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Casual 30K Hobby Challenge - Month 4 - December


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Oh fug it.


I, Castiel, being of vast ambition and little time and discipline pledge to complete 5 Breachers of the glorious XVIII Legion, the Salamanders. I also pledge to complete 1 Destroyer of the sneaky XIX Legion, the Raven Guard may he bring swift death to his enemies.


On my honour and by this weapon I so swear.

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Well done Castiel! This month we will both bring honour to Vulkan for a change!


So I have finally completed my summary for November. The Traitor's hit back strongly in November to secure a big win. Congratulations to Gizur, Slipstreams, Brother Vidus, Leoric, StruManChu and Bulbafist for their completed vows! Check out the end of November's thread for the full post-mortem.


@Jeremy - great to have you playing, I look forward to seeing those guys progress!


@Leoric - Its a shame that a hero of November's loyalist cause can't play this month, but I look forward to seeing your first astartes in Jan.


So, as things stand in December we have an impressive level of pledges for the loyalists, with 8 players compared to four for the traitors. The loyalists are piling on the infantry pledges, wiith traitors focussing on vehicles. In fact we have only eight models pledged for horus, but those pledges are worth 28 points. The loaylists have pledged 46 models (!) worth 61 points.


It is shaping up nicely for December, but we need more participants!

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Our Night Lords player is also using them En Masse. His Centerpiece HQ is heavy Enough to be used as a blunt (maybe even sharp) weapon.


WE Assault Squads or Night Lords in Honor of their Fathers Arrival?

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Absolutely brutal Jasp, I love them!


Alright loyalists, we are a completed pledge down already! Jaspcat is making this interesting :)

Well I saw you guys were putting in a decent effort so I'll join in and try give some motivation. Might even add some thallax cohort if im properly motivated

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