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1 hour ago, Jolemai said:

So we've had a week a off from UotW as Index BA has finished (and because I've been away from a desktop this week), but we'll start going through Codex Marines from Monday.


I originally ordered them into Characters, Units, and Vehicles, with a view to alternating through each category so I'll likely keep the structure rather than moving to Characters, Battleline, Infantry, Mounted, Vehicles - unless there's a good reason to mimic GW/Battlescribe with this?


I know we've had a number of units moving to Legends (which will be tackled at a later date), but there's still a plethora of Datasheets to cover after all.

might be more interesting to mix it up, rather than anything so structured, could we do a poll (can you do a poll as a post) to vote on which one to talk about next? That might be a nice way to make the process more interactive.

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Working on these two and the new terminator Chaplain over the next week.  I don't like the heads that came with them so swapped out for some reiver heads from the old space marine Primaris interdiction force box (never made the ten reivers).  Also don't like the judicar's hour glass, so I'm giving him a shield from a spare indomitus lieutenant, I'll try and pose it as if he's striding towards battle, sword on his shoulder and shield swinging as he walks.  








Also did this guy and managed to magnetise his two weapons. 






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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone, hope you’ve been doing alright.

even though my Grey Knights have keeping me busy, I can’t turn away from my beloved Blood Angels, now can I? 

I joined the December Hobby challenge and vowed to paint half-finished Tacs and my custom Sanguinor. 


Sanguinala fast approaches, can’t wait to bust open those paint pots!

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Much later that planned, but this guide on all the Leaders we can field (and what they do) is now up. Just needs the tips and tricks adding, so feel free to suggest ideas and concepts you've seen and used.

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Has anyone ever looked at or had any experience with bits from Vbits studios? I just saw some blood angels redemptor chassis upgrades and they look absolutely sick!




I still haven't built my redemptor, so I'm quite tempted by them. 

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8 hours ago, Paladin777 said:

Has anyone ever looked at or had any experience with bits from Vbits studios? I just saw some blood angels redemptor chassis upgrades and they look absolutely sick!


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I still haven't built my redemptor, so I'm quite tempted by them. 

That is sick! Wow :jawdrop: 

I 've already glued mine :sad:

It's too late.

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