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Casual 30k Hobby Challange. Month 2

Fire Golem

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We all were (or still are). Patience and perseverance. Also, you could start a separate WIP or post it on here as long as you're happy taking criticism. Some of the painters on here could give you tips on improvements or let you know you're doing well. I tend to make loads of mistakes and have to keep going back to touch up things.


And if you REALLY don't enjoy painting you can get stuff done on commission. No idea how much that stuff costs because I enjoy painting, but there are many facets to this hobby and you don't have to enjoy all of them.

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I'll post them here in the morning when there's proper light. It's not that I don't enjoy it its just it takes me a while and my focus doesn't stay put that long, and when I see the results it's a bit disheartening. But I've never really done it before so I'll probably pick it up quite quickly. I'm rather impressed with the colour of Coelia Greenshade over grey, and the wash goes some way to hiding my messy highlights :)
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Tears- I think you've handled the White well so far, and those panels will help to give the model much more character in the end. I really like your little tribal marking on the front too, I just think you need to smooth the edges out a touch more, particularly on the semicircle. aim for a single smooth action with th brush if you can, It would just give it a crisper edge (sorry - I know how hard it is!). Great work so far though, I struggle with tanks too, but I have 2 coming up...


Btw, I'd call it ghost :D


Glad you've got painting FG - washes are a great and forgiving paint. Excited to see your green.

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Gee thanks for the vote of confidence tongue.png

As for priming, I take the lazy way out and spray em...

I've been stalling my basecoating until I can steal a friends one. Sadly the student budget doesn't stretch to FW shinies and airbrush luxuries :/

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Oh, shame :\ Also, isn't that ALWAYS the case in the UK?

We had quite a while where it was really hot (for here at least) and dry and now it's completely 180'd and its raining pretty much constantly, thunderstorms, got quite chilly... So cos of all the drizzle I wouldn't really be able to spray prime outside anyway.

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well, at least for you its more or less a year-round option. Over here we have 5-6 months where going outside isn't really something you look forward to.

Edit: pic of all the resin I currently have drying in front of a mini-heater (don't worry I'm checking the resin almost every 2 mins.)


Of this pic, only the MK IV Ironclad, Chaplain Dread and 5 Cataphractii's aren't going to be used in the initial stages of Wolf_Packs Campaign.

In the foreground, for the uninitiated, is a Spartan in its unassembled state. in the Background, 10 destroyers that I'll be using as Vet Tacs with HB in Suspensor Web (their missile launcher.) the spare bolt-pistol holding arms will make for great extra bitz since I'm giving them all bolters.

Only full plastic models there are the Land Raider Phobos (cuz its the only way to get it tongue.png) and a GK termy apothecary which will be a Primus Medicae stand-in.

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Slipstreams - Dude, I'm sorely jealous of that horde. Tell me you've at least got an airbrush for all that!

I always remember the Imperial Fists as the yellow marines from Space Crusade but these ones just look badass. It's amazing when people make the yellow look like the unbreakable wall they are.

That's probably the most generous hobby-related compliment I've ever received. Thanks mate. I've gotta say, your Infernal Guard are fantastic. I've always been intrigued by the Alt-Heresy stuff, but building an army's another thing entirely... You're a braver man than I!

@StruManChu - You're fists are great. I love the idea of a central black stripe down the models. That combined with your battle damage gives them a really rugged defensive feel. Very cool. No rush on that World Eater though - do some more loyalists first eh? biggrin.png

Too late... msn-wink.gif


Although... Technically I have painted another loyalist there... He's just a little dismembered, he's still good!

Thanks for your feedback mate. The rugged look is exactly what I'm going for. I've got some fluff in my plog which I won't re-post here (it's long) that covers the idea behind that, so I'm glad that I've pulled it off.

Anyway... Hopefully he'll be done by the weekend and I can crack on with the Achilles. Someone's gotta take care of Atia's hulking menaces!

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Putting together that Spartan.


Man does this thing need a LOT of cleaning. So many little things on literally EVERY piece. been at it for close to 2 hours now and I haven't glued anything on yet @_@


Edit; Finished it. My lord was that a Pain. Very Little Warpage but most of it went unnoticed when I dry fit the thing before hand so its kinda wonky in places. Thankfully it isnt that easy to see and are quite minor.


My biggest gripe were the gates/vents on the Side wall parts. Damn those things are thick. Glad I have a mini workshop in the basement with a clamp and saw.

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...After this I'm pretty apprehensive about starting either my 3 Spartan Clown Car World Eaters or my 3 Storm Eagles 2 Fire Raptors Raven Guard....

unsure.png wacko.png cry.gif

Still, was a good learning experience. Don't regret it at all, if only for the time it took.

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So here are my first attempts at painting SoH, it's Dawnstone, highlighted with Administratum Grey, then washed with Coelia Greenshade. I'm pretty happy with the colour, in person it's a pretty good match for the FW colour plates for SoH but that's about all I'm happy with :(







Even the washes look messy :(

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