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Skitarii Colourschemes!


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Blue and green for me, no red at all!





I love that blue! Might I ask how you did it? I'm giving mine blue robes too, but a faded yellow for undersuit/robe insides.


I'll post WIP pics within a day or four



Faded yelllow and blue......very swedish of you! cool idea too!

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Blue and green for me, no red at all!http://i.imgur.com/S3dREhY.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/WS2uDsW.jpg


I love that blue! Might I ask how you did it? I'm giving mine blue robes too, but a faded yellow for undersuit/robe insides.

I'll post WIP pics within a day or four


Faded yelllow and blue......very swedish of you! cool idea too!

Yup! Honestly, the first thing I thought of when I saw the Skitarii was the Carolean army of the 1700's. Rank upon rank of (robed) infantry, marching relentlessy towards the enemy no matter the cost, no matter the consequenses, ready to blow any opposition to bits with their muskets. Suppported by elite grenadiers (sicarans) fast hard-hitting cavalry (dragoons) with heavy cannon support in the form of Onagers.


Perhaps I should paint the tanks and cult robots grey and blue like the artillery crews of old...


Obviously I should name my warlord Carolus and place them upon a Forgeworld I'll name... Thule, or something.... No, they'll be fleet-based explorators, with the Ark Mechanicus 'Wasa' as their flagship! Hope this one won't capsize in the harbour on its maiden voyage :)

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Blue and green for me, no red at all!http://i.imgur.com/S3dREhY.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/WS2uDsW.jpg

I love that blue! Might I ask how you did it? I'm giving mine blue robes too, but a faded yellow for undersuit/robe insides.

I'll post WIP pics within a day or four

Faded yelllow and blue......very swedish of you! cool idea too!

Yup! Honestly, the first thing I thought of when I saw the Skitarii was the Carolean army of the 1700's. Rank upon rank of (robed) infantry, marching relentlessy towards the enemy no matter the cost, no matter the consequenses, ready to blow any opposition to bits with their muskets. Suppported by elite grenadiers (sicarans) fast hard-hitting cavalry (dragoons) with heavy cannon support in the form of Onagers.

Perhaps I should paint the tanks and cult robots grey and blue like the artillery crews of old...

Obviously I should name my warlord Carolus and place them upon a Forgeworld I'll name... Thule, or something.... No, they'll be fleet-based explorators, with the Ark Mechanicus 'Wasa' as their flagship! Hope this one won't capsize in the harbour on its maiden voyage smile.png

Good plan.

I used the uniforms of Carl X's army as a base for my War of the Spanish Succession imagi-nation army's color scheme :D

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As I said earlier in the thread, I'm going for a color scheme inspired by a prehistoric warrior tribe from Terra, the Carolean army of Sweden.


He's still WIP, I know I missed the mold line on his led, yes the blue is too thick on the coat, there's some highlighting to be done... Ah well, meet Bob:










(I seriously need to get better at naming my troops...)

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Nope, Bob 10011000 is cool.


As to advice


1. paint the base a neutral color such as brown before applying martial ironearth. this helps contact the ironearth to the base.

2. more ironearth. literally glob this stuff on otherwise you don't get the best effect.

3. I am unsure as to how you would fix the robe without stripping the entire model, but i would suggest a blue wash to attempt it.

4. Choose a tertiary color, like red or orange, for details like lights, his augmetic eyes, spotlights, etc.

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The base was painted with... Um... Very dark brown before Martian.


Definitely need more iron earth, this was my first attempt, next will get twice as much!


Luckily the robe is much more visible in this photo than in reality, but I might apply a thin paint layer to smoothen it a bit. I did apply a wash to the entire coat, but I thought it became too dark then, and after that I simply screwed up re-applying the base color. Will also become better with he rest of them.


Yeah, I tried using light blue like the official scheme, but it would stand out better with another color for sure. Will give it some serious thought.




Thanks :)

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The base was painted with... Um... Very dark brown before Martian.

Definitely need more iron earth, this was my first attempt, next will get twice as much!

