Dont-Be-Haten Posted April 27, 2018 Share Posted April 27, 2018 On 4/27/2018 at 8:43 AM, H311fi5h said: If you want a big distraction, why don't you bring a Shadowsword? That's going to get your opponent's attention for sure. And depending on loadout it can be relatively cheap too. The value for Knights just isn't there right now. I have 5 knights and 0 shadowswords. But I get what you're saying. That thing is a monster. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted April 29, 2018 Author Share Posted April 29, 2018 (edited) =][= Please read folks =][= Edited April 29, 2018 by Jolemai Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grazcruzk Posted April 30, 2018 Share Posted April 30, 2018 I've been working a single Lameters Intercessor. I have no idea what I'll be using him for. Maybe an objective marker specifically for the enemy deployment zone. Still WIP, I just got some work done on the checks today. What do you guys think? Cheers Damon Nightman, Panzer, robofish7591 and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted April 30, 2018 Share Posted April 30, 2018 On 4/30/2018 at 4:28 AM, Grazcruzk said: I've been working a single Lameters Intercessor. I have no idea what I'll be using him for. Maybe an objective marker specifically for the enemy deployment zone. Still WIP, I just got some work done on the checks today. What do you guys think? Cheers I'm-still-standing-type-Lamenter Love it! <3 Grazcruzk and Xenith 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted April 30, 2018 Author Share Posted April 30, 2018 On 4/23/2018 at 10:16 PM, Jolemai said: Just to add, this is the last of the BA-specific datasheets for the 8th edition. I have considered expanding the series to include the "new" datasheets that we now have access to (Reivers, Cataphractii, Hunters, and so on), before then potentially moving onto the classic units we've had for yonks (Tacticals, Predators, etc). Is this something you'd like to see? No one cares? Dont-Be-Haten 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damon Nightman Posted April 30, 2018 Share Posted April 30, 2018 I like them though I usually have little to contribute to the actual threads Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted April 30, 2018 Share Posted April 30, 2018 I think Primaris would be a good way to go first! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indefragable Posted April 30, 2018 Share Posted April 30, 2018 On 4/30/2018 at 11:35 AM, Jolemai said: On 4/23/2018 at 10:16 PM, Jolemai said: Just to add, this is the last of the BA-specific datasheets for the 8th edition. I have considered expanding the series to include the "new" datasheets that we now have access to (Reivers, Cataphractii, Hunters, and so on), before then potentially moving onto the classic units we've had for yonks (Tacticals, Predators, etc). Is this something you'd like to see? No one cares? On 4/30/2018 at 12:04 PM, Charlo said: I think Primaris would be a good way to go first! It would make sense to do Primaris (love 'em or hate 'em). I mean, pretty much every datasheet in the 8th Codex could probably use a weekly thread. They are fun to flesh out hidden uses and potential for less common units. i.e. the surprising feasibility of a Hunter. ...then maybe Forgeworld stuff? <shrug> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slothysaur Posted April 30, 2018 Share Posted April 30, 2018 On 4/29/2018 at 9:49 PM, Jolemai said: =][= Please read folks =][= It has been posted in semi-recently, but we should definitely keep the "Today the Death Company Killed..." thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indefragable Posted April 30, 2018 Share Posted April 30, 2018 Went up against one of my perennial foes yesterday: the Salamanders Mech company. His list; ~2000pts Hidden Content Salamanders Battalion +5CP HQ: Captain -Thunder hammer -Master-Crafted bolt gun -Chapter Master upgrade Lieutenant -Thunder Hammer -Master-Crafted bolt gun -Armor Indominus Relic TROOPS: Tactical Marines x 5 -Plasma gun -Sgt. combi-plasma Tactical Marines x 5 -Plasma gun -Sgt. combi-plasma Tactical Marines x 5 -Plasma gun -Sgt. combi-plasma Tactical Marines x 5 -Plasma gun -Sgt. combi-plasma Tactical Marines x 5 -Plasma gun -Sgt. combi-plasma Scouts x 5 -boltgun x 3 -heavy bolter x 1 -Sgt. storm bolter FAST ATTACK: Scout bikes x 3 DEDICATED TRANSPORTS: Razorback -TL Assault Cannon -Storm bolter Razorback -TL Assault Cannon -Storm bolter Razorback -TL Assault Cannon -Storm bolter Razorback -TL Assault Cannon -Storm bolter Razorback -TL Assault Cannon -Storm bolter Salamanders Spearhead Detachment +1CP HQ: Techmarine -Conversion Beamer (seriously...who uses these?) HEAVY