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++Blood for the Blood God: Daemonkin community++

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Yeah, Warp Talons can work if placed behind a large moving wall. Their main issue isn't that they can't be made to work, it's just that completely destroying MEQ isn't really a role we need to use a FA unit for. They compete with hounds, bikes, spawn, and drakes in a lot of builds, and are so very focused they can be less than useful.


Slaanesh Daemonkin Warptalons would be great though: Faster, and rending.

Oh i agree there but I guess as I use nurgle ones I have the luxury of them being decent objective grabbers and elite meq murderers. I can definitely say that kdk don't need them but they can be useful
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Brothers, I nearly fell to the Horus Heresy. But, after a glorious victory yesterday against the Greenskins, I feel that I'm ready to keep collecting this army. 


I played against my long time opponent, who brought out his new Ork army. We played around 2300 points in a very casual game, playing for the relic. He had:


ORK MOB (Whatever the detachment is called in the codex, gives 10+ model mobs hammer of wrath)



Grukk Face-Rippa

Big Mek with KMFF

2x6 Nobz w/ Various equipment and Trukks

2x 21 Boyz w/ Big Shoota, Rokkit Launcha and Nob w/ Bosspole + Power Klaw

10 Gretchin w/ Runtherda

3x Dethkoptaz

6x Warbikers w/ Nob w/ Power Klaw

6x Killa Kans

2x 5 Lootas


As this was a fairly casual game, I brought some units that I love, but never use:




Chaos Lord w/ Axe of Kor'Lath, 4+ Invun.

8x Beserkers w/ Champ, Power Sword and Melta Bombs in Rhino

8x Bloodletters

8x Bloodletters w/ Full Command

5x Possessed in Rhino

2x 2 Spawn




4x 5 Flesh Hounds

2x3 Bikes w/ 2 Meltaguns





Soulgrinder w/ Phlegm Bombardment

Helbrute w/ Heavy Flamer

Helbrute w/ Reaper Autocannon and Heavy Flamer





2x 8 Cultists



We played Eternal War: Relic. But in the end, it didn't matter because we just rolled dice. We had a punch up in the middle, where all the walkers had a big fight, and I managed to lure Ghazzy and his Nobz away with my gorepack and Possessed to one of the flanks. I lost them all, but I got additional blood points, and I held off those swines. If Ghazzy was in the middle near the relic, I would've had nothing to deal with him. Orks are really, really fun to play with and against, but I just had so much staying power as even my cultists were killing boyz left, right and centre. He had nothing to deal with the Heldrake, which hurt all the lootas, and also wounded all of Ghazzy's Nobz to soften them up. I think my opponent is planning on getting some aircraft, meganobz and Battlewagons (and a Stompa) to make his army tougher. I think if my opponent sent ghazzy to the middle where all the main figting was going on, it would've been a different game. But, it was a slaughter for the Wrath!!!!!

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I'm thinking of collecting a small Daemonkin force near the end of the year. 


I use to collect Daemons 2008, end up selling a lot of the army - just don't like metal models & always aim to re-start the force.  But Screamer Council & Flying Daemon Prince list sort hit the tournament scene............they where just dull to game against & where the first army list I'd refuse games against no matter who it was.  Now it the Eldar Warp Spider list.


Anyway - Thanks to the Bloodthister model been release last year, it really cool & really great to paint.  Also the Daemonkin codex, as Khorne been the main Chaos god I've usely went for when it came to that side of Chaos faction.


So here the first unit Bloodletter that are still WIP.  With Kytan join the ranks of my Iron Warriors after picking the model up during Throne of Skulls March that Warhammer World.




It bit odd, some light there really red, but other light they seem really orange.


I think for my Daemonkin force it going be

  • My warband will be base around +After Angelus Prime+, the Warhammer World display with Chaos vs Ultramarine.
  • The Lord is a Veteran, from the World Eater Legion.  Has fought along side with my Iron Warriors during the Great Crusade, Horus Heresy & here/there during the Legion Wars & Black Crusade.  I think now after taken heavy loss during Angelis Prime, sort try make it like Talons of Horus novel where few warband join/stay?
  • Right now it will be more focuse on the Daemon side of the force.  Possible useing the formastion from the Blood Oath book.  Then go on to add few other models & units, pretty much like all my armies adding models I think look cool.
  • Pretty much Forge World Khorne Power Armour set going to be pretty well use on any Chaos Marine models.  Also mix in some of the Age of Sigmar Khorne models parts.
  • Art work on Lheorvine Ukris from Talons of Horus also help out with idea.  Same with the Bloodquest comic Black Library use to do.

