of the armies up for nominee.


Then the last game I was against my friend Thousand Son's force. It was really great, it remind me a lot of Lord of the Rings with Sauron. This was really great & first time I've really fought one of the new Primarch in 40k. I really am looking forward to the day when the Lord of Iron get release.

​If anything, right now few of us during event agree to try bring our Legion & led by our Primarich. Purely because it would be pretty cool & theme we've got in mind.



Then finial the Iron Warrior Battle Brother was finial added to the base of mY Siege Dreadnought on Friday for this event. Really happy how it turn out & doesn't look to crowed.




Had some more games, against Astra Militarum and Adeptus Mechanicus. I got to be honest, I'm feeling quite quite negative at the moment about the Chaos Space Marine codex (especially Iron Warriors) vs these guys, just flat weaker than those armies.


Against Adeptus Mechanicus

  • :censored:  Cawl, I think in friendly games I will be refusing to play against him. Having him and a unit of Robots together deleted most my army on it's own. 72 shots, re-rolling everything, causing additional mortals. Most my cultist horde simply deleted (I field 90 Cultists)
  • If I get them in combat they aren't so tough, but I got Hammer and Anvil, that was unpleasant.
  • Imperial Knights no longer feel like a big threat. I did one round of shooting against it and that crippled it.

Frankly I'm getting a feeling that I will just be refusing to play against any special characters, I don't feel they add flavour, they just add cheese. I've only seen Gulliman wing, Cawl, Pask and they are there for their rules and nothing else.


Astra Militarum thoughts

  • Rough Riders are surprisingly annoying, the opponent I faced fielded 25 of them which all outflanked into my backfield.
  • Cultists feel overcosted vs Guardsmen, same price but they get orders, special weapons access, easy morale mitigation and better armour... :/
  • Conscripts are still really annoying, with nothing to snipe out Commissars in an Iron Warrior army, they don't run away easily.
  • I utterly hate how easily they get command points...


For Iron Warriors I use a cultist Horde of 90 cultists with the Cold and Bitter Warlord trait. This has not won me games, once people are over the sheer size of the army they can go for target priority. They are there to die and come back with Tide of Traitors. They were deleted wholesale (however this is because I'm haven't used enough LOS blocking terrain). I think they would have had a bigger impact on the later game against Astra as I still had 87 left and his Conscripts were gone at the end of turn 3 where we had to call it. Problem I had in that game is we had a lot of LOS blocking terrain and he couldn't get his shots off on his basilisks, but neither could I bring my 90 Autogun shots to bear, I had to instead rely on my Zerkers as my workhorses. 

So this is an idea for a new 2k army list


Batallion Detachment

HQ - Jump Pack Sorcerer with, Force Axe, MoS (DS with Obliterators)

HQ - Exalted Champion - Power Axe, Combi Melta (Goes with Zercs) (WARLORD, Cold and Bitter, RELIC: Fleshmetal)

Troops - 10 Cultists with autoguns

Troops - 10 Cultists with autoguns

Troops - 15 Cultists with autoguns (these ones are larger with intent of late game recycling)

Heavy Support - 6 Havocs with 4 Heavy Bolters

Heavy Support - 3 Obliterators.

Flyers - Helldrake with Baleflamer (Honestly would anyone ever take a Hades Autocannon?!)


Vanguard Detachment

HQ - Dark Apostle

Elites - 9 Khorne Berzerkers, Chainaxes, Bolt Pistols, Power Sword

Elites - 10 Khorne Berzerkers, Chainaxes, Bolt Pistols, Power fist

Elites - 9 Khorne Berzerkers, Chainaxes, Bolt Pistols, Power Axe

Heavy Support - 6 Havocs with 4 Missile Launchers
Heavy Support - 6 Havocs with 3 Lascannons, 1 Missile Launcher (I would have more Lascannons if I had them in my collection)

Our Campaign has been going for 15 years now, in the Aleph sector, which was by absolute genuine chance, been cut through by the Cicatrix Maladictum.


