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Merry Christmas! I didn’t get anything 40k related from anyone else, but I did treat myself to some goodies! (Added to the pile of shame: 6 aggressors, 5 assault terminators, one terminator captain, one terminator ancient... probably 5 more assault terminators on the way!)



Incredible find! Those MkIV dreads are like gold dust now!



The death Co dread came in on the 24th. turns out it has forge world arms on it for some reason. Works for me! So I am now less than $40 US into what is likely $120 worth of dreads. A crazy/probably not as competative as I'd like Dreadnaught list is in the works.

Edited by Ornithologist

What are your thoughts on TLLC and CCW dreads now after the points drop? Can either waddle up the field with 2 lascannon shots a turn or sit with a castle offering decent counter charge potential (4 S12 Ap-3 flat 3 damage) all for 132 points.


Probably not going to rock the super competitive world but then if you're playing blood angels you already know that.



So used my Christmas bonus to get something completely unnecessary... The FW Astraeus Super-Heavy Tank! Think I'll spend the next few months putting off doing anything beyond priming until next ETL...

May the plates bend to your will! :D

Lucky for me, my local store ordered two and pre-built them to sell them faster.

Happy New Year brothers and sisters.


It's been another wild ride. Finished my first couple semesters of nursing school (on my way to becoming a Sanguinary Priest). I'm still so stoked we won the ETL this year. I got more models painted to some degree this past year than the previous. And I'm excited again for the future of life and 40k.


Even though most of 2019 is going to be about my Emperor's Spears, my affinity towards this forum and you people is unwavering.

Happy New Year brothers and sisters.


It's been another wild ride. Finished my first couple semesters of nursing school (on my way to becoming a Sanguinary Priest). I'm still so stoked we won the ETL this year. I got more models painted to some degree this past year than the previous. And I'm excited again for the future of life and 40k.


Even though most of 2019 is going to be about my Emperor's Spears, my affinity towards this forum and you people is unwavering.


So you can heal us but can't yet give us +1S? :)

Painting up a TH armed model and wanted opinions, do you paint both sides of the TH with power effects or just the bashing side? This particular TH is from the recent ASM kit; the back half is not a full cube, it's slightly trapezoid shaped.

Usually just the whacking side, unless the other side is very prominent.


Painting up a TH armed model and wanted opinions, do you paint both sides of the TH with power effects or just the bashing side? This particular TH is from the recent ASM kit; the back half is not a full cube, it's slightly trapezoid shaped.

Usually just the whacking side, unless the other side is very prominent.
Thanks for the response! That's what I ended up doing and it probably would of looked weird if the other side was glowing. Now I just have to practice the effects on the hammer; this go round didn't come out near as nice as I was hoping for.


The Unit of the Week series will be taking a short break over Sanguinala and when it returns, we'll begin discussing the remaining units we all know and love (Tactical Squads, Dreadnoughts, Devastators, and so on).


I want to take the opportunity to remind everyone that these exist as a resource on how to use the units in question. It is so Frater can search for a unit in their collection and see how better to use said unit without seeing the constant stream of internet logic that "unit X is best, take that instead". For many of us, our collections are extensive and every so often we like to play with something that differs from the atypical net-list so please, focus on that. It can theory-crafting, it can be anecdotes; ideally it will be in-depth synergies which ebb and flow with the changes during the edition to create a living document that can assist a Frater new or old to wielding a Blood Angels force.


Discussion has been great so far and it's certainly helped me out in places. I hope it has helped many of you too.

Reclusiarch, may i propose we do Librarians next? I believe this is a hidden unit of ours that could benefit from being taken apart and put back together.



Sure, I'm happy to do requests. For most part I'm just going alphabetically in each category unless we have a flavour of the month or have a run of similar units.



The Unit of the Week series will be taking a short break over Sanguinala and when it returns, we'll begin discussing the remaining units we all know and love (Tactical Squads, Dreadnoughts, Devastators, and so on).


I want to take the opportunity to remind everyone that these exist as a resource on how to use the units in question. It is so Frater can search for a unit in their collection and see how better to use said unit without seeing the constant stream of internet logic that "unit X is best, take that instead". For many of us, our collections are extensive and every so often we like to play with something that differs from the atypical net-list so please, focus on that. It can theory-crafting, it can be anecdotes; ideally it will be in-depth synergies which ebb and flow with the changes during the edition to create a living document that can assist a Frater new or old to wielding a Blood Angels force.


Discussion has been great so far and it's certainly helped me out in places. I hope it has helped many of you too.

Oh you’ve added the full list to a summary page. Sweet :-)



Hidden until needed ;)

Okay, Dread update!


Now that everything is here, I got to spend some time fixing and moving stuff around. Couldn't convert the halberd like I wanted, so Ebay to the rescue again. The Chaplain is going to rock 2 Storm bolters for cheap, and the Librarian is going to run a Melta. I already have a Libby dread with a storm bolter.

Up in the future is greenstuffing a toe for the libby dread, it was missing from the foot standing on the old dark eldar. I need to find a put more ornamentation on the Chaplain to make sure its going to be distinct from a death co Dread. I was going to swap the power plants on the back, to get the idea that the Chaplain is a Venerable dread across, but It is currently unfeasable to do... Then as soon as it warms up after that, I get to spray these to a solid color again. Then They can sit until ETL:rolleyes:

Edit: The point of these guys is to give me another option for the Chaplain dread, an to get a full dread list going. Because its going to be hilarious. (and not super competative, as I don't have any contemptors, leviathans, or Dederos. Yet.)

Edited by Ornithologist

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