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KBA's Heresy Thread


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Loving the conversions man, so much character!

Appreciate it the kudos :)

Continues to be class - artificer nails it with the 'character' comment, really striking!

You guys are making me blush!

The Ruin's Herald is super badass. So much flavor, and that torso conversion is inspired. Looking forward to more!

I'm glad the badass aspect got across cool.png

Can't believe you pulled it off awesome work

A lot easier to get rid of the tribal stuff than I thought. If anyone wants to, with little trouble, they could easily clean and fill all the markings.

Great looking marines KBA! Ruin's Herald is an absolute boss. The Contemptor is looking really nice as well. Looking forward to seeing you make a start with the paint thumbsup.gif

Soon... Soon biggrin.png

The best conversions are the ones that look like they just rolled off FW's production line.

That contemptor looks like what the RG contemptor should have looked like. Great job KBA!

Mission accomplished! Thanks Flint, means a bunch.

Awesome stuff. Your conversions look fantastic and those little exerts are chilling.

Glad you're enjoying the tiny fluff tidbits. More to come when I get things painted.


Loving it, man. That contemptor rocks. I love the purposeful stride. 


That said, one small nitpick: It seems like there's too much swing in the back arm. If he's running forward I think it'd be right on, but as both feet are on the ground and he's not leaning forward, it feels like slightly too much. Maybe it's just the angles. 

Loving it, man. That contemptor rocks. I love the purposeful stride.

That said, one small nitpick: It seems like there's too much swing in the back arm. If he's running forward I think it'd be right on, but as both feet are on the ground and he's not leaning forward, it feels like slightly too much. Maybe it's just the angles.

Thanks for the feedback, Jeff. If there's one member's advice on mechanical walkers I'd heed, it'd be yours msn-wink.gif. I definitely see what you're saying. I did some fiddling around, and adjusted the angle of his striding legs to give it more of a 'run' feel. Will reveal when the paint is on smile.png

Speaking of paint!


I am not a total dead beat and have started some paint progress. The others should go quicker as this was a test run. The black still needs highlights. Not sure if I'll keep the pouches black or not, but I do like that it lightens the sea-green.

  1. Black spray primer - Base coat
  2. 5 ML mix – half water, half airbrush medium – 3 drops of Caliban Green - Base coat
  3. 5 ML mix – half water, half airbrush medium  - 3 drops of Kabalite Green - Cover most of the model
  4. 5 ML mix – half water, half airbrush medium – 1 drop of Kabalite Green/2 drops of Sybarite Green – 45 degree angle
  5. 5 ML mix – half water, half airbrush medium – 2 drops of Sybarite Green/1 drop of Skarsnik Green/1 drop of Temple Guard blue – 45 degree angle
  6. Glaze of Waywatcher Green
  7. Watered down wash of Drakenhof Nightshade
  8. 5 ML mix – half water, half airbrush medium – 3 drops of Sybarite Green – top down angle   

Basically wanted to emulate Duncan Rhodes' Sea Green -- which is actually way lighter --  and once I got to the glazing stage, I thought I had gone light enough. Happy to hear you guys are digging it :)    







great looking stuff and this guy is pure classthumbsup.gif thumbsup.gif

Happy to hear you dig him, daemonclaw :)


Finished my first Son of Horus. Just waiting on a Forge World order that has some transfers in it.












I was going to go for a brighter base color, but in experience I find it can rob the color of the model. The corkboard/pebbles base might seem a bit large, but I'll be using the new bigger bases, so it won't be so bad. There are some things I wish I could have done, or done better -- eyes, mouth, finer highlites, but until I get some finer brushes and watch maker specs, this is it. I'll be picking some corks and wire, so I'll be able to do more at once vs the glue caps I was using to prop up this guy. Thanks for looking :)

Got to say I'm a fan of that sea green


Your pretty much on the ball with this project

Post #56 on this page :). Thanks man, I'm trying to see this thing through this time around. Must. Finish. Projects.

That sea green armour is beautiful! Such a great contrast with the gold smile.png

Thanks! As cool as the Sons of Horus are (and I find them deliciously awesome) what attracted me to them was the color scheme. Love the sea green, and the gold contrasts. Can't wait to work in some reds with the top knots!

Not much of an update, but wanted to share anyway:




He'll be part of my Rogue Trader house contingent. I've always loved this model, and its similarities to one of my favorite modern comic book characters was always uncanny. If you've any interest in comics, Brubaker's Captain America run is legendary.




He'll be one of the more gritty members of House Khodessa. A great grandson born in the void, and more than capable -- and happy -- to take care of any minor political resistance the Rogue Trader may run into. Working with the name Buchanan Khodessa as an ode to the Winter Soldier. This guy should be a blast to paint.

What model is that?!?



It's a bounty hunter or something from Necromunda isn't it? Always wanted one myself!



Yep, it's a bounty hunter from when Fanatic was handling Necromunda for GW. Took a while to track down and paid more than I wanted to, but it's a pretty sweet mini, so I shamelessly pulled the trigger.


Up next: Traitor Raven Guard test model with a paint scheme that should be different.

I can't wait to see what I will be hunting down.

Your stuff is looking good.


BTW, your stuff does kind of remind me of the stuff I did. So It looks like the path to madness does have the ability to serve the emperor (my Wraiths) or the warp (your guys)

Yeah, I think the big similarities are coming from us both drawing from the Legion of The Damned kits.

Here's an old pic from the old, old thread in 2012 of what would eventually get broken down and turned into one of the Ravens posted in this thread:


God, I miss that fireplace mantle from the old townhouse laugh.png

Happy happy joy joy!!

This is some really outstanding work KBA. You have some really mad skills, I especially love the harbinger, Molocs crest looks ace and great use of the Tartaros power fist (?) too... You must have some bits box to work from.


The green for your SoH is great too.


Definitely watching this.

Happy to hear you dig him, daemonclaw smile.png

Finished my first Son of Horus. Just waiting on a Forge World order that has some transfers in it.






I was going to go for a brighter base color, but in experience I find it can rob the color of the model. The corkboard/pebbles base might seem a bit large, but I'll be using the new bigger bases, so it won't be so bad. There are some things I wish I could have done, or done better -- eyes, mouth, finer highlites, but until I get some finer brushes and watch maker specs, this is it. I'll be picking some corks and wire, so I'll be able to do more at once vs the glue caps I was using to prop up this guy. Thanks for looking smile.png

damn you brother that mini is SHWEEET .oh hell now you making me wanna do sons of horus now wallbash.gif


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