Jolemai Posted January 22, 2019 Author Share Posted January 22, 2019 When will start the next ETL? Assuming it goes ahead, May. Riot Earp and Lord Commander Vulkus Dorn 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slothysaur Posted January 22, 2019 Share Posted January 22, 2019 I've got an Astraeus and two Repulsors primed and waiting for the etl. Maybe I'll do the monthly painting challenge with some I Intersessors... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ekfud Posted January 22, 2019 Share Posted January 22, 2019 When will start the next ETL? Assuming it goes ahead, May. Can’t we just take a year off and bask in the glory? Majkhel 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted January 23, 2019 Share Posted January 23, 2019 I hate painting infantry units for ETL, so I'll probably continue with my rank and file for the company while I stockpile characters and tanks for ETL. ++DEFENSOR SANGUINE!++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dread05 Posted January 24, 2019 Share Posted January 24, 2019 I just bought a furioso kit, will probably build a DC dread with talons, 1 melta and 1 ? cant decide between flamer and stormbolter. Leaning towards the bolter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majkhel Posted January 24, 2019 Share Posted January 24, 2019 Go storm-bolter or better still: magnetize :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damon Nightman Posted January 24, 2019 Share Posted January 24, 2019 I just bought a furioso kit, will probably build a DC dread with talons, 1 melta and 1 ? cant decide between flamer and stormbolter. Leaning towards the bolter. Nice! I love my DC dreads after the points drop. The storm bolter is definitely the more competitive option, but the flamer looks cooler in my opinion. Anyone have any tips, tricks, or advice for how to keep my brushes from losing their points so fast? Any cleaning supplies I should be using? I usually mess my brushes up within a few sessions it seems and end up struggling with a crappy brush for months before buying a new one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted January 24, 2019 Share Posted January 24, 2019 I just bought a furioso kit, will probably build a DC dread with talons, 1 melta and 1 ? cant decide between flamer and stormbolter. Leaning towards the bolter. Go Stormbolter. With the new Bolter Discipline beta rule you can dish out 4 Bolter shots at 24" instead of having to wait to get into 8" for ~3.5 Bolter hits. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thoridon Posted January 24, 2019 Share Posted January 24, 2019 Anyone have any tips, tricks, or advice for how to keep my brushes from losing their points so fast? Any cleaning supplies I should be using? I usually mess my brushes up within a few sessions it seems and end up struggling with a crappy brush for months before buying a new one. Vital to make sure no paint gets down to the bottom of the bristles where they meet the ferule. Once paint gets in there it dries and pushes the bristles apart. Other than that don't do any kind of back and forth brushing (eg. dry brushing motion) with a brush you want to keep sharp, always have old brushes set aside for any action that might be rough. Plus never let them rest in a water pot. PaladinStormlord and Damon Nightman 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dread05 Posted January 24, 2019 Share Posted January 24, 2019 (edited) What brushes are you using? I ended up taking a kolinsky, just clean it with water and let it dry. I found out that synthetic brushes ended up with a skewed tip withing a week of their purchace. edit : yup the new beta rule pushed me towards the stormbolter, plus I kinda want the flamer to use it on a furioso with double flamers, just cause :P Edited January 24, 2019 by dread05 Damon Nightman 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damon Nightman Posted January 24, 2019 Share Posted January 24, 2019 I've been using GW brushes and am now trying army painter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted January 24, 2019 Share Posted January 24, 2019 I use army painter brushes and so far they've been great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dread05 Posted January 24, 2019 Share Posted January 24, 2019 Yea GW brushes are synthetic, and I had winsor newton synthetic brushes (much better quality than GW) with bad tips after painting 5 models or so. The last GW brush I got, a medium base brush became non fanctional within the 3rd day of using it. I just chopped it and turned it into a dry brush. I dont know if its the humidity or the water in my place, but synthetic brushes just dont work for me. I got 2 kolinsky sable brushes, a n0 and a n2, and have them for over a year with no problems at all. I was washing them with hair soap but somebody told me to not use soap at all and just clean them with warm water. A couple of general tips for brushes, dont let them soaking in the water pot, always thorouly clean the ferrula after painting and dry them on a towel or something before storing them. Damon Nightman 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damon Nightman Posted January 24, 2019 Share Posted January 24, 2019 Awesome thanks for the help everyone! