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I'll take a crack at a list.


HQ: Eidolon with jump pack - 205

HQ: Champion with artificer, refractor, jump pack, phoenix spear, mb - 145 (this guy sucks so much)

Elites: 2x Apothecaries with jump packs/swords - 140

Elites: 2x Cortus Contemptor Dreadnoughts, fist/chainfist, double grav (hidden blade) - 350

Troops: 10x Assault Marines, combat shields, 1 sword/1 axe, Sgt with artificer/power fist (Champ goes here) - 250

Troops: 10x Assault Marines, combat shields, 1 sword/1 axe, Sgt with artificer/spear/mb (Eidolon goes here) - 255

Fast Attack: Lighting Strike Fighter with 2x kraken missiles, 2x phosphex clusters, auguries/servitors (hidden blade) - 225

Heavy Support: Leviathan with melta lance/phosphex/drill/volkite/ceramite/pod - 440

Heavy Support: Deredeo with Aiolos and Anvilus- 220

Heavy Support: Scorpius Whirlwind - 115



Pretty low model count, but lots of brutality. items are pretty self-explanatory, Leviathan drops turn one in his pod to be a big distraction and take out the hardest target on the other side. Whirlwind and Deredeo target infantry and transport vehicles as needed. Turn two automatic entry of Lighting and two Cortus Contemptors. The lightning load-out is something I've been playing with and it's pretty hilarious. Fly over something and drop two S5 AP2 phosphex templates on them, then still shoot 3 tank-killing shots at something else. The reason I took more clusters rather than kraken missiles is because the Lightning will probably die after this run anyway, and the bombs are 20 points cheaper and not hindered by Jink. Plus I feel the list needs more ways to deal with infantry with the tank hunting more or less covered.


The assault squads do what assault squads do, try not to die with their invuln and FNP, and charge softened up targets. With 2 power swords, axe, fist, and phoenix spear in each unit, they hit like a truck (not to mention potential hammer of wrath).


The list has 155 points of play left depending on your needs. Options I would consider are bulking out the assault squads, adding a Javelin squadron as part of the Hidden Blade, dropping the Scorpius for a pair of squadroned Vindicators, or dropping the Scorpius and adding some Sky Slayers with multi-meltas. Another option is to drop the Lightning and bring a Seeker squad for another scoring unit and some pin-point AP2 that gets delivered reliably. This option should also leave enough points for a Javelin to shore up the tank-hunting capability you gave up in the Lightning. So:


FA: 6x Seekers with combi-plasmas, Sgt with artificer armor/MB, Rhino with multi-melta and dozer blade (hidden blade)- 300

FA: Javelin with lascannon, multi-melta, HK missile (hidden blade) - 80


Some may accuse me of being biased towards dreadnoughts, but I assure you this has nothing to do with the fact that the Relic Contemptor is super pretty and festooned with aquilas that would make it a perfect pair to the EC Contemptor. :dry.:

Switch out the seekers for vets. More points saved and still scoring. Slightly less bs but it wouldn't concern me.

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I think I've convinced myself to start a 3rd legion force. Initially as loyalist shattered leigion with my WE as primary.


But beyond the synergy with bezerker assault, how do I build EC to be something other than the armoured assault force that my WE are?


Can you make the EC out flank RoW work?

How are you successfully runing your EC? With the proviso I'll be running them as loyalists. So no relentless sound freaks.

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They don't in the original red book, and I doubt that'll have changed in the new one I don't currently have with me. I'm pretty sure he means 'No' as in it'd be hard to get a 50/50 win rate, which I'd have to agree with depending on what 'lots of Phoenix Terminators' means exactly. They're just too points-intensive to spam and too fragile to use as a main battle-line, particularly trying to fit Palatines, Anti-Tank and Transport in there.

Although, you could always run that style of army in Zone Mortalis, possibly even with some success.

