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  On 4/17/2015 at 3:05 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Said it in the Arena thread, and I'll say it here: *sploosh*. Wow. Looking fantastic there Flint. That little powerfist in particular looks great! Where's that bit from?

Its the Solarite Power Gauntlet that comes with the Kit.

I just managed to stop myself from going to my local dealer/ hobby store to get black Templar bits. I'm very weak willed at the best of times and seeing stuff like this just gives me such a hobby drive. Have a few days off after tomorrow so no excuses for not getting stuff done. Thank you Flint and Brother Heinrich who's Blood Angels are equally amazing!

Rabid Godling

Prelude Part 2





They are all dead.


Spread in a field of corpse flesh and rent armor. My brothers, my Knights, my legion… armor of red, of black and white, of yellow and gray. Tens of thousands of my legion lay torn open upon plains of red under skies the color of a necrotic wound.

All of them.

The greaves of my ancient warplate crash into the fetid offal and stagnant vitae that pools about my feet. My hands claw through the crimson and black morass… searching… I do not find that which I seek.

A black-armored gauntlet bursts from the blood mire and fastens itself to my helm and one of the corpses hauls me bodily into its grasp. Its shattered eye lenses centimeters from mine, I can see the burst sockets leering back at me through ruby red shards.


“Champion… Fist… Knight… you dishonor every title you touch,” The words slither through a broken vox-grille along with black blood-spill.

Another hand grasps my pauldron and I grunt as I am hauled to the side. To my right, a yellow armored figure claws its way up from the mire. Its head was gone, a truncated spine all that remained, but it’s words found me still.


“You failed them all… you have made worthless martyrs of your brothers… the Seventh’s sons.”


All around me, hands armored in black, yellow, crimson and white rip their way from the sucking blood to fasten themselves to my armor. The voices are endless, gibbering an endless litany of failed vows, of slaughtered oaths.
I scream into the crimson blackness as they drag me back to the mud.






The word comes softly, barely an echo through the screaming of the corpse daemons about me.





I fight, wrestling against the clawing gauntlets of my slaughtered kin. I cast about for the speaker, but I find naught but the cries of the damned and the bodies of the murdered Seventh.


“I cannot, my Lord,” I howl into the darkness, “I had not the strength. I could not save any of them.”


The daemons shriek and tug at me. One of them calls my name.


“You will stand, Templar. And you will draw your Sword.”


“My lord, their sacrifice was worthless…”


“You are no martyr, you are a Son of the Seventh. You are a conqueror.”


A black armored gauntlet slams into mine. I feel the ceramite digits grasp firm and pull me forth from the sucking morass.


I hear the voice roar in my ears above the daemons shrieking at a prize denied.


“Templar do not kneel!”


…I stood…




“Champion Primus!”

The black gauntlet hauls me forth, a cascade of rockcrete fragments and permaplas dust cascade from my warplate as I roar, lunging forward and out of the rubble pile. My breath heaves in my lungs, my hearts hammer in my chest as my gaze darts around the interior of the bunker complex. My helm’s sensor suite instantly tags five ident-runes, all friendly… all live. The Knights of First Oathed stand before me. Mallenborne still clasps my gauntlet in his. He drops it and holds out my blade. I take it as he steps back.


“Champion, the XII assault the gate. There have been numerous collapses and Fafnirr’s Second are hard pressed,” Levasque calls from his vigil near the exit.


He repeats himself when I do not respond.


“Champion?” Harkonnen queries. I stand, scabbarded blade in hand, my gaze fixed upon them.


“My… Knights,” I murmur. Without hesitation, their fists crash against white breastplates.


“We stand, Champion Burkhardt,” Alemain responds.


The words find me and I smile, “Yes… you do.”


Taciturn Eskabae tosses a bolt pistol into my waiting hand. I mag-lock it to my belt as I stride forward.


“Templar,” I snarl as I pull my blade from its scabbard.


No… as I draw my Sword.


“Let us show the traitor-kin what they have wrought this day.”




+Nos terror non tenebris. Sumus eius vindicta+

Nice fluff, I love it!


The champion looks great over all.  The red cross on his shoulder looks a bit bubbly in shape though. Also I don't like the white tabard, it just blends in too much with the other white. I think a tan/bone color would have made it pop a bit more.  Other than that though, fine work!

Morning all! Just wanted to reply to a few folks and let you know he feedback is always appreciated :D


@ GrandMagnus- Thanks! I like it too. I wanted something just a little bit removed from the norm, but still very recognizable as a Templar.


@ Augustus - Haha, high praise indeed!


@ Jimbo - Thanks!


@ Acebaur - Appreciate it. Always happy to hear other Templar enjoy my work.


@ DimDim - Exactly. Fafnir Rann's second company grow up to become the Executioners chapter and are supposed to be even more aggressive than the Templar of the 1st. What else could they be but metal as hell? :D


"World Eaters from every angle? Only five of us left? Just gives me more axe swinging room."


@ AngryPantz - it's always awesome to hear that our work inspires. I think it's probably the best response I can hear. The soul cries for joy, the wallet cries for death ^_^


@ DolchiTe Remembrancer - Thanks!


@ Dantay - for whatever reason I decided I wanted a single edged Black Sword since Burkhardt's model gets used for a Sigismund stand in on the rare occasions I get to play a game. The grip, crosspiece and arm are from the metal Emperors Champion model, as is his left arm and shoulder. The blade is from a Glaive Encarmine.


@ Acebaur - Yeah, I'm still working out the Maltese cross painting. The shoulder was my first freehand one ever, the tabard was my second. I'll touch it up a bit. I was trying a bit to break up the white tabard with a bit of muddying up at the bottom, but I think I might need to try a little bit more past that.


