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  • 3 weeks later...
Several years ago when I was heading home after American Football practice one of my team-mates started talking about Warhammer 40.000. I already knew the game and was considering starting out with a Tau army. That week he brought his Orks and Chaos Marines with him to my place. He tought me how to play the game and donated his Chaos Marines to me. I started painting those in red because I love the colour and appearently Khorne was the God associated with close combat. I also bought the Codex but having read it halfway I started wondering: WHAT THE :) IS WRONG WITH THOSE GUYS! A little while later I picked up the White Dwarf about the new edition Imperial Guard. For some reason I was instantly hooked on the Sentinel. So from that point I turned loyalist. Almost a year later I was reading the newest White Dwarf. That was the month the 5th Edition Blood Angels were released.. I had heard about those vampires but they didn't really appeal to me. At that moment I had just bought AoBR to start a Space Wolves army. When I saw the picture of the Sanguinary Guard... I was sold... They had everything I was looking for.. Close combat skills, nobility, honour, (they weren't Space Vikings), they were red and they had amazing fluff... By the time I had finished the battle report I had already pre-ordered the Sanguinor and the Sanguinary Guard. So.. I'm not really a veteran but I do love the Blood Angels and while other projects are also appealing to me the Blood Angels will always remain my main army..
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I've always had a special place for Blood Angels since I picked up my first White Dwarf (the one with the results of the global 3rd War for Armageddon, still got it in the book shelf :D ) and read the little biography of Captain Tycho (my favorite Loyalist character). I held back for so long as things like Black Templars, Chaos, Tau and Orks popped up and took all my attention away. However I've been in a funk hobby wise lately (cant keep my attention on any of my current projects for too long :HQ: ) and after getting my grubby little talons on the new Codex yesterday my mind is awash with many Blood Angels related armies. My first order of Blood Angels goodness is to build a Sanguinary Guard army since I can build a nice 1,000 to 1,850 (for the local Tourneys) list super fast and with not too much effort (and without breaking my wallet AND getting me back into the game). Keep your eyes out on the W.I.P. section because I've never been this pumped about a project for a LONG time.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I have dabbled with a few different chapters, Wolves, Dark Angels and Iron Hands. However I never really felt a connection with my armies. Wolves were too much like wolverine want to be's with quite frankly very daft haircuts and I got made an offer for my army so sold them. Dark Angels well the codex is just a bit old now and besides my Deathwing they went the way of ebay and I just don't like the sterile nature of codex space marines. I was asked to paint some blood angels by a friend and picked up the codex to get an idea of how they felt. I knew instantly after reading the fluff they were for me. They have so many fluffy (theres that word again) units that may not be the most competitive but hell the are fun to paint and play. I just loved the heroes of heroes nature of the codex and how they are always willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for mankind. Then I carried on reading and I spotted the "Knights of Blood". The misunderstood bad boys of the blood angels successors who even though they have been declared renegade still fight for the emperor and the imperium. Besides the collateral damage they maybe responsible for :)


So I have about 3000 points now, which is mostly painted and I have a few "counts as" HQs. I will try and get the boys out of the cabinet and take a photo of them together for the forums.


I watched a beasts of war video this afternoon and I am quite certain my next addition is going to be a Dante led Sanguinary guard 1750pt army. I may even gold plate a couple dreads to tie into the list. Oh and I really must add some Sanguinary Priests as I don't have any and everyone tells me I should :).

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I've elucidated on this in a post a few months ago but thought i'd contribute here.


As a hobbyist, i like to collect an army i feel i can identify with on the table, really get under the skin of the force and get a feel for the mood they portray.


This is of particular importance when collecting a space marine army as you are digging in to an already densely populated sand pit . For me, i wanted to find a chapter that i could identify with. It's a large commitment collecting an army and i can't afford to throw money at a faction that doesn't grab me.


I've dabbled in Space wolves over the years (mainly as a sci fi offshoot of my dwarfs) but i never felt a proper sense of connection to them. Late last year, i picked up the Blood Angels codex and read it from cover to cover. Immediately i felt that they were the chapter for me. I'd been led to believe that the force was just shorthand for "vampires in spaaaace" but it's so much more than that. They're artistic, beautific demi gods who's primarch was one of the few of his kind to have enough forethought to want to craft a lasting Imperium of beauty and worth.


The vampirism is there in broad strokes yes but for me, the flaw is akin to a tear on an otherwise beautiful oil canvas, a chip in a finely crafted sculpture. It's a 10,000 year scar that will never fail and constantly prevents the Blood Angels from being the men they want to be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Their background is what hooked me. Such Noble figures battling constant darkness. A Primarch going to his certain death, as he had foreseen, so that his Father and Humanity could endure and win.