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Karhedron Posted January 24, 2019 Share Posted January 24, 2019 I prefer synthetic brushes as the bristles are finer and they give a better finish. I just accept the limited lifespan as a trade-off and treat them as disposable. I normally have 2 or 3 on the go at once. A new one for fine details, and older one for general work and a really old one for tough jobs like drybrushing. You can get a pack of 4 fine brushes in the Works for £2 and they work well while they last. Damon Nightman 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ekfud Posted January 24, 2019 Share Posted January 24, 2019 What brushes are you using? I ended up taking a kolinsky, just clean it with water and let it dry. I found out that synthetic brushes ended up with a skewed tip withing a week of their purchace. edit : yup the new beta rule pushed me towards the stormbolter, plus I kinda want the flamer to use it on a furioso with double flamers, just cause :P If it’s of interest - pics on blog of magnetised version... I went a bit far and put magnets in the shoulders, the 3 arm weapons as well as a washer on the fists so they can swap talons vs regular fists. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
appiah4 Posted January 25, 2019 Share Posted January 25, 2019 (edited) I've been using GW brushes and am now trying army painter. I use synthetic brushes as well (cheaping out on supplies out of habit more so than out of budget these days), and I am also finding it very difficult to maintain them for any reasonable time before they curl or split. We should just buy better, sable brushes. I am also considering AP's Regiment and Detail brushes. Maybe we need a brush topic in General PCA.. Edited January 25, 2019 by appiah5 Damon Nightman 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damon Nightman Posted January 25, 2019 Share Posted January 25, 2019 It's worth a shot at this point. I'm getting so tired of working with a poop brush and getting paint in the wrong places when it keeps spliting constantly. It does make me feel like the man when I pull off some fine details with my awful brushes though Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paladin777 Posted January 25, 2019 Share Posted January 25, 2019 The only AP brushes I’ve used are their large dry brush and their ultra fine ‘psycho’ brush. Totally opposite ends of the spectrum, but they have both served their respective purposes quite well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dread05 Posted January 25, 2019 Share Posted January 25, 2019 (edited) To change the subject from brushes, I have in mind to do 4 Saguinary guards with inferno pistols for a while, but I cant find any inferno pistols on ebay (or at least anything cheap), so today I made a wish list in a bits shop and I'll buy the squad the moment they find them for me. Edited January 25, 2019 by dread05 Ornithologist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted January 26, 2019 Share Posted January 26, 2019 Nice sketches but the emps is a bit fat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panzer Posted January 27, 2019 Share Posted January 27, 2019 Had a 1500p match against Death Guard with some Nurgle support yesterday. My list was 1 Captain with Relic Blade, Inferno pistol, relic jumppack, 5++ re-rolling 1s 1 Librarian Dread with Stormbolter 3x5 Intercessors with AGL and Powersword 1 Ancient with relic banner 1 Redemptor Dread with all the Dakka 6 Reiver with blade and pistol 5 Hellblaster 1 Repulsor with TwinLas, LasTalon, Onslaught Gatling, 3 Stormbolter, 2 Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Ironhail Heavy Stubber, 2 Krakstorm Grenade Launcher ----------- The Deathguard list was roughly 1 Lord of Contagion 1 Plague Caster 2x10 Cultists with Heavy Stubber 1x7 Plague Marines with the Nurgle-Flamer and the Nurgle-Plasma (can never remember the names of the plague weapons) 1 Bloat Drone 1 Helbrute with TwinLas and PowerScourge 1 unit of Deathshrouds 1 unit of Blightlords with a Combi-Melta and a Combi-Plasma (can't really remember the number of the terminators) 1 Great Unclean One 3 Nurgling bases We played the first Maelstrom mission from CA18 (players deploy their whole army, no sudden death, up to 4 Tactical Objectives every turn, 1CP Stratagem to disable one Tactical Objective for a turn) and all the beta rules. I had to deploy first but that also meant I got to have the first round. My opponent had all the terminators, the GUO and the Lord of Contagion in reserves so I moved forwards with everything except for two units of Intercessors who decided to camp objectives and to get rid of the Nurglings in my deployment zone on a third objective. Killing Cultists was obviously not hard and the rest wasn't exactly in LOS. Nurglings tanked quite a bit and easily survived getting shot at from my two Intercessor units despite being able to double tap with Bolter Discipline. Nothing else much happened. No Victory Points for me yet. My opponent didn't do much either. 