Luckily the robe is much more visible in this photo than in reality, but I might apply a thin paint layer to smoothen it a bit. I did apply a wash to the entire coat, but I thought it became too dark then, and after that I simply screwed up re-applying the base color. Will also become better with he rest of them.

Yeah, I tried using light blue like the official scheme, but it would stand out better with another color for sure. Will give it some serious thought.

Thanks smile.png

I'd suggest, in all painting, to thin your paints with one part water to two parts paint. every single time excepting base paints.

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This may be detracting from the subject a bit, but I'm going to get an Imperial Knight soon to ally with my Skitarii/Cult guys, however, my Skitarii are painted as Graia ones, so I don't really want the Knight to be all red. Are there any Knight colour schemes that are not all just red?
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This may be detracting from the subject a bit, but I'm going to get an Imperial Knight soon to ally with my Skitarii/Cult guys, however, my Skitarii are painted as Graia ones, so I don't really want the Knight to be all red. Are there any Knight colour schemes that are not all just red?


Have you had a look in the Codex: Imperial Knights? They have a host of colour schemes that you could look for inspiration.

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This may be detracting from the subject a bit, but I'm going to get an Imperial Knight soon to ally with my Skitarii/Cult guys, however, my Skitarii are painted as Graia ones, so I don't really want the Knight to be all red. Are there any Knight colour schemes that are not all just red?



Have you had a look in the Codex: Imperial Knights? They have a host of colour schemes that you could look for inspiration.

Or just create your own ;)
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As I said earlier in the thread, I'm going for a color scheme inspired by a prehistoric warrior tribe from Terra, the Carolean army of Sweden.


He's still WIP, I know I missed the mold line on his led, yes the blue is too thick on the coat, there's some highlighting to be done... Ah well, meet Bob:










(I seriously need to get better at naming my troops...)


I absolutely hate to mention it but that mold line on the left leg really puts a dent in the experience.

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quick quiestion for anyone in the know, Skitarii markings?

I know each Macroclade has 4 war cohorts, and each war cohort has 3 battle maniples (alpha, omega and gamma) but I dont get the number markings on the transfers.

for example i thought the number 27 would be 2nd war cohort, 7th squad as there seems to be lotsof numbers starting 1-4 but there are a few transfers like 74 or 02 and 91.


anyone any ideas? 

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From what I have read the squad markings are just that, 27th, 32nd, etc, I don't think they market themselves to a structured scheme. I am guessing that most units would identify each other via the network, rather than visual.
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So, my first unit of Skitarii finally reached a completion stage where you can have an idea of direction I am going to, so I can show you the soldiers of the Aksita of Incaladion (inspired to the Tiger Eyes Titans Legion):
dscn1158.jpg?w=486&h=700 dscn1159.jpg?w=456&h=600
and with a group shot:
I hope you like them!

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@Grand Master Laertes- that scheme is stunning, i'm trying to reduce the effects of my jealousy circuits as they are going off the charts wub.png .

BUT....the base colour just makes some of the best parts of this disappear sad.png maybe a change of rim colour at the very least...

but otherwise...Awesomesauce indeed!

Cheers, Mithril

p.s. what were the colours used for the whole yellow effect.. and especially what was used on the leggings too please(they are similar to the effect i want on my leggings so very interested in what you used there yes.gif )

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quick quiestion for anyone in the know, Skitarii markings?

I know each Macroclade has 4 war cohorts, and each war cohort has 3 battle maniples (alpha, omega and gamma) but I dont get the number markings on the transfers.

for example i thought the number 27 would be 2nd war cohort, 7th squad as there seems to be lotsof numbers starting 1-4 but there are a few transfers like 74 or 02 and 91.


anyone any ideas? 


Macroclade 1 = Macroclade Prima, Primus, etc... = Titan Legio/Ordinatus

Macroclade 2 = War Cohorts 1-4, Battle Maniples 1-12

Etcetera... so following this progression...

Macroclade 4 has

--War Cohort 9

----Battle Maniple 25

----Battle Maniple 26

----Battle Maniple 27  <-- this could be used as the marking on Skitarii robes to signify the Maniple they belong to.