SUPPORT: Predator -predator autocannon -2x lascannon sponsons -storm bolter -hunter-killer missile Predator -predator autocannon -2x lascannon sponsons -storm bolter -hunter-killer missile Predator -predator autocannon -2x lascannon sponsons -storm bolter -hunter-killer missile I brought ~2000pts: Hidden Content Blood Angels Battalion +5CP: HQ:Captain -jump pack -thunder hammer -storm shield Librarian Dreadnought -melta gun TROOPS: Scouts x 5 -cqc + pistol -Sgt. bolter + chainsword Scouts x 5 -bolter x 3 -heavy bolter x 1 -Sgt. bolter + chainsword Scouts x 5 -bolter x 3 -heavy bolter x 1 -Sgt. bolter + chainsword Blood Angels Vanguard + 1CP HQ: Lemartes ELITES: Death Company x 15 -jump packs -bolter x 15 -power fist x 2 -power sword x 2 Sanguinary Ancient -encarmine sword -plasma pistol -death mask Company Veterans x 3 -storm shield + chainsword -Sgt. inferno pistol + power sword Company Veterans x 3 -storm shield + chainsword -Sgt. inferno pistol + power sword Blood Angels Air Wing +1CP: FLYER: Stormraven -TL heavy bolter -TL Assault Cannon -2x hurricane bolters Xiphon Interceptor (ForgeWorld) Xiphon Interceptor (ForgeWorld) His list is deceivingly powerful and brutally efficient: point Assbacks at enemy. Enemy dies. Even when you destroy or tie up the razorbacks, he then has his Tacticals jump out, rback falls back, Tacticals pummel you with plasma...since they're Salamanders, they can Overcharge without fear of blowing up...and even if they do, they're Tacticals...few tears shed. He needs very few CP since he is so efficient with native re-rolls and his Chapter Master/LT buffs. What's more, is that even in melee his list is deceptively powerful since every single Tac/Squad gets at least 1 free re-roll To Hit/To Wound every single time they fight. So while our chapter trait wears off pretty quickly, he's just as strong through Round 13 of a fist fight as Round 1. He is also quite adept at using Heroic Intervention to pummel things with the HQs' THs, and then use Honor the Chapter to do it again. Synopsis: Hidden Content We did Open War deck, wit the funky deployment zones where he had to deploy in the middle 18" band and I got a 15" deployment on either "endzone" of the football field. The mission was Burn and Pillage (great name!) where each side gets 3 OBJ to put in their DZ. If you control an enemy OBJ at the end of your Turn, you can "burn it" and remove it from the battlefield. The first player to burn all 3 enemy OBJ wins. Simple. I put anything that wasn't a Scout, a Flyer, or a blob of 15 psychotically raging fallen astartes into the Stormraven. Lots of eggs in 1 basket, but it really helped with the +1 to go first. What was insane was that with our deployment zones only 12" apart, I parked the SR right on the edge of mine. I rolled a 6 (7 w/ the +1)... I Forlorn Furied the DC up onto a building so they were in prime jump zone to leap over a screen of Tacticals and Scouts he had put at the front of his DZ. I then unloaded everything from the SR into his DZ, milking the :cuss out of that +3" disembark move. Captain Slamguinius thus got a 15" move right off the bat, as did Lemartes who was easily able to link up with the DC as a result. Libby Dread hopped 9" then got Wings psychic power to get him right up close. The footslogging Company Vets kind of failed me a bit, but that's a different matter. Suffice to say that Capt Slam got into combat with 2x razorbacks and a predator, the Libby dread locked up a pred and razorback, and the DC + Lemartes surrounded another razorback, ate overwatch from the same predator the Libby charged, AND pulled his LT into combat as well. After 2.5hrs, we made it to the top of Turn 2. Seriously. That much combat Turn 1 really slows things down. Between the Flyers' dakka and all that punching, he lost 2x Predators, 2x Razorbacks, 2x Tactical squads, and his LT. I lost 13x DC, Lemartes, 2x Scout squads (1 to Morale), and the 3rd scout squad was down to 2 dudes, the SR was barely hanging onto 8W, and 1 Xiphon was down to 4W. All of that after a SINGLE Turn. I lost 12x DC in my own turn: 2x to Overwatch (expected when you multicharge 3 units with re-rolls), 8 to his Capt/LT's combat/heroic intervention/Honor the Chapter, and then another 2 to Morale. Seriously, not being Fearless is KILLER this edition for a unit that you want to bring in such large blobs. I know I'm the outlier among the BA community for this opinion, but I am just not impressed by DC this edition. They're like Dark Eldar in the sense that they are fast and scary, but anyone who wants them dead barely has to lift a finger. Again, note that I lost 12 on my turn doing what they were designed to do. Basically at the start of my Turn 2, I