2 damage on the Repulsor from the Helbrute (Shield of Sanguinius ftw) and that's it basicaly. Also no Victory Points for him. Turn 2 the Reivers dropped in my deployment zone and got the charge on the Nurglings to get rid of them which worked well enough. For the rest of the game these Reivers won't do anything more since I kept rolling 1s and 2s on my advance rolls and the rest of the action happened in my opponents deployment zone. My Captain charged his Plaguemarines and killed them easily, Librarian Dread charges the Plaguecaster and gets rid of him just as easily. The rest of the dakka gets rid of the Helbrute and most of the cultists. In my opponents turn 2 he brings in all his reserves in his deployment zone. Fails all his charges (although technically his GUO and his Deathshrouds got blocked by the Lord who failed his charge first but I let him still roll for the GUO). He casts -1T on my Captain and shots with everything at him since he's the nearest target the way he dropped his units and reduces him to 1 wound. Unfortunately the melta got through so that did hurt a lot lol Turn 3 as much as I'd love to charge something with my Captain I actually played to the mission and used my last 2CP to re-deploy my Captain on Mission Objective 3. Now this was quite important because the turn before I drew Priority Orders Received in combination with Supremacy. We had a really short rules discussion because Priority Orders Received says you have to fulfill the objective with your Warlord but you obviously can't hold three Mission Objectives with a single model unless it has the size of half of the table so we decided that at least one of them has to get captured by the Warlord. I've rolled a 3 on the 1d3 so decided not to charge something with my Captain gave me a wopping 6 Victory Points in total! :D For the rest of the turn I mostly shot at the GUO with everything I had, including my disembarked Hellblaster and Intercessors but my opponent started to roll well on his invul saves and his DR rolls and most of my stuff was wounding it on only 5s so he survived easily. In my opponents turn 3 he multi-charged my Hellblaster and Redemptor Dread with the GUO, charged my Intercessors with his LoC and my Hellblaster with his Blightlords. The Dread and the Hellblaster die without being able to fall back but the Intercessors survive until turn 5 iirc and the Sergeant even manages to take one or two wounds off of the LoC. Oh right this was also the turn my Librarian Dread rolled a double 6 to cast Smite on the Bloat Drone. He lost 2 wounds and the Drone 1 wound. Totally worth it. :D Turn 4 my Captain charged his GUO and I really missed not having a Thunderhammer since now I had to wound him on 4+ with 1d3 damage instead of wounding him on a 2+ with 3 damage flat. Anyway I barely managed to take his last wound and scored 3VP with it thanks to a BA specific Tactical Objective (forgot the name, basically kill an enemy character in melee and if you do it with one of your own characters you get 1d3 VP instead of just 1). The Librarian Dread killed a Blightlord and then died. His Turn 4 he finally finished the Intercessors but had nothing to charge my heavily wounded Captain with. Turn 5 I charged his LoC with my Captain to see what happens. I hit everything, wound everything, he saves everything. Welp okay his turn. He hits everything, wounds everything, I save everything. That ... went unexpectedly lol His turn 5 he charges my Captain with his Deathshrouds (they finally caught up with the rest lmao) and of course kills him. That was to be expected and I'm only sad I didn't have CP left to try to kill his LoC again. The game continued into turn 6 where I pretty much just drew everything back and tried to kill something with my Repulsor to get an additional VP. This damn Bloatdrone actually managed to save everything I threw at it for two turns now and it even had only 1 wound left. The ultimate mockery. :cuss The game ended with a score of 16:5 for me after turn 6. I had 7 Intercessors, 6 Reiver, my Ancient and a Repulsor with 14 wounds left while my opponent had all his Deathshrouds, most of his Blightlords, a slightly wounded Lord of Contagion and a heavily wounded Bloat Drone left. ----------------- A few thoughts. Bolter Discplin was nice but barely noticeable. At least I didn't feel bad about leaving my Intercessors behind. The fact that I barely noticed it is probably to some degree because I was fighting against Deathguard and had to wound on 5s anyway The Redemptor Dread was pretty much ignored until he got charged by the GUO but the amount of dakka he dished out was satisfying for his points even after moving and only hitting on 4+ Rolling all those different weapons for the Repulsor is so damn exhausting. I really wish GW would have settled for only one weapon type for the tertiary weapons (so for example all Stormbolter instead of Stormbolter, Fragstorm grenade launcher, Ironhail Heavy Stubber and a Krakstorm grenade launcher) The Ancient did basically nothing because I rolled terribly for all my advance rolls the whole game so he couldn't keep up with the Repulsor and when he arrived where the action happened it was already over and I had him advance in the opposite direction to where my Reiver and Intercessors were still alive lol Relic Blade is so disappointing compared to the Thunderhammer. It's obvious on paper but in-game you really feel it Majkhel 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted January 28, 2019 Share Posted January 28, 2019 Hmm... *cough*.... Slow news day eh? Oh, what's this? Hmm nothing importa-.... BROTHERS, OUR FATHER ARRIVES! Panzer, Karhedron and keeblerartillery 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
keeblerartillery Posted January 28, 2019 Share Posted January 28, 2019 I just can’t even right now. Shut up and take my money forgeworld The Angel 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silverson Posted January 28, 2019 Share Posted January 28, 2019 The question as what can he “counts as” in 40k Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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