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Sternguard are amazing IMO. I've already got 15, with another 5 built and waiting their turn in the paint queue.


I like to run 9 with Meph buffing with Divination. I give the sgt a power fist mainly to deter anything with a 2+ hoping to tie up meph for long.




Yeah they are on my "to do" list, really want to run them With Corbulo!

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Caved in and got this guy. What can I say? he's limited edition after all...


First port of call will be to change the head. Apparently, it's quite tricky to fit an armoured head in due to the collar, so I'll opt for a BA bare head instead (to be honest, there's probably a good third party option somewhere but...). After that, I may try him with a Sanguinary Guard jump pack; I'll certainly leave off his bolt pistol and find a suitable lightning claw.

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See now I'm tempted by him and a BA Upgrade Kit (bodies and heads though)...


He needs a mk4 or 3 helm IMO


But my backlog is already massive and u don't know if I need another random dude... Could make him a priest I suppose.

Edited by Charlo
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See now I'm tempted by him and a BA Upgrade Kit (bodies and heads though)...


He needs a mk4 or 3 helm IMO


But my backlog is already massive and u don't know if I need another random dude... Could make him a priest I suppose.


I certainly don't! However, if I'm ever going to make something as half as awesome as this, it's a cheaper starting point :tongue.:

Edited by Jolemai
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Played a game against my mate's Space Wolves to christen his new place. We decided to ramp things up, and play a 4500pt match. It was a lot of fun, but I won by enough of a margin that, combined with some truly atrocious rolling on his part, it didn't much feel like a win. Not sure how to deal with that in future.

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Played a game against my mate's Space Wolves to christen his new place. We decided to ramp things up, and play a 4500pt match. It was a lot of fun, but I won by enough of a margin that, combined with some truly atrocious rolling on his part, it didn't much feel like a win. Not sure how to deal with that in future.

More details. Lists, mission, golden moments. Please :)



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So, kit-bashing Sanguinary Priests ... I have a WYSIWYG questions.


Is it correctly understood that they don't necessarily hold a chalice in a hand, but that it could just as well be "represented" somewhere else, i.e. chest or shoulder?

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So, kit-bashing Sanguinary Priests ... I have a WYSIWYG questions.


Is it correctly understood that they don't necessarily hold a chalice in a hand, but that it could just as well be "represented" somewhere else, i.e. chest or shoulder?


Sure, why not. Just say that is the vessel holding the blood. If anyone gives you lip just say to them "would you go into battle with a cup?"


....Expect a sarky response about groin protection though.

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So, kit-bashing Sanguinary Priests ... I have a WYSIWYG questions.


Is it correctly understood that they don't necessarily hold a chalice in a hand, but that it could just as well be "represented" somewhere else, i.e. chest or shoulder?


Sure, why not. Just say that is the vessel holding the blood. If anyone gives you lip just say to them "would you go into battle with a cup?"


....Expect a sarky response about groin protection though.



I'm more worried about you guys if I upload pics of my creation ;)

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Ah yes. Last tournament I played against SoB. He also plays BA. If I face his Sisters again and bring that cherub he'll either explode from anger or steal the idea.


Dante and Celestine - still a better love story than Twilight.


A Sister Repentia, chained to a bike and dragged behind it. So many people who could possibly be offended... Enough internet for today. 



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So, kit-bashing Sanguinary Priests ... I have a WYSIWYG questions.


Is it correctly understood that they don't necessarily hold a chalice in a hand, but that it could just as well be "represented" somewhere else, i.e. chest or shoulder?


Played a game against my mate's Space Wolves to christen his new place. We decided to ramp things up, and play a 4500pt match. It was a lot of fun, but I won by enough of a margin that, combined with some truly atrocious rolling on his part, it didn't much feel like a win. Not sure how to deal with that in future.

More details. Lists, mission, golden moments. Please :)


Roughly speaking, he took Logan and his sled, thunderwolves with both special characters, storm wolf, stormfang, and a huge squad of wolf guard termies. I had my ravens, vindicators (two of each), a pair of death company, and a dante-priest sang guard deathstar. Oh, and my Hellhammer.


Highlights would include nuking his thunderhammer-shield thunderwolves with three demolisher cannons first turn, including Canis Wolfborn, the two land raiders that immobilized themselves 18 inches from each other on the second turn, preceding to take potshots at each other, and do nothing else the rest of the game. They were both down to 1 hull point by the end of the game, at least.

My friend got the hellhammer down to 3 hull points, but he had the land raider, the storm fang and Harald Deathwolf, who had but one wound, and I had about half my army.

Edited by CaptainHelion
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