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Brother DimDim's Workshop


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Rogal Dorn himself, rugby tackling some traitor scum from the walls of the Palace? Hence the flying stand. :cool.: 

Don't sweat the fluff stuff. Live will (eventually) settle down, and when it does, you'll have had time to mull ideas over, and see what direction you want to go with your little yellow men.

Keep up the good work, and have a merry Christmas.


Rogal Dorn himself, rugby tackling some traitor scum from the walls of the Palace? Hence the flying stand. 8)


Don't sweat the fluff stuff. Live will (eventually) settle down, and when it does, you'll have had time to mull ideas over, and see what direction you want to go with your little yellow men.


Keep up the good work, and have a merry Christmas.




I wish I had that kind of creativity lol! Thanks for the kind words, im sure you're right but im still gonna complain :tongue.:

Nice work on the vexilla^^




Finally, a cookie to the lad or lass who guesses whats going to be mounted on this Wip base:

It's a Landspeeder :biggrin.:?

Closeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ........maybe you get half a cookie?:wink.:


And Thanks! Im looking forward to your sallies, should be entertaining as always!

Little bit of mood setting music



Brother Knight Aramus Draco:Pict capture siege of terra, counter charge at Himalia pass KIA

"What is a knight without his steed?" Aramus Draco

"One of a kind that Draco. In all of my years as a rembrancer I have yet to meet another soul quite like him. A veteran of many years, yet he had the temperament of a new blood, always joking, smiling, so much as to the displeasure of his fellow riders, and yet they would all follow him to the grave willingly. That was Draco. It is a shame the way he went, but I suppose it is safe to assume he died the same way he fought. With that damn smirk plastered across his old face."

Pictured here atop his beloved scimitar pattern jetbike, Brother knight Aramus Draco would be slain in the coming combat while recovering a fallen and gravely wounded Blood Angel, shielding the wounded angel from a torrent of bolter fire from a Sons of Horus tactical squad. His body would be recovered after the succesful counter charge, still atop the Blood Angel who would go on to survive from his wounds.

Looks like Reyner gets a cookie :tongue.:

Hope everybody had a wonderful holiday!



Well what can I say. Got bored of not painting, and my yellow still hasn't arrived so I painted a marine I actually have the paint for. (WIP for JDragon comp)

Enter Captain Nasir Amit, commander of the blood angels V company and future Papa flesh tearer.

Nasir is going to act as a legion champion, the idea being he was separated from his unit and picked up by the fists at some point during the siege.

Base still isnt done (fluff will come with it) and the blood drop is rather meh, probably gonna change that but here ya go!

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Is that backpack ornament from a sanguinary guard head? Because if it is, that's brilliant. 



Bang on sir, those dumb death mask heads(nice if you play BA) actually make great halos if youre not a blood angels player and are just using the sang guard for bits!

Not so much an update on figures but an update of importance none the less.

Stopped by my local GW and picked up some GS for fixing some of my miscasts and to sculpt some things like tabbards and the like, and they also had the one piece of black library I couldn't find and didn't want to order online,


Templar looks to be a promising listen, not just because it includes my favorite character Sigismund, but the sample clip on the black library is something of majesty to listen to!

Hope it provides inspiration. Happy new-years and the tat, hope you had a great one!

Purge the heretic,


Figured I would post this up here aswell as it technically is part of my fist force(and hopefully an ally salli force in the future), my entry into the march of the legions this month (sans fluff and a base):

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@Atia, I agree with the statement on the head as beards are like my favorite thing ever (thats why I have one lol) but as you stated I was trying for the colour scheme, and a battlefield in any millenium let alone the 30th is rather dangerous without a helm lol

Thanks for the comments,


Lovely Salamander. I like the green and bronze that you have going on. Some of he black looks a little flat, like the faceplate, but that might be the lighting. The shield is impressive. Are those scales sculpted on? Is the chapter symbol freehanded? Guessing that the tabard is also sculpted on? Looks good.


I'm in two minds about the flamey shoulder pad. On one hand it is nice and dark, and gritty, and adds to the overall dark tone of the Salamanders in the Heresy. On the other hand, I feel adding some Orange, yellow or white to the flames will make them pop. Up to you.


Oh just a heads up, it's thanks to threads like this one that I took the 30k plunge and bought that legion MkIII squad. I'll have to drop pics up to BnC once I make some progress.


Happy new year.



