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Conquest has shipped!

Marshal Rohr

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I dunno, the Night Lords tied up the DA for what? Two of three years?

*didn't defeat them

*filthy xenos tech and it took how long?


come now brother let's not open this door and enjoy the conquest goodies, are the relics for characters or independant characters?



Everything I've seen (not a book-haver) says non-unique IC's only.  Which is a real shame, cause Abaddon would be a real boss with that SoH Cataphractii suit.

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the only real mention of the RG is either traitor or captured RG???

Yea, feeling the love FW.


at this point, Im debating on either trying out the Fists or making a 30k Wolves army.



But this book is set in the aftermath of the drop site massacre. Even before Deliverance Lost was birthed from the warps a-hole the Raven Guard went into isolation on Deliverance for a bit, to re organise and rebuild. As the setting moves foward I expect to to see them pop up more.


This book isn't about Horus march on terra, it's about him preparing to. So his SoH and the DG are the ones in the center of it, trying to bring the dark compliance on systems to increase their auxiliaries and war materials. This is pre Angles Exterminatus, so Perturabo is smashing the Imperial Fist forces, braking their backs. Similiar Kurze, Alpharius, and Lorgar and Angron are off to do the same, brake the loyalist forces that could potentially Attack the flanks of the traitors main force.


Going back to the RG, Horus thought they were beaten, so they are left to attack his flanks, but that's going to be in the future. It's a long war, give them time. Also it's about leadership. The Iron Hands are throwing themselves into a suicide war, accept when they are led by people like Mor, who can lrragnise them. The Salamanders are joining shattered warbands, accept where there is a strong captain who can lead a large group of them. The Raven Guard flocked (pun intended) to corax on Isstvan V, as he was a strong leader. The possible rebel RG were serving with the Vengful Spirit, so strong leadership. Non of the loyalist actions on the book is coordinated with Terra, the Loyalists are scattered, but are fighting on.


My RG will be led by a Terran captain who survived the Dropsite independently of the Legion, and has a small selection of shattered and Blackshields. He is operating inderpendantly of Corax although there is some contact, Corax basically doesn't trust all the elements of his force. I think that Conquest really enforces ideas like this.


Also this is all written form a perspective, basically it tells us what Dorn knows from Terra.


 A story about a commander leading a scattered force, traitor (an Emperor's Children Commander who might be trying to exert personal control over his force, perhaps) or loyalist (of men replacing flesh with iron to fight on, or simply buckling down and fighting despite their losses, regardless of what their Primarch thinks or what side he's on)



Pretty well a combination of all three makes up the fluff of my Ravens.

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the only real mention of the RG is either traitor or captured RG???

Yea, feeling the love FW.


at this point, Im debating on either trying out the Fists or making a 30k Wolves army.



But this book is set in the aftermath of the drop site massacre. Even before Deliverance Lost was birthed from the warps a-hole the Raven Guard went into isolation on Deliverance for a bit, to re organise and rebuild. As the setting moves foward I expect to to see them pop up more.


This book isn't about Horus march on terra, it's about him preparing to. So his SoH and the DG are the ones in the center of it, trying to bring the dark compliance on systems to increase their auxiliaries and war materials. This is pre Angles Exterminatus, so Perturabo is smashing the Imperial Fist forces, braking their backs. Similiar Kurze, Alpharius, and Lorgar and Angron are off to do the same, brake the loyalist forces that could potentially Attack the flanks of the traitors main force.


Going back to the RG, Horus thought they were beaten, so they are left to attack his flanks, but that's going to be in the future. It's a long war, give them time. Also it's about leadership. The Iron Hands are throwing themselves into a suicide war, accept when they are led by people like Mor, who can lrragnise them. The Salamanders are joining shattered warbands, accept where there is a strong captain who can lead a large group of them. The Raven Guard flocked (pun intended) to corax on Isstvan V, as he was a strong leader. The possible rebel RG were serving with the Vengful Spirit, so strong leadership. Non of the loyalist actions on the book is coordinated with Terra, the Loyalists are scattered, but are fighting on.


My RG will be led by a Terran captain who survived the Dropsite independently of the Legion, and has a small selection of shattered and Blackshields. He is operating inderpendantly of Corax although there is some contact, Corax basically doesn't trust all the elements of his force. I think that Conquest really enforces ideas like this.