had 2x DC bodies alive (somehow after weather 2 Fight phases worth of insane numbers of TH attacks) that I Fell Back onto a near OBJ of his (the SR dakka'd his Tacticals off of it). The Libby Dread, Sanguinary Ancient, and 1x unit of Company Vets all got into Charge range of his OBJ near them that had a single Tactical squad guarding it. ...and in the move of the game, I Wings of Fire'd Captain Slam out of combat and onto his undefended far-side OBJ, thus being in position to Burn 2x of his. With the amount of both dakka and choppiness coming on his lightly-defended 3rd OBJ, he decided to call it. Blood Angels Win. Couple takeaways: -Always play the mission. It's kind of an obvious one, but with so much combat going on Turn 1 I actually forgot the Win Condition for this particular mission. If it weren't for how his Fight phase developed, I would not have remembered to manuever into position to get the OBJ in his zone. -I got greedy with the DC. I will admit that. My goal was to Tri-LockTM a Razorback T1 with them to ensure that both a rback and a tactical squad were completely neutralized for a Turn. Due to the positioning of his armored line, I thought it was smart to eat overwatch from a Pred to make sure the Libby Dread (WL) was not miraculously blown up by the Pred's Overwatch (it happens). Still a smart move, I think. Where I went wrong was also charging his was just a Bridge Too Far. First, I forgot his LT had the Armor Indomitus (grants 2+ armor and 3++ invuln once per game) so my few chainsword attacks bounced right off and of course he popped the 3++ to absorb my Power Fist and 2x Power Swords going after him. He also Heroically Intervened with his CM, so they had full re-rolls To Hit and 1's To Wound Thunder Hammers coming back at my DC. They managed to kill enough that I couldn't even keep the original rback target in Tri-LockTM anymore. Even with Lemartes right there giving Ld9, they took 2 more Morale Casualties (+10 to whatever I rolled). EVEN if I had the Sanguinary Ancient near them for a Ld10 (Lemmy = +1, DC use his), I still would have taken an additional Morale casualty. They just go down so hard. TL; DR: I'm still not impressed by DC this edition. They can be effective, but you shouldn't put all your hopes and dreams in them by any means. -Slamguinius and the Libby Dread shaved off a ton of wounds in melee, but failed to actually kill anything in a single Turn. This somewhat helped me as it kept them both locked in....and made it harder for his own counter-chargers to make it into combat. They each killed a vehicle in his combat phase. That being said, he got very cute and actually attempted to charge his remaining predator into Slam, and tried to get other squads onto the Libby...simply so that if they fell back they would not be able to charge again. While that might seem like he was "feeding" an ideal target to me, it actually worked in his favor. By sacrificing a vehicle, I would be forced to stay stuck in and unable to attack where I want, thus actually neutralizing one of my most potent units...especially in a mission that was all about bum-rushing OBJ. If anyone ever wants to know what my Meta is like, I would point to this example: there may not be the most egregious lists on paper, but IF there is a way to turn something against you, it WILL be used against you a regular and effective basis. -Flyers did ok. There was not enough time (1 full Turn lolz) for them to really shine, but despite all the nerfs and rules changes, don't underestimate the ability to circle the board and just shoot things to pieces. Both Xiphons reliably got exactly 2x Lascannon pens each, and their missiles shaved off wounds. The SR did what it was supposed to, using heavy bolters, assault cannons, and hurricane bolters to sweep away infantry while the missiles shaved off wounds from armor. All-in-all, as the first post-Beta-rules game I've had, I felt I did a cheeky job abiding by those rules. I'm still worried about the future especially because melee is just so much weaker than shooting this edition. It's ridiculous. The mission and deployment were pretty much textbook examples of where I should have shined with the melee bonuses and even still I barely hung on for the win. Falling Back with one unit and Shooting with another is just ridiculously powerful (as if we did not know that already), and the ability to counter-charge/Heorically Intervene means that gunlines need the bare minimum melee to be able to attack you back with minimal effort and excellent results. Chaplain Gunzhard and Majkhel 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted April 30, 2018 Author Share Posted April 30, 2018 ETL is live! ONWARDS, FOR SANGUINIUS! Dont-Be-Haten and Chaplain Gunzhard 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damon Nightman Posted April 30, 2018 Share Posted April 30, 2018 It may take me a day or 2 but my vow will be coming! