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Thanks everyone, its much appreciated. Today's plan is to get the remaining veteran helmets up to a stage where they'll be ready for transfers then the next stage will be torsos then legs and so on hopefully this will be more productive.

Yes brother, tread the Eightfold Path. It is the only truth in a universe of lies.

Nice start, man.

Thanks man, the search for the truth begins!

Loving the dark crimson.

Cheers Rohr!

The stripes on the contemptor work well!

Thanks dude! The stripes on the Leviathan, you mean? msn-wink.gif Got a pack of plasticard that works great

Looking forward to seeing you get into the Wrod Bearers.

Nice robot arm, mind if I ask where it came from? Or is it a sculpt?

Thanks Corswain, I'm excited to really get into the army. The arm is from the 40k SM devastator kit lots of great parts that translate to the heresy era pretty well

Wow, that's a lovely red! Glad to see more stuff from you, you probably have my favourite painting style on B&C. smile.png

Thanks a lot man, I really appreciate it biggrin.png

....... As a fan of maroon and dark red colour schemes I approve....

As a decent human being I dont. How could you go WORD BEARER YOU HERETIC!

All jokes aside an excellent beginning, looking forward to more mate!

Hahaha thanks man! We're just doing our best to bring truth to the masses with you know, torture, mutilation.

Man, those guys look awesome! Really nice dark red too. I was originally going to go with Word Bearers, but Angel Exterminatus and your dudes convinced me otherwise! But I've always had a love for how much you could customise the XVII legion with the runes and things like that.

Thanks Krast, you flatter me haha, going to be covering these guys with scripture and esoteric runes

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys, tiny update today. Been busy with life unfortunately this week but I did get 7 helmets almost done and I'm currently trying to do something a bit fancy with the sergeant helm and another that I'm hoping will turn out well. So the plan today is to get the torsos started and the last 2 helmets done.


Here's a few just about done minus the eye lenses:






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Thanks guys! Not much hobby progress due to the lovely Scottish weather preventing priming models outside but I did get some goodies this weekend.


PoD is awesome so far, so cool seeing some in depth details regarding the state of the solar system and the defences built up around it, definitely recommend it. Cant wait to get cracking on the traitor librarian after seeing Atia's. Going to try and make him into a character like model with a fancy base and some bits added to him so expect some WIP shots on that soon..... 



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