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Conquest has shipped!

Marshal Rohr

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I'm excited for it. Come on Royal Mail!

The Solar Auxilia list looks great, but FW boxed themselves into a corner with real life prices. Because of the unit sizes, etc only really serious 30K fans will be able to afford a full army. The bundles help, but I for see lots of counts as or just allied detachments. I'm hoping future Imperial Army lists expand the options so I can use the DKoK range I already have (Grenadier with Volkite conversion biggrin.png )

The lasrifle section looks like a deal to me compared to the price of 20 tech thralls. And I'm going to run a lot of tech thralls.

What did you order, hyaenidae? A super heavy? Primaris lightning? Stuff?

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The Dark Angel specific one is pretty meh tbh. Blood Angels, Salamanders, SoH and Word Bearers are the big winners. 


The SoH is called the Cataphractii Primus - bit obvious what it is

Yeah I think it's crap and makes little sense...we could have gotten a special jetbike/volkite/plasma but we got something that causes fear, cuz you know, Dark Angels=fear

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Fear plays more of a role in 30K than 40k. Iirc, only NL and DG don't have to take fear tests.

Lol yeah my super special awesome relic doesn't affect two out of the 9 legions I'm fighting against :(


I guess for all the good that Alan Bligh giveth, he must taketh away...

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Fear plays more of a role in 30K than 40k. Iirc, only NL and DG don't have to take fear tests.

Lol yeah my super special awesome relic doesn't affect two out of the 9 legions I'm fighting against sad.png

I guess for all the good that Alan Bligh giveth, he must taketh away...

NL cause fear, they're not fearless. And they only cause it with Curze around unless you're a Terror squad. So 1 out of 9 legions. Word Bearers test on 3D6 though, so I guess 1.5/9?

It could actually be a really powerful relic if you can get enough units stuck in to combat at once. It'd be really helpful if the DA would get some kind of special unit that could move and charge really fast, like on bikes or something.......

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Brother, they haven't even given you Legiones Astartes Rules yet. What if part of their rules is that fear always applies at a -2 modifier or something? It's FW, you know everything will make sense eventually.


Lol you know us Dark Angels, we like to scare people. That why we were fighting the Night Lords, the least scary of the 18 legions :P



Jokes aside, does anyone know what that "thing" was that rose out of Isstvaan 5?

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Brother, they haven't even given you Legiones Astartes Rules yet. What if part of their rules is that fear always applies at a -2 modifier or something? It's FW, you know everything will make sense eventually.

Lol you know us Dark Angels, we like to scare people. That why we were fighting the Night Lords, the least scary of the 18 legions :P



Jokes aside, does anyone know what that "thing" was that rose out of Isstvaan 5?

Have faith brother! The First Legion has relics from before the birth of any other legion. The fear, dread, and intimidation caused by these ancient and revered relics should not be underestimated.


Steel your nerve, and your tongue. The Dark Angels are made of sterner stuff than this!

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Tuesday - UPS man drops "sorry we missed you " note through my door while I am upstairs... I fume


Wednesday - UPS state parcel out for delivery - at 1930 its still not here so I ring and am told Ooops something went wrong (by some poor young lady in an eastern European call centre who may have taken a little bit of stick for this.


Wednesday evening - I spend my night plotting the downfall and damnation of UPS and all its employees.  I finally find this blog an whet my appetite.


Thursday - your play UPS, your play.

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Well if it's an ark of the covenant or holy grail for my Dark Angel Praetor, I will need to name him Harrison Jones.

After all, it will be his...



..Last Crusade!!!



Best thing I've read all day.

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Well if it's an ark of the covenant or holy grail for my Dark Angel Praetor, I will need to name him Harrison Jones.



After all, it will be his...






..Last Crusade!!!



Just the name choice confirmed for me that youve played/play wow. Well played sir! If you give him a whip and power fedora you'd pretty much just deserve to win games on that alone.

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but more like an overwhelming dread at facing the Primus Legio. If you haven't noticed, I want to believe that some emphasis will be placed on the Dark Angels status as the first legion. Not just a random number, but the first among the astartes.


Just like the I Legion, thinking that number actually means something.


*facepalm* Aye. I'm an idiot.


K, most everything looks pretty neat.... except the White Scars' relic. A bow? For real? I mean, I know we got swords and space magic, but... a bow?


Just make some nasty gun and call it a bow.

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