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Got the repainting all but done on my eBayed Tac Squad last night, just the heavy flamer and most of the sergeant to paint now. Between two hand flamers and the Mk8 Templar Torso he looks a beast.


Then I gotta re-base them on 32mm. Excited to have a fieldable Troops choice in my proper chapter colours.

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Working on my Sicaran this weekend, which I got in the mail last week. :smile.:




The colours look a bit off due to it being a crappy cellphone picture, of course. The Baal Predator hull on the right was my first attempt at the red I wanted for my fledgling Blood Angels army, following the colour primer tutorial from LutherMax's site. Sadly that didn't turn out quite how I hoped - it's a really deep burgundy red (much deeper than in the picture above) unlike how LutherMax's excellent figures show up on his site. Probably due to differences in airbrush and pressure and such. It would be excellent for Flesh Tearers though!


So after much internet research I made a second attempt, and I like that one much better. It shows a little flat on the picture, but it's a somewhat more orangey red. Now for detailing and weathering. :smile.:

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Looking good Redemption! Happy to see people trying out my methods :)


My Blood Angels are quite dark, and probably more how most people would imagine the Flesh Tearer's colours. I also prefer red towards purple than towards orange on the spectrum. If I wanted more orange I would probably substitute my RLM Red 23 for VMA Scarlet Red. A gloss/satin varnish also enhances the brightness of the colour.


Looking at your other stuff I have no doubt both of these are going to come out awesome – looking forward to seeing the finished results!

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Had my first tournament yesterday. 3 losses. I got 7 points out of 60, which was enough for last place.


3 hard match ups, a few unlucky dice and some fatal decisions sealed my fate.


Dante bit the dust all three games. In the last game I got greedy and wanted that extra HoW hit on a 5-man tac squad in cover (I needed to run them off the objective). Dante was down to one wound - he rolled a one on the DT-test and failed his armor save.


Not a glorious day.

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Reminds me of my first tournament.

What matchups did you get?

1) Khorne Daemkin. My third game against him (he's one up now). D-Thirster and Kytan (Basically a Daemonkin knight). He finished 2nd, overall.


2) Nids. Really good player, with a "just for fun" list. I don't know the names of his units, but he had the one the provides a cover save bubble, 3x gaunt factories (in "drop pods") and something from FW that costs ~575p. This game I played my Centurions to aggressively (I podded in too close to get an objective - not worth that VP. He finished 7th.


3) Cent-star (Draigo, Tiggy, Corteaz, ML3, 5 Grav Cents). I used my Centurions against his Dreadknights, when I should have targeted the star. Tough bits. They blew my Dante/SP/SGuard to smithereens: 16 AP2 wound (ignores cover). I'm just happy Dante survived. He finished 13th


1st was 3 Imperial Knights with Eldar allies (bikes, spiders, D-cannons).

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Fluffy can be unfun to play against too.  Such is the age of formations. 


In a recent tournament I nearly got tabled by a Mechanicus War Convocation (700 pts of free wargear, and loses "gets hot" on all weapons).   Added an Imperial Knight with Mechanicus colors: fluffy choice.  But I never felt like I was in it.  The guy seemed nice enough but  it was just, flat out, an unfun list to play against. 

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Those look great Leonatos!


Those who follow my blog or WIP thread might be forgiven for thinking I've been idle, but they would be wrong. I have lots of stuff in progress that must remain secret for the time being... All I can say is today I got a good amount of airbrushing done ;)

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Currently, I'm working on painting a grav-weapon centric sternguard squad. I've got everything put together and primed. I've also got some of the base colors painted on them, but I'm having trouble finding time to hobby these days with my new job D:

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How was she for warpage? Do you get options to differentiate between the TLD and the Thunderhawk cannon? Will you be using any form of magnetisation? How will you store her - custom KR mutlicase, or? Going to paint the inside and if so, is a flying stand even viable?

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A lot of the clean up has been done by the previous owner so the bits slot together pretty well. The central upper hull needs a bit of shaving so the front part lines up.


It came with both cannons, so I might stick a big magnet in there to make them interchangeable.


Transport will probably be a plastic case with some laser cut foam. I'd like a pelican, but they're fairly pricey.


Flying stand is going to be a challenge but it's definitely doable. Will need a thick acrylic rod to take the weight, and a decent method of attaching and separating from the hull and base.


I'm going to leave it enclosed like my raven. Doing the inside too would probably tip me over the edge.


It's definitely BA all the way. Icons for doors and stencilled chapter symbol in appropriate spots.

Edited by Brother_Angelus
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