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So that white is looking awesome. Not dirty, but not clean. Perfect. More Templars please. And Heinrich, get on with your Angels, I need some help holding the IXth Legion fort msn-wink.gif

Reinforcements are en route my friend.

So life has been pretty hectic this past week so I haven't gotten much done. Also my time is split between numerous hobbies, school, work, and all the usual life stuff. Rest assured though I am committed and will continue to post, the fluff may not be as plentiful (because it takes a good amount of time to write it) but I can promise it will be quality when I write it. Anyways, here are some WIPs to keep our appetites at bay:

- Terminator Sergeant -


- Contemptor -


- Centurion -


I'll try and get some paint up here in the days ahead, but no promises as I also have another project waiting to come into the light soon that needs my attention. The weather the rest of this week and weekend is supposed to be typical Portland :cussty so if that happens then this beautiful beast will go under it's cover and the hobby tools will come out full force:


(Maybe now you guys will understand why all my Warlord HQ's ride bikes lol)


Awesome work Heinrich!! I love the crest on the terminator Sergeant. I've done something similar for my Emperor's Children Praetor, so I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out. The hair on the Centurion is just beautiful. Great sculpting :tu:


Thanks for the inspiration :)

Nice ride brother, she looks the part :)


On topic I'm pretty pumped to see some blood red angels > heinrich style.


Your sculpting is the :cuss man, not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but the nazi hipster vibe is working for me, although is good to see a longer mane on your centurion.


And seriously man, why did you have to go and space the new tacticals? They are fine the way they are. FINE. End of discussion. I'm kidding of course, yours look great, but I won't be doing mine no matter what you and that alpha legion guy on dakka do. Nope, no way no how. They are fine the way they are. Fine.



Good work mate :)


Keep em coming, and ride it on the edge :)

So I saw the Terminator sgt and was all "oh yeah that looks boss, those Phoenix parts work beautifully" and then I saw the Centurion and was all "daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn son. Look at that Chainsword. Look at that hair." I don't even care that his only weak spot is his beautiful face, because that hair.

@Augustus - you can take the man away from the Night Lords, but you can't take the Night Lords away from the man :) In all seriousness I like the hair on the Blood Angel. Rather than "emo" I see late medieval Baltic nobility or even Renaissance era soldiery honestly (once they were able to control pests). Seeing as these are the areas where the BA take there artistic roots I say fantastic work


Both of you should be happy with your work thus far. It's easy to see this thread is going to be bringing a great deal of inspiration to the masses :) (though many of us expect nothing less from either of you).


I can't wait to see more

"There is no Hell. No Sheol, no Geddon, Nerak or Hades. There is nothing after this world once I tear you from it, and nothing in this world to save you from me."

~Knight-Orator Levasque to unnamed Aelf Warlord, 866.M30





+Nos terror non tenebris. Sumus eius vindicta+


@ Larkyn - Do it! Always happy to see some inspiration happy.png

@ Slipstreams - I thought you were already a closet Fist player biggrin.png

@ Roland - Haha, I like the strikeout correction. And thanks for the praise. I feel like Burkhardt is my most involved conversion to date.

@ Kizzdougs - How does he hold up now?

@ Recon - Thanks! I feel like I'm slowing figuring out how black works.

Gorgeous! That is without doubt one badass Templar. I'm usually not a fan of the hazy power sword effect but yours looks great!. The white chest came out awesome as well! I love the highlights on the shoulder cross as well!

The Templars are coming along nicely.  Good thin, crisp gradient-highlights on the black (black is a breeze, ain't it? :lol:).  The white chest was an interesting choice, and helps break up the otherwise clunky nature of the model.  Minimizing the use of yellow may not be orthodox, but I prefer it.  It makes the Fist heritage more of homage, rather than making them Fists-with-a-lot-of-black.   


Not sure how I feel about the power sword, though.  I think your successfully sloppy approach on the Emperor's Children was better than this attempt at a sleek, straight blue.

"Rend open the night with the fire of your zeal and tear from its embrace those that would cower within."

~Knight-Paladin Harkonnen



@ 200Plus - Thanks! We both really appreciate all the kind words.

@ Acebaur - I'm still working on a good, repeatable power sword effect I'm happy with, but glad to hear it looks ok in the interim happy.png

How does Harkonnen's fist look? Pretty much the same technique, only made mini-er.

@ Talon - Haha, its alright. I often contract the dumb myself. To be fair though, technically (read:pedantically) they are only proto-Templar at this point biggrin.png

How do you like the newest addition?

@ Firepower - Black isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Honestly, I just painted it as a super super dark blue, and it came out 10x better than the last gray-scale black I tried.

For the white chest, it was twofold: One, I wanted to break up that otherwise huge black front plate (and I sure as hell wasn't doing more yellow...) and Two, I wanted my Templar-Brethren to have a slightly different look to them. Kinda wanted a Knight-Hospitaller vibe.

