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I have played Imperial Guard for years and decided to make a new army. I've always wanted to have an Space Marine force and I wanted to get away from barrages and picking off units from distance and basically mix it up and enjoy the game from a fresh perspective.


I'm making my own BA successor chapter as I don't like red but everything else about them I love:


From my perspective they have:


The best Primarch.


The most interesting fluff


The most anti-Imperial Guard like codex.


I have about 1200 points so far and I am REALLY enjoying the Sanguinary Guard with a Librarian HQ.


I think I'll get to around 2000 points then start on a Chaos force so I can have something on hand that plays similarly but completely different to keep things fresh.

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  • 4 weeks later...
because they are actual space marines. what is a space marine? well it isnt a space wolf because a space wolf isnt a space marine, its a space wolf. so then what is a space marine you ask? a space marine is an angel of death and nothing exemplifies that better than the blood angels.
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well honestly i think i like an army with a hint of rogue in it, and maybe a defect. like back when i played tau i played an army of o'shovah. (commander farsight, a renagade tau). so about 4-5 armies later (i kid you not) including vanilla marines, grey knights, templars, chaos (too renegade), and back to marines, i learned about the BA having a FREE pdf codex available for download so i stuck with it and when the new codex came out absolutely NOTHING compared to it. and for me it was perfect, a flaw that was subtle but there and in everyone, and an element of slight rogue (the DC, sanguinary guard, and sanguinary priests). besides i love assault, why do you think i left the tau? Edited by shan vener
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  • 3 weeks later...

that's why, need I say more?


Started with Space Crusade models, with the old tarantula design that kicked as then my mate got this edition for Christmas and this picture says it all for me, even painted the image as an art project at school. Add to the fact their history and sacrifice, might never of been an Imperium!


Been away from modeling since then but picked up comp games and novels when I saw them, looking for any sign of those Sons of Sanguinius, but intend on remedying that soon.


For the Emperor and Sanguinius!!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Resplendent in our armour we are a walking work of art. Our bolters sing with the righteous fury of The Emperor. No other chapter can boast the accomplishments we have achieved and still maintain the confidant humility we exude. We are the angels of death, we are the Sons of Sanguinus, WE ARE BLOOD ANGELS!
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Hey all


I started playing BA around 2and addition ( if that was when codex angel of death was out ? ). This was mainly because I liked the models and the fluff behind them. At times I wished I collected another chapter lol ( sick of painting red) but I am glad I stuck with them now.Cant beat a load of angelic super humans descending from the heavens and smiting foes :(

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I play blood angels because I have a knack for painting red and twin-linked assault cannons look awesome on predators. I am m ostly a modler and painter so the rules of an army are never what draw me to said army , but rather the aesthetic appeal.
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Ive just started a Blood angels army. Well I say blood angels, there actually my own successor chapter, The Sons Of Lucifer led by (not surprisingly) Lucifer.


The Way I got in to blood angels: simple. I started space wolves (which i still have) and brought loads of skyclaws (got about 20 of them now!). I won several games with them. Then a friend said I should start blood angels as they're allowed an entire army of jump packers. About 50 quid later (i get discounts from my local warhammer shop and someone was selling his army cheap) I had my Sons Of Lucifer! Just gotta try them in combat now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My guard have fought and beaten quite a few things. Alpha Legion, Iron Hands, Black Templars, Bugs, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Ultramarines, Tau, Grey Knights in CC, but when I went up against the Sons of Sanguinius I was torn to pieces. Completely and utterly. If I remember rightly I got 400 victory points in that game, he got 1500. The guardsmen that had taken down grey knight terminators at close quarters were slaughtered wholesale by the death company. The heavy weapons that had butchered the Eldar and SM were anniliated by the Assult Squads. The Leman Russ that... well had done nothing for about six battles except get evaporated by a brightlance, was melta'd by the VAS.


I'm just going to finish off my 3K Bretonnians (so... much... heraldry....) and then I'm coming back to 40K. And afterall, if you can't beat 'em. Join 'em.


And the BA have some of the coolest fluff ever.



The Inquisition and the Administratum say we are weak, because some of us have given in to the Black Rage – they are fools! The Black Rage makes us strong, because we must resist its temptations every day of our lives or be forever damned

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm restarting my Blood Angels project for the background material. In particular the background of Legion during the Great Crusade/Heresy, Sanguinius' self-sacrifice for the Emperor and how the Chapter is coping and fighting through the Black Rage. Dante's background is also very interesting and the idea that the Chapter Masters of the Salamanders and Ultramarines would defer to him speaks volumes. So too does the Blood Angels deference and support of the Ultramarines against the Tyranids in the present codex.


