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I'm still in the process of putting everything together, but here is the list I am planning on using for the January games which are at the 1000 points level:


Legion Centurion
> Consul - Chaplain (Power Mace)
> Artificer Armour, MBs, Boarding Shield
> Phoenix Power Spear, Sonic Shrieker
Legion Tactical Squad (x10)
> Sergeant w Phoenix Power Spear, MBs 20
> Legion Vexilla 10
Legion Tactical Squad (x10) 150
> Sergeant w Phoenix Power Spear, MBs
> Legion Vexilla
Legion Terminator Squad (x5)
> Tartaros Terminator Armour
> Combi-Plasma (x5)
> Power Sword (x3)
> Chainfist (x2)
Mortis Contemptor Dreadnaught
> Two Kheres Assault Cannons
Javelin Attack Speeder
> TL Cyclone Missile Launcher
> Multimelta
> HK Missile (x2)
ARMY TOTAL                                          1000

I've learned through hard experience that at lower point levels its far more important to favour "boys over toys" when making lists, since buying specialists inevitably means you are more vulnerable to bad luck/placement then you need to be. It's possible to go for a spammy list at this size (like mass Mortis Contemptors), but it doesn't make sense for me to do this when I'm planning on expanding the list to higher points values in the coming months.


Since a Rite of War is not worth the premiums here, I'm running a Chaplain as my main HQ. They are one of the best Consuls in 30K imo next to Masters of Signal and Primus Medicaes for their ability to turn units into melee killing machines. I'd prefer to run the Chaplain inside a unit of Palatine Blades, but in this list I think he'll work well in a Tactical Squad given how the other two Consuls are support HQs.


The rest of the army is pretty much a toolkit, having the necessary components to counter just about anything nasty my opponent can send at me. Hopefully nobody has the cash to drop on 12 Rapiers or 9 Plasma Predators!

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And here's my fully assembled Emperor's Children army for the 1000 points level. I only have the one photo because I snapped it quickly before heading to work. One of the major sticking points about my paint job is that the army has to look really pretty on the table - after all this isn't the Death Guard we are talking about!




For the Chaplain I used the Kurtha Sedd model from the Betrayal at Calth kit. Its tough to see here, but I hollowed out his left shoulderpad and replaced it with one of the Emperor's Children upgrade pads. I also gave him a Phoenix Power spear which turned out really well after I removed his Plasma Pistol. Next I magnetized the weapon arms for the Contemptor Dreadnaught and converted the Kheres from the kit as well as one of my own. Other conversions are obviously the Phoenix Terminators who in this case are simply Legion Terminators in Tartaros pattern TDA. Weapon-wise they all have Combi-Plasmas and two models have Chainfists. The idea behind this unit is to put them in combat as soon as possible, which means they will likely only get a single round of shooting. Plasma makes sense because of the longer range if they get caught in the open. Lastly, of course, is the Javelin Speeder in the background. On that I used upgrade kits to customize the driver and gunner, going full out with chests, helms, and shoulder pads. There are also two Hunter Killer missiles I "borrowed" from my Space Marines range. I can't wait to get started on painting these models, as every single one of them is 100% Emperor's Children customized - as perfectly as possible.


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Hello. After being in the process of choosing a legion for 30k ( which unfortunately for me I will be the 1st to have in my area) I have decided to go for EC. Honestly, its the colour scheme. Gold and purple. I like their lore a bit, but I can't really like Fulgrim,Lucius, Bile and Eidolon. Im probably more like a Vespasian kind of guy. I asked for a kill team (using HoR rules) or a zone mortalis game for January. Now I wait.
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Has anyone tried Orbital Assault with EC?

Like many I'm looking for ways to make EC work a little better. Don't want an overly powerful list but just one that gives me a 50:50 chance.


I originally ignored OA as i thought everyone had to deepstrike but having re-read everyone has to be able to but do not have to, thus it is a little more flexiable. So has anyone tried it or have any views on it?

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Orbital Assault is a really strange Rite of War, mainly because its unclear as to whether you cannot take units that can never Deep Strike (as in units that don't have rule and cannot be carried in any transport that has it - such as Sicarians and Outriders) or whether all units must have the rule through some means but they don't have to deploy that way. Here's an example.


