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Got myself the standard codex, a blood angels tactical squad, the datacards and the sanguinary priest smile.png quite happy with my pre order, can't wait to read our new codex smile.png

This is what I ordered myself through my local store.

I'm pre-ordering the data cards because they're limited. The codex and the sanguinary priest I'm going to ask my FLGS to get for me. The tac squad is going to have to wait a month or two until I've got more cash, but I'm not in an enormous hurry there, so whatever.

Priest is to expensive IMO.

Not to mention that I feel somehow underwhelmend by the lack of new models (and no I don't count the tacticals). I expected some new resculpts for Meph Corbulo or Dante.

Corbulo now looks like the new Priest's Squire. golly gee

So, preorders are up

Anybody else notice that all available models on that page, including the new Tactical Squad, Death Company, Sanguinary Guard, and the Sanguinary Priest are all supplied with 32mm bases, regardless of whether they're equipped with Jump Packs? Who was around here that was saying that was going to happen? biggrin.png

Priest is to expensive IMO.

Not to mention that I feel somehow underwhelmend by the lack of new models (and no I don't count the tacticals). I expected some new resculpts for Meph Corbulo or Dante.

Corbulo now looks like the new Priest's Squire. censored.gif

It's funny, this is the only stupidly priced character model that I am actually going to buy. Hands down one of my favorite models GW has ever made.

That being said, it's really weird how GW will let some older models fester for upwards of 20 years while making new ones no one asked for!

The Angel-Dracula collar on the Priest makes me giggle :lol:

With a price like that, I'd just stick with kit bashing. Even though that sword is damn cool.

I was wondering why the Sanguinary Guard and Death Company were now "Pre-Order." Didn't notice the bases :P

Also, it just so happens that I'm going to re-learn how to paint red for a model I'm gifting as an XMas present. Whatever will I do with that new skill...assuming I master it, of course. rolleyes.gif

Priest is to expensive IMO.

Not to mention that I feel somehow underwhelmend by the lack of new models (and no I don't count the tacticals). I expected some new resculpts for Meph Corbulo or Dante.

Corbulo now looks like the new Priest's Squire. censored.gif

It's funny, this is the only stupidly priced character model that I am actually going to buy. Hands down one of my favorite models GW has ever made.

That being said, it's really weird how GW will let some older models fester for upwards of 20 years while making new ones no one asked for!

It's not so weird, GW logic says that most people who are going to buy, say, a Mephiston model have already done so. Thus it makes more sense (to them) to produce something new to tempt money from people. If tthe old sculpt, that paid for its production cost years ago, in an inferior material and for higher price keeps selling in the meantime, then so much the better for their bottom line. I think it's also pretty clear that their target market these days is not 'little Timmy' but the veteran who can't break his plastic crack addiction and that vet probably does already own Mephiston and thus is more likely to buy a snazzy looking new priest (especially if Sanguinary High Priests are back) than a resculpt.

Of course there are plenty of people who would love a new Mephiston who already own the old one but shhhhhh, group think doesn't allow for such anomalies. It's not a good explanation, but then when did GW not do strange things that seem designed to avoid both maximising their revenue and placating customers?

$30 for one non-LoW model?  Are they high?  I might buy the chainsword separately on ebay when the time comes.


Looking forward to picking up my 'dex and that tac squad.  The sergeant's power sword is just plain gorgeous.  Can't wait to see what other new stuff they have for us.


What a time to be alive.

Looking more at the clearly new terminators in the painting guide picture I'm not sure I'm a fan of giving almost all of them a back adornment that looks like an Iron Halo, especially when they're just cut and pasted from Space Hulk. Seems to be an assault terminator box. There's a squad of Tactical terminators in the mid-ground, but they don't seem to have any of the armourial flourishes that the ones to the fore do.

I've been looking at the tactical box sprues, and I'm pretty pleased.  So it does have both a heavy flamer and a heavy bolter, 16 heads (3 bare) 1 combi-weapon, power fist, chain sword, power sword, and an assortment of pistols of all kinds.  Super excited for this one.

ebook preview has a closeup of the new terminators and a cool Angels Encarmine picture:




They more or less made a multi part space hulk kit didn't they. That claw sarge and our new character are both copies of space hulk models. I am not complaining mind.

Hm... more information on a successor...

I'm now kind of worried that the fluff will be pulled out from under my Knights of Blood... what if GW finally comes down and says that they're truly fallen? I don't like being anxious about this wacko.png

It's interesting that with a website refit they still haven't managed to fix that. If anything it's been taking me further and further afield. With the old site it would keep sending me to the US store despite being a Brit. These days my location can change to anywhere in the EU it seems. Earlier it was Finland, a place I have never, much to my chagrin, so much as set foot.

It's a really scary feeling seeing the prices so high all of a sudden.  I almost died when it first happened to me!


I'd love for the cost of terminators to come down.  I just can't field them in good conscience despite the beautiful space hulk knockoffs we're getting.  Furious charge is nice for charging out of an assault vehicle.  Perhaps assault terminators with a mix of thunder hammers and lightning claws may be worth it?


Either way I like sanguinary guard more.  Cant wait to make those models.


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