Glad to hear you prefer the minimal yellow too... I'm not looking forward to having to practice that here pretty soon biggrin.png

How does this powerfist look? Pretty much the same technique, but still working away at it.

Oooof! That looks brilliant, love the Fist. Not gonna lie, I tried that look using silvers and a blue wash, yours is better more "electric", I may acquire your fist technique for my Wolves, if that is okay.


One has a red templar cross, the other black, are the colours of the crosses going to denote rank or status amongst the brethren?


Also I really like Heinrich's Praetor model. It has been amazing to see how many times the core model has remained the same, but people have made their own unique models from it.


Thanks to you both :)

The fist looks good. Small spaces are better for that sort of style, and the individual joints certainly fit that bill. On a long smooth surface though (like swords), it takes a lot more finesse. Not exactly my strong suit either, mind you. I'm yet to paint a power weapon I'm 100% satisfied with. Gonna have to give my airbrush a go at last when I get around to Helbrecht Ludoldus.

I noticed the blue shade to your highlights. Some folks used Shadow Gray back in the day, which was the same thing, but it was always too strong for my liking. Yours is more subdued, which is good, but I imagine it doesn't show up so well without camera lighting (which is also a good thing, I think). I know my under-shade is damn near invisible without strong lighting. I prefer it that way, but it makes it a censored.gif to paint sometimes. Thank goodness for my new "chick magnet" magnifier goggles and their built in LEDs laugh.png

Having those conveniently raised edges must help a load too, I imagine. Very easy to highlight compared to smooth surfaces.

That being said, the highlights on the inside of this guy's shield arm look pretty sloppy compared to the rest. I'd also say that silver on white may have been a bad choice, simply because it blends in so much. Gold/bone/white for light backgrounds, silver for dark smile.png

Evening Everyone!


Thanks for all the replies, Flint and I greatly appreciate all the constructive criticism and the compliments on our work. You all really help keep the motivation going strong! Sorry it's been a bit since I posted, finals and life got very busy for a week there, but I've made some good progress during this spring break, including my first game of 30k! Before I get to all that though, a reply for DimDim's question and the request for a tutorial on how I do my leg spacing:


Both these last posts from the two of you have been excellent! Brother Heinrich, if I may ask, where is that termie sarges head from?


The heads are from Spellcrow Miniatures.




Here's how I make my "tall-scale" Marines:



• Hobby Shears

• Hobby Saw

• Hobby Knife

• Glue

• Polystyrene (I use 1.5mm thickness)

• Set of Space Marine legs




Step 1: Using the hobby saw, cut the legs at mid-thigh and mid-shin.




Step 2: Cut small squares of polystyrene that are larger than the circumference of the legs. Glue these to the cut sections of the thigh and shin.






Step 3: Glue the legs back together. This part takes some careful eye-balling to match up the original angles of the sculpt. I usually leave the mold lines on the model as they help guide where the leg should be angle-wise.




Step 4: Use the hobby shears to trim down the excess polystyrene. This is just the rough cut to make the next step easier.




Step 5: Use your hobby knife to carefully shave down the rough polystyrene spacer so that it is flush with the leg. Be careful and make small cuts and scraps, remember you can't put back what you take off (unless you're good with greenstuff in which case, chop away).






That's it! That's all there is to it, once you are done your set of legs should look like so:






Now in XI Legion news, I won my first game of 30k ever 7-1! I went against my good friend and his Emperor's Children in a thousand point classic extermination mission. I won't claim any grand strategy or anything other than getting flat-out lucky dice rolls lol. I basically just ran across the board like a red tide of doom and swept everything before me. It was a great introduction to some of the cool rules and weapons in 30k and a good omen for the future of this army. Here's the only shot I got because dice were flying fast and furious:





And finally a teaser of things to come...





Warden Squad Grimhildr, 2nd Company, VII Legion

Currently attached support to Company LIX

"Remember how we died. If any survive, the Eaters certainly will."

~ Ahdul Grimhildr, Warden Veteran



Evening all. This will be my last paintless update before I buckle down and get color on everything. This Warden squad is going to end up in very traditional VII Legion colors, so I'll have to really practice my yellows. As always, constructive crit is always welcomed and appreciated.

@ Dantay - Thanks! Sure, pilfer away.

That is pretty much spot on. The more red, the more veteran the Templar happy.png

@ Slipstreams - Glad to hear it. I really liked it too. Not going to lie.

@ Recon - Pretty darn simple. Averland sunset, washed with Army painter soft, then highlighted with Yriel yellow, then washed with... Cassandora I think? But yeah, pretty simple happy.png

@ Firepower - Haha, excellent. I feel like my Templar are endorsed and legit now biggrin.png

I'll be sure to clean up a few of those problem areas.

@ DimDim - Always glad to hear it!

@ Black Cohort - Thanks! I kinda like them too.


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