Suppose my army consists of two Tactical Squads and a Contemptor Dreadnaught plus a bunch of other stuff coming in via Deep Strike. Is this army illegal if the Tactical Squads and Contemptor don't have Drop Pods? Since every unit that buys a Drop Pod must start the game in it, does this mean that these units MUST Drop in to be legal? Can I run these two units on foot legally, because they have the option to take Drop Pods? The ambiguity is something I'd have to discuss with my opponent prior to the beginning of the game, which is extra work that frankly I won't have to deal with if I run Wraith of Angels, Pride of the Legion or Maru Skara.

Edited by Caustic63
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The crusade army list added to the limitations of orbital assault:


"Units that cannot be deployed via deep strike,  either by having access to the rule themselves or because they cannot be carried in a transport vehicle that has it (infantry in Drop Pods, for example), may not be chosen as part of the army"

[original bolding]


It also later says you have to be on any purchased DT. So no sicarans or foot deployed tactical squads. (which isn't a problem because i like my immobile, 3HP, deep-striking void shield in drop pod form)

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  • 2 weeks later...

with 20 spare points what would you put: a jumppack to the mortitat or two power weapons to two sergeants?

Depends on context of the rest of the lost to be fair. I once ran a moritat with two plasma pistols and a jump pack. Never again. Thankfully they neutered them a bit in the faq!

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I've been hard at work painting my Emperor's Children getting them ready for this weekend's Escalation League. I have some pictures now of what I have completed, as well as one that isn't done yet.




Unfortunately due to league rules I won't be able to use the Contemptor for the first month, but at least it will be ready for Febuary! I'm eagerly looking forward to the next book in the Horus Heresy Series, Retribution, as the Kakophoni Rite of War has me excited in regards to the possibilities they present as Relentless Troops.

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Tartarus Pattern Terminator Armour:  In addition to the effects and rules listed previously for Terminator armour, models in Tartarus pattern armour may make Sweeping Advances in combat unlike other patterns of Terminator armour. If a model with Tartarus pattern armour is joined by a character equipped with a different pattern of Terminator armour or vice versa, this ability is lost.




Phoenix guard just improved immensely. Now we just need to make sure that the first round of AP2 hits home, so they can sweep and never have to worry about the AP3 in the next rounds. Now they actually sync very well with the EC rules and benefits to sweep/combat resolution of Fulgrim and Ryalanor.

Edited by MorgothNL
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Tartarus Pattern Terminator Armour:  In addition to the effects and rules listed previously for Terminator armour, models in Tartarus pattern armour may make Sweeping Advances in combat unlike other patterns of Terminator armour. If a model with Tartarus pattern armour is joined by a character equipped with a different pattern of Terminator armour or vice versa, this ability is lost.




Phoenix guard just improved immensely. Now we just need to make sure that the first round of AP2 hits home, so they can sweep and never have to worry about the AP3 in the next rounds. Now they actually sync very well with the EC rules and benefits to sweep/combat resolution of Fulgrim and Ryalanor.


I think this one surprise charge forces me to rethink how useful Phoenix Terminators and in fact Tartarus Legion Terminators are in an Emperor's Children army. Considering how Terminators are good generalist combat units, I can see myself fielding more of them now in my lists. Great find!

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Not an EC player myself, but a friend is, and we just ran some numbers on the new Phoenix Terminators. Versus marine statlines, a full squad averages 10 ap2 wounds at initiative six on the charge. If this were versus a 10-man Cataphractii squad, that means 5 dead foes. Even with fists you only suffer 2-3 casualties in return, after which your average sweep roll will be 9.5.


They feel incredibly viable out of a spartan, especially with a Primus Medicae!

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The strength lies in that you can add one or two extra wounds from the various EC resolution bonuses too!

Indeed, you not only win combat by 2-3 in the above example, with say Fulgrim on the field the enemy would be testing at Ld 4-5!



Was this also done using their Crusader Bonus?

Yeah, that's why their average sweep is 9.5 (4+D6+D3). Sweeps are done on unmodified initiative, so they are counted as i4 rather than i6.


If they escort a Praetor or Primus, they'd sweep on i5 with an average of 10.5. :tongue.:

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Indeed, you not only win combat by 2-3 in the above example, with say Fulgrim on the field the enemy would be testing at Ld 4-5!



By +4 with rylanor and fulgrim choosing the paladin of glory warlord trait!  Squee

Edited by Sanct
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