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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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Command squads Honour Guard now officially suck. A shame, really. Nobody needs a combat shield. dry.png The bad load-out for the champion is somewhat mitigated by the +1 initiative, but still. Nah.

There was some discussion about the merits of using them as a special weapon delivery system if they were a "free" slot as that would free up the Fast and Elite slots. Now that we have the codex, can anyone confirm if this works or do they actually take a slot in the force org chart (and if so, which one)?

They are elites and they take a slot.

Command squads Honour Guard now officially suck. A shame, really. Nobody needs a combat shield. dry.png The bad load-out for the champion is somewhat mitigated by the +1 initiative, but still. Nah.

There was some discussion about the merits of using them as a special weapon delivery system if they were a "free" slot as that would free up the Fast and Elite slots. Now that we have the codex, can anyone confirm if this works or do they actually take a slot in the force org chart (and if so, which one)?

They are elites and they take a slot.

Well that sucks! :(

Thanks for the info. Guess I will need to decide what I want to play on the day. I have buckets of unfinished infantry and bikes so I can probably get a few special weapons as bits and convert up whatever I finally decide to settle on.

Guys, thank you for contributing. This thread has reached a monstrous 99 pages in a week.

However, because the rules are now officially released and there is a lot of IP in this thread, it will have to be shut down and sent along its merry way into the darkness of the forum.

Feel free to start up new threads on the various topics you wish to discuss and feel free to visit the army building forum and share thoughts with everyone.

Thanks again.



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