  • 2 weeks later...

Lovely Salamander. I like the green and bronze that you have going on. Some of he black looks a little flat, like the faceplate, but that might be the lighting. The shield is impressive. Are those scales sculpted on? Is the chapter symbol freehanded? Guessing that the tabard is also sculpted on? Looks good.


I'm in two minds about the flamey shoulder pad. On one hand it is nice and dark, and gritty, and adds to the overall dark tone of the Salamanders in the Heresy. On the other hand, I feel adding some Orange, yellow or white to the flames will make them pop. Up to you.


Oh just a heads up, it's thanks to threads like this one that I took the 30k plunge and bought that legion MkIII squad. I'll have to drop pics up to BnC once I make some progress.


Happy new year.







In all seriousness I agree on your points with the sallie and have highlighted the black further. The flames actually consist only of a smidgen of red and mostly orange and yellow (a backdraw of terrible lighting) and yes the scales are sculpted and have been changed to a lighter khaki color to make them pop better. the symbol is also freehand hence the short jagged lines to the rear of the head, but im attempting to improve and I think this is a great step.


Also thank you for the words. and im honored to have aided you in that big step towards the light that is 30k :tongue.:

Eagerly await updates, im excited to see your legion choice(if it is a legion that is)!


New stuff coming soon as the destroyers are almost done and I have yet another order arriving, along with my yellow hopefully!



Tell that to my poor wallet! ;)


Seriously though, thanks for your comment.


I have decided upon loyalist Iron Warriors, pretty much entirely off the back of the awesome short story The Iron Within. I'm planning on taking things slowly, trying to come up with decent fluff for them. I'll be sure to let you know when I manage to get around to starting a plog. Uni's just started back, and the timetable is quite brutal. I'm toying with a possibly controversial colour scheme change, but I'll see how it looks.


I look forward to seeing more of your lovely Fists.



Well im extremely depressed and defeated as I just spent a good while typing a backstory for my finished destroyer squad only to mistakenly close the tab before posting.

Since I cant take it upon myself to re write the fluff again or post the pics sans fluff I will save it for another day. I do have some concepts for my personal companies banner and would love your opinions!


This will obviously be done on a modified SOH banner, changing the topper to look less like a flaming eye and more like a sun on which i can place a fist, and the removal of some skulls on the chain (not present on drawing) for trophies and honors. Colours for the checkered pattern will likely be my personal colours red and white, but im unsure on the colour for the left side.

@Dallo, I like loyalist iron warriors, hard and brooding but loyal all the same. Im sure youll do the corpse grinders justice. Hey also, what is your favorite power weapon?

@Raktra, glad to have you along!

By the will of the emperor let none survive,


Aww, that's a shame about your fluff. Your destroyers and co. are looking amazing, but I was wondering when you'd get round to putting the pictures in your plog here. Having said that, perhaps it's a hidden blessing, as it allows you to take a step back, and reevaluate, before you write up their fluff again. Still a bit of a bummer though.


Ah, now that sounds like a question with a purpose. I have to say that I'm a fan of the Angry Marines' power bat, though all of the weapons have merit. If it's purely modelling based, consider a lance, as no one ever uses power lances. Swords can look pretty generic, but axes generally look awesome. My affinity for axes certainly has nothing to do with the fact that it's my reenacting weapon of choice... Certainly not. :p


I'm looking forward to getting some painting time for my HH dudes eventually. For now, I'll have to be content with a little converting and thinking about their fluff when I should be studying.


The banner concept is looking nice. Do you plan to just buy the bit, or the whole SoH command?


Glad to see you posting here again.


Keep up the good work.



+++++++++Visual inload 72300....++++++++++++


+++++++++Inload accepted..........++++++++++++



"When the storm comes, a wise man seeks the shelter of his brothers shields."

+++++++++Visual inload 72300....++++++++++++


+++++++++Inload terminated..........++++++++++++


"Want some, do you?"



:blink.:  So he's basically terminator-Yoda?


Looking good DimDim. 


A little more terminator than yoda lol. The rest of the squad will be posted soon.

Solid concept for the banner. Yellow might work well for the left side. Also just noticed you're in Ottawa. I have family there/am from the area.



Cool! Good to find someone who atleast at one point operated in this area lol. I was thinking yellow aswell, and possibly change the checkers to red and black. That of course would make me paint the cross white though....:dry.:


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