Also this is all written form a perspective, basically it tells us what Dorn knows from Terra.



it's not that I feel that the RG got shafted in this book alone, I feel as if the RG got shafted by their own release, as well as by BL and Conquest was just the icing on the cake. I was hoping some additional material in Conquest would help against that feeling, but no dice from what Ive read.


My original RG fluff was going to be the return of two RG Terran predator-nomad fleets to the Imperium, who had a bloody purge of themselves between those loyal to Horus and those loyal to the Emperor (not corax, as they feel he denied and abandoned them). They were unsure of the truth of the heresy, so go to the Dropsite Massacre themselves and see the aftermath in all of its horrible glory. While there they find a squad or two of RG legionaries on the planet, fend off an Iron Warrior fleet who are garrisoning the planet, and declare war on Horus. Thats the gist of it.



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Gav boxed the Raven Guard into a corner by saying the legion divided itself into wings, talons, etc as different companies after the massacre, and then cut that box even smaller by saying they all went with him. FW will have to figure out a way to untie the knot of stupidity Gav put them in.
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Gav boxed the Raven Guard into a corner by saying the legion divided itself into wings, talons, etc as different companies after the massacre, and then cut that box even smaller by saying they all went with him. FW will have to figure out a way to untie the knot of stupidity Gav put them in.


Maybe next time Gav's crayon written rough drafts come in, an intern can "accidently" file them into the shredder.


that guy is a blight on the Black Library. I wish he and his robo-hamster would go the way of richard gere and stop plaguing our hobby.



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I will admit that I was hoping for more for the RG, I liked the background in Extermination but have felt it was missing something. Im still hoping for dome really good models but i dont think they are high on the priority list. Still I am happy to work on my own stuff, conversions and fluff, within FW framework. I do wish another author could have got the RG. Even the guy who wrote the 40k RG books and audiobooks. They were passable.


Your background sounds good to me. I think the nomad pred fleet has been fw answer to gavs books. Hoping to see more in the future with the Raptors.

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I will admit that I was hoping for more for the RG, I liked the background in Extermination but have felt it was missing something. Im still hoping for dome really good models but i dont think they are high on the priority list. Still I am happy to work on my own stuff, conversions and fluff, within FW framework. I do wish another author could have got the RG. Even the guy who wrote the 40k RG books and audiobooks. They were passable.


Your background sounds good to me. I think the nomad pred fleet has been fw answer to gavs books. Hoping to see more in the future with the Raptors.


I agree that the nomad pred fleets were in response to Gavs books. I was given the RG novellas written by Gav, and despite my love for the RG my lack of time+distaste of Gavs writing means I havent tried to read them yet.


I think what is going to make or break my dedication to the RG in 30k is Corax's model. Im holding out to see it, but after the RG Contemptor's tribal design and the "prince valiant" look of Corax I am less than hopeful.



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I meant the 40k novellas, they were written by someone else. Have read the first 30k gav LE and it was ok. Some good stuff but the end was awful.


I am working on modding the RG Contemptor would rather have it without the tribal stuff. The Raven skull wings is nice. I fear for Corax, he could be potentially great but im not a fan of his face artwork. May end up sculpting a helm for him based off the description in Ravens Flight (which i did enjoy).

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Gav boxed the Raven Guard into a corner by saying the legion divided itself into wings, talons, etc as different companies after the massacre, and then cut that box even smaller by saying they all went with him. FW will have to figure out a way to untie the knot of stupidity Gav put them in.

Maybe next time Gav's crayon written rough drafts come in, an intern can "accidently" file them into the shredder.


that guy is a blight on the Black Library. I wish he and his robo-hamster would go the way of richard gere and stop plaguing our hobby.



*opens lid on Yriel yellow paint pot*


So.... Got any army plans in the mean time?

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@Daemon2027: I LOVE the RG in 40k, they've been tied with the Salamanders as my 2nd love for years. I eat up every 40k release of theirs I can get my grubby mitts on. 