Edited by Gabriel Santar
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Two units of palantines sounds pretty excessive, that means you'll need two spartans and that's eating up a lot of your points, not to mention one good demolisher cannon shot is going to take out a huge chuck of your force. If you really want to go for the heavy on elites, a better choice would probably be to run pride of the legion and have a fair amount of cataphractii terminators and veterans with the weapon master rule, which are more affordable than palantine blades. You can of course still run some phoenix terminators, sure they only have a +5 invul but I think they are still solid, I just wouldn't run more than one unit of them. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

With the release of the new box, I find myself having spare marines. As I just made troops out of the BaCbox, I was thinking of finally getting to some veterans. But how do you arm yours? And how big is the squad? I dont need them to be completely wysiwyg, but I d like to have some ideas on good loadouts. I imagine plasma guns are pretty good, but then no charging that turn. Flamers with sniper seem awesome for holding objectives, but that feels so Death Guardy.


So, ideas?

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Two units of palantines sounds pretty excessive, that means you'll need two spartans and that's eating up a lot of your points, not to mention one good demolisher cannon shot is going to take out a huge chuck of your force. If you really want to go for the heavy on elites, a better choice would probably be to run pride of the legion and have a fair amount of cataphractii terminators and veterans with the weapon master rule, which are more affordable than palantine blades. You can of course still run some phoenix terminators, sure they only have a +5 invul but I think they are still solid, I just wouldn't run more than one unit of them.

"Need" 2 Spartans, why?... I've always run palatines as tens with jump packs with no issue. The argument of a "lucky shot" can be argued about most things.


But then I run breachers and destroyers so what do I know?! :p

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With the release of the new box, I find myself having spare marines. As I just made troops out of the BaCbox, I was thinking of finally getting to some veterans. But how do you arm yours? And how big is the squad? I dont need them to be completely wysiwyg, but I d like to have some ideas on good loadouts. I imagine plasma guns are pretty good, but then no charging that turn. Flamers with sniper seem awesome for holding objectives, but that feels so Death Guardy.


So, ideas?

When I play vets in run them as snipers with a smattering of combi weapons. One squad in a rhino, the other in a pod. I also include some power swords and a Phoenix Spear in one squad. Not an efficient use of points but they look good and they're handy in combat.

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I was thinking either one squad, or build two squads of ten for the RoW. Usually I don't have any spare points to include them in my lists otherwise (I usually play 2k games).


The overall concensus so far seems to be on combi's mainly though, so that's interesting. And a lot of CC weapons. I like that, although it means I won't be using any of the beautiful ranged weapons in the box. :)

Edited by Neforon
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Two units of palantines sounds pretty excessive, that means you'll need two spartans and that's eating up a lot of your points, not to mention one good demolisher cannon shot is going to take out a huge chuck of your force. If you really want to go for the heavy on elites, a better choice would probably be to run pride of the legion and have a fair amount of cataphractii terminators and veterans with the weapon master rule, which are more affordable than palantine blades. You can of course still run some phoenix terminators, sure they only have a +5 invul but I think they are still solid, I just wouldn't run more than one unit of them.

"Need" 2 Spartans, why?... I've always run palatines as tens with jump packs with no issue. The argument of a "lucky shot" can be argued about most things.


But then I run breachers and destroyers so what do I know?! :tongue.:



I was probably thinking of phoenix terminators at the time, but that was also made that post two weeks ago so who knows. 


Weapon masters veterans works well for EC, just throw them in a dreadclaw with a smattering of power weapons. They'll make short work of anything without +2 armor. 

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So had another bash at the shadow war campaign weekend at whw this weekend.


My list was:


Eidolon with jump pack


15 man assault squad (sarge tooled up) inc 3 power weapons.(apothecary)


3 units kakophoni (apothecary)


1 unit of 3 quad launchers with shatter shells


2 dread cortus claw with c.fist and grav guns


1 auto deredeo


1 las rapier


1 fellblade


The list is a more shooty than choppy. The kakophoni can be ruinous to a 20 man unit. Especially when they accumulate the wound pool.


However over the course of the battle I'd average to kill 3/4 in gets hot per squad WITH the apothecary there. So while they can be good at the start, they by no means don't have any drawbacks.

They are not bad in combat either and able to see off a unit of charging vets with the shriekers bringing them down to ws4.

I forgot that they can overwatch with bolt pistols (better than the weapon)


Everything else did their job well.


It's a great all rounder army, and fluffy for the EC. I was really pleased how they performed against armour, and infantry based armies. (Obvs better at infantry) but yes so if you want to playtest that, I'd fully recommend it.


Using eidy and the assault marines as a counter attack sometimes is the best way of using them and guaranteeing getting that hammer off (annihilated lots with it over the weekend)


So yep, love them!!