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ornithologist Posted April 30, 2018 Share Posted April 30, 2018 I just put in an order for parts to make: 1 Chaplin Dread 1 Heavy flamer Devi Squad 1 Flamer Razorback to cart them around I will be likely be vowing to paint 4 units of scouts 2 units of intercessors Everything on order. 1 Lightning claw Captain I might also not, as nothing makes me lose the will to paint by making it a mandatory thing.... I'm thinking it over. Unfortunately, I literally just painted 6 Sanguary Guard and started a new captain/librarian/Priest.... Dammitall. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted April 30, 2018 Author Share Posted April 30, 2018 Blood & Zeal aftermath post Sorry it's late folks! Panzer 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted May 1, 2018 Share Posted May 1, 2018 (edited) Thanks Jolemai! It was a great event so it was worth to wait :) It made me smile to remember it when I saw your post. And I'm already tinkering with the B&Z badge... Edited May 1, 2018 by Majkhel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted May 1, 2018 Share Posted May 1, 2018 On 4/30/2018 at 10:48 PM, Jolemai said: Blood & Zeal aftermath post Sorry it's late folks! Happy to see a few of you rocking the sigs already ;) Majkhel 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted May 1, 2018 Share Posted May 1, 2018 Finally more banners for my signature! :D Now I just need to figure out how to put the GBBO banner beside it without destroying the multi-part banner design. But that can wait till I'm done moving. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted May 2, 2018 Author Share Posted May 2, 2018 Blood Angels ETL Oath of Moment badges: Only way to get one is to sign up for our ETL campaign. If you plan on painting anything this summer, join us. Please. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted May 4, 2018 Author Share Posted May 4, 2018 (edited) Blood Angels Legion Tactical Squad bundle, Blood Angels Upgrade Set bundle, Blood Angels Legion Torsos - all Last Chance to Buy Hopefully they wont add to that... Edited May 4, 2018 by Jolemai Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damon Nightman Posted May 4, 2018 Share Posted May 4, 2018 Wow that's sad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indefragable Posted May 4, 2018 Share Posted May 4, 2018 Quick random question: The Codex: Space Marines’ psychic powers say “...friendly ADEPTES ASTARTES unit/model. All Blood Angels models include the Faction Keyword ADEPTES ASTARTES. Ergo...if we bring an allied SM Psyker, we can buff our units with Veil of Time/Might of Heroes, etc...? I have a feeling this was FAQ’ed or something way back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted May 4, 2018 Share Posted May 4, 2018 On 5/4/2018 at 11:04 AM, Indefragable said: Quick random question: The Codex: Space Marines’ psychic powers say “...friendly ADEPTES ASTARTES unit/model. All Blood Angels models include the Faction Keyword ADEPTES ASTARTES. Ergo...if we bring an allied SM Psyker, we can buff our units with Veil of Time/Might of Heroes, etc...? I have a feeling this was FAQ’ed or something way back. That's right. You can buff units from other Codexes as long as they have the right Keywords. Karhedron 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted May 4, 2018 Share Posted May 4, 2018 On 4/30/2018 at 4:28 AM, Grazcruzk said: I don't know really, one model is hard to judge. I demand several more before I can give an accurate response. Spyros 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indefragable Posted May 4, 2018 Share Posted May 4, 2018 (edited) On 5/4/2018 at 11:14 AM, sfPanzer said: On 5/4/2018 at 11:04 AM, Indefragable said: Quick random question: The Codex: Space Marines’ psychic powers say “...friendly ADEPTES ASTARTES unit/model. All Blood Angels models include the Faction Keyword ADEPTES ASTARTES. Ergo...if we bring an allied SM Psyker, we can buff our units with Veil of Time/Might of Heroes, etc...? I have a feeling this was FAQ’ed or something way back. That's right. You can buff units from other Codexes as long as they have the right Keywords. It's cheesy as a French wine party...and goes against my own "pure faction" sensibilities....but hot damn if this doesn't sound appealing in WAAC context: Hidden Content Deathwatch Battalion +5CP Watch Captain (basically a captain) --master crafted boltgun --chainsword, power axe, or xenophase blade (for