My main gaming opponent and best friend Rayray has told me that anything FW does to a resin model can be fixed with enough careful cutting and putty. I'm itching to field Corax against his Word Bearers (he told me once I have Corax he'll buy Lorgar) and that whatever FW does to his model his head, he'll be willing to fix/re-sculpt or make a helmet for. So im waiting and trying to not get TOO bitter/jealous over the toys and releases of the other Legions.


@M2C: the local Fist player has 2 battle companies and it working on a Fist heresy army. I think he is going to erode any desire i muster for the Fists, and if Im honest, I'd only chose the Fists as they have (IMO) the most potent loyal Legion rules. Its not that I dislike them (like the Iron Hands), I just dont overly like them. Choosing a legion for rules alone is a bad idea (again, in my over-inflated opinion)

So long winded way of saying I guess im returning to a holding pattern again, while maybe seeing if i can find a few *Salamander Green* steals online.



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Is it just the lack of info keeping you from commuting to Raven Guard? Or the slowness of model support? If it's the latter I think that the last bit of info was that most of the sculptors had finished all their current projects and were waiting for the next phase of legion upgrades and units, which would be the Alphas, IW, and Ravens. If it's the former feel free to PM me and I could help with your nomad-predation ideas (I had a few ideas for a RG army I'm not gonna build you might like)
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Marshel2 Crusaders, may I also submit my ear on your thoughts of the nomad-pred fleet. While my RG fluff is set, I would love to hear your ideas.


Remember WLK, we of the XIX work with what we have, we don't complain like the other Legions, we fight from the shadows, we do our duty, and we take what boons the Emperor gives, but we don't need them to crush His foes.

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Not entirely sure the Relics are balanced. Not at all. If we take a Moritat with Bolt Pistols, what is his chance of killing a Primarch in one go? Normally almost zero. However, give him a Combat Augment Array and he will kill 10 Death Shroud with attached Typhon, Praetor, Primaris Medicae and Mortarion in one turn. Oh, and he can do it turn one, because you give him the Phase-Walker relic.
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Well, granted, a Mortiat geared like that will cost almost as much as a land raider without Primarch Stats. And, AFAIK, the "invisibility Cloak" is a one use thing. Knowing that, you hide your big, precious, 1k+ point deathstar somewhere he won't be able to reach in a turn and force him to use the cloak thing by pouring fire into him. Because, remember, he's still a marine at the end of the day.  If he survives, you'll probably lose a squad to his shooting if the controlling player can't reach the juicy target and on your subsequent turn, you just nuke him.


Kinda curious on what the downsides of the Phase Walker Are, though. Since I still very much prefer the Invisibility Cloak to it since it guarantees survival more than "redeploy, dakka dakka, dead" that the Phase Walker build would entail.


...Also, Alpha Legion Moritat with Generic Pistol and Legion Pistol seems juicier to me.  If you can, on top of that, give him the combat array, oh boy.


Still don't have the book so I'm in the dark as to how they worded the taking of relics.

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...Also, Alpha Legion Moritat with Generic Pistol and Legion Pistol seems juicier to me.  If you can, on top of that, give him the combat array, oh boy.



Generic relic has no "Pistol" rule in the weapon profile, that means the Moritat cannot use it as pistol for chain-of-fire. :(

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Well, I guess that means Forgeworld put some more thought into the relics than is initially visible :p

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@M2C: I think it's a combination of both at this point. 
I had high expecations for book 3, and the wait for book 3 was boosted by the book 2 releases (I think they are a combo of true to the background and powerful)
The background has never been a huge problem for me, as i actually like creating my own and the Heresy is huge enough to basically build whatever I want, I just felt let down by about everything BL has released. If it wasnt for FW i would greatly question Corax's competence and ability to tie his own boots.

and this is going to sound silly, but I am annoyed I have to wait for Marine models in the Horus Heresy while Guardsman and Knights (or as I call them, cash grabs) get mass releases. I've waited long enough and even Corax's patience had its limits.
@Daemon2027: When I played my RG in 40k I was regularly hamstrung by the manner I played my army. I went strong on Assault Marines and Scouts, and regularly played against the meta. I dont need fancy toys to win games, I just woudlnt say no to some of the actual cool units that seem present in every other Legion.
@Knight of the Raven: I dont think Gav will be able to ever undo the damage he did to the RG in my eyes
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