So I'm just about to apply some water transfers to some mk3 marines and I'm going to apply a few red fists to represent the fists exemplar who pledged allegiance to Warsmith Kalkator in the beast arises series. Would these chapter symbols be partially scrubbed out or possibly an 'X' through them?

I'm also thinking about really making their armour filthy because they have lost all respect for themselves or would they be the same as every other veteran IW marine who would be hard as nails to have survived to still be fighting in the present time line?

So I'm just about to apply some water transfers to some mk3 marines and I'm going to apply a few red fists to represent the fists exemplar who pledged allegiance to Warsmith Kalkator in the beast arises series. Would these chapter symbols be partially scrubbed out or possibly an 'X' through them?

I'm also thinking about really making their armour filthy because they have lost all respect for themselves or would they be the same as every other veteran IW marine who would be hard as nails to have survived to still be fighting in the present time line?


Yes I would.  Have there chapter icon stippled with the base colour.  Just show there past fade away.  Then have the Red X over it or Chaos star icon just to show there new allegiance.  Same going with the dirt & battle worn.  It would be great to see the models when there all painted :D


I still need to try get around reading the Beast Arises series.

While looking that codex Chaos Space Marines recently. I've notice that the Iron Warrior Daemon Home world - Medrengard, seem to be on the edge of the Eye of Terror these days. Just though it was worth bring this up as I've not seen it mention before.

Page 20.


Also just got this art work on Monday, really happy with it :biggrin.:


Finial - my own personal facebook account kindly reminded me that it been 6 year since this Iron Warriors was built.

It just back in 2011 was back when I was thinking going back to my Iron Warriors. After collecting my Space Wolves & my painting skills had change, along with a lot cool kits been release since the Mk5 era (2008-2010). Also moving away from the inks to the shade Games Workshop release.

​It wasn't just that, but it was also to mark 10 year of collecting Iron Warriors. So I quickly converted this Iron Warrior battle brother who would be the test model for the way I wanted to paint them & general look.


So here the model back when I posted him on this day back in 2011. As you can see above compared to the photos below, he change a lot. He maybe the only model that has went though a lot changes. Like adding the loin cloth, adding trophy, adding the yellow & black strip to the face plate. Then like the rest of his brother, been move from 25mm base to the 32mm. Also when I started to use the Games Workshop tuft grass (never going to look back)

Beside Throne of Skulls March last year. He been to ever other event I've attended, he part of Bronn Tal squad, a important unit that been a big part of my Iron Warriors life & who are truly veteran with a long line of history & been in some great battle, events, campaigns.




While looking that codex Chaos Space Marines recently. I've notice that the Iron Warrior Daemon Home world - Medrengard, seem to be on the edge of the Eye of Terror these days. Just though it was worth bring this up as I've not seen it mention before.

Page 20.


Well that would be a serious problem to their whole "no mutations" thing they have going I guess. :D

Hello, Traitors.

What do you think about Raiden Tatsu Gigamek (Prodos) for an Iron Warriors themed not-Renegade Knight? All steel and hazard stripes, grimly weathered, kinda like the Perturabo's bodyguards?









I wanted to share my Iron Warriors army so far.

This was a completely new army started with the release of 8th. I'm not the quickest nor the best painter in my local group but I'm very happy with what I've managed to do so far.


I've got a vindicator and a Helldrake in the wings but am not sure what else to add. I've had a good few games which have pretty much gone 50/50 win loss ratio. Next time I'm going to try doing a battle report.



Hello, Traitors.


What do you think about Raiden Tatsu Gigamek (Prodos) for an Iron Warriors themed not-Renegade Knight? All steel and hazard stripes, grimly weathered, kinda like the Perturabo's bodyguards?



I get a more Tau vibe from the proportions of that. Particularly the legs. I think chunky, angular, rivets, bolted on plates, oversized weapons, that sort of thing, when thinking Iron Warriors.


That said, a good paint job goes a long way.

I think it could be used for a fluffy "Iron Warriors" Daemon Prince / Greater Daemon, as well, because it's not as big as an Imperial Knight and I've found it's a little lost on an IK base. Fits nicely on the smaller oval one though.







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