I love the fact that the Blood Angels in spite of everything are an optimistic Chapter which retains a measure of humanity, an interest in art and a strong mental discipline/determination to fight the darkness within themselves.


The imagery and artwork of the Blood Angels is very inspiring too - the transformation from radiation afflicted malnourished human to space marine is striking and the new models - particularly the Sanguinary Guard are fantastic.


The theme of my force will for the first time be built on a special character too - Erasmus Tycho's 3rd Company before his fall to the BR. His reference material is brief but powerful and his final stand with the Death Company was well written considering it originally featured in White Dwarf (under the glorious Fat-Bloke Paul Sawyer-era B) ).


Although I struggle to paint the Blood Angels, they are one of the more striking armies to see on when fully painted (alongside Imperial Fists and White Scars) and I hope through practice to do them reasonable gaming-level justice.

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1. Red. We do it best.


2. Contrast: Helmets, gold vets, black DC. It adds an important aesthetic other armies don't have.


3. Assault cannons on a predator. Seriously...baddass.


4. They like flying. So do I, coincidentally!


5. Coolest looking chapter master and reclusiarh. Dante and Lemartes. In your face Marneus Failgar and Chaplain Failsius. (This is not to say that these guys look bad..they're just not as cool)


6. Strange genetic flaw. Makes for interesting chapter history.


7. Furioso dreadnoughts look great.

Edited by Zeller
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  • 4 weeks later...

Epic background.


Fast movement and close combat is true combat.


6000 pts of eldar, but sucked at cc. A friend played really static gunline Tau with a vengeance, and effectively. That could never be me.


No guts, no glory. CC is my preferred business, 40k wise anyway.


And this forum increases the joy of blood angels 10 fold.


Thanks guys.



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I started them at the end of the PDF, but never played a game using it unfortunately... Because I wanted everything painted first and I bought the army piece by piece (which was good because it made transitioning to the new Codex really simple :))

I started them as I wanted to do a joke army, I chose Emo/Rocker Marines as my concept, and blood angels filled the gap of "No one understands us!" and "artistically inclined" :D...

But after painting most of my 1500 point army and reading the background and stories, they've grown soo much more than that to me


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  • 3 weeks later...

I started with a dark angels army it just sort of grew on me. I have played for 2 years and recently thought I wanted to build a close combat unit of unforgiven vets who had fought beyond all hope and given up on returning from from what they had become.

It was a rainy day I walked into a GW store and a blood angels codex was on the table, it opened to the death company page.


That was it for me, the fluff is great the army rocks its fun, its flexible, it can do almost anything. The characters are awesome and reflect the spirit of the blood angels, some codexes you have to suspend belief, reading the blood angels you embrace it there are no flaws, its complete.


If blood angels were recruited from earth look no further than the parachute regiment.... come to think about it the fighting style is very similar.

Edited by SemperAstartes
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I enjoy both the fluff and tabletop qualities that are the Blood Angels. There Angelic/Sacrificial themes and such combined with their "Dark Side" really make them unique. Not only that, but I had never really played a fast army.


I think the orks got it right when they said "Red goz fasta!" ;)

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The reason I play this army is the fact it fills in a void the Tau cannot fill in themselves and that is up close melee. I played Tau for awhile but I have always felt like something was missing so I move on even though I still enjoy the Tau for their fluff, looks and games style. My next army to try out was the regular Space Marines and even they the jack of all trades did not quench my own blood lust. I think this basically because of how I originally got into Warhammer by starting off playing Fantasy as Hordes of Chaos who have and always been I'll beat your face in army. Since I started 40k and tried to find a non-evil army who still kick butt in peoples. I can finally say I have and they will always be one of my favorite armies.


P.S. Plus their fluff is amazing compare to the other Chapters.

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I wanted a codex that I could use to make a chapter of incompetent redneck-rage marines who apart from having awesome flametanks and big chainswords, are utterly crap at anything that ivolves rational thought but awesome at anything that involves the verb 'smash'.


I don't use the fancy-pants emo stuff, like winged sanguinary guard :) but all the angry stuff in the BA codex is right up my street. Plus - LR redeemer and tri-flamer baal predators, backed up by a whirlwind firing incendiaries - there can be no more fire than that.

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