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Codex: Khorne, next week?


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In a 1.5k list how many cultists from daemonkin do you think is worth having? Having toted up the points they come in at around a 5th of the list roughly if I have 60 of them, but I'm not sure I then have enough general damage, below is what I'm thinking of atm, I have the option of 10 bloodletters, a khorne herald, and about 30 marines.



DP - 200

Khorne lord - sigil of corruption - 100
9 Bezerkers -181
Rhino - 35
30 khorne cultists - 190
30 khorne cultists - 190
Khorne hellbrute 140
3 bikers - 2 meltaguns - 96
Forgefiend - 185
Maulerfiend with lasher tendrils - 145
Total - 1462

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but I'm not sure I then have enough general damage

no you don't.


First of all. do not use singles. Either take a maulerx2 or a dakka fiendx2. not one of each. Do not run khorn DPs, if you want a demon use the one that hastelepathy.


The cultist units are too big and too easy to focus fire[now the worth of buying marked cultist is a seperate issue]. for 190pts you can buy csm, and while not great at least they test on higher Ld. with cultists after losing 8 in one turn you have a good chance that they will leg it.


You do not have the most important unit of the entire codex. the dogs. without them there probablity that you will never see melee is huge. If you have them use them, if you don't and plan to use this codex buy them.


 a single rhino unit is a death trap. you need at least 3 to make them work.

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I'm hoping there are some formations not leaked yet in there, particularly a maulerfiend formation. It seems weird that this decurion-style formation wouldn't allow you to take Maulerfiends (or forgefiends). I'm curious how the fiends and the helbrute get the khorne treatment. Will it be a mark or daemon of...and how much will cost us...

My guess is it will be overpriced....but a formation may give them some other rules to make them more worthwhile. Guess we'll have to wait and see

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I will receive my copy of the dex either friday or saturday.


I've though of something about Khârn.


You can take him as a ally, with a min size cultist unit, let those cultist sit on an objective that you would set up close to you and in a terrain, put Khârn in one of your units.


Now for rule purposes an IC is a part of a unit, now even though he doesn't have the Blood for the Blood god rule, he can still give a hand with it.


Example, if there is a high value target like termies and stuff, go after them with Khârn, let Khârn kill the largest portion of them, and the Deamonkin unit will sweep the rest, still giving you a Blood point.


The thing is that for you to get Blood points, the unit must be destroyed, but nothing prevents you to use other units/models that doesn't have the rule for it to give an hand, you only need to make sure that you destroy the last models with a model that have the BftBG rule.


Of course thats for those who really wants to field Khârn, since it might be more interessting to ally with Renegades for the extra artillery etc.

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Or you can take the Slaughtercult and the Butcherhorde, use the Cultist as cannon fodder while Khârn follows in the wake of everything else. Actually, since he seems to have little to no problem killing everything in sight, let him lead the Cultists' charge.


And you get points for every enemy killed, regardless of what unit does it. You only get Blood Tithe points for your Daemonkin units that die.

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Slaugthercult+Butcherhorde will account to a lot of Points for not much impact imo, you need stuffs like FA units and Deamon engines.


Now you can settle it with MSU units for sure, but thats not the best way to go i think.


Plus the Butcherhorde would'nt amount to any Blood points, since only models with the Blood for the Blood God rule give Blood tithe points.


So that would be a large portion of your army that doesn't get you your primary ressource, wich is a bit much.

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Well let's see, the only FA is the Flesh Hounds, and the only viable(if we're going the tournament way of thinking) daemon engine is..... Well there isn't one. Then again, we could just skip Flesh Hounds and use Heldrakes in a CA Detachment and have some more melee units to use to kill the enemy. Sure if your units die, you won't get BT points, but you'll still get BT points from any enemy units regardless of what kills them.
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but I'm not sure I then have enough general damage

no you don't.


First of all. do not use singles. Either take a maulerx2 or a dakka fiendx2. not one of each. Do not run khorn DPs, if you want a demon use the one that hastelepathy.


The cultist units are too big and too easy to focus fire[now the worth of buying marked cultist is a seperate issue]. for 190pts you can buy csm, and while not great at least they test on higher Ld. with cultists after losing 8 in one turn you have a good chance that they will leg it.


You do not have the most important unit of the entire codex. the dogs. without them there probablity that you will never see melee is huge. If you have them use them, if you don't and plan to use this codex buy them.


 a single rhino unit is a death trap. you need at least 3 to make them work.


This is just a stop gap army made up of stuff I currently have whilst I wait to get my Admech force up and running, I don't really want to buy anything else for it, so I'm going off what I currently have as I got all this stuff variously over the years a lot of it is pretty old and just recently been stripped.


I have three boxes of Dark Vengeance (only one with the aspiring champion), a Forgefiend, a Maulerfiend I converted out of a Bloodslaughterer and left over Forgefiend bits, a Khorne Daemon prince with wings I converted from the FW DP. the contents of the old chaos army box which was 3 bikers, a rhino, 10 marines (5 possessed but turned them into Gal Vorbak) 5 Khorne Terminators, a Khorne Dreadnought with twin linked lascannon, 11-15 Khorne Berzerkers, potentially another rhino. A Herald of Khorne and 10 Bloodletters.

