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Good job on deciding to start some fluff for your army, it really helps to add character to your force.

Also any hints on what colours your planning for the Solar Auxilia?

Thanks, I'm thinking of a grey for the fatigues and a dark red for the padding. That might change though once I get around to doing some test models smile.png

Sweet Iron Warriors brother!

Will be keeping an eye on this thread for inspiration for my own IV legion..

Great stuff looking forward to seeing more

Thanks, means a lot coming from you after seeing your own incredible Iron Warriors biggrin.png

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How about grey for the armor and khaki for the fatigues on those SA? I think that is the scheme of the Imperial Army units in Iron Warrior service anyway. 

Yeah, I think I will try the khaki fatigues when I picture it it would look pretty good next to the dark metal of my Iron warriors. Hopefully when Tallarn:Ironclad comes out we'll get some insight into some of the units serving alongside the IVth Legion.

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They're covered a bit in Angel Exterminatus. We know they wore khaki uniforms, scaled breastplates, and helmets shaped in imitation of MkIV power armour, with their weapons wrapped in cloth to protect their mechanism; their officers apparently used electric goads to keep them in rank.

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Hey Dantioch...thanks for your kind words, but credit where credit is due..your minis are cool..

And if you haven't already read Angels exterminatus then go out and buy it!

Good luck with the auxillia

Thanks, yeah I've read it completely forgot there was Army units in it just went and skimmed through it and found them. The Selucid Thorakite regiments think I will use them as a basis for my Auxillia biggrin.png Thanks for the info, Brothers.

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These are outstanding, Dantioch! I love how you've managed to make them look so dirty but kept the detail so clean and smooth. I'm well jealous...

And congratulations on your army milestone! It's amazing what the Heresy can do for your ability to sit down and paint. Before I joined the crew, I'd never done more than a squad, so if nothing else, you're in good company... msn-wink.gif

And the Thallax are fantastic... Any chance of a run down of that brassy colour, so that I can ruthlessly steal it for when I do a Mechanicum army in many years time?

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“The Bitter Beginning” 


The gang ramp came down on its pistons revealing the dark plains of this scorched planet. Warsmith Karanus commander of the IVth Legion's 111th Grand battalion thudded down the Sokar pattern Stormbird ramp and stepped aside to allow the two Medusa siege tanks to rumble out and take their position on the line. Their crew knew were they needed to be. Karanus clenched and unclenched his power fist and took in the landing site.

Iron Warriors were scrambling around raising barricades and wheeling cannons into place as the Legion's heavy tanks grinded into position.  The Legion's land speeders and jetbikes formed a perimeter around the deploying Iron Warriors zooming by and relaying the movements of the Legion's targets over the vox. 

“Is this what it took for the Legion to gather like this” Karanus thought.


He could see his command squad standing in a loose circle and made his way towards them, their fists clanged against the chest plates in salute. Only one of his warriors didn’t salute for he no longer had the ability to do so. Venerable Acron turned his dreadnought form towards him.

“Warsmith” he intoned. 

“Brother Acron” Karanus bowed his head “It is good to see you again”

“And you, Warsmith. I am glad to be away from the prying hands of the techpriests. I long to face a worthy foe again.”

“Soon brother, take your positions brothers it’s almost time. Iron Within” 

“Iron without” they replied as one and moved to take their positions. 


Karanus made for one of his battalion Medusas with Acron at his side. They said nothing as they marched, nothing else needed be said what they were about to partake in would echo through history. He climbed the short ladder onto the Medusas firing platform and the two Legionary’s there pounded their fists against their chests. Karanus acknowledged them with a nod as they returned to preparing the artillery piece for firing.


The Warsmith took one last look down the line of the Legion's most devastating weapons from Predators to Fellblades, tactical squads to the Legion's Terminator elite. He then cast a glance behind him to his own Battalion in formation. They were ready, they knew not to disappoint him. His warriors knew what awaited them if they failed. Acron was clenching and unclenching his own mighty power fist. Karanus grinned under his MKIII visor. He had continued his old mentor’s habit.

He brought his gaze back to the front of him clenching his fist with impatience. The battle, though fierce, had died down a fraction. He could see them then, limping and staggering towards the Iron Warriors line, great figures in  dull green armour adorned with drake skins. The XVIII Legion. The Salamanders. Lizards, vermin.

“Prepare yourselves” he voxed “Iron Within”

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So here's my first attempt at writing some fluff. Hope you all like itbiggrin.png

Got an email from FW informing me that the Deredeo's weapons are sold out unfortunately sad.png But they offered to send the rest of my order first then dispatch the Deredeo when all the parts are back in stock so hopefully I'll get the rest of the order this week biggrin.png

Another great mini, also were you planning on writing little snippets of fluff for all your models or just writing general passages?

