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IA13: Dedicated Transport Dreadclaws, and More!


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I got the book today. I love the artwork and fluff in addition to all the new goodies. I want to do something with the renegade list to augment my small but growing Black Legion warband but don't feel like my modeling and painting skills are up to converting out masses of infantry. Not to mention time constraints. On the other hand taking a battery of artillery seems more of an Iron Warriors thing, no offense, It's just not what I think of for my warband. I was thinking of maybe a Russ squadron, but am not sure. Any suggestions?
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The appeal for the BL is that they have everything. You can mold a IW artillery company into it.


I find trying to maintain the achetypes of backgrounds can be very constraining, but the beauty of the BL is that they are the jack of all trades, so do as you damn please.

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I think I'm going to use this to have a Night Lords core, some Warp Ghost Breachers(as a ship contingent), Night Reapers tanks and then Black Wings daemon engines and sorcerers.


I'll call this ragtag band the "Tyrannical Night" or something.


Also, Incinerator, while it doesn't explain the weirdness of the 4th Edition Codex, there is a bit about the Warp Ghosts and how they act as ferrymen and mercenaries and it is known that for the right price, they will transport entire warbands on their ships. And because of that, it isn't uncommon for the Imperium to confuse this collection of warbands as all being the Warp Ghosts, or one of the warbands they are carrying, such as the Bleak Brotherhood.

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one thing i don't get is the pricing of the elite renegade units...disciples starting out at only 5 guys but then adding up to 5 more for a much higher pts cost per model (10 = 2,5x the price of 5) and not even adding special weapons for larger squads (unlike troops) - this seems inefficient to the point of promoting MSU (in transports). Ogryns are severely overpriced, spawn underpriced by 40% compared to CSM (and why are they elites anyway when they can ever only be taken as non-compulsory troop choices?). What you get with Renegades is cheap troops and artillery, but If you want an elite infantry army, you're much better off using astra militarum.

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I dunno, I want to think there are some misprints when it comes to points in the book. The cost of additional Disciples for example just look off, especially since FW have often used the concept of a bit more expensive base cost, but cheaper additional bodies to promote bigger units. Disciples are the total opposite. Cheap base cost, but if you want some extra meatbags you have to pay through the nose for them, which is just strange.

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Availability for giant spawn and spined beast is wrong way round. Annoying, as I know FW won't admit defeat and FAQ that into correction. (Beast requires demon codex to use uogrades, so was always a demon choice. Also too similar to chaos mauler fiend, and printed in IA apoc as being a demon choice, while spawn is a chaos choice)



Ogryns are massively over priced. Only viable unit I can see is one pack master and some dogs to act as a proxy for spawn if you took a different trait that kept spawn locked for you. The dogs have similar cost and stats to regular choas spawn but slower. Another dead unit in my opinion. Shame, the models are awesome. Furthermore, options for ogryns say may take las cutter or power drill, but these weapons are not listed in the book as to what they do...

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I'm really dissapointed in the book to be honest. Beautiful pictures and story can't hide the poor rule writing. Yes there are some things that are ok in game and will be used, but there are far many more things that just don't make sense or will be left on the shelf.
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What models do you mean exactly? The LR Proteus and the Contemptor I get, they're complete garbage or horribly overpriced.

Malefic ammo is weirdly inconsistently priced and and then there is the Spawn mix up. Otherwise I think most things are decent to very good. 

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I will have go into this more in depth when home with the book as I am a little pressed for time right now, but it appears that near all the things that jump out as something worth considering are just imperial port overs (Spartan, typhon, sicaran, fire raptor). The things that make them uniquely chaos, usually make them either ridiculously expensive or worse off compared to their imperial counterparts. The units which do not have imperial equivelents tend to be sub par.


As far as renegades go, on the whole it seems fun but again there are many head scratching ideas and discrepancies. I will point them out when home.

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Yes the GiantSpawn worries me, as I run it regularly.


I am just happy all teh unis are finally in one book, that was the main reason for teh book. The Renegadees list and teh background is a massive bonus.


@Noctus - thanks for teh run down! Can you see any unusual or exciting builds apart from what you have listed?

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There's mention of a Land Raider that used to belong to the Thousand Sons but had since been appropriated by the Black Wings. biggrin.png

Actually, there isn't that much talk of the Legions. There's bits and pieces, but most of it relates to their splinter warbands. I haven't done a headcount but I'm pretty sure most of the named warbands are renegades, although it does look like the same names are mostly being repeated.

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All this fluff-talk makes me wonder: is there any descent Tzeentch or dare I dream, Thousand Sons mention in the fluff?

Only did one read-through last night, but there were some bones thrown to you. 

A Demonic Forge world in the EoT dedicated to Tzeentch with continent-sized cogs. If I recall correctly, merely viewing the rotations of the cogs in visions has driven people insane. 

There's also a TS dreadnought that was on the Planet of Sorcerors when the Rubric was cast. He hasn't spoken a word since that day, so no one knows if he is still inside or reduced to dust like the rubric marines. 

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So speaking of Blight Drones, can a regular CSM detachment now buy them, or are they for R&H only?  And if CSM can buy them, are there any unlocks required?  Say a squad of PM, or something similar?


And actually, the same question for Rapiers - R&H lists only, or can CSM take them as well?


(My copy of IA13 hasn't made it to me yet, but I'm starting to get itchy about putting in a FW order that'll make it here by Christmas.  No need for stats or point costs, but if someone with the book can clue me in as to basic availability - which I've searched high and wide for - that'd be greatly appreciated.)

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So speaking of Blight Drones, can a regular CSM detachment now buy them, or are they for R&H only?  And if CSM can buy them, are there any unlocks required?  Say a squad of PM, or something similar?


And actually, the same question for Rapiers - R&H lists only, or can CSM take them as well?


(My copy of IA13 hasn't made it to me yet, but I'm starting to get itchy about putting in a FW order that'll make it here by Christmas.  No need for stats or point costs, but if someone with the book can clue me in as to basic availability - which I've searched high and wide for - that'd be greatly appreciated.)



Nope. Both are available without the R&H army. Blight Drones are available to Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons as a Fast Attack option with no prior requirements and the Chaos Rapier Carriers are available to Chaos Space Marines as a Heavy Support option with no prior requirements.

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So speaking of Blight Drones, can a regular CSM detachment now buy them, or are they for R&H only? And if CSM can buy them, are there any unlocks required? Say a squad of PM, or something similar?


And actually, the same question for Rapiers - R&H lists only, or can CSM take them as well?


(My copy of IA13 hasn't made it to me yet, but I'm starting to get itchy about putting in a FW order that'll make it here by Christmas. No need for stats or point costs, but if someone with the book can clue me in as to basic availability - which I've searched high and wide for - that'd be greatly appreciated.)


Nope. Both are available without the R&H army. Blight Drones are available to Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons as a Fast Attack option with no prior requirements and the Chaos Rapier Carriers are available to Chaos Space Marines as a Heavy Support option with no prior requirements.

Awesome! No prerequisites is what I wanted to hear!

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Also, the chaos rapier has access to many more weapon options than the renegade version: ectoplasma cannon, hades autocannon, cyclotrathe pattern conversion beamer (yes, for about the same cost of an obliterator, you get a S10 AP1 5" template, in squads of up to 3).

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