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We had some serious storms here for the past few days so my connection was shaky at best. I have logged today only to find that my base was raided 23 times...


Well time to enact some revenge I say. 

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What did people beat the second prime objective with? I'm running six Terminators and six Jetbikes and whilst I can handle the two Whirlwinds no problem, the end turrets are proving tricky.
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Have they stopped letting you view a replay of your base getting owned? The last two times I've not had the option.

It's a limited time. If too long has passed then the replay expires.

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What did people beat the second prime objective with? I'm running six Terminators and six Jetbikes and whilst I can handle the two Whirlwinds no problem, the end turrets are proving tricky.

My team against the second prime objective was either:


3 Terminators

16 Tacticals




3 Terminators

8 Tacticals

4 Support


Those were the only two teams I ran before getting access to jetbikes and a 4th rally point. I don't really remember any details about that fight, though.

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Have they stopped letting you view a replay of your base getting owned? The last two times I've not had the option.

It's a limited time. If too long has passed then the replay expires.

Base defeated 37 minutes ago. No replay...

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Titan nerfed to 70 energy. Now you have to kill stuff with units before you use it.


Archmagos support unit coming in future update.



Have they stopped letting you view a replay of your base getting owned? The last two times I've not had the option.

It's a limited time. If too long has passed then the replay expires.

Base defeated 37 minutes ago. No replay...

Odd. Might have been a server reset in between. They nerfed the Titan.

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Are people actually seeing the names/chapter of the people that failed to defeat your base?

My game keeps leaving the name field blank, but says that they were members of my chapter.

It's reporting guys that defeated me just fine, only the ones that I successfully defended against are messed up.

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The ones that failed to defeat your base are messed up. It used to work but then they broke it. Hopefully it will be back again soon
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Looks like orbital bombardments got a big radius nerf, effectively making it single target use only. Might hit buildings that are right up against each other, but I'm not sure.


Oh well, time to try other tactics.

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Attacked an easy base and scored 108k munitions and 54k energy!


My coffers could only hold half that...ah well. I'd already emptied them earlier, so they got a complete refill and I did more upgrades.

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Titan nerfed to 70 energy. Now you have to kill stuff with units before you use it.


Archmagos support unit coming in future update.



Have they stopped letting you view a replay of your base getting owned? The last two times I've not had the option.

It's a limited time. If too long has passed then the replay expires.

Base defeated 37 minutes ago. No replay...

Odd. Might have been a server reset in between. They nerfed the Titan.



I guess they broke something with the last patch then. Logged on this morning to find my base has been beaten twice. I couldn't view the one that was beaten 3 hours, 37 minutes ago, but I could view the one that was 3 hours 39 minutes ago...


Meanwhile, I still can't get past the second prime directive (level 22, level 9 base, running six Terminators and six Jetbikes) and my base is getting beaten by Predators :/

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My Command HQ was defeated 39 minutes ago (no replay). Only five of his models survived (three Terminators, one Support, one Jetbike), resources stolen: zero.


If he wasn't a traitor I'd almost feel sorry for him :p

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They're probably changing stuff 'cuz its kind of hectic now...


The titan did get increased as said above (no big deal, you only need some previous assault...I think its a good balance).


The resource issue though...something is VERY wrong.


Pre 79 energy Titan, I couldn't waste resources fast enough (current capacity I have is 1million of each).


Now, I can't get more than 20k per raid and I get WASTED at least twice an hour...which means I can now afford 0 upgrades...


TL;DR I'm pretty much stuck at lvl 8 termintaros/devastators and can't keep up the pace to preserve territory

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I notice a few people are saying that resource yields are down for attacking enemy bases, but this morning I've had the opposite experience: one guy who I flattened gave up 1.6 million munitions and about 600k power. I Couldn't even store that amount of stuff. Anybody think it's possible that this massive payday was also the devs messing with the program for balance?
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I am very casual on playing this, go on it maybe once a day to get daily reward and an upgrade or 2, then maybe 3 attacks... but as far as I an tell I've not been attacked yet, or how do I check if I have/... :s I'm level 20 ish I think so have bee nplaying a while now...

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It tells you in your notifications on the world map. Also, when you first log in there is text that says "the enemy has been busy here", which is another indicator.
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