cool) Librarian --Jump Pack --boltgun (gets Special Issue Ammunition) --force axe --Veil of Time: lets Adeptes Astartes (that's BA!) units in 18" re-roll Charges and always strike first in combat --Might of Heroes: gives Adeptes Astartes (<looks around, points at self, silent mouths "">) units in 12" +1S +1T +1A. --alternatively, Null Zone: enemy units in 6" can't take invuln'll see why this is useful below TROOPS: Intercessors x 5 --weapon of choice Intercessors x 5 --weapon of choice Intercessors x 5 --weapon of choice That gives you your 5CP from a Battalion. And DW Intercessors are superior at shooting (which is their primary duty) due to Special Issue Ammunition: Hidden Content copied from 4chan for lazy factor. from:,000/Tactics/Deathwatch(8E)#Special_Issue_Ammunition Dragonfire Bolts: Add +1 to hit when shooting at a unit in cover. This is okay, but not too great, as Space Marines are pretty decent shots already. The real problem with units in cover is not that you can't hit them, but the fact they get better saves. Works well against things that have a built in cover save which also have ways of debuffing hit rolls (e.g. Alaitoc Rangers). Hellfire Rounds: Wounds everything except vehicles on a 2+. Considering the new wounding chart and how difficult it is to get a 2+ these days, this thing is golden. You should be using these in most circumstances, as going from a 6+ or 5+ to a 2+ is 5x or 2.5x the output; AP-1 is 2x against a 2+ save and 1.5x against a 3+. Some monsters and multi wound units have 4+ and 5+ saves, this will simply abuse models dependent on toughness alone.The addition of Mission Tactics turns this into a re-rollable 2+ to wound when targeting the right unit, just don't forget it. Kraken Bolts: Add 3" to the range of a bolt pistol, 6" range otherwise. Improve the AP by one. This essentially turns your Boltgun into a Bolt Rifle, and your Bolt Rifle into a better Pulse Rifle.A solid pick for Stalker Bolt Rifles when used against heavy infantry or vehicles, as it gives them the range of a full-sized heavy weapon and enough AP to deny most saves. Vengeance Round: Subtract 3" from the range of your pistol (now 9") or 6" from other weapons. Improve the AP of the weapon by two. Phenomenal when you're in range for it, given that Bolters normally have AP0; against 2+, this is 3x output, and 2x against 3+.Both standard bolt rifles and stalker Bolt rifles benefit massively from this. Neither one suffers too much from the range penalty, and AP-3/AP-4(!) make massed fire from them much more threatening against MEQs/TEQs and vehicles than they would be otherwise (especially when paired with the Tempest Shells Stratagem in the latter case). They might not have as much potential for raw damage as plasma guns, but they're cheaper and will never kill their users by accident. Makes reiver heavy bolt pistols quite nasty, allowing them to double down on other heavy infantry in both the shooting and melee phases. Since they can deep strike and are best used in melee anyway, they won't care about the range reduction. Reivers with Bolt Carbines deepstriking can lay some seriuos waste with these bois while using their shock grenades and charging in. Inceptors with their double heavy Bolters like this too against MEQ So what we have here is a solid line of 2W infantry with 36" AP-2 basic guns (using Kraken rounds) as it's absolute simplest. One's imagination can go wild with the combinations of SIA + different weapon types (42" AP-3 Stalker pattern bolt rifles, anyone?). That's not even getting into the shenanigans possible with DW Kill Team setups... The Capt is a body that makes the above line even better. But where things start to shine is the Librarian. Delayed reaction on my part for just now seeing this combo potential, but take the Libby with a jump pack, and toss Veil of Time and Might of Heroes on Sanguinary Guard. Make a BA jump Libby your WL and have him also give them Unleash Rage and Shield of Sanguinius. Sanguinary Guard with S5 T5 2W 2+/5++ 4A with re-rollable charges? EDIT: turns out I switched "model" with "unit" when I read the rules for MoH. It only targets a single model, so just the re-roll's To Charge would work. Intercessors with SIA for +5CP still valid, though :) Edited May 4, 2018 by Indefragable Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damon Nightman Posted May 4, 2018 Share Posted May 4, 2018 Sorry to change the subject, but does anyone have experience with a Leviathan dread specifically geared for melee? BS only shows it as having 2 attacks, but I'm seeing people say it has 4 attacks somehow? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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