Right now I've just got my two Bloodthister, 24 Bloodletter & then I've got my three Soul Grinder from my first Daemon force back 2008.  So Soul Grinder, just rebase them (just theme/look) & re-paint the armour plates.

If I go with the Blood Oath formastion.  I just need two Battle force type boxies with the Bloodletter, Crusher & Skull Cannons.  Then it just two boxies of Bloodletter after that.


Suprise we've not seen any Flesh Hound models release so far with all the Khorne release over the past year with 40k & Age of Sigmar.

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maybe i will play KDK at tournament, usually i play demons but i want try something different now, i would like to play a chaos knight but i m veri unsure about the rest, many hounds, maulerfiends, spawns? i will bring  an helldrake too, here meta is full of marines, ty for your feedback.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Played a 2 vs 2 game last night.


Me and Orks Vs Grey Knigths and Daemons.


in the end we lost 11-12, the Daemon player had a Daemonic incursion detachement with the full khorne formation and the gorethunder battery.


he did quite the number on my mate Orks, and always hiding the cannons behind a huge LoS blocking terrain, moving them out just a bit so that one could fire etc.


the GK player had a small force, one huge Paladin unit with Libby, 2 Dreadknights, and 4-5man PA Knights, but the kicker whas that he was using the new Psy powers from angel of deaths.


he did the electro-displacement trick on me, first trying to DS 3 marines unit just behind my Lord and hounds, the 2 first times he failed the DS scattering on my units and was just delayed, third time is a charm apparently, then he went and did the displacement trick swithcing the paladins and the PA's.


So 1st turn i have a 10man paladins unit just behind my line, with the firepower of those paladins he scoops a large portion of my hounds, leaving in the end the Lord on his own.


luckely the few shots my lord got where all saved, and i had the possesed unit, some cultists and 2 other hounds units, just behind them.


After a mass assault i managed to reduce the paladins to 4 models, we got Slay the Warlord whne his Libby did a Peril of the Warp rolled a 1 and failed his LD test, some karma for using magic i suppose.


Sometimes i wonder what goes through the Studios goons heads honestly, a power that lets you switch places AND assault after that, for only 2 WC?, honestly if i was the one designing this, you would have to choose; either you Shoot after the displacement OR you assault not both, and it would cost you 4 WC and any double you roll on the DS mishap chart...

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It isn't thaaat different from turning your psyker into an assault vehicle, I would just prevent it from doing so the turn the casting unit arrived from deep strike.

Also, daemons+grey knights... I'm going to go sob in a corner now.

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I'm no corpse lover, but I think even I could say with confidence that an Inquisitor who suggested summoning daemons to his grey knight cronies would have a force sword through the eye socket in a heartbeat.
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That's a really wonky combo of partners. As a Grey Knight player I couldn't do it... just couldn't.


As far as the Psychic shenanigans I had a very similar plan, but I guess the cat's out of the bag now.


I gotta say the prospect of having an Ultramarines army that could assault this way is very cool, however I can't see ever doing that against KDK! lol


I would be moving KDK -away- from me, not closer.


Personally I'm looking forward to a Renegade Knight(s) with my KDK. Just having something that shoots so well would be nice, but the D blade is mandatory. NO taxes this time either, however no BFTBG either. :(

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Personally I'm looking forward to a Renegade Knight(s) with my KDK. Just having something that shoots so well would be nice, but the D blade is mandatory. NO taxes this time either, however no BFTBG either. :(

It's really only the tithes you won't get when the Knight kills something that you'll miss. That and possibly the 5++ for being a daemon. You could use the knight to soften up enemy units for your other units to kill.


I agree that you really want the D-sword, even though the prospect of 2 Gattling Cannons is very tempting...

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Terminators can have them as dedicated transports in KDK. CAD for the berserkers.


Just had 3 games against my brothers Space Wolves (biannual occurrence). Won all three so far. My he 'theme' is his rune priest who was lost in the warp following a perils of warp roll in our previous games had been corrupted by Tzeentch (or replaced by a daemon) so CTA allies.


First game was 1000 points (SW scouting force)

Blood Host

Slaughter Cult - Herald, 2x bloodletters, possessed, berserkers

2x Warmachine - Soul Grinder, Maulerfiend


Rune priest with terminators, pink horrors with herald, a couple of land speeders and a unit of scouts in a building.