As a Space Marine player it was an easy choice for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't yet play Blood Angels, but I'm en-route to doing so. I played 40K many, many years ago, starting in 2nd Ed. and drifted away from the hobby through my latter teenage years. The first miniatures I ever (ignorantly) bought were a unit of Khorne Berserkers, but I had absolutely no idea what I was buying. A friend had started playing, so I decided to follow him blindly into the hobby.


After very quickly realising my mistake, my next purchases were the Big Box and the Angels of Death Codex.


I'm drawn to the fluff, more than anything else. The idea, as everyone here has already said, of the most noble of the Emperor's warriors, flawed from the start and yet held to their course by no more than sheer strength of will, the Blood Angels have fought more battles than almost any of the forces of humanity.


We are founded by the Primarch who recognised the Emperor instantly, followed him with foreknowledge of his own death at the end of the Horus Heresy, created the chink in the Warmaster's armour that allowed the Emperor ultimate victory and was recognised even by that self-same Warmaster as the most deserving of Primarchs.


We are led by the oldest living Space Marine, who holds to life out of belief that he will be called in the near future to save the entirety of humanity from Chaos, who has been acknowledged by all other chapter leaders as the most deserving of respect, who is held as a golden God by the innumerable people he has saved and yet who remains the most humble of warriors, irked by the growing exaggeration that surrounds his own legend.


We are one of the Founding chapters and one of the few who hold our sacred duty towards all of mankind, rather than selfishly holding to some pithy sector of space like the Ultramarines.


We are a tormented and diminishing chapter, yet we are one of the only armies of any race or species that believes in art and culture. It would be easier for us to turn our backs on humanity and on the Emperor than to fight against our inner demons, and yet through absolute self-belief and iron determination we hold true, among the greatest of mankind's greatest warriors.


"So fear not and be proud, for we are the Sons of Sanguinius, the protectors of Mankind. Aye, we are indeed the Angels of Death." -- Commander Dante

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Started with Tau back in 5th grade. Hated it as I just wanted to get in close, but at the time Fire Warrior was my favorite game and I thought Tau were awesome.


Then during High School I played vanilla marines. It was cool, but boring... Also my chapter ideas sucked horribly... Horribly.


Now I am in the middle of working on my BA successors. And if I had known that BA were CC oriented from the start, I would have collected them from the very beginning!! I love assault squads so so much!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone


I have always played space wolves until angels of death came out in the mid 90s and low and behold the best character i have ever played with in 2 edition Mephiston from his art work and stats to the model. I was converted to being blood Angels player


I always had problem painting blood angels when i was younger. As time went on I found my technique. I am currenttly working on a full battle company.


Thinking to build another one after that.


Dante3484 :)


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Honestly, because I've been a Tyranid player since I got back into the hobby three years ago after a twelve year hiatus and got sick of getting totally stomped almost every time I played a game. I saw a massive lot of Spehss Mahreens on ebay for £35 so I went for it and decided to either make them Red Scorpions or Blood Angels. The Death Company, Sanguinary Guard and my predilection for assault won out and, a few new box-sets later, here I am; a Blood Angels player with a little under 3,000pts (for less than £200!) who so far is 5-0-1 (compared to 3-25-2 with Tyranids).


I play mainly large-ish (2,500pts usually) battles and I'm having massive fun with ten DC and a Reclusiarch charging out of a Land Raider Redeemer and smashing face.

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  • 4 weeks later...
That fluff..ohhh, that fluff. I started out as an Ultra, but decided before I get too invested in an army, I should research the rest of the chapters. I found the BA's and fell in love. I can actually relate to them (well, as much as one can relate to a nigh-immortal, superhuman space warrior :)), and the Death Company was the clincher. Not only do they look amazing, the fluff behind them (like the rest of the BA's) is superb!
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The same moment I heard about Warhammer 40k the worker in the GW store asked me a little about myself (I was 9) and afterwards he said I sounded like a Blood Angel and handed me a single Blood Angel tactical marine. In the years after that I learned all that I could about my seemingly destined chapter and found that the worker was more then right. I have and will always fight for the glory of Baal and my Primarch Sanguinius. Edited by Bloodsurfer
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  • 2 weeks later...

Close combat mayhem!!! I love the DC minis, awesome detail and all that raw unrestrained killing power with the awesome staying power of feel no pain.

Now I did have to switch up so that my successor chapter is mostly black with red highlights. But that was purely out of convenience, I hated the black templars I started but since all my guys were black already why not roll out the chapter in almost death company colors, it was them after all that sold me on BA. But the BA have awesome fluff and the only real feel of nobility to me. And remember courage is doing the right thing even when no one is watching and regardless of the outcome, plain and simple that is the BA.

Edited by daryl
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