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Well let's see, the only FA is the Flesh Hounds, and the only viable(if we're going the tournament way of thinking) daemon engine is..... Well there isn't one. Then again, we could just skip Flesh Hounds and use Heldrakes in a CA Detachment and have some more melee units to use to kill the enemy. Sure if your units die, you won't get BT points, but you'll still get BT points from any enemy units regardless of what kills them.


Wasn't specifically talking with tourney in mind, but you seem to have skipped the fact that Only models with the BftBG rule who destroys OR get destroyed give BT points, other units that is not from this codex, doesn't give points when they are destroyed.

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Well let's see, the only FA is the Flesh Hounds, and the only viable(if we're going the tournament way of thinking) daemon engine is..... Well there isn't one. Then again, we could just skip Flesh Hounds and use Heldrakes in a CA Detachment and have some more melee units to use to kill the enemy. Sure if your units die, you won't get BT points, but you'll still get BT points from any enemy units regardless of what kills them.

Wasn't specifically talking with tourney in mind, but you seem to have skipped the fact that Only models with the BftBG rule who destroys OR get destroyed give BT points, other units that is not from this codex, doesn't give points when they are destroyed.

You sure? Everything I've read says that all enemy units give Blood Tithe points while only the Daemonkin friendlies give points. Eh, whatever. Honestly not that big a deal to me.
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In deed . DPs are good for buffing or casting witchfires/novas or summoning. a melee dude that has to land to charge [or hide] is meh at best. At the same time a DP with tele that buffs dogs is awesome. The longer dogs survive the bigger the chance that objective units are alive and slower[which most chaos melee units are] units get a chance to actualy see combat.

Better yet he also helps Hqs with surviving melee against stuff like smash hammers or MCs. Suddenly a herald is not just sgt killer A lord can survive without being +2/++4.

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This is what I have at the moment the only thing that is missing is the additional wargear for any champions and characters, have 58 points left to play with for that if the points are the correct going by the current codex but with added mark of khorne on top of everything. I was thinking of putting the herald in the unit of cultists as according to the rumours, he's fearless and so he makes them to.



Khorne Daemon Prince - Wings - 200

Herald of Khorne - 55
Khorne Bezerkers (9) - 181
Rhino - 35
Khorne Marines (10) - CCWs - 180
Rhino - 35
Khorne Cultists (30) - 190
Khorne Bikers (3) - 2 meltaguns - 96
Khone Forgefiend - 185
Khorne Maulerfiend - Lasher tendrils - 145
Khorne Hellbrute - Twin-linked Lascannon - 140
Total - 1442

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Am I dumb for wondering what a Fearless Rhino would be all about?

Lol!  Fearless Rhinos wouldn't be very usefull no, but fearless CSM would be!


Edit: Are you mocking my grammar or not actually? Sarcasm is hard on the internet lol.

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Heh, remember Zhukov, a comma is the difference between "Let's eat, mom!" and "Let's eat mom!" :P


Seriously though, it's sad how irrelevant morale rules are for most armies, especially when there are supposed advantages like Fear that are built around them.

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This is what I have at the moment the only thing that is missing is the additional wargear for any champions and characters, have 58 points left to play with for that if the points are the correct going by the current codex but with added mark of khorne on top of everything. I was thinking of putting the herald in the unit of cultists as according to the rumours, he's fearless and so he makes them to.



Khorne Daemon Prince - Wings - 200

Herald of Khorne - 55
Khorne Bezerkers (9) - 181
Rhino - 35
Khorne Marines (10) - CCWs - 180
Rhino - 35
Khorne Cultists (30) - 190
Khorne Bikers (3) - 2 meltaguns - 96
Khone Forgefiend - 185
Khorne Maulerfiend - Lasher tendrils - 145
Khorne Hellbrute - Twin-linked Lascannon - 140
Total - 1442



Wouldn't it be best to put the Herald with the Zerkers?, so that they benefit from his Locus of Hatred, after all cultists are there to be sacrified, so making them 3x10 would be better.

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Heh, remember Zhukov, a comma is the difference between "Let's eat, mom!" and "Let's eat mom!" tongue.png

Yeah I realised when he made that comment :'( But maybe his question was serious at least? Never mind, I'm making it worse for myself.

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Am I dumb for still having hope Rhinos count for Blood Tithe points and armywide Fearless? :(

According to the White Dwarf, they do.


“Those damaged enemy troop transports that you might have ignored before? Well, not anymore! After all, having your Bloodletters clamber into the crew compartment and butcher the terrified gunners adds to the Blood Tithe.”


Excerpt From: Dwarf, White. “White Dwarf Issue 60: 21st March 2015.” iBooks.

This material may be protected by copyright.


Check out this book on the iBooks Store: https://itun.es/us/o81s6.l

EDIT: Wait, does this mean all vehicles count as well?

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Am I dumb for wondering what a Fearless Rhino would be all about?

Lol! Fearless Rhinos wouldn't be very usefull no, but fearless CSM would be!


Edit: Are you mocking my grammar or not actually? Sarcasm is hard on the internet lol.

It definitely is, but I really was wondering if there was something going on I didn't know about with Rhinos! I don't actually own the 7th edition rule book yet, so I'm constantly learning this or that rule I took for granted has changed or disappeared entirely.


No mocking intended.

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