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Thanks guys. 


I had to go through the rules intensively to see what I made was legal in a battle forged army. I am still a bit unsure about the Inquisition and assassins. But as I understand it, they are detachments in their own right. At least the inquisition as it states it can be a primary detachment and an ally in their own codex. 


But as it look like now I'll be fielding:


Inquisition (primary combined arms detachment)

- Inquisitor


Militarum Tempestus (combined arms detachment)

- Tempestus command, 5 members

- Tempestus scions, 8 members

- Tempestus scions, 5 members

- Tempestus scions, 5 members


Imperial Knight (Imperial Knight detachment)

Knight Errant, 1 super heavy walker


Officio Assassinorum (Officio Assassinorum detachment)

- Vindicare assassin, 1 member


Farsight Enclave (Allied detachment)

- Farsight, 1 member

- Commander, 1 member

- Crisis suits, 3 members

- Sniper drone team, 7 members


1750 pts

37 infantry models and 1 super heavy walker! yay...




There will be some photos taken... if I remember to take some during the game :)

The guy I am battling is strict as I am with painted miniatures. So his army will be 95% painted at least. 

Hehe.. I can't remember when I last saw two (almost) completely painted armies facing off.. Now you have to take pictures! ;)

In the good old days when i worked with a gaming store (closed now sadly) we had a policy. To play on the stores gaming tables, whiich held a high quality, you had to have fully painted armies. Strange thing, this worked. Everyone who wanted to play had fully painted. And it was fully booked every day.

We had seven tables during day time and 10 during evenings.


Those who didnt have fully painted enjoyed the company of others who didnt have fully painted armies. They sat down on the dedicated tables for painting. The owner and me sometimes, held painting courses.


So with that said, i am spoiled with fully painted armies and usually dont accept anything else :)

Its more than just a game for me, its a hobby.

Yeah, when I first started playing I played in the GW in Copenhagen, and they had a 100%painted policy as well.. It looks awesome! But between studying, moving across the country, getting married and having a daughter, painting time has somewhat decreased ;) hopefully I can get some free time on my hands when we get settled in the new apartment! Definatetly more of a hobby for me aswell

Yeah, when I first started playing I played in the GW in Copenhagen, and they had a 100%painted policy as well.. It looks awesome! But between studying, moving across the country, getting married and having a daughter, painting time has somewhat decreased msn-wink.gif hopefully I can get some free time on my hands when we get settled in the new apartment! Definatetly more of a hobby for me aswell

I know the feeling mate.

Married and have two children my self. Took me four years to get a grip of it all.

And hey, if you ever have your army with you to Malmö, give me a call ;) I'll gladly answer the challenge and game.

Good luck in the game! Hopefully all your Tau units die and the Scions carry the day msn-wink.gif

Operation Tau Shield!

Ha! Something like that. :)

Good luck in the game! Hopefully all your Tau units die and the Scions carry the day msn-wink.gif

And it was like that :) The scions carried the battle. But... the last kill went to the Tau.

Here are a huge amount of pictures from the battle. Not going into detail about the battle it self.


He had Bjorn the fellhadned, a rhino with 10 marines with 2 meltaguns and pfist, Vindicator and 8 Jokaeros in the ruin.


His left flank had two more rhinos with marines, one with 2 plasmas, and the other with two meltas. Another 8 Jokaeros and an inquisitor with psyker lvl 1.



Dead centre I had the Knight, Sniper drone team and Command squad in the ruins. The Vindicare assassin was hiding in the back, not visible...


My left flank had a unit of Scions with Plasmas. The inquisitor joined in here. Their mission was to be close to 2 objective markers.



All my reserves came in! And all of them landed perfectly, no scatter! This was not expected!

Farsight with pals, in range of the vindicator and Bjorn with the fusion blasters.




Knight Overview


"Skull hunters" perfect drop behind enemy lines. Able to target All vehicles!


Bjorn fell to the "Skull hunters", The vindicator fell to the Crisis and finally blown up by the Knight Errant. The rest of the Farsight unit shot at the rhino, inflicting a glancing hit. The Knight also killed some Jokaeros with its heavy stubbed and melta weapon (name).



He decided to hunt me down and put on the pressure.

I had stunned one of his rhinos with my assassin, forcing him to advance in any case.

He kills 2 of my crisis suits, and causes a hull point on my Knight.



I don't back down from a battle with my Farsight Enclaves! They are made for close combat! Farsight and Commander Vash rushes forward with their blades glowing hot and eager for battle.

The Skull hunters pop open the Rhino, revealing the goodies inside for Farsight and his unit to go all nuts on. Flamers, plasmas and a fusion blaster goes haywire. Reducing them to 3 members. Then they are charged! Certain doom, 10 attacks incoming with no armour saves allowed for them!


The Knight shots the space wolves closest to him with his heavy stubbed and with his canon against something I can't remember.

The command squad issues an order to them selves and their weapons are now twin-linked. Opens fire at the other Marine unit and rolls really badly to hit, 60% misses, but thankfully the re-roll saves me. Score 8 wounds, but my big fat Knight is in the way and provides cover. 5 Marines die. I am happy with that result.