Bloodletters deepstriked. War machines did little. One unit of bloodletters scaled the tower to tear apart the scouts. The possessed were pretty good but got very lucky when the terminators rolled four 1s out of four for saving throws and all died. The horrors were also killed pretty quickly. Ended up destroying everything.


Second game was 1500 points Maelstrom of war.


Juggernaut Lord with Goredrinker, berserkers, 7 fleshhounds, 8 fleshhounds, 2x bloodletters, possessed in rhino, soul grinder, 2x cultists


Herald (as rune priest), horrors, 2x grey hunters, scouts, long fangs, wolf Lord in TDA, vindicator and razorback. and big fortress thing.


(I think that was about right. Lord was with 7 hounds, charged the horrors and got the Lord up to double strength with gore drinker. He then smashed the vindicator, and a unit of grey hunters. The hounds he was with got whittled down and he left them and they tied up another unit of grey nights. The other of hounds got into combat with the long fangs (after being whittled down and got eradicated by the Wolf Lord). Summoned another unit of hounds to tight up grey hunters and then possessed, berserkers and hound finished them off. I did reasonably well with the maelstrom of war and comfortably won. Cultists just sat back on objectives for the whole game.


Third game was 1300points MOW.

Juggernaut Lord, 3x 5 hounds, possessed, 2x bloodletters, soul grinder, Maulerfiend, 2x cultists


2x land speeders, wolf captain (?) on TW, 2x grey hunters, long fangs, rune priest, dreadnought, wolf flying gunship.


Land speeders were run down by hounds (one unit for each). The other one with the Lord failed a charge. Forgot about the possessed so they came on in reserves, bloodletters both deep striking. Bloodletters were both reduced to one model (out of two units) which charged a unit of grey hunters in combat with some hounds. The juggernaut Lord on his own (hound killed by shooting) was charged by the dreadnought and grey hunters with warlord on doggy. By some miracle the dreadnought failed to hit with any attack and he was unfounded by anything else. Soul grinder charged in and took out the dreadnought, but was immobilised. Lord slowly built up wounds and tanked the hits. Then the possessed and another unit of hounds charged in and finished them off (but not before the jugger Lord was killed). Summoned a unit of bloodletters to charge the last remaining grey hunters, which were still tied in with a unit of hounds. Then we called it.


Overall, some fun games. Neither of us are great nor that fussy. I felt the second two games that I was going to be overwhelmed with shooting but after weathering that storm they hit hard, especially the Lord on 5+ wounds caused. Hounds are so fast and can tie up units for others to charge (such as bloodletters as they won't be over watched). Possessed did pretty well but just compared to the Wulfen, same points. Berserkers, as usual did little. But I love the hounds. Need to do another three bikes to make up a gore pack so I can take them in a blood host. It's inspired me to perhaps expand the Bloodgorged before restarting a heresy force.

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Man the kytan looks so much better than the khorne tractor. I don't like big models...but I'd kinda want a kytan with the axe and mega buster arm cannon. How big is the track assembly compared to a spartan...?
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So I'm coming off of a 2+ year hobby break and looking to get back into 40k. My oh my has the game changed a lot from 5th.


KDK looks real interesting out of the current crop of codices. I really enjoy the evolution of fluff for how the cults form. So expect to see me around here more, I guess?


Ever since I started playing back in the dying days of 4th, I've always been a little fascinated by Skyrar's Dark Wolves. I'm really really tempted to start kitbashing Space Wolves and AOS Khorne models together, maybe even using Wulfen as Possessed.

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It does have that benefit. And I have to admit I'm a sucker for the Wulfen rules waking the beast in the rest of your units (I like werewolves and I'm not sorry).


But the Blood Tithe is a real neat thing and I want to play with it. It's one of the best blendings of crunch and fluff I've seen in a long time.

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So, played one last game on Wednesday, 2500 points (we usually avoid big games).


I basically took everything I had other than a unit of bikes (Blood Host; Slaughter Cult, Charnel Cohort, 2x War Machines, Lord of Slaughter (Rage)


He took a couple of rune priests, wolf Lord on TW with 4 TW, vindicator, predator, flier gunship, terminators, couple of units of GH, another with meltas in a drop pod, couple of dreadnoughts, long fangs, land speeder and a bastion thing.