I was actually thinking of reversing the Knight-Hospitaller scheme and doing his tabard red with a white cross.


@ Olis - Always glad to hear a positive fluff reply from the go to bro for the Liber :D specially since I consider my fluffing a B at best.


Not going to lie, I may have totally been watching Jason and the Argonauts while writing.

@ Acebaur - Yeah, I'm still working out the Maltese cross painting. The shoulder was my first freehand one ever, the tabard was my second. I'll touch it up a bit. I was trying a bit to break up the white tabard with a bit of muddying up at the bottom, but I think I might need to try a little bit more past that. 



Well the tabard is significantly better than the shoulder, so I'm sure you can make the pad look just as good!


Alternatively, FW has some very nice transfers that are red, or you can always apply a regular black one and then paint red over it after dull coating. 




I was actually thinking of reversing the Knight-Hospitaller scheme and doing his tabard red with a white cross.



That would be badass, I definitely think it would look great with a red tabard!

I'd think twice about the red tabard. The color is an accent in this scheme so far, and painting a surface that large red would probably throw things off kilter. Worse, the position would make such a change really odd. After looking at it again for a while, I'd actually think about painting the bottom torso plates (those below the chain) black. They'll look fine, blending into the leg armor, while breaking up the tabard and chest to give proper eye-time to both. You may not even need to paint the tabard a different shade after that.

Or I could be totally over estimating the effect of such a change. But It seems like the easiest alteration to fix for the greatest yield, and a fairly easy one to fix if it goes wrong. Well, painting two small flat surfaces white again seems easier than redoing the whole tabard, anyway. laugh.png

Just noticed the fist on his shoulder is a bit cockeyed, too. If you plan on painting more Templars, I can show you a very easy way to freehand the cross with relative accuracy.

  • 3 weeks later...

Evening all! Painting continues and I've more or less finished my first Cataphractii. Feel free to yell helpful things at him since he's going to be the basis for the rest of the LIX Heavy Assault's color scheme.


Janus Virprellan, Heavy Assault Veteran, 59th Company, Legio VII

 ++ Mortem ante Obsquium ++

I dunno, Flint. Happy as I am to see this thread ressurected (rolleyes.gif), the Termie just doesn't scream Fist or Templar to me.

Perhaps if you put on a yellow arm like on Drogun Hanoshi, he would look more like one of the Seventh's sons, but as he is, he looks to my eyes, at least, like a Justaerin with a yellow knee.

Of course, more iconography on the model would help too. msn-wink.gif

See, I can't fault the panting at all, because he is lovely. I do kinda agree with The Psycho in that he needs something else to identify him as a Templar - those white pauldrons are crying out for a cross and fist. Small things, but I think they would go a long way towards making him complete. Also twin linked plasma? Gross ;)

Could add another highlight to the red maybe. Help to define the edges a little. I'd mix a flesh or beige colour with the red rather than white, yellow, or orange. If it looks a bit off to your eye you can glaze the highlights a little with some thinned red wash. Otherwise painting is going well as usual :tu:


As for the Fist/Templar look, if you have small enough transfers you could have a fist on the yellow knee and cross on the white one. Just an idea though.

“Not all angels stand in the light.”


881.M30 – 501st Expeditionary Fleet – Compliance: 501-16



He strode through the streets of the ruined city. Ash fell from the sky, piling in drifts and coating everything in a soft gray blanket. Every sound was muted, coming as if through water, or from another place in time. The stillness and quiet stretched endlessly. Even the active hum of his artificer wrought war-plate failed to disturb the sepulchral calm of the dead city.


He mag-locked both of his plasma pistols to his thigh plates and stretched his arms wide. Closing his eyes, he raised his face to the sky. Flakes of ash settled on his eyelashes and clung to the blond strip of hair bisecting his skull. From his brow a pair of honour studs glinted in the soft light, each one representing fifty years of faithful service to the Imperium of Man.


These were the moments he lived for, not the fiery rage of battle, the clash of blades and thunder of gunfire. It was the calm before the storm, the momentary peace in the eye of it, and the silence afterwards. The serenity of death called to him, a dark siren luring him to the still waters beyond. It was why he stood apart from his brothers, why he had always stood in shadow.








Azor Solon, Centurion Moritat of 18th Company, IX Legion Astartes opened his eyes. Gunfire echoed in the distance, breaking his reverie. He lowered his arms and took hold of his weapons of office once more. War called, and as always he answered. Igniting his jump pack, he soared into the sky leaving only ash and the forgotten dead in his wake.




Azor Solon, Centurion Moritat, 18th Company, IX Legion Astartes - 881.M30











Hey, that's a pretty kick ass model there, Heinrich. I love the cabling to the plasma pistols. It kinda reminds me of the 25th Anniversary model in that respect. Great posing too, adds to this idea that he's just unmaglocked them and bringing the weapons to bear. 

  On 5/5/2015 at 3:43 PM, Noctus Cornix said:

Hey, that's a pretty kick ass model there, Heinrich. I love the cabling to the plasma pistols. It kinda reminds me of the 25th Anniversary model in that respect. Great posing too, adds to this idea that he's just unmaglocked them and bringing the weapons to bear. 

Thanks man, I wanted to create a plausible design that would allow him to believably go maximum-overkill with his plasma pistols.


  On 5/5/2015 at 5:51 PM, Brother Chaplain Kage said:

Great figure, Heinrich. Very evocative and that is the best looking scale chain I have ever seen. Where did you get that?

Thanks, the chain is actually one of the last remnants of an old necklace my wife didn't care for anymore. Flint actually turned me on to a website though that makes great scale chains, some of which are going to feature on my soon-to-be-shown Terminators and Contemptor. Shoot her a PM for details as I can't remember the site name for the life of me.


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