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I also finished putting this guy together yesterday!IMG_9410.thumb.jpeg.d29da948075cfd41bfcfde8c4ecd495f.jpeg

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I'm painting the tabard and top sarcophagus cover separately so they're not glued on yet. 

Edited by Paladin777
  On 3/3/2024 at 12:10 AM, Paladin777 said:

I also finished putting this guy together yesterday!IMG_9410.thumb.jpeg.d29da948075cfd41bfcfde8c4ecd495f.jpeg

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I'm painting the tabard and top sarcophagus cover separately so they're not glued on yet. 


Those parts are very nice… kinda makes me want to buy another Redemptor just so I can source those..

Not directly BA, but will be used for lots of BA shoulder pads and bitz. Decided to jump into getting a 3d printer plus a setup to vent the fumes outside. Living in an apartment with an asthmatic fiancee and a cat meant that the protective set-up cost a fair bit more than the printer, and I bought a Saturn 3 Ultra. :sweat:

One of my first projects is going to be finding good stl's for firstborn style Inceptors, and maybe that'll get me back into playing 10th.


Workbench, wash and cure station, grow tent, In-line fan and hosing, window adapter, filter, plus all the PPE and disposal containers.



  On 3/3/2024 at 2:59 PM, Blindhamster said:

Those parts are very nice… kinda makes me want to buy another Redemptor just so I can source those..


He makes them for all 3 redemptor chassis dreadnaughts ;)

Edited by Paladin777
  On 3/5/2024 at 1:14 AM, Paladin777 said:

... at my highest output 500 points takes me around 2 months minimum!



It's all about vehicles...


I think I'm going to go for it. I have a 5 man squad of Vanguard Veterans with Jump Packs pledged this month for the 12 Month of Hobby challenge and I'm on course to finish an Ironclad from my Plodding Along vow for the same event. I reckon I can do a Terminator Chaplain and a Venerable Dreadnought from my Plodding Along vow too.

  • Chaplain in TDA
  • 5 jump VAS
  • Ven Dread (a metal 2nd edition Dreadnought and it's 30 points more than a regular one...)
  • Ironclad

weighs in at 495 points which qualifies for the event. Just need a starting photo I guess...

  On 3/3/2024 at 12:10 AM, Paladin777 said:

I also finished putting this guy together yesterday!IMG_9410.thumb.jpeg.d29da948075cfd41bfcfde8c4ecd495f.jpeg

  Reveal hidden contents

I'm painting the tabard and top sarcophagus cover separately so they're not glued on yet. 


That's really slick! 


And the price for VBits looks really good too



Edited by Montoya
  On 3/5/2024 at 12:20 PM, Jolemai said:


It's all about vehicles...


I think I'm going to go for it. I have a 5 man squad of Vanguard Veterans with Jump Packs pledged this month for the 12 Month of Hobby challenge and I'm on course to finish an Ironclad from my Plodding Along vow for the same event. I reckon I can do a Terminator Chaplain and a Venerable Dreadnought from my Plodding Along vow too.

  • Chaplain in TDA
  • 5 jump VAS
  • Ven Dread (a metal 2nd edition Dreadnought and it's 30 points more than a regular one...)
  • Ironclad

weighs in at 495 points which qualifies for the event. Just need a starting photo I guess...


That's more than I'd be able to get done in a month... my highest output month ever (by points) was probably 6 aggressors and a biologis, weighing in at 295 points. 

Played my first game with SoS last night. We didnt get to finish, by by the end of the top of turn 3 (he went first) he only managed to take out 3 eradicators (who dropped a trygon, so fair trade), 5 VVets (who were part of the squad that dropped a norn emissary. I still had 5 vets, a priest, and a captain left in the squad for rampaging around), and a couple heavy ints. 

In addition to that, i also took out a screamer-killer with a Land Raider, and 2 broods of 20 hormagaunts (one with the crusader and heavy ints, and the other with BGV), a biovore with my inceptors, and a half brood of genestealers. 


In other words, SoS can really do the business, and brings some bite back to an army that actually feels like Blood Angels again!

Edited by Paladin777

Had me first game of 2024 last evening and got my :cuss: handed to me by Custodes. He got first turn and I was pinned to my deployment zone till he arrived there in turn two and killed everything he touched. It didn't help, that I rolled from terrible to average at best. Once again I was convinced that jump DC with inferno pistols are not my thing. Would I have had chosen plasma it could have been a game changer. It didn't help that my DC plus Lemartes bomb had to deal with the only model in the game (afaik) that can negate the - 1 dmg rule from old lemmy. That is Trajan Valor is by the way...






Edited by Jolemai
  On 3/7/2024 at 6:04 PM, Spagunk said:

Blood Angel Terminator Captain




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That looks amazing. Great work! The positioning of the claw gives me Abaddon vibes, but obviously much more honorable and loyal ones. 

  On 3/10/2024 at 8:16 PM, Paladin777 said:

I haven't faced them myself since the index, but one of the discords I'm in is saying that we're one of Custodes' hardest matches...



I would be interested to learn if/why Custodes find us tough. Off the top of my head, +1A and +2S on the charge is pretty decent. It means our dedicated melee units are usually wounding on a 3+ in the first round of combat. Use a Sanguinary Priest for the extra point of AP and units like VanVets can force through decent amounts of damage, even against their toughest units. 


Mobility also helps us play the Objective game. Lots of Jump Pack units, maybe a few Infiltrators or a Libyy Dread to yeet units around the board and Custodes will struggle to hold Objectives. Lastly Custodes struggle with Vehicles. A couple of Redemptor Dreadnoughts will tend to spoil their day as most of their weapons are limited to 2D.

I try to recreate the list from my memories:

-2x Land Raiders filled with a blade champion and 6 Custodes or Wardens each. 

-2x 2 Allarus Terminators

-Valoris + 6 Custodes


-silent sisters with swords

-another 6 custodes


Basically he parked a land raider on each flank objective. Squad of terminators came along too. Valoris came down the middle. Other Custodes squad took cover in some ruins. Due to LoS and average to bad rolls I only managed to get one Raider down to 1 wound. Killed some guys too, but nothing exiting. In his 2nd turn the blade champions and pals disembarked. He used their once per game rule to advance and charge and suddenly I had Custodes all over my place. He also managed some other long charges plus his Raiders and small arms fire did some work and my army was basically done. 



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