Once again I won, convincingly. Drop pod unit killed the soul grinder with a single melta shot explosion. Fleshhounds tied up the TW squad long enough for the Maulerfiend to get their and he killed them all. Jugger Lord got crushed by vindicator shot. He shot pretty much everything at the bloodthirster, 9 lascannon shots, multi meltas, autocannons, a shed load. And he took a single wound. I think there were around 4 or 5 1s to wound, and then lucky daemon saves. That was the turning point and I think it broke my opponent. The Maulerfiend was similar with the hounds, the WL had melta bombs but daemon save worked. Combi melta terminators dropped in next to the Maulerfiend. Charged by a nearby unit of cultists to get rid of over watch and then the Maulerfiend went to work. Bloodthirster then smashed the bastion and then swatted the flier from the skies when it went to hover (only way to get another round of shooting on the BT, and took it down to a single wound). The only thing I struggled with was the two dreadnoughts as I didn't have a lot of high strength attacks, but they were tied up with the possessed (I took 9) and were taking ages to kill them. I think the only things I actually lost were 2x unit of 5 hounds, soul grinder and Lord. But I ended up with an extra Bloodthrister.


I was so very jammy with the dice but I think Khorne was favouring me with strict adherence to his tenets. I also jabbed myself on the spikes on a building a drew blood, which I took as a good sign (Blood for the Blood God). The fact the Wolves had turned their back on Tzeetch may have had something to do with it as well.

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Well I joined the ranks of Khorne! My army is going to be based on the Blood Wolves. Original right? Lol. Anyway take a gander at some of my works in progress below and let me know what you think. 







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Using the old Slaves to Darkness table to roll up a name for a Bloodthirster to worship. According to all my dice rolling, he's the 3333rd daemon of the 4th rank, making him a Bloodthirster of Apoplectic Ire, and his name is 32 syllables long.


Praise be unto Bhaothi'ildurhn'niuhilli'osheum'mardhi'erargazagrare'ihdram'muehso'illihuin'nhrudli'ihtoahb!!


By his heralds he is called Bhaothil'urnsheu'margaz, and among the mortals who cannot comprehend his name he is known as

Bhaoth the Spinerender.


Remember, that's Bay-AW-thee-IL-durn-nigh-UH-hill-EYE-oh-SHAY-oom-MAR-dee-err-or-ga-ZAG-rare-AY-id-DRAM-way-su-ILL-hu-when-ROOD-lie-it-TOE-ab, pronounce it wrong and you might wind up summoning a Keeper of Secrets instead, and no one wants that, do they?

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Played my monthly game today against a good friend of mine, my classic opponent.


I played KDK + CSM + Renegade Guard, he played a 30k list of loyalist Iron Warriors. 3000 points.


My list:


Vraks Renegades: Purged Detachment:




Command Squad: Ordnance Tyrant <-- Warlord



Medusa: Armourbane shells

Medusa: Armourbane shells

Medusa: Armourbane shells



Russ Exterminator x3: 3x Lascannon, Militia training




Aegis Defense Line


Chaos Space Marines CAD:




Chaos Lord: Mark of Khorne, Juggernaut, Axe of Blind Fury, Sigil of Corruption

Daemon Prince: Daemon of Nurgle, Wings, Armor, Black Mace



Chaos Space Marines x10: 2x Plasmagun, Rhino, Dirge Caster, Dozer Blade

Chaos Space Marines x10: 2x Plasmagun, Rhino, Dirge Caster, Dozer Blade




Maulerfiend: Magma Cutters

Maulerfiend: Magma Cutters

Maulerfiend: Magma Cutters


Khorne Daemonkin: Allied Detachment




Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage




Bloodletters x8




Chaos Bikers x3: 2x Meltagun, melta bombs

Chaos Bikers x3: 2x Meltagun, melta bombs

Hounds x10 <== joined by Juggerlord

Hounds x5

Hounds x5



My opponent's list (from what I can remember):


A named praetor guy who had a rule that lets one unit re-roll 1's to hit

A different HQ of sorts in terminator armor with 2 wounds and a chainfist


20x Iron Warriors marines with bolters

10x Iron Warriors marines with bolters

10x Iron Warriors marines with bolters

10x Iron Warriors marines with volkites


10x Siege Tyrant terminators (his 2 HQs were joined to them)


2x Deredeo Dreads with missile launchers


Contemptor with DCCW, Chainfist, and 2 graviton guns


Leviathan in dreadnought pod, close combat variant, volkite chest guns


3x Medusas in a squadron





We were playing some sort of mission where we deployed long-ways with only a triangle-shaped deployment zone, 24" height of the triangle and connected at the corners of the table. We got points for having tanks in our own/opponent's deployment zone, and troops in the middle of the table. The game automatically ended after turn 5.


I can't really remember a play-by-play, but I do remember some things.


Medusas are awesome. Both his Medusas and mine did lots of damage. The armorbane shells don't really seem worth it, but the extra range meant that since the 36" shells were out of range, I at least had an option. 