Another 2 marines from the same unit dies from fire from one of the skull hunters unit.


The close combat... a huge disappointment... 10 power weapon attacks to kill 3 marines... S5 and S8 on those attacks... I kill 2 marines... Luckily he misses with his wolf guard who has a power fist.


The Knight charges in. Killing half the unit in close combat. He succeeds with his moral!



He charges my crisis suits with his remaining 3 marines. I fail again to kill the marines, and the result is that 1 crisis and Farsight dies to a lone sergeant with a power fist. 8 attacks........ power weapon.... can't kill them... Never mind, wasn't as bad as the first assault.



The only survivor is a Jokaero who was with the Inquisitor. He takes two saves agains the heavy stubber and meltacannon from the knight. He dodges the Vindicare assassins bullet, but falls to the Tau Sniper drones.



Vindicare assassin takes a shot at the inquisitor, full quota of wounds. He hits, and he doesn't use Look out Sir!, because I need to first roll to wound, 4+, and then followed by a 5 or 6 to inflict 3 wounds.

By luck it all goes through, and I inflict three wound and his inquisitor falls!

Knight Errant stomping away in close combat was really fun. He was locked in combat for two full game turns, but held the space wolves away from my command squad.

Farsight unit,... subpar in close combat. And yes I know they are not meant to be there, but I do hit on 3+ with Farsight, and 4+ with my commander. I could at least score 1 out of 3 hits? well not even that...

Skull hunters (Scions with meltaguns) really performed well. Perfect deep strikes, and able to support from behind enemy lines. Taking out vehicles and some marines, also claiming objectives and getting line breaker. Game heroes.

In general, theSpace wolves (and inquisition) was in the lead all the way to turn 4. He had good random objective draws. I had 4 points vs his 7 at the start of turn 5. But from turn 5 I cashed in big time. Ended up with 11 points from objectives and all three secondary objectives.

I had the dice gods on my side I must admit. Of all my saves I had to roll I saved something like 80% or more. Maybe because he cursed 4+ saves. He loves them but think they are really bad since they die to most weapons with some basic AP (autocannons, heavy bolters and such). And when they do have a save its only a 50% chance to live. But... I proved him wrong with good rolls. ... or something.

My deep strikes were the killing point. Since they dropped without scatter and could put threat on him all the time from their position, they basically won the game.

Oh Boss!


You are now my favorite poster Vash.


Farsight did his job admirably I see, blocking the Sgt's PF with his head.


Those shots from the rear of the Knight, looking out into the battelfield are awesome.


Gutsy, Deep Striking Storm Troopers for the win.


Did I mention I can't wait for the Gunship?

Oh Boss!


You are now my favorite poster Vash.


Farsight did his job admirably I see, blocking the Sgt's PF with his head.


Those shots from the rear of the Knight, looking out into the battelfield are awesome.


Gutsy, Deep Striking Storm Troopers for the win.


Did I mention I can't wait for the Gunship?

HAHAHA! Farsight stopping the power fist with his head... my gawd :) Thats one way to look at it. 

Thanks for the kind words mate. 

I'll try to keep it up with pictures and similar. A gunship is coming up. Just need to solve the rotor blade issue. 

Stupid Tau, that's not how you stop a power fist :P Good to hear about the Scions, I can't wait to get mine on the table... at some point in the distant future. Maybe I should borrow the Stormies back from the Inquisition?

Awesome batrep! Fast paced and lots of lovely pictures or your beautifully painted armies! Congrats on the win! I'm all for deepstriking everything you've got (I play deathwing and elysian drop troops, so probably makes sense ;)). And I'll defiately throw you a msg if I get a chance for a game in Malmö, not to far from Roskilde you know, but ill have to paint my troops up first then!

Haha, fun was the main thing yes, and this battle rep wasn't hard to do :D You should see the ones I put a bit of effort in. ;) I stopped because of low interest from the Tau forum. 


*a link to one of my Tau bat reps. 


Couldn't hold my self, so I started working on the Gunship (Avenger strike fighter) last night. 

It is still a Work In Progress. I need to add some green stuff, and clean it up some more. 

Hopefully I can finish building it today, and perhaps add some basic colors on it. 

The cockpit window won't be see through, I will paint it. So don't worry about the finger prints and what not on it. 





Thanks guys. 

The blades on the tail won't be there :) I am claiming new tech. There are some helicopters (if I recall correctly) that use jet thrust to compensate for the opposite drift. 

Under the body of the chopper there are 4 smal jets, compensating for the drift. 

Watching with great interest.


I'll try to keep you updated.

Looks great smile.png

Just a shame to see so many burst cannons being used, but most Tau players have loads of them anyway msn-wink.gif

For the tail-rotor-less helicopter try checking out NOTAR

AH! GREAT! Thanks for that!

Have some additional bits here and I'll make sure to add the vent/exhaust.

The Tau burst cannon was slimmer and sexier ;) Also, didn't want it to remind to much of an assault cannon.


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