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Are you rolling them individually? Rolling all together would skew amounts of gets hot upward.


Crazy you lose half the unit even after 3+ and 5+ save attempts!


How are the foot slogging Cortus treating you?


I feel like outflanking a talon is the best way to get some mileage out of them but that's only available to Horus, EC with Maru Skara, and anyone running Sacrificial offering.

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Oh yes, individual rolls are the only way to go with these guys. I suppose my terrible rolling just happened to be that way, but when you get that 18 shots hit miracle, your laughing!


The cortus I overcharge to give +2 to their run range, and try to dodge in cover.

I had them smash onto a unit of gorgonaters and forge lord with praetor and tear them apart in 2 turns another they died t3 when there was 4 terrain peices available (anyone playing whw will know how short supply the scenery is)


Me personally playing both rites, the Maru skara cannot hold a candle to 3rd company

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Well, it's a guaranteed outflank on a turn of your choosing, but yes, Fulgrim's Warlord Trait and re-roll to reserves makes that largely irrelevant. 3rd Company Elite is the default most competitive way to run Emperor's Children, like Berserker Assault is the default most competitive way to run World Eaters.

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It's a fluffy army, like the WE one, I play to narrative and like the storyline.

Many of the legion rules are.


With this one, it suffers against armour, but that's why I have the dreads, las vindi, quad mortars and Dorito. They can strip down a Tyron in a turn if you get the first turn.

The fellblade is such a cool model and it's a decent AP, with a little anti armour.

Some other lists there included some horrible combos of glaives, ventators, etc

One guy with 3 units of 3 phosphex quad launchers just annihalted anyone within 36" range. It was a fluffy DG army TBH, with the infantry advancing through the clouds.

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Hi Chaps, 


Longtime. I have a 2vs2 3k game against [loyalist scum] 2 Iron Hands players this weekend coming. Proposed list and tactica for my (1.5k) half of our side (DG are the other, check Geeks40k for his army):


Eidolon - 185

Chaplain - 107

10 Kakophoni - 260

10 Kakophoni - 260

8 Palatines - 236

3 Land Speeders (Grav Gun & MM) - 195

Land Raider Phobos - 255


Am unsure of his list so I went (Fluffy-ish) and have brought high strength Sonic weaponry to get around the -1S of the IH and the extra wounds hopefully :-).

Combined with the Land Raider, Palatine Blade, Eidolon and Chaplain beatstick (distraction unit) that will hopefully absorb a lot of fire instead of the Kakophoni.


Land Speeders will be used to try and get any Predators/Vindicators or Spartans (ideally) popped so I can charge the contents. 


Any advice for a list change to make it more balanced or tactica for this list would be very helpful!! 


Death to the False Emperor!

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Looks pretty well rounded, you have your anti tank whizzing round, and your shorting power armour sorted.


How will you equip the blades? Having some ap2 in there would be a good hit, maybe add a spear and boarding shield on the chappy if you could, stops the extra charge bonus if you get caught out, plus you can lob a blind grenade before the charge (not bad)

I have played with and without shriekers the -1 WS works very well, those on the the blades re rolling misses? BRUTAL!

Edited by Theredknight
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Thanks for the feedback Mr theredknight sir. 


Palatines loadout:


Phoenix Spear on Prefector (MB too)

Then 2 Power Swords and the rest good old charney sabre's. Nothing like those juicy rends :-). 


The sonic shriekers, considering my chaplain and Eidolon have them, and should get into base-to-base with most should reduce the majority unit WS and at WS5.. the Palatines should hit on 3's with that zealot re-roll. Just wish I had Fulgrim too for the Child of Terra.... :happy.:

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To report - 


If you suggest fluffy lists - I would take this list.

However, I would not take this list to a game where your opponents take:

Quad mortars, a fire raptor, a sicaran venator, a leviathan, a plasma executioner, a contemptor mortis (double kheres), a whirlwind scorpius and a missile launch heavy weapon team x5. 


The battle report will be on the Geeks40K YouTube channel in the next few weeks. Give them a subscribe as they were awesome guys and it was fun, even though the result went one way very very quickly - coupled with tragic dice rolling by me with Eidolon who got a power fist enema.  

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