His Leviathan was a monster. Dropped into my deployment zone, went to town on my Russes. He only killed 1 per turn, and I honestly should have killed it between all the Exterminator/Lascannon shooting and Meltaguns from a unit of bikers, but he made saves like a madman. The Leviathan killed all 3 Russes and the bikers, eventually.


His Deredeos were pretty good, especially against my D-Thirster. I only ended up killing one Deredeo with my D-Thirster before he got shot down by the second Deredeo and the 10 Choom Marines. Don't think I really could have done a better job with him. He just had to eat a lot of shooting and I eventually failed too many saves (obviously).


My Daemon Prince didn't do :censored:. An enemy Medusa shell scattered onto him, and he managed to fail his 2+ jink. Instant death. Ugh!


The Juggerlord splattered plenty of terminators, eventually died to an instant-death attack from the enemy Praetor guy, who must have had a paragon blade. I rolled 1 for my first daemon weapon roll, then a 5, then a 6, so I was getting plenty of extra attacks.


Hounds were MVPs. They killed more models than anything else, bar none. My buddy was really unlucky with his Siege Tyrant armor saves. The hounds were killing at least 1 per turn. The hounds also killed plenty of marines, tied up the Contemptor for a bit, and managed to survive way more shooting than they statistically should have. I used my blood tithe points to summon a unit of 5 hounds, who charged the Choomers along with a unit of 2 hounds and wiped 'em. Gorepack's hammer of wrath for hounds is awesome. Multi-charging was also super handy this game. They took out so many different units, they deserve some snausages or something.


Maulerfiends didn't do much. 2 died before they could inflict any damage, and the 3rd survived long enough to wreck a Medusa on the other side of the table. Still, they took a lot of firepower to bring down.


The Russes were okay. They took 2 HPs from the contemptor turn 1, but then focused on the leviathan in their face for the rest of the game. They just couldn't bring him down. I ran them as vanquishers last game, and that may have worked out better against the leviathan if I got really lucky but for the extra points and lack of twin-linked I think I'd still stick with the exterminators in the future.


When my Medusas hit they did decent damage, but they whiffed a bit as they're only BS2. The scatters were often just as good, especially when they landed on the Siege Tyrant terminators.


The CSM didn't get to do all that much. One of the Rhinos was immobilized turn 1, and the marines who jumped out only managed to snipe a few enemy marines over the course of the game. The other Rhino made it across the table, and its dirge caster was actually put to good use as it prevented my hounds from eating choom. That squad of marines killed 5 volkite marines and then tied up the Deredeo for the rest of the game.


The bikers just couldn't catch a break. They made all the jink saves they had to take, so that was cool, but all their shots were deflected by invuln saves on the various walkers they shot at. In combat they got stomped out before they could try chucking melta bombs. They did 1 hull point total in the battle, I think. But they looked damn cool, so I'm happy.


All in all, I think our lists were very well matched against each other.  His Siege Tyrants "should" have done a lot more damage in close combat, statistically considering how many saves they should have made, but the dice gods smiled on me and they didn't end up being much of a threat. I charged them turn 2 so they couldn't do a whole lot. The daemon prince dying before he could do anything was a bummer, but that was probably Khorne's way of telling Nurgle to leave and go play somewhere else.


I don't think I really regret anything in this list, and I played it all pretty well (well enough). I'm sure a few mistakes were made in terms of rules as well as tactics, but those things really don't concern me much. I don't think the outcome of the game would have changed. Good times with good friends, it's what the hobby's all about.




Oh, right. I won the game by a few points. I had more units in the right places when the game ended. I don't think either of us were consciously playing to the objectives so much as trying our best to kill each other.

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Man I still hate daemon weapons to this day. I simply had way too much go wrong with them. Over the years and editions, I've definitely harmed myself much more with them than any of my opponents.

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But the payoff can be so sweet! :P


In today's game, the debuffs and self harm seem totally out of place. That being said, they're guaranteed to stay part of the weapons' profiles in the next codex. I've resigned myself to it. And, for all the rolls I consistently fail, for whatever reason AoBF usually does right by me.

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Has anyone looked into using bits from the AOS Khorne Bloodbound models?  I had to put my hobby projects on hold but this summer I will have the time/money to do it and I'm thinking of revisiting my idea to start KDK, but incorporate Bloodbound pieces.  I also want to play AOS so I have the idea to make the models painted the same and give the idea that it's the same warband fighting endlessly across time and space.

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