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So when i was working out my army and planning how i'd make this log a reality i came up with a cool complex way i was going to drop teasers and hints about the models before I did a grand reveal of it being a night lord plog.

Then i realised there's more night lord plogs on B&C than i've seen in the last 7 years on 4-5 major forums.That caught me off guard to say the least....

So, if i can't be original I can at least try to make it unique. Here's my opening model, though the contrast is a little off thanks to my camera. I think i've got a good little scenic base here.





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'Suddenly?' Haha, they've been the thing ever since A D-B wrote his novels. tongue.png

Nice base. The black flying stand is interesting. I'm still wondering how people who glue the stand to the base carry it and the flyer around though...

Haha, but now they have some FW love too, so double the enthusiasm! :D

I've been wondering that too, as I stare blankly at my half-painted stormtalon, having made that mistake myself....

Looking forward to seeing what sits atop that stand though!

Ok wow what a nice greeting to the log. I would love to share more indepth work of my force but i've only rescently placed the order.

So... in the time between now and the arrival of my legion i present some fluff i've started to carve out. It's my first run at my company lore... it's a little crude as it's early days.


+31st Company +

The company has earnt the moniker 'Bane of Tyrants' due to the almost single minded approach they have when it comes to picking targets who represent the rule, or indeed enforce the rule of tyrants. Though the body count is in the hundreds they are credited with having inhumed several planetary dictators. The company was originally lead by a Terran born, however following his death some two decades before the out break of the Horus Heresy a new captain was chosen. Born of Nostramo Captain Herrek 'Silver Tongue' Basarab surprised many in the legions upper command when he turned out to be, if anything, more restrained and disciplined than the Terran born who had won the company a great deal of respect with other legions but great distrust within the VIII legion.

It wasn't until the precursors to death of Nostramo that the duel nature of the company captain came to be both recognised and indeed celebrated. It became clear that he was capable of fierce oratory and constructing narratives that, while flagrant lies, contained enough truth to utter twist the minds of any mortal who listened to him. This talent was used to devastating effect during the Thramas Crusade when the members of the 31st would visit human worlds, convince them that the forces of the Dark Angels were not to be trusted, that they had turned away from a noble future in order to enslave mankind and form an empire of the Lion. Little did mortals realise that the 31st had planted traps of such sophistication and terror that when the dark angels landed up on the worlds to re-secure them they would find villages of maddened half flayed creatures. Often attempts to aid performed by the mortals attached the dark angels would result in vicious attacks by the night lords victims. Stories began to emerge of weaponised traps, where an attempt to remove a person from crucifixs or torture racks would result in large blasts killing the would be savior. 

These savage acts quickly reforged the image of the 31st as a true company of the Night Lords. Basarab, once considered ruggedly hansom would survive the trials of the crusade, but a terrible injury at the hands of the dark angels during the ambush would forever leave him with an agumented face. A silver skull, rebuild into his own ruined skull.


Notes on the company;


- Renound for using a combination of hidden ranged weapons (the Scorpius whirlwind , brutal short ranged tanks (often Imperial army Thunderer siege tanks), heavy air support and large scale deployment of jump pack units.

- Favours a fast and brutal approach to combat, trading a measure of stealth for overwhelming brutality when it counts.

- Infantry elements almost excusively made up of raptors or tactical squads, with little reliance on heavy infantry. Surprisingly large armoury of vehicles for the combat style.



There will be more as i develop my force, but for now it's a good start.



  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all the feedback guys! I know i've got some work to do to improve it.... and yeah he's my first night lord. I need to refine the scheme a little.

Now for something completely different. I started converting this knight when they were first released.... and i'm still converting it.




At least his house logo stands out...


p.s. Seriously if i don't get flayed for that pun then i'll be surprised.

Bit of a double tap here. I'm selling this bad boy off, but i thought i'd share him again for those who haven't seen him.


I loved painting him, can't wait for Curze. He's going to get soooo much attention.



The Noble Knight House of Morbitos;

The Knights of House Morbitos where the guardians of the once resource rich world of Thanatos. Before the age of strife the house stood at the top of a proud capital world. However when the warp storms abated and the imperium found the world it was vastly changed. The worlds once rich industry had consumed every resource is could, leaving the planet little more than a vast wasteland. The sky had been perminentaly blackened, the soil made borderline untillable and it's population centers had become little more than vast crypts. The Dead had become the worlds most common features, which graveyards that covered mile upon mile.

So it was the House of Morbitos became known as the Wardens of the Damned. Great corpse carts carried the dead to mass graves as the world prepared itself for death but even they were attacked. Those who had starved to much they had turned to the only avaliable resource, the dead, had gathered into tribles of canibalistic nomads. The knights were charged with slaughtering such creatures who had fallen so far as to be beyond redemtion.

It was to this world the VIII Legion came. The imperium had almost forsworn the world but the adeptus mechanicus were able to convince the crusader host to stave the execution of the world. With Nostramo being in such easy warp access the worlds industrial complexs would make for easy processing centers. A deal with the devil was proffered, in return for resources, food and a chance to keep their world alive a little longer. The Night lords would gain the service of the Knights Morbidots, and in return would purge the canabilistic nomands. The VIII found themselves with a human foe they could readily exercise their most radical techniques.

The Knights of Morbitos would, when the Horus Heresy broke, join the night lords and enter the service of the dark gods. Those who know of the house always find it surprise they have not fallen prey to the lord of plagues, for the house has long possesed an obession and love of death that would, seemingly, make them followers. The house, however, is interested in all forms of death, not just those of plague and pestilence.


Well.... tomorrow should see the fight knight brought forth for my heresy era house. One or two will show obvious chaos signs, particularly the first, but never anything too over the top.

@veteran; wait until you see the knights shoulder.


The first of the Knights of Morbitos, paint in progress.


Got a lot more work to do before it's done but so far it's shaping up well. What do we think of the scheme and design? Does it scream Knight of Terror on a world of the dead?




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