--War Cohort 10

----Battle Maniple 28

----Battle Maniple 29

----Battle Maniple 30



You could break it down further because each Maniple has 6 units.


Macroclade 2 = War Cohorts 1-4 = Battle Maniples 1-12 = Units 1-72


That means the 27 decal signifies the 27th squad/unit of Macroclade 2, placing it in the 5th Battle Maniple, most likely Vanguard.


Does this help?


Sadly I made a spreadsheet that conjures these numbers just by putting in the Macroclade number. It is how I generate the 'designated' cohorts and maniples in the 'Limited Edition' threads.  

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@Grand Master Laertes- that scheme is stunning, i'm trying to reduce the effects of my jealousy circuits as they are going off the charts wub.png .

BUT....the base colour just makes some of the best parts of this disappear sad.png maybe a change of rim colour at the very least...

but otherwise...Awesomesauce indeed!

Cheers, Mithril

p.s. what were the colours used for the whole yellow effect.. and especially what was used on the leggings too please(they are similar to the effect i want on my leggings so very interested in what you used there yes.gif )

I am glad that you like this scheme, but I am not sure I understand what you are saying when you speak of the "base colour". Do you refer to the colour of their (unfinished) bases, or to the base colours of the models?

However, I do not have the recipe for the leggings' colour here with me in the office, but if I remember it correctly it is just a Karak Stone basecoat applied on a black undercoat, washed with a 2:1 mix of Agrax Eartshade and Lahmian Medium and then highlighted with Ushabti bone. It is possible that I also applied a Dark Flesh coat before the Karak Stone, but I am not really sure about that.

Aksita? Terminology Defenition, if you please.

As to the paintwork, very nice flames.

Thanks Egregorius!

Aksita is a Sanskrit word meaning "immortal, uncorruptible" but also "many" (, to be precise). It is the name I chose for my Incaladine cult.

I did some research in some Sanskrit lexicons when I discovered that almost all the names and words related to the Incaladion Forge World (both in FW Horus Heresy books and in BL novels) are of sanskrit origins (tech-adept Corteswain being the only notable exception I can think of... but nowhere is said that he was born on Incaladion, he might have come there from another planet). "Leyaka", which is the names of both the Incaladine Reaver Titans we know, is a possessive particle, for example. "Khara" (the name of a Warhound) means daemon or crow, "Rahu" means to leave aside, "Anjana", the Princeps of the Leyaka Varr is an Indian name, etc.

Then in Gods of Mars there's a mention of the Akasha, which is where the machine spirits without a "body" to inhabit go.

On a side note, even the magos who led the defence against the Tyranids on Tyran Primus, Magos Varnak, has a Sanskrit name, meaning "Chrome" (the metal) or "Gold". Maybe he came from Incaladion too?

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@ Grand Master Laertes, I won't speak for mithrilforge but my feeling is that you have an awesome scheme with the bright flames on dark robes, and I think keeping the metals well-shaded and the weapons dark does a good job of making the robes really pop. The eye lenses look really good, too, and once again avoid clashing with the strong robe color.

What I'd like to see is a bit more attention on your bases. I'm guessing this is something you may have planned, but I think a solid basing color of dark stone or perhaps dried earth would REALLY help to tie the models together. happy.png

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What I'd like to see is a bit more attention on your bases. I'm guessing this is something you may have planned, but I think a solid basing color of dark stone or perhaps dried earth would REALLY help to tie the models together. happy.png

Thanks for your comments Vel'cona. I completely agree about the bases because... well, they are not done yet, they are still bare plastic. I will do them when the models are finished (I still have to paint some cables - dark red -, the backpacks - dark metal - and the weapons - dark wood and metal). I will use the same desertic scheme of my other Mechanicum models: Agrellan Earth drybrushed with Hexos Palesun and the addition of some Mordheim turfs.

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In the end the bases will look like a smaller and more refined version of this:
But I won't fall again in the error of applying the Agrellan Earth directly on the primer...
Yes, I'm keeping the rim black on my Mechanicum/Adeptus Mechanicus bases, for I realised that I love the "negative space" effect and the way it contrasts with the lighter surface. What do you think of it?

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