Thnaks, I'm thinking just some snippets showing the Iron Warriors in battle and such and some back story for my characters biggrin.png

These are outstanding, Dantioch! I love how you've managed to make them look so dirty but kept the detail so clean and smooth. I'm well jealous...

And congratulations on your army milestone! It's amazing what the Heresy can do for your ability to sit down and paint. Before I joined the crew, I'd never done more than a squad, so if nothing else, you're in good company... msn-wink.gif

And the Thallax are fantastic... Any chance of a run down of that brassy colour, so that I can ruthlessly steal it for when I do a Mechanicum army in many years time?

Thanks brother, yeah the Heresy and this forum in general are a great motivator. I appreciate all the comments and criticism I get it really inspires and pushes me to improve my miniatures. biggrin.png

For the Thallax I prime the model chaos black then basecoat all the brass areas in Warplock Bronze. Then I layer that with Runelord Brass before washing the whole area with Seraphim Sepia.

Hope this helps!

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Looking good Dantioch. Just a few grammatical points. You have said legions several times (- ie multiple legions) when you mean legion's (- ie belonging to the legion)


Also, I'd suggest changing the line in the last paragraph to "The battle, though fierce, had died down a fraction"


Grammatical semantics aside, that's a great opening fluff piece. I'm assuming that it's about Isstvan V? 


Keep up the good work. It's logs like this that help inspire me to keep working at my own.



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Looking good Dantioch. Just a few grammatical points. You have said legions several times (- ie multiple legions) when you mean legion's (- ie belonging to the legion)

Also, I'd suggest changing the line in the last paragraph to "The battle, though fierce, had died down a fraction"

Grammatical semantics aside, that's a great opening fluff piece. I'm assuming that it's about Isstvan V?

Keep up the good work. It's logs like this that help inspire me to keep working at my own.


Yeah, its supposed to be Isstvan V ( thought I would start with Iron Warriors first acts of Heresy). Thanks for the suggestions, fixed it now biggrin.png

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Looks good. Ah, correcting strangers on their lack of commas. My old English teacher would be so proud. tongue.png

Can we expect more fluff in the near future? How long did it take you to write that piece? Did you just power through it one evening, or did you do it piecemeal? How many revisions did you do? I find that when writing fluff, I'll come back after a day or two, and want to delete the whole thing.


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Looks good. Ah, correcting strangers on their lack of commas. My old English teacher would be so proud. tongue.png

Can we expect more fluff in the near future? How long did it take you to write that piece? Did you just power through it one evening, or did you do it piecemeal? How many revisions did you do? I find that when writing fluff, I'll come back after a day or two, and want to delete the whole thing.


Yeah, I had wrote a few notes down covering some of the characters ranks, looks, how they behaved and where they fought. I've just been adding to it every few nights like a sentence or two deciding where I would start and who would be involved.

I had they exact same feeling a few times when I read it but I just thought if I didn't post it I would end up never doing it biggrin.png

I don't think writing fluff is my strong point so far haha, but I will try to write some back story for every character I finish painting. The next character will be the battalion commanding apothecary I'm working on just now biggrin.png

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Thanks for your reply Dantioch. Don't put yourself down. Your fluff read well, and conveyed a sense of ominous anticipation. I liked it.


I look forward to hearing about your apothecary. Writing about them can be interesting, especially the duality in their role of life giver and death dealer. I'll be waiting expectantly to see what you have in store for us. 



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Hello everyone, small update tonight. Firstly my FW order has been dispatched so I can't wait for that and secondly for the Dreadnought character in my fluff above I'm thinking of using the Minotaur Contemptor Dreadnought "Hecaton Aiakos" to represent Venerable Acron, what do yous think?

Obviously I will remove the purity seals and any too prominent Imperial iconography. I kind of like this idea, as Acron was a former Warsmith so I imagine the Mechanicum would craft an impressive Dreadnought chassis for him and then use the Iron Warrior legion Contemptor as another character. Again any of your suggestions are welcome biggrin.png

A great piece of fluff I must say, I look forward to getting an insight into the rest of your characters. And I must ask one question: are you planning to name all your legionnaires?

Also on a side note, hope you had a great birthday yesterday! biggrin.png

Thanks yeah it was great biggrin.png

I think I will get around to naming each Legionary in time but for now I'm focussing on the characters. I'm currently writing some notes for each of my characters fluff, just adding to it everyday. Thanks again Operative!

Here's what I'm working on just now:


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